163 research outputs found

    Incertitudes et médiations au coeur du marché du travail

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    Partant du constat d’une remise en question pĂ©riodique de la façon dont s’organisent les mĂ©diations sur le marchĂ© du travail, nous mettons en perspective les orientations actuelles avec les thĂ©ories Ă©conomiques et sociologiques ainsi que des observations sur les interventions concrĂštes des intermĂ©diaires. Plusieurs modĂšles d’action s’offrent Ă  eux, entre lesquels oscillent leurs interventions. Le rapprochement des travaux rĂ©alisĂ©s sur les marchĂ©s institutionnels, sur les rĂ©seaux et sur la qualitĂ© du travail permet de souligner l’importance que revĂȘt la rĂ©duction des incertitudes dans l’activitĂ© de mĂ©diation et l’intĂ©rĂȘt de formuler des jugements au plus prĂšs des situations de travail. Or, l’évolution rĂ©cente des conditions de fonctionnement du marchĂ© du travail conduit les intermĂ©diaires Ă  formuler de plus en plus de « prĂ©jugements » sur les candidats Ă  l’emploi. Les politiques actuelles contribuent Ă  nourrir cette tendance, ce qui n’est pas sans consĂ©quence sur la qualitĂ© des appariements et risque de renforcer l’exclusion professionnelle.The organization of connections between jobs and applicants is periodically questioned and revised. How economic and sociological theories explore the role of intermediaries? Several models can be used to analyze their activities and justify their interventions. We argue that institutional theories, studies of social networks and uncertainties about quality can be useful to understand why the assessment of applicants’ qualities must be formed in close contact to work situations. Recent evolutions are not favourable to such types of judgment: they constrain intermediaries to form “pre-judgments” about applicants and matching qualities. Public employment policies in France help to reinforce this tendency, and may aggravate exclusion from employment

    La traduction de la demande d'aide sociale : le cas du handicap et de l'insertion des jeunes

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    En accumulant des donnĂ©es sur deux dispositifs d'attribution des droits sociaux (aides aux jeunes et droits liĂ©s au handicap), nous examinons quel est le statut rĂ©servĂ© au demandeur, puis les logiques bureaucratiques et morales qui prĂ©sident au tri des demandes par les acteurs des deux dispositifs. Nous nous interrogeons ensuite sur les marges de manƓuvre effectives des usagers dans la co-construction de la demande ainsi que sur les façons dont s'Ă©labore la connaissance des besoins auxquels il s'agit de rĂ©pondre. Cette comparaison montre qu'il n'y a pas une, mais des " magistratures sociales ", plus ou moins participatives, plus ou moins conditionnelles et discrĂ©tionnaires, selon le type de bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires

    L’expĂ©rimentation dans l’action publique.

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    L’objet de cet article est de montrer comment l’histoire des expĂ©rimentations sociales Ă  la française prend sens Ă  la lumiĂšre du jeu triangulaire entre État, acteurs locaux et experts. Nous montrons d’abord les consĂ©quences du rapport ambigu que l’État entretient avec les collectivitĂ©s territoriales et plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement avec les acteurs locaux, ce qui entraĂźne une difficultĂ© rĂ©currente Ă  s’accorder sur les enjeux de l’expĂ©rimentation. Nous voyons ensuite, Ă  travers la chronique politique des appels Ă  projets successifs, comment, Ă  partir d’une volontĂ© de faire remonter des solutions innovantes sur un spectre large de problĂšmes sociaux relatifs Ă  la jeunesse, le Fonds d’expĂ©rimentation pour la jeunesse (FEJ) a connu Ă  la fois un recentrage sur les questions de l’éducation ainsi qu’une reprise en main par l’appareil d’État. Enfin, nous montrons comment la gĂ©nĂ©ralisation des expĂ©rimentations, point nodal de la relation entre innovation locale, expertise et dĂ©cision publique, est restĂ©e, Ă  des titres divers, un point aveugle pour l’ensemble des acteurs embarquĂ©s dans l’expĂ©rience.This paper highlights one of the main characteristics of French social field experiments: a triangular game involving the State, local partners and experts. Firstly, it focuses on the consequences of the State’s ambiguous relationship with local authorities as regards social field experiments. This difficulty constitutes a recurring impediment for partners to setting the goals of field experiments. Then, the paper points out a dual tendency of the FEJ (the national experimental fund for youth). The first one is a thematic shift from youth to issues that only concern educational problems: even though the FEJ originally emphasized the importance of promoting bottom-up innovative actions that try to cope with numerous social issues connected with youth, it ended up dealing with educational issues. The second tendency concerns the FEJ’s evolution, which became part of the State apparatus dedicated to top down policies. Finally, this article examines the core of the triangular game, namely the replication on a larger scale of the field experiments. It shows that this nodal point remains a blind spot for most of all these embedded partners

