856 research outputs found

    Energy-efficient control of pump units based on neural-network parameter observer

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    An observer based on an artificial neural network was designed. The observer determines the pumping unit performance depending on the operating point. Determination is based on the measured technological coordinates of the system and the pressure of the turbomechanism. Three neural networks were designed for three types of the productivity observer. The developed observer was investigated by the simulation method within different variations of disturbing actions, such as hydraulic resistance of the hydraulic system and geodetic pressure. A comparative analysis of three types of the productivity observer, built with using the pressure and different signals of the system with arbitrary change of hydraulic resistance was given. By the use of the pump unit efficiency observer, in addition to the results presented earlier, the efficiency of the productivity observer, which built with using different sensors, in water supply systems with two series-connected pump units, operating for filling the large tank, is researched. In the water supply system one pump speed is regulated, the other is unregulated. References 14, figures 5

    Medical Data Architecture Prototype Development - Summary of Recent Work and Proposed Ideas for Upcoming Work

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    The Medical Data Architecture (MDA) project supports the Exploration Medical Capability (ExMC) risk to minimize or reduce the risk of adverse health outcomes and decrements in performance due to in-flight medical capabilities on human exploration missions. To mitigate this risk, the ExMC MDA project addresses the technical limitations identified in ExMC Gap Med 07: We do not have the capability to comprehensively process medically-relevant information to support medical operations during exploration missions, and in ExMC Gap Med 10: We do not have the capability to provide computed medical decision support during exploration missions. These gaps recognize the need for a comprehensive medical data management system and the accompanying computational support to provide autonomous medical care during long duration exploration missions. As the MDA maturesincluding the capability to comprehensively process and discover medically-relevant information to support medical operations during exploration missionsproject focus will shift to maturing and extending the MDA platform to enable clinical decision support and real-time guidance. To date, the MDA foundational architecture has recommended exploration medical system Level of Care IV requirements through a series of test bed prototype developments and analog demonstrations. The next stage in the development will focus on more autonomous clinical decision making necessary to address challenges in executing a self-contained medical system that enables health care both with and without assistance from ground support. A thorough understanding of current state of medical decision support systems, advanced machine learning algorithms and vast and varied data sources is required. The development of a clinical decision support for exploration missions (Level of Care V) roadmap is needed: one that assesses of current state of the art of clinical decision support systems (CDSS), interoperability issues, identification of challenges in health and performance monitoring, obtaining and processing information from biosensors, knowledge and data management, data integration and fusion, and advanced algorithm development. This roadmap must also include rapid prototype development in the areas of data processing, advanced analysis and prediction of medical events, and treatment based on medically relevant information processing and evidence-based best practices. In this presentation, an overview of the relevant issues and the beginning framework of a Level of Care V CDSS development roadmap will be provided

    Principles Driven Leadership: Thoughts, Observations And Conceptual Model

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    Leadership has as many definitions as it does books written on the subject. Discussions regarding the subject often migrate toward the differences between leadership and management. The purpose of this paper is to provide a conceptual view of leadership based on experience, observation and lessons learned. A conceptual model and a comprehensive set of principles are presented that can be used as a blueprint toward developing a sound foundation of leadership

    The Manifest Destiny Of Education: Past, Present And Beyond The Boundaries Of Tradition

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    The generation currently in secondary schools has never known the world without the Internet, has spent thousands of hours each year interacting with video games and social media, and has high expectations for the degree of control and choices they will have regarding employment, entertainment, and the education they receive.The employers of our future graduates have undergone - and will continue to undergo - profound changes in consumer behavior and technology-based marketing and value creation, while simultaneously facing intense global competition, rapid technological advances, and dynamic markets. Employer demands for increasingly flexible, self-motivated, collaborative, communicative, creative, energetic, technology savvy employees will continue to rise. These conditions are fundamentally changing consumer and employer expectations of education and driving the need for ever greater relevance, personalization, flexibility, mobility, and meaningful and relevant outcomes. In many respects, we must work toward and plan for an evolving target and, as such, we should work to create dynamic contexts as well as learning what can change and be modified as needed

    Leadership Systems Model: An Integration Of People, Process, And Behaviors In A Dynamic And Evolving Environment

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    Defining, observing, and measuring leadership skills, styles and approaches are far from being a new effort. Although research has provided much information regarding leadership, the classical leadership theories and models, processes, and behavioral views must be further integrated in order to provide a richer and wider view of leadership. Furthermore, organizations are not static; they are constantly changing and evolving over time. The purpose of this paper is to provide a conceptual model integrating these views using a systems level theory to understand the aggregate nature of leadership

    Iconography of the corpse in the public sphere. Presence and absence of the dead body in times of pandemic

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    In this article, we examine the visual motif of the corpse and its presence in the public sphere in times of pandemic from an iconographic, political and anthropological perspective. Through the analysis of the representation of the dead body in images presented by modern media, we reflect on how the formal and iconographic schemes of presentation of death were transformed following the irruption of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020. The pandemic scheme, which is unusual from a political and anthropological perspective, assumes a particular approach to the problem of the representation of the dead body (anonymous body, carrier of a virus), encrypted in a dialectic between systematic omission and censorship and displacement of the representation of death towards the cumulative symmetry of empty pits or coffins that prefigure the corpse to come. Pandemic iconography, often based on science fiction imagery, outlines the dehumanized restlessness of a dystopian future. Under these exceptional conditions, some corpses, which are a priori anonymous, stand out, showing, even in the suspended space of Covid-19, the permanence of structural schemes of violence that must be denounced and fought in the present. With that in mind, we also examine the corpses claimed by Black Lives Matter and their distinctive representations, which are very different from those of the victims of the epidemic. Finally, through these references and based on the media treatment of Diego Armando Maradona’s body, we consider the significance of the return of the iconic corpse to the center of the public sphere, which imposes a regime of extreme visibility and goes beyond the representative limits of pandemic exceptionality.En este artículo estudiamos, desde una perspectiva iconográfica, política y antropológica, el motivo visual del cadáver y su presencia en la esfera pública en tiempos de pandemia. A partir del análisis de la representación del cuerpo muerto en las imágenes de los medios de comunicación actuales, hemos tratado de pensar cómo se transformaron los esquemas formales e iconográficos de presentación de la muerte con la irrupción, desde marzo de 2020, de la pandemia de Covid-19. El régimen pandémico, excepcional a nivel político y antropológico, supone un acercamiento particular a la problemática de la representación del cuerpo muerto (cuerpo anónimo, portador de un virus), cifrado en una dialéctica entre un régimen de omisión y censura y el desplazamiento de la representación de la muerte hacia la simetría acumulativa de las fosas o ataúdes vacíos que prefiguran el cadáver por venir. La iconografía pandémica, construida con frecuencia sobre el imaginario de la ciencia-ficción, perfila la inquietud deshumanizada de un futuro distópico. En esas condiciones de excepcionalidad, algunos cadáveres, a priori anónimos, se singularizan, mostrando, aún en el espacio en suspenso de la Covid-19, la permanencia de esquemas estructurales de violencia que se deben denunciar y combatir en presente. En ese sentido, proponemos también estudiar los cadáveres reivindicados por el Black Lives Matter y la peculiar forma representativa que toman, muy diferente a los de las víctimas de la epidemia. Finalmente, desde estas coordenadas y a partir del tratamiento mediático del cuerpo de Diego Armando Maradona, consideramos como significativo el retorno al centro de la esfera pública del cadáver icónico, que impone un régimen de extrema visibilidad y desborda los límites representativos de la excepcionalidad pandémica

    Short Time-Interval Rainfall Disaggregation for Continuous Hydrologic Simulation

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    Traditionally design storms have been used to design and analyze urban drainage systems and hydraulic structures. Design storms can be developed with the desired temporal resolution to accommodate urban hydrology needs, but because the temporal distribution is generally arbitrary the application of complex disaggregation techniques is unwarranted. Continuous hydrologic simulation is recommended as an alternative to the traditional design storm approach for the design and analysis ofhydrologic and hydraulic structures for reasons discussed in James (1994) and Accurate hydrologic simulation of small urban catchments requires the use of a rainfall time series with a fine temporal resolution. Studies have shown that when the response time of a watershed is shorter than the total duration of rainfall excess, the runoff rate is observed to depend on the depth of rainfall and the intensity distribution (Ball1994

    Evidence from functional neuroimaging of a compensatory prefrontal network in Alzheimer's disease

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    Previous experiments have found that individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD) show increased activity in prefrontal regions compared with healthy age-matched controls during cognitive tasks. This has been interpreted as compensatory reallocation of cognitive resources, but direct evidence for a facilitating effect on performance has been lacking. To address this we measured neural activity during semantic and episodic memory tasks in mildly demented AD patients and healthy elderly controls. Controls recruited a left hemisphere network of regions, including prefrontal and temporal cortices in both the semantic and episodic tasks. Patients engaged a unique network involving bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal and posterior cortices. Critically, activity in this network of regions was correlated with better performance on both the semantic and episodic tasks in the patients. This provides the most direct evidence to date that AD patients can use additional neural resources in prefrontal cortex, presumably those mediating executive functions, to compensate for losses attributable to the degenerative process of the disease.8 page(s

    Procedure for developing a turbomechanism productivity estimator based on a neural network during the power supply of non-traditional energy sources

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    У роботі розглянута процедура розробки оцінювача продуктивності для турбомеханізму при використанні апарата штучних нейронних мереж. Живлення установки при цьому відбувається від нетрадиційного джерела енергії.The paper considers the procedure of developing a productivity estimator for a turbomechanism using the apparatus of artificial neural networks. The power supply of the installation comes from an unconventional energy source