304 research outputs found

    Education Expectations and Income Level of Families: An Assessment within the Framework of Human Capabilities Approach

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    This study aimed to examine the education expectations of the parents of compulsory education students (primary, secondary and high schools) according the income levels within the context of the human capabilities approach. The study used a qualitative phenomenological research design. The study group consisted of 128 parents of students. Convenience sampling, which is one of the purposive sampling methods, was employed in the study. The descriptive analysis method was used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that parents mostly had social and individual expectations. However, they were found to differ by income groups. The most frequently expressed expectation, on the other hand, was having a good job and serving the nation and country

    Conformable Derivative Operator in Modelling Neuronal Dynamics

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    This study presents two new numerical techniques for solving time-fractional one-dimensional cable differential equation (FCE) modeling neuronal dynamics. We have introduced new formulations for the approximate-analytical solution of the FCE by using modified homotopy perturbation method defined with conformable operator (MHPMC) and reduced differential transform method defined with conformable operator (RDTMC), which are derived the solutions for linear-nonlinear fractional PDEs. In order to show the efficiencies of these methods, we have compared the numerical and exact solutions of fractional neuronal dynamics problem. Moreover, we have declared that the proposed models are very accurate and illustrative techniques in determining to approximate-analytical solutions for the PDEs of fractional order in conformable sense


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    The current account balance represents the most important measurement of acountry's economic performance and it is important to keep the current account deficit within sustainable levels. Over the last decade, the importance of asustainable current account deficit has been major concern of policy makers and investors. In this paper, we investigate the sustainability of the current account deficit in transition countries over the period from 1995:01 through 2011:03, using intertemporal solvency model. According to this approach, the existence of aco integrating relationship between exports and imports + (including imports, netinterest payments and net transfer payments) gives that countries do not violate their intertemporal budget constraint. To achieve our objective, the cointegration test which recently developed in the presence of two potentially unknown structural breaks, is carried out. These breaks are taken into account in our analysis by considering that the long run relationship between related series might change andthe shifts can occur in the cointegrating vector. The obtained results suggest that there is evidence of cointegration for selected transition countries, implying sustainability

    Investigation of Teachers’ Self-Assessment to Create a Positive Classroom Environment

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    The aim of this study is to examine the self-assessment of teachers to create a positive classroom environment. The survey method was used and the sample of the research is composed of 260 teachers who work in the province of Tokat in the 2017-2018 academic year. Research data were collected through the “Class Control Index ”developed by Howard (1978) and translated into Turkish by Özden (2005). In the analysis of the data, t-test and one-way analysis of variance, Kruskal Wallis H and Mann Whitney U tests and Pearson Moments Multiplication Correlation Coefficient were used. According to the research findings, teachers have high self-assessment to create a positive classroom environment. It was determined that primary school teachers had higher self-assessment scores than middle and high school teachers. Women’s scores are higher than men, classroom teachers had the highest scores, and the ICT teachers.had the lowest scores. In addition, it was determined that there was no significant difference in terms of age, occupational seniority, postgraduate education, type of school (for high school), type of school they graduated from, and classroom management

    Energy Relations between Turkey and Russia: Conflict In Energy Projects

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    Energy is the most strategic sector which necessitates long term decisions that highly affect the economy, development, internal security and foreign policy of a country. Continuing significance of oil and gas in geopolitics affects the positions and strategies of actors. The Middle East and Eurasia controls the most a significant portion of hydrocarbons that are yet to be discovered. Russia holds the world's largest natural gas reserves, the second-largest coal reserves, and the ninth-largest crude oil reserves. Turkey has concentrated its efforts for the transportation of Caspian oil and gas reserves to Western markets on the realization of the East-West Energy Corridor, and North-South Corridor. Turkey will inevitably contribute to Europe’s energy supply security. Turkey’s objective is to become Europe’s fourth main artery of energy supply. New pipelines will enhance Turkey’s role as an important transit country on the Eurasia energy axis and energy hub in the region. In this study, the history of  Turkish and Russian energy policies and main principles of their energy strategies. Main aim of this study is to investigate Russian-Turkish energy cooperation and conflictual energy projects. Key Words: Energy, Security of energy supply, Enery co-operation, Energy Policie

    Sovereignty & alterity : a critical approach to ethics and human rights in international politics

