1,237 research outputs found

    Hall drift of axisymmetric magnetic fields in solid neutron-star matter

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    Hall drift, i. e., transport of magnetic flux by the moving electrons giving rise to the electrical current, may be the dominant effect causing the evolution of the magnetic field in the solid crust of neutron stars. It is a nonlinear process that, despite a number of efforts, is still not fully understood. We use the Hall induction equation in axial symmetry to obtain some general properties of nonevolving fields, as well as analyzing the evolution of purely toroidal fields, their poloidal perturbations, and current-free, purely poloidal fields. We also analyze energy conservation in Hall instabilities and write down a variational principle for Hall equilibria. We show that the evolution of any toroidal magnetic field can be described by Burgers' equation, as previously found in plane-parallel geometry. It leads to sharp current sheets that dissipate on the Hall time scale, yielding a stationary field configuration that depends on a single, suitably defined coordinate. This field, however, is unstable to poloidal perturbations, which grow as their field lines are stretched by the background electron flow, as in instabilities earlier found numerically. On the other hand, current-free poloidal configurations are stable and could represent a long-lived crustal field supported by currents in the fluid stellar core.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure panels; new version with very small correction; accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Clocked Atom Delivery to a Photonic Crystal Waveguide

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    Experiments and numerical simulations are described that develop quantitative understanding of atomic motion near the surfaces of nanoscopic photonic crystal waveguides (PCWs). Ultracold atoms are delivered from a moving optical lattice into the PCW. Synchronous with the moving lattice, transmission spectra for a guided-mode probe field are recorded as functions of lattice transport time and frequency detuning of the probe beam. By way of measurements such as these, we have been able to validate quantitatively our numerical simulations, which are based upon detailed understanding of atomic trajectories that pass around and through nanoscopic regions of the PCW under the influence of optical and surface forces. The resolution for mapping atomic motion is roughly 50 nm in space and 100 ns in time. By introducing auxiliary guided mode (GM) fields that provide spatially varying AC-Stark shifts, we have, to some degree, begun to control atomic trajectories, such as to enhance the flux into to the central vacuum gap of the PCW at predetermined times and with known AC-Stark shifts. Applications of these capabilities include enabling high fractional filling of optical trap sites within PCWs, calibration of optical fields within PCWs, and utilization of the time-dependent, optically dense atomic medium for novel nonlinear optical experiments

    Exact joint density-current probability function for the asymmetric exclusion process

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    We study the asymmetric exclusion process with open boundaries and derive the exact form of the joint probability function for the occupation number and the current through the system. We further consider the thermodynamic limit, showing that the resulting distribution is non-Gaussian and that the density fluctuations have a discontinuity at the continuous phase transition, while the current fluctuations are continuous. The derivations are performed by using the standard operator algebraic approach, and by the introduction of new operators satisfying a modified version of the original algebra.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Power Spectra of the Total Occupancy in the Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process

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    As a solvable and broadly applicable model system, the totally asymmetric exclusion process enjoys iconic status in the theory of non-equilibrium phase transitions. Here, we focus on the time dependence of the total number of particles on a 1-dimensional open lattice, and its power spectrum. Using both Monte Carlo simulations and analytic methods, we explore its behavior in different characteristic regimes. In the maximal current phase and on the coexistence line (between high/low density phases), the power spectrum displays algebraic decay, with exponents -1.62 and -2.00, respectively. Deep within the high/low density phases, we find pronounced \emph{oscillations}, which damp into power laws. This behavior can be understood in terms of driven biased diffusion with conserved noise in the bulk.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Ellipticals at z=0 from Self-Consistent Hydrodynamical Simulations: Clues on Age Effects in their Stellar Populations

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    We present results of a study of the stellar age distributions in the sample of elliptical-like objects (ELOs) identified at z=0 in four simulations operating in the context of a concordance cosmological model. The simulations show that the formation of most stars in each ELO of the sample is a consequence of violent dynamical events, either fast multiclump collapse at high z, or mergers at lower z. This second way can explain the age spread as well as the dynamical peculiarities observed in some ellipticals, but its relative weight is never dominant and decreases as the ELO mass at the halo scale, MvirM_{vir}, increases, to such an extent that some recent mergers contributing an important fraction to the total ELO mass can possibly contribute only a small fraction of new born stars. More massive objects have older means and narrower spreads in their stellar age distributions than less massive ones. The ELO sample shows also a tight correlation between MvirM_{vir} and the central stellar l.o.s. velocity dispersion, σlos\sigma_{los}. This gives a trend of the means and spreads of ELO stellar populations with σlos\sigma_{los} that is consistent, even quantitatively, with the age effects observationally detected in the stellar populations of elliptical galaxies. Therefore, these effects can be explained as the observational manifestation of the intrinsic correlations found in the ELO sample between MvirM_{vir} and the properties of the stellar age distribution, on the one hand, and MvirM_{vir} and σlos\sigma_{los}, on the other hand. These correlations hint, for the first time, at a possible way to reconcile age effects in ellipticals, and, particularly, the increase of α/\alpha / ratios with σlos\sigma_{los}, with the hierarchical clustering paradigm.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in the weak noise limit: Pattern formation and upper critical dimension

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    We extend the previously developed weak noise scheme, applied to the noisy Burgers equation in 1D, to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation for a growing interface in arbitrary dimensions. By means of the Cole-Hopf transformation we show that the growth morphology can be interpreted in terms of dynamically evolving textures of localized growth modes with superimposed diffusive modes. In the Cole-Hopf representation the growth modes are static solutions to the diffusion equation and the nonlinear Schroedinger equation, subsequently boosted to finite velocity by a Galilei transformation. We discuss the dynamics of the pattern formation and, briefly, the superimposed linear modes. Implementing the stochastic interpretation we discuss kinetic transitions and in particular the properties in the pair mode or dipole sector. We find the Hurst exponent H=(3-d)/(4-d) for the random walk of growth modes in the dipole sector. Finally, applying Derrick's theorem based on constrained minimization we show that the upper critical dimension is d=4 in the sense that growth modes cease to exist above this dimension.Comment: 27 pages, 19 eps figs, revte

    Exact solution of the one-dimensional ballistic aggregation

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    An exact expression for the mass distribution ρ(M,t)\rho(M,t) of the ballistic aggregation model in one dimension is derived in the long time regime. It is shown that it obeys scaling ρ(M,t)=t4/3F(M/t2/3)\rho(M,t)=t^{-4/3}F(M/t^{2/3}) with a scaling function F(z)z1/2F(z)\sim z^{-1/2} for z1z\ll 1 and F(z)exp(z3/12)F(z)\sim \exp(-z^3/12) for z1z\gg 1. Relevance of these results to Burgers turbulence is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 2 Postscript figure

    Power laws and self-similar behavior in negative ionization fronts

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    We study anode-directed ionization fronts in curved geometries. When the magnetic effects can be neglected, an electric shielding factor determines the behavior of the electric field and the charged particle densities. From a minimal streamer model, a Burgers type equation which governs the dynamics of the electric shielding factor is obtained. A Lagrangian formulation is then derived to analyze the ionization fronts. Power laws for the velocity and the amplitude of streamer fronts are observed numerically and calculated analytically by using the shielding factor formulation. The phenomenon of geometrical diffusion is explained and clarified, and a universal self-similar asymptotic behavior is derived.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure