1,649 research outputs found

    Hall drift of axisymmetric magnetic fields in solid neutron-star matter

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    Hall drift, i. e., transport of magnetic flux by the moving electrons giving rise to the electrical current, may be the dominant effect causing the evolution of the magnetic field in the solid crust of neutron stars. It is a nonlinear process that, despite a number of efforts, is still not fully understood. We use the Hall induction equation in axial symmetry to obtain some general properties of nonevolving fields, as well as analyzing the evolution of purely toroidal fields, their poloidal perturbations, and current-free, purely poloidal fields. We also analyze energy conservation in Hall instabilities and write down a variational principle for Hall equilibria. We show that the evolution of any toroidal magnetic field can be described by Burgers' equation, as previously found in plane-parallel geometry. It leads to sharp current sheets that dissipate on the Hall time scale, yielding a stationary field configuration that depends on a single, suitably defined coordinate. This field, however, is unstable to poloidal perturbations, which grow as their field lines are stretched by the background electron flow, as in instabilities earlier found numerically. On the other hand, current-free poloidal configurations are stable and could represent a long-lived crustal field supported by currents in the fluid stellar core.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure panels; new version with very small correction; accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Generation of frequency sidebands on single photons with indistinguishability from quantum dots

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    Generation and manipulation of the quantum state of a single photon is at the heart of many quantum information protocols. There has been growing interest in using phase modulators as quantum optics devices that preserve coherence. In this Letter, we have used an electro-optic phase modulator to shape the state vector of single photons emitted by a quantum dot to generate new frequency components (modes) and explicitly demonstrate that the phase modulation process agrees with the theoretical prediction at a single photon level. Through two-photon interference measurements we show that for an output consisting of three modes (the original mode and two sidebands), the indistinguishability of the mode engineered photon, measured through the secondorder intensity correlation (g2(0)) is preserved. This work demonstrates a robust means to generate a photonic qubit or more complex state (e.g., a qutrit) for quantum communication applications by encoding information in the sidebands without the loss of coherence

    Towards style-based dating of historical documents

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    Modelling bacterial behaviour close to a no-slip plane boundary: the influence of bacterial geometry

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    We describe a boundary-element method used to model the hydrodynamics of a bacterium propelled by a single helical flagellum. Using this model, we optimize the power efficiency of swimming with respect to cell body and flagellum geometrical parameters, and find that optima for swimming in unbounded fluid and near a no-slip plane boundary are nearly indistinguishable. We also consider the novel optimization objective of torque efficiency and find a very different optimal shape. Excluding effects such as Brownian motion and electrostatic interactions, it is demonstrated that hydrodynamic forces may trap the bacterium in a stable, circular orbit near the boundary, leading to the empirically observable surface accumulation of bacteria. Furthermore, the details and even the existence of this stable orbit depend on geometrical parameters of the bacterium, as described in this article. These results shed some light on the phenomenon of surface accumulation of micro-organisms and offer hydrodynamic explanations as to why some bacteria may accumulate more readily than others based on morphology

    Exact joint density-current probability function for the asymmetric exclusion process

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    We study the asymmetric exclusion process with open boundaries and derive the exact form of the joint probability function for the occupation number and the current through the system. We further consider the thermodynamic limit, showing that the resulting distribution is non-Gaussian and that the density fluctuations have a discontinuity at the continuous phase transition, while the current fluctuations are continuous. The derivations are performed by using the standard operator algebraic approach, and by the introduction of new operators satisfying a modified version of the original algebra.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Clocked Atom Delivery to a Photonic Crystal Waveguide

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    Experiments and numerical simulations are described that develop quantitative understanding of atomic motion near the surfaces of nanoscopic photonic crystal waveguides (PCWs). Ultracold atoms are delivered from a moving optical lattice into the PCW. Synchronous with the moving lattice, transmission spectra for a guided-mode probe field are recorded as functions of lattice transport time and frequency detuning of the probe beam. By way of measurements such as these, we have been able to validate quantitatively our numerical simulations, which are based upon detailed understanding of atomic trajectories that pass around and through nanoscopic regions of the PCW under the influence of optical and surface forces. The resolution for mapping atomic motion is roughly 50 nm in space and 100 ns in time. By introducing auxiliary guided mode (GM) fields that provide spatially varying AC-Stark shifts, we have, to some degree, begun to control atomic trajectories, such as to enhance the flux into to the central vacuum gap of the PCW at predetermined times and with known AC-Stark shifts. Applications of these capabilities include enabling high fractional filling of optical trap sites within PCWs, calibration of optical fields within PCWs, and utilization of the time-dependent, optically dense atomic medium for novel nonlinear optical experiments

    Power Spectra of the Total Occupancy in the Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process

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    As a solvable and broadly applicable model system, the totally asymmetric exclusion process enjoys iconic status in the theory of non-equilibrium phase transitions. Here, we focus on the time dependence of the total number of particles on a 1-dimensional open lattice, and its power spectrum. Using both Monte Carlo simulations and analytic methods, we explore its behavior in different characteristic regimes. In the maximal current phase and on the coexistence line (between high/low density phases), the power spectrum displays algebraic decay, with exponents -1.62 and -2.00, respectively. Deep within the high/low density phases, we find pronounced \emph{oscillations}, which damp into power laws. This behavior can be understood in terms of driven biased diffusion with conserved noise in the bulk.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Shock statistics in higher-dimensional Burgers turbulence

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    We conjecture the exact shock statistics in the inviscid decaying Burgers equation in D>1 dimensions, with a special class of correlated initial velocities, which reduce to Brownian for D=1. The prediction is based on a field-theory argument, and receives support from our numerical calculations. We find that, along any given direction, shocks sizes and locations are uncorrelated.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure

    Freezing Transition in Decaying Burgers Turbulence and Random Matrix Dualities

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    We reveal a phase transition with decreasing viscosity ν\nu at \nu=\nu_c>0 in one-dimensional decaying Burgers turbulence with a power-law correlated random profile of Gaussian-distributed initial velocities \sim|x-x'|^{-2}. The low-viscosity phase exhibits non-Gaussian one-point probability density of velocities, continuously dependent on \nu, reflecting a spontaneous one step replica symmetry breaking (RSB) in the associated statistical mechanics problem. We obtain the low orders cumulants analytically. Our results, which are checked numerically, are based on combining insights in the mechanism of the freezing transition in random logarithmic potentials with an extension of duality relations discovered recently in Random Matrix Theory. They are essentially non mean-field in nature as also demonstrated by the shock size distribution computed numerically and different from the short range correlated Kida model, itself well described by a mean field one step RSB ansatz. We also provide some insights for the finite viscosity behaviour of velocities in the latter model.Comment: Published version, essentially restructured & misprints corrected. 6 pages, 5 figure
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