57 research outputs found

    The Impact of Corporate Venturing on a Firm’s Competence Modes

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    In this conceptual paper we investigate how corporate venturing influences an organization’s competences. The impact of various types of corporate ventures on the portfolio of strategic options of a firm’s competence modes (Sanchez, 2004a; Sanchez and Heene, 2002) will be assessed by distinguishing two fundamentally different dimensions of corporate venturing, technology and product (Block & MacMillan, 1993). We argue that the level of product and factor market dynamism mediates the effect of corporate venturing on a firm’s competence modes. Corporate ventures that significantly increase the level of product or factor market dynamics will lead to an increased flexibility in all five competence modes. These ventures will have a direct effect on the lower-order competence modes and an indirect, lagged effect on higher-order competence modes through feedback loops. The developed framework and the propositions contribute to managing the ability of a firm to change its coordination-, resource and operating flexibility in order to sustain value creation.flexibility;corporate venturing;competence-based management;product and factor market dynamism

    Why New Business Development Projects Fail: Coping with the Differences of Technological versus Market Knowledge

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    Managing through projects has become important for generating new knowledge to cope with technological and market discontinuities. This paper examines how the fit between the creation of technological and market knowledge and important project management characteristics, i.e. project autonomy and completion criteria, influences the success of new business development (NBD) projects. In-depth longitudinal case research on NBD-projects commercialised during the period 1993-2003 in the consumer electronics industry highlights that project management characteristics focusing only on the creation of technological knowledge contributed to the failure of those NBD-projects that required new market knowledge as well. The findings indicate that senior management support and engaging in an alliance with partners possessing complementary market knowledge can offset this misalignment of the organisation of NBD-projects.new product development;project management;strategic alliances;knowledge;new business development;exploitation-exploration;sales force

    Managing Corporate Venturing: Multi-level Studies on Project Autonomy, Integration, Knowledge Relatedness, and Phases in the New Business Development Process

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    Developing new businesses is a critical factor for strategically renewing firms in today’s dynamic environments. Although autonomy has frequently been addressed as a major factor in successfully managing corporate ventures, several critical contingencies remain unexplored. The results of our multilevel study show that at firm level autonomy should be combined with integration mechanisms to enhance corporate venturing. When managing new business development projects the degree of autonomy should be matched with the extent to which these projects are related to the knowledge base of the parent firm. Our findings from case and survey research show that an important distinction should be made between technological and market knowledge. These types of knowledge have different effects on project management characteristics such as project autonomy and project completion criteria. Our results demonstrate that the relation between autonomy and technological and market knowledge relatedness and their effects on project performance are different in the development and commercialization phase of the new business development process. These findings enhance corporate venturing efforts by showing how firms should manage autonomy and knowledge relatedness over the different phases of the new business development process

    Why New Business Development Projects Fail: Coping with the Differences of Technological versus Market Knowledge

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    Managing through projects has become important for generating new knowledge to cope with technological and market discontinuities. This paper examines how the fit between the creation of technological and market knowledge and important project management characteristics, i.e. project autonomy and completion criteria, influences the success of new business development (NBD) projects. In-depth longitudinal case research on NBD-projects commercialised during the period 1993-2003 in the consumer electronics industry highlights that project management characteristics focusing only on the creation of technological knowledge contributed to the failure of those NBD-projects that required new market knowledge as well. The findings indicate that senior management support and engaging in an alliance with partners possessing complementary market knowledge can offset this misalignment of the organisation of NBD-projects

    The Impact of Corporate Venturing on a Firm’s Competence Modes

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    In this conceptual paper we investigate how corporate venturing influences an organization’s competences. The impact of various types of corporate ventures on the portfolio of strategic options of a firm’s competence modes (Sanchez, 2004a; Sanchez and Heene, 2002) will be assessed by distinguishing two fundamentally different dimensions of corporate venturing, technology and product (Block & MacMillan, 1993). We argue that the level of product and factor market dynamism mediates the effect of corporate venturing on a firm’s competence modes. Corporate ventures that significantly increase the level of product or factor market dynamics will lead to an increased flexibility in all five competence modes. These ventures will have a direct effect on the lower-order competence modes and an indirect, lagged effect on higher-order competence modes through feedback loops. The developed framework and the propositions contribute to managing the ability of a firm to change its coordination-, resource and operating flexibility in order to sustain value creation

    Why innovative business development projects fail

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    In today’s fast-paced, knowledge-based environments, companies need to develop new business opportunities continuously in order to take advantage of technological and market changes

    Class Position of Immigrant Workers in a Post-Industrial Economy: The Dutch Case

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    In this paper, the issue of changing labour-market opportunities and the position of members of minority groups in advanced service economies is addressed, focusing on the Dutch case. We distinguish between two social hierarchies, one of traditional ‘fordist’ occupations and one of post-fordist occupations. Compared to the native Dutch, all immigrant groups are over-represented at the bottom of the labour market, both in the fordist and in the postindustrial hierarchy. Increased immigrant labour-market participation in the 1990s was accompanied by a strong rise in the number of flexible labour contracts. Native Dutch also work more frequently on flexible labour contracts, but not to the same extent as immigrants. The lower occupational level of the Surinamese, Antilleans and other non-Western immigrants employed in post-industrial occupations can be attributed to their low educational level. This is not true, however, for Turks, Moroccans and other non-Western immigrants employed in fordist occupations. Their low occupational level can not be completely explained by their low educational level. The effects of changes in the economic structure differ for ethnic groups, depending on their past employment, their cultural capital and the institutional framework in which they have to operate

