348 research outputs found

    Drei Wege zur Versöhnung: Finanzierungsdiskussion in der nächsten Runde

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    In die Diskussion um die Finanzierungsreform der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung ist kürzlich ein konkretes Modell zur Ausgestaltung einer Gesundheitsprämie eingebracht worden. Für die Finanzierung des Solidarausgleichs werden in diesem System drei Varianten vorgeschlagen. Wie sind die Reformvorschläge ausgestaltet und wie sind die Finanzierungsvarianten aus verteilungspolitischer Sicht zu bewerten? Welche Probleme können bei der praktischen Umsetzung der Reform entstehen? --

    Realizing Change-Driven Consistency for Component Code, Architectural Models, and Contracts in Vitruvius

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    During the development of component-based software systems, it is often impractical or even impossible to include all development information into the source code. Instead, specialized languages are used to describe components and systems on different levels of abstraction or from different viewpoints: Component-based architecture models and contracts, for example, can be used to describe the system on a high level of abstraction, and to formally specify component constraints. Since models, contracts, and code contain redundant information, inconsistencies can occur if they are modified independently. Keeping this information consistent manually can require considerable effort, and can lead to costly errors, for example, when security-relevant components are verified against inconsistent contracts. In this technical report, we present details on realizing an approach for keeping component-based architecture models and contracts specified in the Java Modeling Language (JML) consistent with Java source code. We use change-driven incremental transformations and the Vitruvius framework to automate the consistency preservation where this is possible. Using two case studies, we demonstrate how to detect and propagate changes and refactoring operations to keep models and contracts consistent with the source code

    Deterministic integration of quantum dots into on-chip multi-mode interference beamsplitters using in-situ electron beam lithography

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    The development of multi-node quantum optical circuits has attracted great attention in recent years. In particular, interfacing quantum-light sources, gates and detectors on a single chip is highly desirable for the realization of large networks. In this context, fabrication techniques that enable the deterministic integration of pre-selected quantum-light emitters into nanophotonic elements play a key role when moving forward to circuits containing multiple emitters. Here, we present the deterministic integration of an InAs quantum dot into a 50/50 multi-mode interference beamsplitter via in-situ electron beam lithography. We demonstrate the combined emitter-gate interface functionality by measuring triggered single-photon emission on-chip with g(2)(0)=0.13±0.02g^{(2)}(0) = 0.13\pm 0.02. Due to its high patterning resolution as well as spectral and spatial control, in-situ electron beam lithography allows for integration of pre-selected quantum emitters into complex photonic systems. Being a scalable single-step approach, it paves the way towards multi-node, fully integrated quantum photonic chips.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    On the bounded cohomology of semi-simple groups, S-arithmetic groups and products

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    We prove vanishing results for Lie groups and algebraic groups (over any local field) in bounded cohomology. The main result is a vanishing below twice the rank for semi-simple groups. Related rigidity results are established for S-arithmetic groups and groups over global fields. We also establish vanishing and cohomological rigidity results for products of general locally compact groups and their lattices

    CFTR mRNA and its truncated splice variant (TRN-CFTR) are differentially expressed during collecting duct ontogeny

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    AbstractThe collecting duct epithelium originates from the embryonic ureter by branching morphogenesis. Ontogeny-dependent changes of CFTR mRNA expression were assessed by quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in primary monolayer cultures of rat ureteric buds (UB) and cortical collecting ducts, microdissected at different embryonic and postnatal developmental stages. The amount of wild-type CFTR-specific PCR product in UB declined to 20% of the initial value between embryonic gestational day E15 and postnatal day P1. After birth the CFTR product increased transiently between P1 and P7 by a factor of 10 and decreased towards day P14. PCR products specific for TRN-CFTR, a truncated splice variant, however, were low in early embryonic cells, increased markedly between day E17 and P2, and reached a plateau postnatally. Therefore, mRNA encoding TRN-CFTR does not appear to have a specific embryonic-morphogenetic function. By contrast, such function is suggested for wild-type CFTR mRNA as its abundance was high in early embryonic nephrogenesis, as well as during a postnatal period shortly before branching morphogenesis is completed

    Visualization of plant viral suppressor silencing activity in intact leaf lamina by quantitative fluorescent imaging

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Transient expression of proteins in plants has become a favoured method over the production of stably transformed plants because, in addition to enabling high protein yields, it is both fast and easy to apply. An enhancement of transient protein expression can be achieved by plant virus-encoded RNA silencing suppressor proteins. Since viral suppressor proteins differ in their efficiency to enhance transient protein expression in plants, we developed a whole-leaf green fluorescent protein (GFP)-based imaging assay to quantitatively assess suppressor protein activity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In a transient GFP-expression assay using wild-type and GFP-transgenic <it>N. benthamiana</it>, addition of the plant viral suppressors Beet mild yellowing virus (BMYV-IPP) P0 or Plum pox virus (PPV) HC-Pro was shown to increase fluorescent protein expression 3-4-fold, 7 days post inoculation (dpi) when compared to control plants. In contrast, in agroinfiltrated patches without suppressor activity, near complete silencing of the GFP transgene was observed in the transgenic <it>N. benthamiana </it>at 21 dpi. Both co-infiltrated suppressors significantly enhanced GFP expression over time, with HC-Pro co-infiltrations leading to higher short term GFP fluorescence (at 7 dpi) and P0 giving higher long term GFP fluorescence (at 21 dpi). Additionally, in contrast to HC-Pro co-infiltrations, an area of complete GFP silencing was observed at the edge of P0 co-infiltrated areas.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Fluorescence imaging of whole intact leaves proved to be an easy and effective method for spatially and quantitatively observing viral suppressor efficiency in plants. This suppressor assay demonstrates that plant viral suppressors greatly enhanced transient GFP expression, with P0 showing a more prolonged suppressor activity over time than HC-Pro. Both suppressors could prove to be ideal candidates for enhancing target protein expression in plants.</p