18 research outputs found

    Svjetlosna i »skening» mikroskopska struktura nitastih bradavica u miša.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the light and scanning electron microscopic structure of filiform papillae in adult mice. Light microscopic examination revealed that the papillae were covered with stratified squamous epithelium and had a core of connective tissue. Filiform papillae were observed on the dorsal surface of the tongue, located between the apex of the tongue and the vallate papillae. Three different types of filiform papillae were observed in three different areas: cylindrical in the anterior part of the tongue, large conical on the intermolar eminence, and small conical in front of the vallate papilla in the posterior part of the tongue. In scanning electron microscopic examination, epithelial cell-margin thickening was recognizable. Micropits and microridges were observed on the surface of the epithelial cells of the filiform papillae.Cilj istraživanja bio je istražiti svjetlosnu i »skening» elektronsku mikroskopsku strukturu nitastih bradavica u odrasla miša. Svjetlosnom mikroskopijom utvrđeno je da su bradavice prekrivene višeslojnim pločastim epitelom te da osnovu čini vezivno tkivo. Nitaste bradavice nalaze se na dorzalnoj strani jezika, na području od vrha do optočenih bradavica. Utvrđena su tri različita tipa nitastih bradavica, i to u tri različita područja. Valjkasti tip nalazi se u prednjem dijelu jezika. Velike stožaste bradavice nalaze se na srednjem dijelu jezika. Male stožaste bradavice nalaze se ispred optočenih bradavica na stražnjem dijelu jezika. »Skening» elekronskom mikroskopijom primijećeno je zadebljanje epitelnoga ruba. Udubljenja i zadebljanja utvrđena su na površini epitelnih stanica nitastih bradavica

    Svjetlosna i »skening» mikroskopska struktura nitastih bradavica u miša.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the light and scanning electron microscopic structure of filiform papillae in adult mice. Light microscopic examination revealed that the papillae were covered with stratified squamous epithelium and had a core of connective tissue. Filiform papillae were observed on the dorsal surface of the tongue, located between the apex of the tongue and the vallate papillae. Three different types of filiform papillae were observed in three different areas: cylindrical in the anterior part of the tongue, large conical on the intermolar eminence, and small conical in front of the vallate papilla in the posterior part of the tongue. In scanning electron microscopic examination, epithelial cell-margin thickening was recognizable. Micropits and microridges were observed on the surface of the epithelial cells of the filiform papillae.Cilj istraživanja bio je istražiti svjetlosnu i »skening» elektronsku mikroskopsku strukturu nitastih bradavica u odrasla miša. Svjetlosnom mikroskopijom utvrđeno je da su bradavice prekrivene višeslojnim pločastim epitelom te da osnovu čini vezivno tkivo. Nitaste bradavice nalaze se na dorzalnoj strani jezika, na području od vrha do optočenih bradavica. Utvrđena su tri različita tipa nitastih bradavica, i to u tri različita područja. Valjkasti tip nalazi se u prednjem dijelu jezika. Velike stožaste bradavice nalaze se na srednjem dijelu jezika. Male stožaste bradavice nalaze se ispred optočenih bradavica na stražnjem dijelu jezika. »Skening» elekronskom mikroskopijom primijećeno je zadebljanje epitelnoga ruba. Udubljenja i zadebljanja utvrđena su na površini epitelnih stanica nitastih bradavica

