5 research outputs found

    Modifikasi Kapasitas Cylinder Pada Sepeda Motor 100 CC Menjadi Kapasitas 125 CC

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    Motorcycle modification has been done many times to new motorcycles, such as motorcycle 125cc that was first released in 2004 and old motorcycles, such as motorcycle 100cc that was first released in 1997. motorcycle 100cc with engine base 100cc is very popular in the market. But, there are many weaknesses, for example: the performance and the fuel efficiency of motorcycle 100cc are lower than of Honda Supra X 125cc.There are several techniques to increase the acceleration and power of a motorcycle. One of them is increasing the volume of the cylinder capacity and increasing the compresion ratio. But the impacts which were resulted in the proccess of modofication, suck as the increase in fuel consumption and the decrease in the motorcycle lifetime.In this research, the researcher modified the cylinder capacity on motorcycle 100cc in to the same capacity as motorcycle 125cc by using cylinder block cylinder, cylinder head, crankshaft and tensioner from motorcycle 125cc. And then it was tested by as: testing of fuel consumption in stationary condition, testing of fuel comsumption in tandem and without tandem, testing of acceleration, and testing of speed and machine maximum rotation.The result of the modification shows that the modification has decreased the fuel consumption up to 19.63% in the stationary condition; in the rotation at 1400 rpm and 4000 rpm. For fuel consumption testing, when there has tandem or not, the modification has decreased the fuel consumption up to 27.19%. In the acceleration test of 0-80 km/h, the modification has decreased time allocated to accelerate at 3.91 seconds or about 20.03%. In the acceleration test of 60-80 km/h, the modification has decreased time allocated to accelerate at about 37%. And in the testing of maximum speed and rotation, the result shows that the modification has increased the speed at about 3.7% and increased the maximum rotation at about 1.66% from the original condition of motorcycle 100cc

    Analisis Prestasi Lampu Petromax Berbahan Bakar LPG

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    In order to decrease subsidy cost of kerosene consumption, Indonesian government right now proposes to convert kerosene to LPG. Consequently, the price of kerosene is expensive in society. LPG can be alternatively used as fuel for the petromax lamp. The use of LPG for the petromax lamp fuel is strongly recommended for sidewalk food sellers as source of light at night if the electricity source is not available. Therefore, it is important to investigate some advantages of the use of LPG as replacing of kerosene for the petromax lamp. The performance of the petromax lamp using LPG as fuel had been carried out with parameters: rate of fuel consumption and light intensity, representing to the need of energy consumption. In the view of economic, the performance of the petromax lamp using LPG was also compared with the performance of petromax lamp using kerosene. The results show that the use of LPG is more clearly efficiency than those of use of kerosene. The fuel energy needed by the petromax lamp to generate lighting is around 224.87MJ/h for kerosene and 213.24 MJ/h for LPG. The energy consumption of LPG is decreased by a factor of 1.05. Economically, the comparison of the price between kerosene and LPG is very significant. The price of kerosene consumption per hour was approximate Rp.941.00, whereas the price of LPG consumption per hour was approximate Rp. 368.00. This shows that if the petromax lamp is operated using LPG for 6 h, the seller foods can save around of Rp 3,438.00

    Perencanaan Penyediaan Energi Di Wilayah Lampung Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Long-range Energy Alternatives Planing System (Leap)

