14 research outputs found

    Será que a dosagem na educação para a abstinência faz a diferença?

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    Although past reviews uniformly criticized the efficacy and effectiveness of sexual abstinence in adolescents, new studies dispute the earlier findings. Studies that unpackage intervention programs provide one means of understanding why they succeed in some settings and not in others. This study examined 3183 students spread over 35 schools on the number of hours that they received in sexual abstinence education, in a context of health behaviors promotion. A multi-level analysis (HLM) was performed. The number of hours did not appear to make any difference in the outcome scores. Reasons for this finding are presented and their implications are provided.Embora a literatura duma forma generalizada tenha uniformemente criticado a eficácia dos programas de abstinência sexual em adolescentes, novos estudos parecem contestar os resultados iniciais. Estudos que descompactam os programas de intervenção fornecem um meio de entender por que os programas de abstinência podem ter sucesso em alguns contextos e não em outros. Este estudo analisou 3.183 alunos distribuídos por 35 escolas sobre o número de horas que eles receberam em educação para a abstinência sexual, num contexto de promoção de comportamentos saudáveis. Foi realizada uma análise multi-level (HLM). O número de horas não pareceu fazer diferença nos resultados obtidos. As razões para esta conclusão são apresentados e suas implicações são fornecidas

    Modeling abstinence education effectiveness

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    Background: Controversy about the effectiveness of abstinence education has posed troubling dilemmas for everyone involved in this area of study. Strident statements about the lack of efficacy of abstinence education have approached the level of bitter ideology. One remedy to lessen this focus on ideology is to provide a broader analysis of program efforts. Method: This paper provides an innovative analysis of a community-based abstinence education program that encompassed multiple schools across several counties that includes thousands of students. The design addressed many deficits in published studies; it used hierarchical linear modeling to remedy the design flaws of a simple pretest-posttest analysis. Results: Pretests were the principal predictors of posttest scores. Gender was also a significant predictor of posttest scores. Age however was not a significant predictor. An interaction between gender and age was a significant predictor although a three-way interaction of gender x age x race was not. Conclusion: Implications for the findings are stated with recommendations for further research

    Does Dosage in Abstinence Education Matter? Será que a Dosagem na Educação para a Abstinência faz a Diferença?

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    Abstract Although past reviews uniformly criticized the efficacy and effectiveness of sexual abstinence in adolescents, new studies dispute the earlier findings. Studies that unpackage intervention programs provide one means of understanding why they succeed in some settings and not in others. This study examined 3183 students spread over 35 schools on the number of hours that they received in sexual abstinence education, in a context of health behaviors promotion. A multi-level analysis (HLM) was performed. The number of hours did not appear to make any difference in the outcome scores. Reasons for this finding are presented and their implications are provided. Keywords: sexual abstinence education, effectiveness, HLM, dosagem Resumo Embora a literatura duma forma generalizada tenha uniformemente criticado a eficácia dos programas de abstinência sexual em adolescentes, novos estudos parecem contestar os resultados iniciais. Estudos que descompactam os programas de intervenção fornecem um meio de entender por que os programas de abstinência podem ter sucesso em alguns contextos e não em outros. Este estudo analisou 3.183 alunos distribuídos por 35 escolas sobre o número de horas que eles receberam em educação para a abstinência sexual, num contexto de promoção de comportamentos saudáveis. Foi realizada uma análise multi-level (HLM). O número de horas não pareceu fazer diferença nos resultados obtidos. As razões para esta conclusão são apresentados e suas implicações são fornecidas. Palavra

    Basit Doğrusal Regresyon Analizi İle Hiyerarşik Doğrusal Modeller Analizinin Karşılaştırılması

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    It is common to see hierarchical or nested data structure in many research areas. In education, students are placed within a hierarchical social structure such as classroom, school, city, country. The students in the same classroom or school exhibit more similar characteristics to each other than the students who are randomly selected from the population. Therefore it can not be said that the observations gathered from individuals in the same social unit are fully independent. However, one of the important assumptions in traditional statistical analysis procedures is the independence of observations. The problem that arouses with hierarchial data structures can be addressed with the hierarchical linear modeling procedures. In this paper, two-level hierarchical linear models have been introduced and the comparison of the analyses with simple linear regression and hierarchical linear modeling on TIMSS 1999 Turkey data have been provided

