25 research outputs found

    Cerebral Palsy:Early Markers of Clinical Phenotype and Functional Outcome

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    The Prechtl General Movement Assessment (GMA) has become a cornerstone assessment in early identification of cerebral palsy (CP), particularly during the fidgety movement period at 3-5 months of age. Additionally, assessment of motor repertoire, such as antigravity movements and postural patterns, which form the Motor Optimality Score (MOS), may provide insight into an infant's later motor function. This study aimed to identify early specific markers for ambulation, gross motor function (using the Gross Motor Function Classification System, GMFCS), topography (unilateral, bilateral), and type (spastic, dyskinetic, ataxic, and hypotonic) of CP in a large worldwide cohort of 468 infants. We found that 95% of children with CP did not have fidgety movements, with 100% having non-optimal MOS. GMFCS level was strongly correlated to MOS. An MOS > 14 was most likely associated with GMFCS outcomes I or II, whereas GMFCS outcomes IV or V were hardly ever associated with an MOS > 8. A number of different movement patterns were associated with more severe functional impairment (GMFCS III-V), including atypical arching and persistent cramped-synchronized movements. Asymmetrical segmental movements were strongly associated with unilateral CP. Circular arm movements were associated with dyskinetic CP. This study demonstrated that use of the MOS contributes to understanding later CP prognosis, including early markers for type and severity

    Using Surveys to Compare the Public's and Decisionmakers' Preferences for Urban Regeneration: The Venice Arsenale

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    Expression of multiple larger-sized transcripts for several genes in oligodendrogliomas; potential markers for glioma subtypes

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    Astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas are two brain tumors that follow different clinical courses. Although many of these tumors can be identified based on standard histopathological criteria, a significant percentage present notable problems in diagnosis. To identify markers that might prove useful in distinguishing glioma subtypes, we prepared and analyzed cDNA libraries for differential expression of genes in an astrocytoma (grade II), an oligodendroglioma (grade II), and a meningioma (benign). The tumor libraries were compared by sequencing randomly selected clones and tabulating the expression frequency of each gene. In addition to identifying several genes previously reported or expected to be differentially expressed among these tumors, several potential new brain tumor markers were identified and confirmed by Northern blot analysis of a panel of brain tumors. A surprising result of this analysis was the observation that several larger-sized transcripts for various genes were predominantly expressed in the oligodendroglioma tumors, when compared to the other brain tumors or in non-tumor gray matter. These findings are consistent with different pre-mRNA splicing patterns observed between oligodendrogliomas and astrocytomas. In support of this hypothesis, our screen revealed significantly higher levels of two hnRNP A1 transcripts in oligodendrogliomas. hnRNP A1 is a component of the spliceosome whose expression levels affect splice site selection in vivo. The preferential expression of larger-sized transcripts for several genes in oligodendrogliomas may be useful for distinguishing astrocytic and oligodendroglial gliomas

    Atomic Basis for the Species-specific Inhibition of αV Integrins by Monoclonal Antibody 17E6 Is Revealed by the Crystal Structure of αVβ3 Ectodomain-17E6 Fab Complex*

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    The function-blocking, non-RGD-containing, and primate-specific mouse monoclonal antibody 17E6 binds the αV subfamily of integrins. 17E6 is currently in phase II clinical trials for treating cancer. To elucidate the structural basis of recognition and the molecular mechanism of inhibition, we crystallized αVβ3 ectodomain in complex with the Fab fragment of 17E6. Protein crystals grew in presence of the activating cation Mn(2+). The integrin in the complex and in solution assumed the genuflected conformation. 17E6 Fab bound exclusively to the Propeller domain of the αV subunit. At the core of αV-Fab interface were interactions involving Propeller residues Lys-203 and Gln-145, with the latter accounting for primate specificity. The Propeller residue Asp-150, which normally coordinates Arg of the ligand Arg-Gly-Asp motif, formed contacts with Arg-54 of the Fab that were expected to reduce soluble FN10 binding to cellular αVβ3 complexed with 17E6. This was confirmed in direct binding studies, suggesting that 17E6 is an allosteric inhibitor of αV integrins

    Application of the MIPS method for assessing the sustainability of production–consumption systems of food

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    The article estimates the natural resource consumption due to nutrition from the supply and demand sides. Using the MIPS (Material Input per Service Unit) methodology, we analyzed the use of natural resources along the supply chains of three Italian foodstuffs: wheat, rice and orange-based products. These figures were then applied for evaluating the sustainability of diets in 13 European countries. The results outline which phases in food production are more natural resource demanding than others. We also observed different levels of sustainability in the European diets and the effect of different foodstuffs in the materials, water and air consumption