256 research outputs found

    Readout technologies for directional WIMP Dark Matter detection

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    The measurement of the direction of WIMP-induced nuclear recoils is a compelling but technologically challenging strategy to provide an unambiguous signature of the detection of Galactic dark matter. Most directional detectors aim to reconstruct the dark-matter-induced nuclear recoil tracks, either in gas or solid targets. The main challenge with directional detection is the need for high spatial resolution over large volumes, which puts strong requirements on the readout technologies. In this paper we review the various detector readout technologies used by directional detectors. In particular, we summarize the challenges, advantages and drawbacks of each approach, and discuss future prospects for these technologies

    Readout technologies for directional WIMP Dark Matter detection

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    The measurement of the direction of WIMP-induced nuclear recoils is a compelling but technologically challenging strategy to provide an unambiguous signature of the detection of Galactic dark matter. Most directional detectors aim to reconstruct the dark-matter-induced nuclear recoil tracks, either in gas or solid targets. The main challenge with directional detection is the need for high spatial resolution over large volumes, which puts strong requirements on the readout technologies. In this paper we review the various detector readout technologies used by directional detectors. In particular, we summarize the challenges, advantages and drawbacks of each approach, and discuss future prospects for these technologies

    Epigenetic Gene Promoter Methylation at Birth Is Associated With Child’s Later Adiposity

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    Objective: fixed genomic variation explains only a small proportion of the risk of adiposity. In animal models, maternal diet alters offspring body composition, accompanied by epigenetic changes in metabolic control genes. Little is known about whether such processes operate in humans.Research design and methods: using Sequenom MassARRAY we measured the methylation status of 68 CpGs 5? from five candidate genes in umbilical cord tissue DNA from healthy neonates. Methylation varied greatly at particular CpGs: for 31 CpGs with median methylation ?5% and a 5–95% range ?10%, we related methylation status to maternal pregnancy diet and to child’s adiposity at age 9 years. Replication was sought in a second independent cohort.Results: in cohort 1, retinoid X receptor-? (RXRA) chr9:136355885+ and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) chr7:150315553+ methylation had independent associations with sex-adjusted childhood fat mass (exponentiated regression coefficient [?] 17% per SD change in methylation [95% CI 4–31], P = 0.009, n = 64, and ? = 20% [9–32], P < 0.001, n = 66, respectively) and %fat mass (? = 10% [1–19], P = 0.023, n = 64 and ? =12% [4–20], P = 0.002, n = 66, respectively). Regression analyses including sex and neonatal epigenetic marks explained >25% of the variance in childhood adiposity. Higher methylation of RXRA chr9:136355885+, but not of eNOS chr7:150315553+, was associated with lower maternal carbohydrate intake in early pregnancy, previously linked with higher neonatal adiposity in this population. In cohort 2, cord eNOS chr7:150315553+ methylation showed no association with adiposity, but RXRA chr9:136355885+ methylation showed similar associations with fat mass and %fat mass (? = 6% [2–10] and ? = 4% [1–7], respectively, both P = 0.002, n = 239).Conclusions: our findings suggest a substantial component of metabolic disease risk has a prenatal developmental basis. Perinatal epigenetic analysis may have utility in identifying individual vulnerability to later obesity and metabolic diseas

    Reproductive Success of Eastern Bluebirds (Siala sialis) on Suburban Golf Courses

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    Understanding the role of green space in urban—suburban landscapes is becoming critical for bird conservation because of rampant habitat loss and conversion. Although not natural habitat, golf courses could play a role in bird conservation if they support breeding populations of some native species, yet scientists remain skeptical. In 2003–2009, we measured reproduction of Eastern Bluebirds (Siala sialis) in Virginia on golf courses and surrounding reference habitats, of the type that would have been present had golf courses not been developed on these sites (e.g., recreational parks, cemeteries, agriculture land, and college campus). We monitored \u3e650 nest boxes and 2,255 nest attempts (n = 1,363 golf course, n = 892 reference site). We used an information-theoretic modeling approach to evaluate whether conditions on golf courses affected timing of breeding, investment, or nest productivity compared with nearby reference sites. We found that Eastern Bluebirds breeding on golf courses reproduced as well as those breeding in other disturbed habitats. Habitat type had no effect on initial reproductive investment, including date of clutch initiation or clutch size ( = 4 eggs). During incubation and hatching, eggs in nests on golf courses had higher hatching rates (80%) and brood sizes ( = 4.0 nestlings brood-1) than nests on reference sites (75% hatching rate; = 3.8 nestlings brood-1). Mortality of older nestlings was also lower on golf courses and, on average, golf course nests produced 0.3 more fledglings than nests on reference sites. Thus, within a matrix of human-dominated habitats, golf courses may support productive populations of some avian species that can tolerate moderate levels of disturbance, like Eastern Bluebirds

