5,405 research outputs found

    Scaling Solutions to 6D Gauged Chiral Supergravity

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    We construct explicitly time-dependent exact solutions to the field equations of 6D gauged chiral supergravity, compactified to 4D in the presence of up to two 3-branes situated within the extra dimensions. The solutions we find are scaling solutions, and are plausibly attractors which represent the late-time evolution of a broad class of initial conditions. By matching their near-brane boundary conditions to physical brane properties we argue that these solutions (together with the known maximally-symmetric solutions and a new class of non-Lorentz-invariant static solutions, which we also present here) describe the bulk geometry between a pair of 3-branes with non-trivial on-brane equations of state.Comment: Contribution to the New Journal of Physics focus issue on Dark Energy; 28 page

    Codimension-2 surfaces and their Hilbert spaces: low-energy clues for holography from general covariance

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    We argue that the holographic principle may be hinted at already from low-energy considerations, assuming diffeomorphism invariance, quantum mechanics and Minkowski-like causality. We consider the states of finite spacelike hypersurfaces in a diffeomorphism-invariant QFT. A low-energy regularization is assumed. We note a natural dependence of the Hilbert space on a codimension-2 boundary surface. The Hilbert product is defined dynamically, in terms of transition amplitudes which are described by a path integral. We show that a canonical basis is incompatible with these assumptions, which opens the possibility for a smaller Hilbert-space dimension than canonically expected. We argue further that this dimension may decrease with surface area at constant volume, hinting at holographic area-proportionality. We draw comparisons with other approaches and setups, and propose an interpretation for the non-holographic space of graviton states at asymptotically-Minkowski null infinity.Comment: 13 pages, 9 eps figures. Added Section VI, improved presentation. Expanded and split the Introduction into two sections. Added Section VII. Added reference

    Gauge symmetry breaking on orbifolds

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    We discuss a new method for gauge symmetry breaking in theories with one extra dimension compactified on the orbifold S^1/Z_2. If we assume that fields and their derivatives can jump at the orbifold fixed points, we can implement a generalized Scherk-Schwarz mechanism that breaks the gauge symmetry. We show that our model with discontinuous fields is equivalent to another with continuous but non periodic fields; in our scheme localized lagrangian terms for bulk fields appear.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Talk given at the XXXVIIth Rencontres de Moriond, "Electroweak interactions and unified theories", Les Arcs, France, 9-16 Mar 2002. Minor changes, one reference adde

    Topological and Universal Aspects of Bosonized Interacting Fermionic Systems in (2+1)d

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    General results on the structure of the bosonization of fermionic systems in (2+1)(2+1)d are obtained. In particular, the universal character of the bosonized topological current is established and applied to generic fermionic current interactions. The final form of the bosonized action is shown to be given by the sum of two terms. The first one corresponds to the bosonization of the free fermionic action and turns out to be cast in the form of a pure Chern-Simons term, up to a suitable nonlinear field redefinition. We show that the second term, following from the bosonization of the interactions, can be obtained by simply replacing the fermionic current by the corresponding bosonized expression.Comment: 29 pages, RevTe

    Kicking the Rugby Ball: Perturbations of 6D Gauged Chiral Supergravity

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    We analyze the axially-symmetric scalar perturbations of 6D chiral gauged supergravity compactified on the general warped geometries in the presence of two source branes. We find all of the conical geometries are marginally stable for normalizable perturbations (in disagreement with some recent calculations) and the nonconical for regular perturbations, even though none of them are supersymmetric (apart from the trivial Salam-Sezgin solution, for which there are no source branes). The marginal direction is the one whose presence is required by the classical scaling property of the field equations, and all other modes have positive squared mass. In the special case of the conical solutions, including (but not restricted to) the unwarped `rugby-ball' solutions, we find closed-form expressions for the mode functions in terms of Legendre and Hypergeometric functions. In so doing we show how to match the asymptotic near-brane form for the solution to the physics of the source branes, and thereby how to physically interpret perturbations which can be singular at the brane positions.Comment: 21 pages + appendices, references adde

    CMB quadrupole suppression: II. The early fast roll stage

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    Within the effective field theory of inflation, an initialization of the classical dynamics of the inflaton with approximate equipartition between the kinetic and potential energy of the inflaton leads to a brief fast roll stage that precedes the slow roll regime. The fast roll stage leads to an attractive potential in the wave equations for the mode functions of curvature and tensor perturbations. The evolution of the inflationary perturbations is equivalent to the scattering by this potential and a useful dictionary between the scattering data and observables is established.Implementing methods from scattering theory we prove that this attractive potential leads to a suppression of the quadrupole moment for CMB and B-mode angular power spectra. The scale of the potential is determined by the Hubble parameter during slow roll. Within the effective field theory of inflation at the grand unification (GUT) energy scale we find that if inflation lasts a total number of efolds N_{tot} ~ 59, there is a 10-20% suppression of the CMB quadrupole and about 2-4% suppression of the tensor quadrupole. The suppression of higher multipoles is smaller, falling off as 1/l^2. The suppression is much smaller for N_{tot} > 59, therefore if the observable suppression originates in the fast roll stage, there is the upper bound N_{tot} ~ 59.Comment: Some comments and references adde