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    Lampung province is a region with a strategic location as a gateway entrance and exit of the economy from the island of Java to Andalas or vice versa. Beside of that the potential of vast natural resources enough to serve as the foundation and development capital, including potential energy resources. Energy needs from year to year increased significantly. if fixed transport link between the islands of Java and Sumatra realized as expected energy demand will jump dramatically. Currently, most of the energy supply in Lampung are supplied from other areas such as Java, and other provinces in Sumatra. Therefore, it is necessary to forecast energy supply for several years to get the proper planning of energy supply to meet the energy needs at times to come. In this research study about projected energy supply in the region of Lampung using software LEAP (Long-range Energy Alternative Planning system) version 2008. The study is based on projections of existing energy needs and based on data from existing energy potential in the province of Lampung, such as coal, geothermal, biogas cow dung and buffalo, palm oil biodiesel and bioethanol sugar cane, sweet potatoes and cassava. The results showed that the supply of electricity from 2014 to 2030 was in excess of the electrical energy needs in the area of Lampung because of the operation of geothermal power plants. For biogas sector, projected at the beginning of the year to replace the LPG gas by 12% and at the end of the projection to 8% due to growth in cattle farm and buffalo are very small. For biodiesel sector, provision was 64% at the beginning of the projection, but declined at the end of the projection to 30% due to the growth of oil palm area is very low. In bioethanol sector, from the beginning to the end of the projection is only able to help reduce gasoline consumption by 4%, due to bioethanol are just a mixture so they are less significant. It can be concluded that the new renewable energy which featured in Lampung province are geothermal energy, biogas manure and corn cob gasification

    Kajian Eksperimental Gas Cleaner Yang Dimodifikasi Untuk Mengekstrak Tar Dalam Producer Gas

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    Producer gas from biomass gasification consists of tar from pyrolysis process which is notdegradation thermal well before out from the reactor. In fact tar is a serious problem that must beconsidered in the process of gasification, especially for an internal combustion engineapplication.Gas cleaning system is one the methods to reduce the tarproduced in gasificationprocess. The research purpose which is to design a purify device for the producer gas which isintegrated and also to know the influence of gas speed and water debit towards tar getting asmeasurement research of IGCS. The research does by using reactor with diameter dimension 0,8 mand 1,5 m high. The result of this research getting the gas speed for the cyclone about 2,4 m/s andflow of water in venturi scrubber 3,3 l/min, collected tar is 12 gram with 66,67 % cyclone efficiencyand 10 gram with 44,44 % venturi scrubber efficiency. Meanwhile, rotary separator gas speedabout 2,6 m/s, it is able to reduce 10 gram tar with 55,56 % efficiency. The result from combinetesting show that the tar left in producer gas is only 210 mg/m3 with 94,4 % efficiency

    Pengaruh Penambahan Zat Aditif Alami Pada Bensin Terhadap Prestasi Sepeda Motor 4-langkah

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    The quality fuel affects combustion because the fuel quality will get better combustion. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the quality of the fuel to produce combustion. Such an increase in the octane rating of the fuel can result in increased good quality of the fuel. One method used is the addition of natural additives in the fuel. Tests were performed using a motorcycle test engine 100 cc 4-stroke is running test (road test and acceleration), and stationary testing. The test road test conducted by a distance of 10 km with an average speed of 50 km / h test aims to get the value of fuel consumption. Furthermore, using the acceleration test speed 0-80 km / h and 40-80 km / h which aims to get the fastest acceleration time. Then the stationary testing done on rotation 1.000 rpm and 3.000 rpm with a 5-minute aims to get the value of fuel consumption at rest. This test uses a natural variation in the dose of the gasoline additive used is 1:4, 1:6, 1:8, and 1:10. On testing fuel consumption with the distance 10 km can be seen that the concentration of 1:6 is the best concentration that can reduce fuel consumption by 23,31% (136 ml), compared with natural gasoline without additives (177,333 ml). Average time acceleration 0-80 km / h resulted in the concentration of the best natural additives 1:4 that is with an average acceleration of 10,847 seconds (20,69%). In testing acceleration 40-80 km / h obtained for the concentration of 1:8 with an average acceleration of 6,993 seconds (21,83%). Tests of stationary fuel consumption at 1,000 rpm for 5 minutes in to the best performance at a concentration of 1:8 that is 33,91% (12,667 ml) whereas at 3.000 rpm stationary best performance is obtained at a concentration of 1:10 30,71% (14,334 ml)