    Candidate Electromagnetic Counterpart to the Binary Black Hole Merger Gravitational Wave Event S190521g

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    We report the first plausible optical electromagnetic (EM) counterpart to a (candidate) binary black hole (BBH) merger. Detected by the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), the EM flare is consistent with expectations for a kicked BBH merger in the accretion disk of an active galactic nucleus (AGN), and is unlikely (<O(0.01%<O(0.01\%)) due to intrinsic variability of this source. The lack of color evolution implies that it is not a supernovae and instead is strongly suggestive of a constant temperature shock. Other false-positive events, such as microlensing or a tidal disruption event, are ruled out or constrained to be <O(0.1%<O(0.1\%). If the flare is associated with S190521g, we find plausible values of: total mass MBBH100M M_{\rm BBH} \sim 100 M_{\odot}, kick velocity vk200kms1v_k \sim 200\, {\rm km}\, {\rm s}^{-1} at θ60\theta \sim 60^{\circ} in a disk with aspect ratio H/a0.01H/a \sim 0.01 (i.e., disk height HH at radius aa) and gas density ρ1010gcm3\rho \sim 10^{-10}\, {\rm g}\, {\rm cm}^{-3}. The merger could have occurred at a disk migration trap (a700rga \sim 700\, r_{g}; rgGMSMBH/c2r_g \equiv G M_{\rm SMBH} / c^2, where MSMBHM_{\rm SMBH} is the mass of the AGN supermassive black hole). The combination of parameters implies a significant spin for at least one of the black holes in S190521g. The timing of our spectroscopy prevents useful constraints on broad-line asymmetry due to an off-center flare. We predict a repeat flare in this source due to a re-encountering with the disk in 1.6yr(MSMBH/108M)(a/103rg)3/2\sim 1.6\, {\rm yr}\, (M_{\rm SMBH}/10^{8}M_{\odot})\, (a/10^{3}r_{g})^{3/2}.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters (June 25, 2020

    From Stellar Death to Cosmic Revelations: Zooming in on Compact Objects, Relativistic Outflows and Supernova Remnants with AXIS

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    Compact objects and supernova remnants provide nearby laboratories to probe the fate of stars after they die, and the way they impact, and are impacted by, their surrounding medium. The past five decades have significantly advanced our understanding of these objects, and showed that they are most relevant to our understanding of some of the most mysterious energetic events in the distant Universe, including Fast Radio Bursts and Gravitational Wave sources. However, many questions remain to be answered. These include: What powers the diversity of explosive phenomena across the electromagnetic spectrum? What are the mass and spin distributions of neutron stars and stellar mass black holes? How do interacting compact binaries with white dwarfs - the electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational wave LISA sources - form and behave? Which objects inhabit the faint end of the X-ray luminosity function? How do relativistic winds impact their surroundings? What do neutron star kicks reveal about fundamental physics and supernova explosions? How do supernova remnant shocks impact cosmic magnetism? This plethora of questions will be addressed with AXIS - the Advanced X-ray Imaging Satellite - a NASA Probe Mission Concept designed to be the premier high-angular resolution X-ray mission for the next decade. AXIS, thanks to its combined (a) unprecedented imaging resolution over its full field of view, (b) unprecedented sensitivity to faint objects due to its large effective area and low background, and (c) rapid response capability, will provide a giant leap in discovering and identifying populations of compact objects (isolated and binaries), particularly in crowded regions such as globular clusters and the Galactic Center, while addressing science questions and priorities of the US Decadal Survey for Astronomy and Astrophysics (Astro2020).Comment: 61 pages, 33 figures. This White Paper is part of a series commissioned for the AXIS Probe Concept Missio