    MĂ©thodes et techniques graphiques

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    Françoise Vergneault-Belmont, directeur d’études La cartographie comme parcours expĂ©rimental et chemin de dĂ©couverte : itinĂ©raires en sciences sociales Si, au mĂȘme titre que le texte, la carte a le statut d’un Ă©noncĂ© Ă  part entiĂšre, ou d’un message rĂ©ellement porteur de sens, on peut l’aborder selon deux points de vue : celui du rĂ©cepteur, en une lecture critique, celui de l’émetteur, en une « écriture » raisonnĂ©e. Pour l’un comme pour l’autre, une grille, celle des « sept clĂ©s », permettra d..

    La investigaciĂłn como herramienta de cambio democrĂĄtico: la experiencia de dos cooperativas de actividades y de empleo

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    During the last twenty years, the cooperatives of activities and employment in France have constituted a third way between wage earning and micro-entrepreneurship, shaping the profiles of a renewed relationship with work and the collective. ÂżDo these associative forms of work built in original democratic organizations enable to improve income and working conditions of self-employed workers? The article refers to a participatory action research carried out by two researchers jointly with members of two cooperatives. Both the research process and the results reflect the dynamic promoted by the cooperative to improve the status of its membership and continue to promote stronger associative relationships.Durante los Ășltimos veinte años, las cooperativas de actividades y de empleo francesas han constituido una especie de tercera vĂ­a entre salariado y microemprendedorismo, delineando los perfiles de una relaciĂłn renovada con el trabajo y lo colectivo. Estas formas asociativas de trabajo que se construyenen organizaciones democrĂĄticas originales, Âżpermiten mejorar los ingresos y las condiciones de trabajo de las trabajadoras y trabajadores autĂłnomos? El artĂ­culo da cuenta de una investigaciĂłn-acciĂłn participativa realizada por dos investigadoras, en forma conjunta con integrantes de dos cooperativas. Tantoel proceso de investigaciĂłn como los resultados del trabajo reflejan la dinĂĄmica impulsada por la cooperativa para mejorar la situaciĂłn de su membrecĂ­a y continuar promoviendo relaciones asociativas mĂĄs sĂłlidas

    Early liver transplantation for severe alcohol-related hepatitis not responding to medical treatment: a prospective controlled study