    Moduli stabilization with positive vacuum energy

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    We study the effect of anomalous U(1) gauge groups in string theory compactification with fluxes. We find that, in a gauge invariant formulation, consistent AdS vacua appear breaking spontaneously supergravity. Non vanishing D-terms from the anomalous symmetry act as an uplifting potential and could allow for de Sitter vacua. However, we show that in this case the gravitino is generically (but not always) much heavier than the electroweak scale. We show that alternative uplifting scheme based on corrections to the Kahler potential can be compatible with a gravitino mass in the TeV range.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    Dirac Born Infeld (DBI) Cosmic Strings

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    Motivated by brane physics, we consider the non-linear Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) extension of the Abelian-Higgs model and study the corresponding cosmic string configurations. The model is defined by a potential term, assumed to be of the mexican hat form, and a DBI action for the kinetic terms. We show that it is a continuous deformation of the Abelian-Higgs model, with a single deformation parameter depending on a dimensionless combination of the scalar coupling constant, the vacuum expectation value of the scalar field at infinity, and the brane tension. By means of numerical calculations, we investigate the profiles of the corresponding DBI-cosmic strings and prove that they have a core which is narrower than that of Abelian-Higgs strings. We also show that the corresponding action is smaller than in the standard case suggesting that their formation could be favoured in brane models. Moreover we show that the DBI-cosmic string solutions are non-pathological everywhere in parameter space. Finally, in the limit in which the DBI model reduces to the Bogomolnyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) Abelian-Higgs model, we find that DBI cosmic strings are no longer BPS: rather they have positive binding energy. We thus argue that, when they meet, two DBI strings will not bind with the corresponding formation of a junction, and hence that a network of DBI strings is likely to behave as a network of standard cosmic strings.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    Talla de madurez y relación peso-talla del tiburón de profundidad Etmopterus bigelowi (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae) capturado en el sudeste de Brasil

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    The blurred lantern shark Etmopterus bigelowi, a deep-water squaloid shark, is globally widespread in temperate and tropical waters, but there is little available information about its biology owing to its relative rarity of capture and taxonomic confusion with its sibling species Etmopterus pusillus. Specimens used in this study were collected from July to December 2004 as by-catch in the commercial deepwater trawl fishery targeting red shrimp Aristaeomorpha foliacea in the southwestern Atlantic. We examined 55 specimens (22 males and 33 females) ranging in total length (TL) from 31.5 to 73 cm and in total weight from 103 to 1600 g. Length-weight relationships were explored for each sex and significant differences were found in the slope coefficients of the male and female regressions. The size at maturity for each sex was evaluated fitting a logistic regression. Females matured at larger sizes than males, with estimated sizes at first maturity of 56.0 cm TL for females and 45.1 cm TL for males. The present study provides important preliminary information about E. bigelowi that can be incorporated in risk assessment and stock assessment models, essential for efficient management practices aimed at avoiding overexploitation of these vulnerable deep-sea sharks.El tiburón de profundidad Etmopterus bigelowi se distribuye globalmente en aguas templadas y tropicales; sin embargo, hay poca información disponible sobre su biología ya que raramente se captura y existe confusión taxonómica con su especie hermana Etmopterus pusillus. Los ejemplares utilizados en este trabajo se obtuvieron de julio a diciembre de 2004 como captura incidental de la pesca comercial de arrastre de aguas profundas dirigida al camarón rojo Aristaeomorpha foliacea en el Atlántico sudoccidental. Se examinaron 55 ejemplares (22 machos y 33 hembras) de 31.5 a 73 cm de longitud total (LT) y de 103 a 1600 g de peso total. Se analizó la relación peso-talla para ambos sexos, observándose diferencias significativas en las pendientes de las regresiones, tanto de hembras como de machos. La talla de madurez para cada sexo se evaluó ajustando una regresión logística. La talla de primera madurez de las hembras (56.0 cm LT) fue mayor que la de los machos (45.1 cm LT). El presente trabajo aporta información preliminar esencial sobre E. bigelowi que puede ser incorporada en modelos de evaluación de riesgo y evaluación de la población, cruciales para prácticas de gestión dirigidas a evitar la sobreexplotación de estos vulnerables tiburones de aguas profundas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Size at maturity and length-weight relationships of the blurred lantern shark Etmopterus bigelowi (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae) caught off southeastern Brazil

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    The blurred lantern shark Etmopterus bigelowi, a deep-water squaloid shark, is globally widespread in temperate and tropical waters, but there is little available information about its biology owing to its relative rarity of capture and taxonomic confusion with its sibling species Etmopterus pusillus. Specimens used in this study were collected from July to December 2004 as by-catch in the commercial deep-water trawl fishery targeting red shrimp Aristaeomorpha foliacea in the southwestern Atlantic. We examined 55 specimens (22 males and 33 females) ranging in total length (TL) from 31.5 to 73 cm and in total weight from 103 to 1600 g. Length-weight relationships were explored for each sex and significant differences were found in the slope coefficients of the male and female regressions. The size at maturity for each sex was evaluated fitting a logistic regression. Females matured at larger sizes than males, with estimated sizes at first maturity of 56.0 cm TL for females and 45.1 cm TL for males. The present study provides important preliminary information about E. bigelowi that can be incorporated in risk assessment and stock assessment models, essential for efficient management practices aimed at avoiding overexploitation of these vulnerable deep-sea sharks.National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, Brazil)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio