18 research outputs found

    Şantiyelerde Bilgi Modellemesi ve Dijital Teknolojilerin Kullanımı

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    Son 50 yılda, inşaat endüstrisi diğer endüstrilere kıyasla oldukça az teknolojik yeniliğe sahiptir. İnşaat endüstrisinin parçalı doğası ve projelerin bir kereye özgü oluşu yeniliklere karşı direnç göstermesine neden olmaktadır. Değişime olan bu ilgisizliğin yanı sıra verimlilik ve performansı arttırma ihtiyacı uzun bir süredir bilinmektedir. Yapı bilgi modellemesi (YBM), binaların tasarlanma, inşa ve işletilme şeklini hızla değiştiren devrim niteliğinde bir teknoloji ve süreçtir. Bu çalışmanın amacı tasarım aşamasında YBM süreçlerinde modellenen bilgilerin sahadaki personele hangi teknolojiler vasıtasıyla aktarıldığını tespit etmek ve sahadaki üretime sağladığı katkıyı incelemektir. Ayrıca Türk inşaat sektöründe YBM süreçleriyle yürütülen örnekleri incelemek ve sektörün yönelimini arttırmak için akademisyenler ve profesyoneller tarafından yapılan çalışmaları ortaya koymaktır. Araştırma sürecinde Türk inşaat sektöründe YBM uygulamaları incelenmiştir. Sektörde aktif olarak YBM teknolojilerini deneyimlemiş farklı paydaşları temsil eden beş profesyonelle yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Yapılan görüşmeler ve literatürden elde edilen veriler karşılaştırılmıştır. Süreçlerin dijitalleşme yönünde hızla ilerlediği fakat aktif şantiye ortamında hala paftaların kullanıldığı, üretim yapan işçilerin bilgiye geleneksel yöntemlerle ulaştığı görülmektedir. Üç boyutlu modellenen projenin iki boyutta paftaya dönüştürülme ihtiyacı zaman almakta ve mevcut bilginin veriminin azalmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu durumda sahada hala beklenen dijitalleşme sağlanamamıştır. Literatürde incelenen vaka çalışmalarında, şantiyeye kurulmuş dijital istasyonlarla modellere üç boyutlu olarak ulaşılan uygulamalar mevcuttur. Yatırımcının bütçesi dahilinde uygulanabilecek bu uygulama sahada kaybolan veriye çözüm olabilir. İncelenen örnekler ve yapılan görüşmelerde teknolojiye yapılan bu yatırımların işverene büyük oranda kar olarak döndüğü tespit edilmiştir. İşverenler ilk maliyete değil toplam kara odaklanmalılardır. Sektörün bu dönüşüme dahil olmaları rekabet avantajı sağlayacaktır

    Effect of Er,Cr:YSGG Laser on the Prevention of Primary and Permanent Teeth Enamel Demineralization: SEM and EDS Evaluation

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    WOS:000533848600009PubMed: 32427554Objective: To evaluate in vitro the effect of the erbium, chromium:yttrium-scandium-gallium-garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) laser on resistance of primary and permanent human enamel to demineralization using water cooling and fluoride coapplication as variable parameters. Methods: Enamel specimens were prepared from extracted primary and permanent teeth (n = 225 each). The specimens were separated into 15 subgroups (n = 15/group) based on laser application at three different power settings (0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 W), laser application with and without water cooling, and application of acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) gel before laser treatment. Morphological changes were assessed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the specimens' chemical contents were determined with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Results: In both the primary and permanent teeth, the highest Ca and P content was observed in the noncooled 0.75 W laser group (p 0.05). The Ca and P content for the noncooled APF +0.75 W laser group was lower than that for the APF group and the noncooled 0.75 W laser group. For both dentitions, the F mass content for the APF+laser groups was significantly higher than laser-only groups (p < 0.05). Under SEM, both the primary and permanent enamel exhibited cracks, craters, and surface roughness without water cooling, consistent with increased power output. Conclusions: Er,Cr:YSGG laser application at 0.75 W without water cooling increased enamel resistance to demineralization. Compared with topical APF application, Er,Cr:YSGG laser application barely improved enamel resistance against demineralization, and coapplication did not result in a synergistic effect

    Development of nanofiber based immunosorbent surface for the removal of fluoxetine from breast milk

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    In this study, novel bioactive material has been identified for the removal of fluoxetine from breast milk. For this purpose, the poly (vinyl alcohol)/poly (acrylic acid) based nanofiber with an antibody immobilized has been developed. The efficiency of this nanofiber was compared with the control pore glass (CPG) either in milk. The bioactive nanofiber removed fluoxetine significantly higher than the CPG. The efficiency of the fluoxetine removal with the nanofiber was 98% in breast milk. In conclusion, the nanofiber based immunosorbent surface that is developed in this study was found to be efficient for chemical sensing of fluoxetine. [GRAPHICS]

    Thermal, morphological, and spectral changes after Er, Cr:YSGG laser irradiation at low fluences on primary teeth for caries prevention

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    dogan, mustafa/0000-0002-3782-8640; Erkmen Almaz, Merve/0000-0001-6766-2023WOS:000590859700001PubMed: 33219723The aim of this study was to determine the temperature increase in the pulp chamber and possible thermal effects on molecular structure of primary teeth during the irradiation with Er,Cr:YSGG laser. Primary central incisors were divided into three groups (n = 20). Labial surfaces in each group were irradiated by Er,Cr:YSGG laser within different power and frequencies as following groups: I: 0.25 W, 20 Hz, II: 0.50 W, 20 Hz, III: 0.75 W, 20 Hz. A thermocouple was placed inside the pulp chamber so that the temperature increments were recorded during the enamel irradiation. Morphological changes of enamel surfaces were experimentally evaluated by SEM. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and RAMAN analyses were carried out to determine the differentiations in the molecular structure. The experimental results obtained were analyzed statistically by means of one-way analysis of variance. Statistically significant differences were detected between groups (p < .05). Group III exhibited the highest values for the temperature parameters. Besides, the conical craters, cracks, and formation of ablation areas were observed for all the groups. Also, it was obtained that the hydroxyapatite lost the hydroxyl ions due to the thermal effect of the laser. Temperature rise throughout the Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation for prevention of primary enamel demineralization presented a positive correlation with the laser output power level. The formations of adverse morphological and spectral changes were detected on the surface of teeth after the laser application. On this basis, the Er,Cr:YSGG laser applications should be treated with much more caution considering enamel surface and pulpal tissues in primary teeth

    Effects of L-Carnitine Theraphy On Methabolic and Biochemical Changes Caused By Propofol Infusion in Rabbits Undergoing Mechanical Ventilation

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    Objective: Increased lipid mass in the body secondary to long term and high doses of propofol infusion may cause carnitine deficiency. In this study; we aimed to investigate the effects of carnitine, given for treatment purposes and have not been analyzed before, during high doses of propofol infusion in rabbits. Materials and Methods: Following ethical committee approval; 2500-3500 grams weight, 3-4 months-old, healthy, male, white 20 New Zealand rabbits were included in the study. The rabbits were premedicated with xsilazine and atropine. After the preparation period including tracheostomy, monitorization, catheterization of the ear arteries and veins and urinary vesical; basal blood samples for biochemical and metabolic parameters included in the study were taken and rabbits were divided into 4 groups, 5 rabbits in each,randomly (Group P, Group PC, Group S, Group SC). For sedation 20 mg/kg/h propofol infusion was given to Group P, 20 mg/kg/h propofol and 100 mg/kg L-carnitine infusions were given simultaneously to Group PC, sevoflurane for sedation was given to Group S, sevoflurane and L-carnitine infusion were given simultaneously to Group SC. Their sedation levels were evaluated every 30 minutes and their vital signs were reported every 15 minutes. Every 2 hours arterial blood gases analysis and every 12 hours electrolytes and metabolic parameters were repeated. Euthanasia with high doses (60 mg/kg) of ketamin is performed for rabbits that were alive at the end of 24 hours. Results: All groups were similar in weight, vital parameters, all parameters searched in arterial blood gases, life time, liver enzymes, lactate dehydrogenase, serum electrolytes, creatine kinase and renal function tests (p>0.05). However; amylase levels before death or euthanasia were lower in Group PC compared to other groups;myoglobin and CK-MB levels in Group P were higher compared to other groups; cholesterol levels at 12th hour, before death or euthanasia were higher in Group P and Group PC compared to other groups; low density lipoprotein levels at 12th hour were higher in Group S and Group SC compared to other groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: In the light of the results of our study; we think that further research investigating carnitine and its metabolites during increased lipid mass in the body secondary to long term and high doses of propofol infusion or its suspicion in humans and carnitine replacement in the case of carnitine deficiency. (Journal of the Turkish Society Intensive Care 2011; 9:38-47

    Beyaz lahana ekstresi amiodaronun sıçanlarda kalp dokusu üzerindeki zararlı etkilerini iyileştirir

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    Objective: Amiodarone is used in the treatment of arrhythmia and has been shown to cause side effects in various organs. White cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) is a widely consumed vegetable. The effects of exposure to amiodarone and white cabbage consumption on heart tissue has not previously been investigated. We aimed to investigate the effects of white cabbage extract on amiodarone given to rats’ cardiac tissues. Material and Method: Rats were given white cabbage extract and amiodarone by gavage for seven days. Amiodarone was applied 1 hour after administration of the white cabbage extract. On the eighth day, the hearts of the animals were taken and homogenized. The levels of lipid peroxidation (LPO), reduced glutathione (GSH), sialic acid (SA) and activities of glutathione-S-transferase (GST), catalase, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and tissue factor (TF) were determined. Results: The GSH level, CAT and SOD activities decreased, while the LPO and SA levels increased in the amiodarone treated group. The White cabbage extract prevented any damage of the amiodarone by decreasing the amount of LPO and SA and also strengthened the antioxidant defence system by increasing the amount of the GSH and SOD activities and the CAT and GST activities. Conclusion: It is suggested that the consumption of white cabbage could be an alternative approach to the prevention of the adverse effects of amiodarone on heart tissue.Amaç: Aritmi tedavisinde kullanılan amiodaronun çeşitli organlarda yan etkilere neden olduğu gösterilmiştir. Beyaz lahana (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) yaygın olarak tüketilen bir sebzedir. Amiodaron maruziyeti ve beyaz lahana tüketiminin kalp dokusu üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmamıştır. Beyaz lahana ekstraktının amiodaron uygulanan sıçanların kalp dokuları üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Sıçanlara yedi gün boyunca gavajla beyaz lahana ekstresi ve amiodaron verildi. Beyaz lahana ekstresinin uygulanmasından 1 saat sonra amiodaron uygulandı. Sekizinci günde, hayvanların kalpleri alındı ve homojenize edildi. Lipit peroksidasyon (LPO), indirgenmiş glutatyon (GSH), siyalik asit (SA) düzeyleri ile glutatyon-S-transferaz (GST), katalaz, süperoksit dismutaz (SOD) ve doku faktörü (TF) aktiviteleri belirlendi. Bulgular: Amiodaron verilen grupta GSH, CAT, SOD aktiviteleri azalırken LPO ve SA seviyeleri arttı. Beyaz lahana, LPO ve SA miktarını azaltarak amiodaron zararını önledi. Ayrıca GSH düzeyleri ile SOD, CAT ve GST aktivitelerini artırarak antioksidan savunma sistemini güçlendirdi. Sonuç: Beyaz lahana tüketiminin, amiodaronun kalp dokusunda olumsuz etkilerini önlemek için alternatif bir yaklaşım olabileceği ileri sürülebilir