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    peer reviewedBackground: Early liver transplantation for severe alcohol-related hepatitis is an emerging treatment option. We aimed to assess the risk of alcohol relapse 2 years after early liver transplantation for alcohol-related hepatitis compared with liver transplantation for alcohol-related cirrhosis after at least 6 months of abstinence. Methods: We conducted a multicentre, non-randomised, non-inferiority, controlled study in 19 French and Belgian hospitals. All participants were aged 18 years or older. There were three groups of patients recruited prospectively: patients with severe alcohol-related hepatitis who did not respond to medical treatment and were eligible for early liver transplantation according to a new selection scoring system based on social and addiction items that can be quantified in points (early transplantation group); patients with alcohol-related cirrhosis listed for liver transplantation after at least 6 months of abstinence (standard transplantation group); patients with severe alcohol-related hepatitis not responding to medical treatment not eligible for early liver transplantation according to the selection score (not eligible for early transplantation group), this group did not enter any further liver transplantation processes. We also defined a historical control group of patients with severe alcohol-related hepatitis unresponsive to medical therapy and non-transplanted. The primary outcome was the non-inferiority of 2-year rate of alcohol relapse after transplantation in the early transplantation group compared with the standard transplantation group using the alcohol timeline follow back (TLFB) method and a prespecified non-inferiority margin of 10%. Secondary outcomes were the pattern of alcohol relapse, 2-year survival rate post-transplant in the early transplantation group compared with the standard transplantation group, and 2-year overall survival in the early transplantation group compared with patients in the not eligible for early transplantation group and historical controls. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01756794. Findings: Between Dec 5, 2012, and June 30, 2016, we included 149 patients with severe alcohol-related hepatitis: 102 in the early transplantation group and 47 in the not eligible for early transplantation group. 129 patients were included in the standard transplantation group. 68 patients in the early transplantation group and 93 patients in the standard transplantation group received a liver transplant. 23 (34%) patients relapsed in the early transplantation group, and 23 (25%) patients relapsed in the standard transplantation group; therefore, the non-inferiority of early transplantation versus standard transplantation was not demonstrated (absolute difference 9·1% [95% CI –∞ to 21·1]; p=0·45). The 2-year rate of high alcohol intake was greater in the early transplantation group than the standard transplantation group (absolute difference 16·7% [95% CI 5·8–27·6]) The time spent drinking alcohol was not different between the two groups (standardised difference 0·24 [95% CI −0·07 to 0·55]), but the time spent drinking a large quantity of alcohol was higher in the early transplantation group than the standard transplantation group (standardised difference 0·50 [95% CI 0·17–0·82]). 2-year post-transplant survival was similar between the early transplantation group and the standard transplantation group (hazard ratio [HR] 0·87 [95% CI 0·33–2·26]); 2-year overall survival was higher in the early transplantation group than the not eligible for early transplantation group and historical controls (HR 0·27 [95% CI 0·16–0·47] and 0·21 [0·13–0·32]). Interpretation: We cannot conclude non-inferiority in terms of rate of alcohol relapse post-transplant between early liver transplantation and standard transplantation. High alcohol intake is more frequent after early liver transplantation. This prospective controlled study confirms the important survival benefit related to early liver transplantation for severe alcohol-related hepatitis; and this study provides objective data on survival and alcohol relapse to tailor the management of patients with severe alcohol-related hepatitis. Funding: The present study has been granted by the French Ministry of Health—Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique 2010

    Sylvie Montchatre et Bernard Woehl (dir.), Temps de travail et travail du temps, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2014, 250 p.

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    « Comment le temps nous travaille-t-il, nous et nos sociĂ©tĂ©s, Ă  partir du temps demandĂ© par le travail ? » (p. 9) Le titre retenu Temps de travail et travail du temps n’est pas un simple jeu de mots. Issu d’une sĂ©rie de sĂ©minaires organisĂ©s Ă  Strasbourg en 2010-2011, l’ouvrage collectif tĂ©moigne d’une double ambition : contribuer Ă  donner Ă  la question du temps, en particulier sous la forme du rythme, une place au sein des sciences sociales qui soit Ă  la mesure de son importance, au fondement..

    Le progrĂšs social : quoi de neuf depuis la Tour Eiffel ?

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    National audienc

    Le progrĂšs social : quoi de neuf depuis la Tour Eiffel ?

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    National audienc

    Penser le mĂ©tissage. De la tragĂ©die individuelle de l’identitĂ© au dĂ©bat politique sur le multiculturalisme

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    In France, the topic of hybridisation has gradually made itself heard in public space since the 1980’s through a rhetoric often possessing prophetic overtones. This article first underlines the traps inherent in using the term, insofar as the word itself conveys an ideology the thinkers of hybridisation nonetheless seek to free themselves from. We then try to delineate three distinct levels among the traps through which the phenomenon of hybridisation becomes understandable : the level of lived experience ; that of the emergence of cultural expressions in civil society ; that of the political debate on multiculturalism. The article finally strives to show the advantages of a relational theory of individuation inspired by Gilbert Simondon’s work, in trying to bring these three levels of analysis together