    Efficient and Specific Analysis of Red Blood Cell Glycerophospholipid Fatty Acid Composition

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    Red blood cell (RBC) n-3 fatty acid status is related to various health outcomes. Accepted biological markers for the fatty acid status determination are RBC phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidyletholamine. The analysis of these lipid fractions is demanding and time consuming and total phospholipid n-3 fatty acid levels might be affected by changes of sphingomyelin contents in the RBC membrane during n-3 supplementation. We developed a method for the specific analysis of RBC glycerophospholipids. The application of the new method in a DHA supplementation trial and the comparison to established markers will determine the relevance of RBC GPL as a valid fatty acid status marker in humans. Methyl esters of glycerophospholipid fatty acids are selectively generated by a two step procedure involving methanolic protein precipitation and base-catalysed methyl ester synthesis. RBC GPL solubilisation is facilitated by ultrasound treatment. Fatty acid status in RBC glycerophospholipids and other established markers were evaluated in thirteen subjects participating in a 30 days supplementation trial (510 mg DHA/d). The intra-assay CV for GPL fatty acids ranged from 1.0 to 10.5% and the inter-assay CV from 1.3 to 10.9%. Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation significantly increased the docosahexaenoic acid contents in all analysed lipid fractions. High correlations were observed for most of the mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and for the omega-3 index (r = 0.924) between RBC phospholipids and glycerophospholipids. The analysis of RBC glycerophospholipid fatty acids yields faster, easier and less costly results equivalent to the conventional analysis of RBC total phospholipids

    The Hydrogen-Poor Superluminous Supernovae from the Zwicky Transient Facility Phase-I Survey: I. Light Curves and Measurements

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    During the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) Phase-I operation, 78 hydrogen-poor superluminous supernovae (SLSNe-I) were discovered in less than three years, making up the largest sample from a single survey. This paper (Paper I) presents the data, including the optical/ultraviolet light curves and classification spectra, while Paper II in this series will focus on the detailed analysis of the light curves and modeling. Our photometry is primarily taken by the ZTF in the g,r,ig,r,i bands, and with additional data from other ground-based facilities and Swift. The events of our sample cover a redshift range of z=0.060.67z = 0.06 - 0.67, with a median and 1σ1\sigma error (16\% and 84\% percentiles) zmed=0.2650.135+0.143z_{\rm med} = 0.265^{+0.143}_{-0.135}. The peak luminosity covers 22.8magMg,peak19.8-22.8\,{\rm mag} \leq M_{g,\rm peak} \leq -19.8\,mag, with a median value of 21.480.61+1.13-21.48^{+1.13}_{-0.61}\,mag. Their light curves evolve slowly with the mean rest-frame rise time of trise=41.9±17.8t_{\rm rise} = 41.9\pm17.8\,days. The luminosity and time scale distributions suggest that low luminosity SLSNe-I with peak luminosity 20\sim -20\,mag or extremely fast rising events (<10<10\,days) exist but are rare. We confirm previous findings that slowly rising SLSNe-I also tend to fade slowly. The rest-frame color and temperature evolution show large scatters, suggesting that the SLSN-I population may have diverse spectral energy distributions. The peak rest-frame color shows a moderate correlation with the peak absolute magnitude, i.e. brighter SLSNe-I tend to have bluer colors. With optical and ultraviolet photometry, we construct bolometric luminosity and derive a bolometric correction relation generally applicable for converting g,rg,r-band photometry to bolometric luminosity for SLSNe-I.Comment: 38 pages, 25 figures, Accepted by AP

    A kilometer-scale asteroid inside Venus's orbit

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    Near-Earth asteroid population models predict the existence of asteroids located inside the orbit of Venus. However, despite searches up to the end of 2019, none have been found. Here we report the discovery by the Zwicky Transient Facility of the first known asteroid located inside of Venus' orbit, 2020 AV₂, possessing an aphelion distance of 0.65 au and ∼2 km in size. While it is possible that 2020 AV₂ is the largest of its kind, we find that its discovery is surprising in the context of population models where the expected count is close to zero. If this discovery is not a statistical fluke, then 2020 AV₂ may come from a yet undiscovered source population of asteroids interior to Venus, and currently favored asteroid population models may need to be adjusted