    Exposure-response analyses of anaplastic lymphoma kinase inhibitors crizotinib and alectinib in non-small cell lung cancer patients

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    Crizotinib and alectinib are anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-inhibitors indicated for the treatment of ALK-positive metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). At the currently used fixed doses, interindividual variability in exposure is high. The aim of this study was to investigate whether minimum plasma concentrations (C-min) of crizotinib and alectinib are related to efficacy and toxicity. An observational study was performed, in which ALK-positive NSCLC patients who were treated with crizotinib and alectinib and from whom pharmacokinetic samples were collected in routine care, were included in the study. Exposure-response analyses were explored using previously proposed C(min)thresholds of 235 ng/mL for crizotinib and 435 ng/mL for alectinib. Forty-eight crizotinib and 52 alectinib patients were included. For crizotinib, median progression-free survival (mPFS) was 5.7 vs. 17.4 months for patients with C-min = 235 ng/mL, respectively (P = 0.08). In multivariable analysis, C-min = 435 ng/mL, respectively (P = 0.04). Multivariable analysis resulted in an HR of 4.29 (95% CI, 1.33-13.90,P = 0.015). In conclusion, PFS of crizotinib and alectinib treated NSCLC patients is prolonged in patients with C-min >= 235 ng/mL and 435 ng/mL, respectively. Therefore, therapeutic drug monitoring should be part of routine clinical management for these agents.Pathogenesis and treatment of chronic pulmonary disease

    Interactief met taal op social media

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    In dit onderzoek is de talige interactiviteit van de communicatie door biermerken en social media-gebruikers op Facebook en Twitter onderzocht. De aanleiding voor dit onderzoek is het feit dat in veel literatuur wordt gesproken over social media als interactieve media. Dit is echter nog niet onderzocht op talig niveau. Dit onderzoek draagt bij aan de lacune in de theorievorming over interactief taalgebruik op social media. De interactiviteit van deze social media blijkt niet alleen uit het gedrag van de bedrijven en social media-gebruikers en de inhoud van de berichten op Facebook en Twitter, maar ook uit het taalgebruik. Het taalgebruik op de meest populaire social media, Facebook en Twitter, binnen de productgroep biermerken is onderzocht. Van de berichten op Facebook en Twitter is onderzocht of ze bepaalde taalkenmerken bevatten die wel of geen interactie tot stand brengen. Uit dit onderzoek is gebleken dat biermerken en social media-gebruikers weinig taalkenmerken gebruiken waarmee ze afstand nemen van de tekstinhoud. Deze taalkenmerken betrekken de lezer niet bij de tekst en brengen geen interactie tot stand. Biermerken en social media-gebruikers blijken veel taalkenmerken te gebruiken die de lezer wél bij de tekst betrekken en wél interactie tot stand brengen. Dit doen zij vooral door middel van positief taalgebruik en door contact met elkaar te zoeken door vragen te stellen en elkaar bij naam te noemen. De onderzochte biermerken gebruiken meer positief taalgebruik dan social media-gebruikers omdat zij belang hebben bij bekendheid van het merk en een goede relatie met de klant. Het feit dat de biermerken de positiviteit die zij uiten terugkrijgen van de social media-gebruikers, kan een aanwijzing zijn dat deze manier van communiceren effectief is. Uit dit onderzoek blijkt het verschil tussen de sociale netwerksite Facebook en de micro-blog-website Twitter. Social media-gebruikers verwachten van bedrijven dat zij op Facebook voor interessante, leuke en waardevolle inhoud zorgen die zij vervolgens kunnen liken, delen en waar zij op kunnen reageren. Op Twitter wordt van bedrijven vooral verwacht dat ze actief aanwezig zijn om op verzoeken te kunnen reageren. De biermerken gebruiken veel interactiemarkeerders op Twitter en Facebook. Het lijkt er op dat de biermerken met een jonge doelgroep interactiever communiceren op social media dan biermerken met een oudere doelgroep. De resultaten van dit onderzoek kunnen behulpzaam zijn bij het gebruik van social media door alle bedrijven. Online aanwezigheid wordt van steeds groter belang. Het is daarom niet de vraag of bedrijven online aanwezig moeten zijn, maar hoe zij dit moeten doen. Interactiviteit wordt mede bepaald door taalgebruik. Bedrijven kunnen hun bekendheid vergroten en de relatie met klanten verbeteren en onderhouden door interactief te zijn met taal op verschillende social media-platformen naast elkaar. Daartoe zullen bedrijven moeten investeren in deskundigheid op het gebied taalgebruik via Computer-Mediated Communication en verschillende typen social media.

    Statistiek voor onderzoekers, met voorbeelden uit de landbouw- en milieuwetenschappen

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    Dit boek helpt onderzoekers statistiek toe te passen in hun onderzoek. Theoretisch (wiskundige) details zijn hierbij zoveel mogelijk achterwege gebleven. De in dit boek besproken methoden sluiten aan bij het onderzoek van Wageningen UR. De methoden worden toegelicht aan de hand van voorbeelden
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