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This thesis aims to problematize the inside-outside separation with regards to its impact on the question of ethics in international politics. In addition to the domestic and international antinomy, the self-other duality, which is at the basis of traditional (Kantian) ethics, is also problematized, as it excludes and suppresses the other. Therefore, an understanding of justice established upon universal principles and abstract norms is done away with in favor of political ethics that is flexible and open to change. The narratives structured around presence of an essence and a sovereign source of truth (be it the human or the culture) is also found problematical, as what they represent is not independent from how they represent. The universal human rights norms are discussed in such a framework. The justificatory reference to a universal human nature or particular culture is criticized, as such foundations are established at the time of their proclamation and further utilized to tame the difference within. Accordingly, just like the ontic account of state and security discourses built upon it are exclusionary and suppressive, a discourse of human rights, which is universal and strict, is found disciplinary and suppressive towards the difference. As a conclusion it is argued that the treatment of ethics and human rights in international politics should be assessed in the light of the backbone assumptions of the IR theory, ethics and the discourse of human rights. It is also concluded that we can command an ethical position, only when we leave objectifying the state, the human or the victim.Yavuz, Zeynep BurcuM.S

    Biomechanical Investigation of Disturbed Hemodynamics-Induced Tissue Degeneration in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Using Computational and Experimental Techniques.

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    Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is the dilatation of the aorta beyond 50% of the normal vessel diameter. It is reported that 4-8% of men and 0.5-1% of women above 50 years of age bear an AAA and it accounts for ~15,000 deaths per year in the United States alone. If left untreated, AAA might gradually expand until rupture; the most catastrophic complication of the aneurysmal disease that is accompanied by a striking overall mortality of 80%. The precise mechanisms leading to AAA rupture remains unclear. Therefore, characterization of disturbed hemodynamics within AAAs will help to understand the mechanobiological development of the condition which will contribute to novel therapies for the condition. Due to geometrical complexities, it is challenging to directly quantify disturbed flows for AAAs clinically. Two other approaches for this investigation are computational modeling and experimental flow measurement. In computational modeling, the problem is first defined mathematically, and the solution is approximated with numerical techniques to get characteristics of flow. In experimental flow measurement, once the setup providing physiological flow pattern in a phantom geometry is constructed, velocity measurement system such as particle image velocimetry (PIV) enables characterization of the flow. We witness increasing number of applications of these complimentary approaches for AAA investigations in recent years. In this paper, we outline the details of computational modeling procedures and experimental settings and summarize important findings from recent studies, which will help researchers for AAA investigations and rupture mechanics

    Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the kinesthetic and visual imagery questionnaire- 20

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    Amaç: Bildiğimiz kadarıyla Türkçe diline çevrilen ve yayınlanan bir imgeleme anketi yoktur. Bu çalışmanın amacı Kinestetik ve Görsel İmgeleme Anketi- 20’nin (KGIA-20) Türkçe diline çevirmek, geçerlik ve güvenirliğini araştırmak idi. Yöntem: Çalışmaya kırk dört kadın ve on beş erkek olmak üzere elli dokuz sağlıklı gönüllü dahil edildi. Anketin Türkçe’ye çevrilmesinin ardından KGIA-20’nin güvenirliği ile iç tutarlılığı test edildi. Test-tekrar test güvenirliğini değerlendirmek ve sınıf içi korelasyon katsayısını (ICC) hesaplamak amacıyla anket tüm katılımcılara iki kez uygulandı. Cronbach alfa değeri, anketin iç tutarlılığını belirlemek için hesaplandı. Anketin yapısal geçerliliğini değerlendirmek için açıklayıcı faktör analizi yapıldı. Bulgular: Cronbach alfa katsayıları tüm anket için kabul edilebilir seviyedeydi (test ve tekrar test için: 0.98 ve 0.98). Anketin bu değeri görsel maddeler için test ve tekrar test değerleri olarak sırasıyla 0.95 ve 0.95; kinestetik maddeler için 0.97 ve 0.96 olarak bulundu. Anketin görsel başlıklar için ICC katsayı değerleri (%95 güven aralığında (GA)) 0.61– 0.90; kinestetik maddeler için ise 0.59– 0.89 olarak bulundu. Faktör analiz sonuçları anketin iki faktörlü yapısının total varyansın %64.21’ini açıkladığını gösterdi. Sonuç: Bu çalışma, KGIA-20’nin Türkçe versiyonunun Türk toplumunda imgelemeyi değerlendiren geçerli ve güvenilir bir araç olduğunu gösterdi.Purpose: As far we know, there is no any imagery questionnaire translated into Turkish and published. The aim of this study was to translate the Kinesthetic and Visual Imagery Questionnaire-20 (KVIQ-20) into Turkish to investigate the validity and reliability. Methods: The study included forty four females and fifteen males, totally fifty nine healthy volunteers. After the questionnaire was translated into Turkish, the reliability and the internal consistency of KVIQ-20 was computed. The questionnaire was applied twice to all participants to evaluate the test-retest reliability and to calculate the "Intraclass Correlation Coefficient” (ICC) value. The Cronbach’s Alpha value was calculated to determine internal consistency. Exploratory factor analysis was used to determine the validity of the questionnaire. Results: The Cronbach’s Alpha value regarding the questionnaire taken as a whole was satisfactory (test-retest: 0.98-0.98). This value was found for visual items 0.95 for test and 0.95 for retest; for kinesthetic items 0.97 for test and 0.96 for retest. Intraclass correlation coefficients for visual items were ranges from 0.61 to 0.90 with 95% confidence interval (CI) and for kinesthetic items were ranges from 0.59 to 0.89. The factorial analyses indicated that two factors explained 64.21% of total variance. Conclusion: This study showed that Turkish version of the KVIQ-20 is a valid and reliable instrument to evaluate the imagery in the Turkish population