    Makroanatomska istraživanja kostura vidre (Lutra lutra). III. Osovinski kostur.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the axial skeleton of otters (Lutra lutra). The important features of the skull as observed in this study were as follows: Tympanic bulla was well developed. Zygomatic process of the frontal bone and the supraorbital foramen was absent. Infraorbital foramen was very well developed. Dental formula was 2(I3/3, C1/1, P3/3, M2/2)=36. Mental foramens and the angular process of mandible were present. Vertebral formula was found as C7, Th14, L6, S3, Ca18. The eleventh vertebra of the thoracic vertebra was found as anticlinal vertebra. The accessory processes were caudally located on all lumbal vertebrae. The auricular surface of sacral bone was faced laterally and spinous processes were not fused. Haemal arches were present on ventral surfaces of the caudal ends of the bodies of the third to seventh caudal vertebrae. There were fourteen pairs of ribs. The first nine ribs were sternal, and four ribs were asternal. The last rib was floating. The dorsal half of ribs (os costale) was almost round in shape and the ventral half of ribs was flat in shape. The sternum was cylindrical.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se istraži osovinski kostur vidre (Lutra lutra). Važna obilježja koja su opažena na lubanji su bila: bubnjišni mjehur je bio dobro razvijen, jagodični izdanci i nadočni otvor čeone kosti nisu postojali, dok je podočni otvor bio dobro razvijen. Zubna formula je bila 2 (I 3/3, C 1/1, P 3/3, M 2/2) = 36. Bradeni otvori i kutni izdanak donje čeljusti su razvijeni. Kralježnica je imala ovaj broj kralježaka: C7, Th14, L6, S3 i Ca18. Jedanaesti kralježak grudne kralježnice je antiklinalni. Dodatni izdanci su na svim slabinskim kralješcima bili smješteni kaudalno. Uškasta zglobna površina križne kosti je bila usmjerena lateralno, a njeni trnasti izdanci nisu bili spojeni. Krvožilni lukovi su bili razvijeni na ventralnim površinama trupova trećeg do sedmog repnog kralješka. Bilo je 14 pari rebara. Prvih 9 rebara su bila prava rebra, a 4 su bila lažna rebra. Zadnje rebro je bilo slobodno rebro. Dorzalna polovica koštanih rebara je u presjeku bila gotovo okrugla, a njihova ventralna polovica plosnata. Grudna kost je bila valjkastog presijeka

    Tarih Boyunca Seramik Eserler

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    Nivolumab for relapsed or refractory Hodgkin lymphoma: Real-life experience

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    Background: Reed-Sternberg cells of classical Hodgkin's lymphoma (cHL) are characterized by genetic alterations at the 9p24.1 locus, leading to over-expression of programmed death-ligand 1 and 2. In a phase 1b study, nivolumab, a PD-1-blocking antibody, produced a high response in patients with relapsed or refractory cHL, with an acceptable safety profile. Patients and methods: We present a retrospective analysis of 82 patients (median age: 30 years; range: 18-75) with relapsed/refractory HL treated with nivolumab in a named patient program from 24 centers throughout Turkey. The median follow-up was 7 months, and the patients had a median of 5 (2-11) previous lines of therapy. Fifty-seven (70%) and 63 (77%) had been treated by stem-cell transplantation and brentuximab vedotin, respectively. Results: Among 75 patients evaluated after 12 weeks of nivolumab treatment, the objective response rate was 64%, with 16 complete responses (CR; 22%); after 16 weeks, it was 60%, with 16 (26%) patients achieving CR. Twenty patients underwent subsequent transplantation. Among 11 patients receiving allogeneic stem-cell transplantation, 5 had CR at the time of transplantation and are currently alive with ongoing response. At the time of analysis, 41 patients remained on nivolumab treatment. Among the patients who discontinued nivolumab, the main reason was disease progression (n = 19). The safety profile was acceptable, with only four patients requiring cessation of nivolumab due to serious adverse events (autoimmune encephalitis, pulmonary adverse event, and two cases of graft-versus-host disease aggravation). The 6-month overall and progression-free survival rates were 91.2% (95% confidence interval: 0.83-0.96) and 77.3% (0.66-0.85), respectively. Ten patients died during the follow-up; one of these was judged to be treatment-related. Conclusions: Nivolumab represents a novel option for patients with cHL refractory to brentuximab vedotin, and may serve as a bridge to transplantation; however, it may be associated with increased toxicity