    A bibliometric analysis of moral and ethics in work life

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, akademik bilgi üretiminin önemli bir boyutunu oluşturan lisansüstü tezlerde çalışma ahlakı ve etrafındaki kavramların bibliyometrik olarak analiz edilmesidir. Ahlak kavramı, iyi ve kötüye, doğru ve yanlışa ait ilkeler olarak tanımlanırken; etik, davranışları dikkate alarak neyin iyi veya kötü; neyin doğru veya yanlış olduğunun ortaya konulmasıdır. Bu çalışmada, toplumda işe ve çalışmaya gösterilen tutumlar ve bu husustaki değerler anlamını taşıyan çalışma ahlakı kavramı ele alınmıştır. Bu araştırmada, Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu web sayfasında yer alan Ulusal Tez Merkezi veri tabanı üzerinden çalışma ahlakı, çalışma etiği, iş ahlakı, iş etiği, meslek ahlakı ve meslek etiği anahtar kelimeleri kullanılarak bu konularda yayınlanan lisansüstü tezler bibliyometrik analiz yapılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda, 1996–2019 yılları arasında yazılan 163 tez çalışmanın evrenini oluşturmaktadır. Tezlerin savunulduğu yıl, danışman unvanı, anabilim dalı, anahtar kelime, örneklem, araştırma metodu, kullanılan veri analiz tekniği gibi değişkenler ile değerlendirme yapılarak, Türkiye’de çalışma ahlakı ve etrafındaki kavramlarla ilgili yapılan lisansüstü tezlerin genel bir haritası çıkarılmıştır. Çalışmanın neticesinde, Türkiye’de ahlak ve etik ile ilgili çalışmaların birçok akademik alana yayıldığı, yapılan çalışmaların 2016-2019 yıllarında artış gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Etik ve ahlak kavramlarının tam olarak anlaşılmadığı ve birbirine karıştırıldığı ise araştırmanın bir başka sonucudur.The purpose of this study is to bibliometrically analyse the work ethics and the concepts around it regarding postgraduate theses, constituting an important dimension of academic information production. Whereas the concept of morals is defined as principles regarding good and bad, right and wrong; ethics is determination of what is good or bad, what is right or wrong considering acts. In this study, approaches towards business and work and the concept of morals of work, meaning the values in this regard, are discussed. In this paper, keywords, “work ethics”, “morals of business”, “business ethics”, “morals of profession” and “professional ethics” have been used through database of National Thesis Centre on the website of Council of Higher Education have been used postgraduate theses published in this fields have been evaluated by being analysed bibliometrically. In this direction, 163 theses, written between the years 1996 and 2019 constitute the sampe of the study. An evaluation has been made with variables such as the data analysis technique used, research method, sample, keyword, department, title of the supervisor, the year when the thesis was defended and a general map of the postgraduate theses have been created with respect to work ethics and concepts around it in Turkey. In conclusion of the study, it has been detected that studies related to moral and ethics in Turkey have been performed in most academic fields and the number of the studies were on increase between 2016 and 2019. The fact that the concepts of morals and ethics are not completely comprehended and they are mistaken for each other is another result of the research

    The Effects Of Student And School Level Characteristics On Academic Achievement Of Middle School Students In Turkey

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    The purpose of the study was to examine the student-level and school-level variability that affect middle school students' academic achievement. Student background and school context on student academic achievement were examined. Participants of the study consisted of 1053 seventh and eighth grade middle school students from 10 schools in the cities of Ankara and Sinop, Turkey. The research study analysed using two-level hierarchical linear modeling (HLM). Data were analysed with three HLM models: (1) random effects one-way ANOVA model, (2) random coefficients regression model, (3) intercepts and slopes-as outcomes model. The results of the analyses showed that at the student level, gender, SES, and number of siblings were found to have statistically significant effects on student GPA. When considering the practical importance of student level variables, SES, and number of siblings have small effects, but gender has a moderate effect on students' school achievements. On average, female students perform higher than male students in terms of their GPA scores. At the school level, educational school resources have a significant effect on predicting academic achievement. It has been shown that school resources have a moderate effect on students' academic achievements.Wo

    Investigation of the Performance of Multidimensional Equating Procedures for Common-Item Nonequivalent Groups Design

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    In this study, the performance of the multidimensional extentions of Stocking-Lord, mean/mean, and mean/sigma equating procedures under common-item nonequivalent groups design was investigated. The performance of those three equating procedures was examined under the combination of various conditions including sample size, ability distribution, correlation between two dimensions, and percentage of anchor items in the test. Item parameter recovery was evaluated calculating RMSE (root man squared error) and BIAS values. It was found that Stocking-Lord procedure provided the smaller RMSE and BIAS values for both item discrimination and item difficulty parameter estimates across most conditions