    The role of the state in the development of the indian automobile industry

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    Küreselleşmeyle birlikte üretim faaliyetleri kaynak ve karlılık açısından dünya genelinde yeniden dağılım göstermiş ve bazı bölgeler çeşitli endüstriler açısından cazibe merkezi haline gelmiştir. Hindistan'ın bu yeni düzende payına düşen sektörlerden biri de otomobil sektörü olmuştur. Nitekim Hindistan otomobil endüstrisi son on beş yılda büyük bir büyüme göstermiştir. Halihazırda ülke, otomobil üretiminde dünya dördüncüsü, ticari araç üretiminde ise dünya yedincisidir. Otomotiv sektörü Hindistan'ın ekonomik büyümesinin önemli belirleyicilerinden biridir. Otomotiv endüstrisinin ekonomide geriye ve ileriye doğru ve imalat sanayi ile bağlantıları kuvvetlidir. Dolayısıyla bu sektör ekonomik büyüme açısından büyük bir çarpan etkisi yaratmaktadır. Hindistan, ülke dinamiklerini ve dünyadaki talep yapısını dikkate alarak küçük, yakıt tasarrufu sağlayan, düşük fiyatlı otomobiller üretmeyi planlamaktadır ve halihazırda küresel otomobil üretim ağında önemli bir kompakt otomobil üreticisi olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Hindistan'ın önemli bir otomotiv üretim merkezi olmasının temel sebepleri arasında devletin otomobil endüstrisine yönelik uyguladığı politikalar, emek başta olmak üzere ucuz üretim faktörlerinin olması, bazı tarihsel ve coğrafi nedenler,nüfus artışı ve ekonomik büyümeye bağlı olarak otomobile olan artan iç talep yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Hindistan otomotiv sektörünü incelemek ve otomotiv endüstrisinde yaşanan gelişmelerde devlet politikalarının önemini tespit etmektir.Çalışmada milli otomotiv endüstrisi içinde binek araçların konumu incelenecektir, ticari araçlar kapsam dışıdır.Globalization has led production activities to be redistributed around the world in terms of resources and profitability, and some regions have become a center of attraction for various industries. In this new structuring, one of the sectors that falls to India’s share is the automobile sector. In fact, the Indian automobile industry has grown tremendously over the past fifteen years. Currently, the country is the biggest in the world in automobile production and the seventh in commercial vehicle production. The automotive industry is one of the key determinants of India's economic growth. The automotive industry has strong links in the economy with the backward and forward manufacturing industry. Therefore, this sector creates a great multiplier effect in terms of economic growth. India plans to produce small, fuel- saving, low-priced cars, taking into account the dynamics of the country and the demand structure in the world, and is currently emerging as an important compact car manufacturer in the global car production network. The government's policies towards the automobile industry, having cheap production factors - especially labor-some historical and geographical reasons, increased domestic demand for cars due to population growth and economic growth are important in turning India into an important automotive production center. The aim of this study is to examine the Indian automotive sector and to determine the importance of state policies in the developments in the automotive industry by analyzing national documents and official statistics on the sector. In the study, the position of passenger cars in the national automotive industry will be examined, commercial vehicles are excluded