4,990 research outputs found

    Combined docking and grasping device

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    A combined docking and grasping device for use with a manipulator arm on a docking vehicle and the like for mechanically connecting a docking vehicle with an orbital payload having a receptacle for receiving the device is described. The device includes a pair of opposing jaw members having opposing serrated surfaces for grasping an object and a triangular cam portion on an outer surface for insertion and interlocking with an orbital payload

    Attenuation measurements in artificial clouds Final technical report

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    Attenuation and near-forward scattering of both ice and water fogs and dependence of spectral curves of transmittance on particle size distributio

    Apparatus for assembling space structure

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    An apparatus for producing a structure in outer space from rolls of prepunched ribbon or sheet material that are transported from the earth to the apparatus located in outer space is described. The apparatus spins the space structure similar to a spider spinning a web utilizing the prepunched ribbon material. The prepunched ribbon material is fed through the apparatus and is shaped into a predetermined channel-shaped configuration. Trusses are punched out of the ribbon and are bent downwardly and attached to a track which normally is a previously laid sheet of material. The size of the overall space structure may be increased by merely attaching an additional roll of sheet material to the apparatus

    Polar plasmas as observed by Dynamics Explorers 1 and 2

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    Plasma measurements from the Dynamics Explorer 1 and 2 satellites were used to characterize the polar cap environment. Analysis of numerous polar-cap passes indicate that, in general, three major regimes of plasma exist: (1) polar rain--electrons with magnetosheath-like energy spectra but much lower densities, most intense near the cusp and weakening toward the central polar cap; (2) polar wind--low energy upward flowing ions with both field-aligned and conical distributions; and (3) acceleration events--sporadic events consistent with the acceleration of electrons and positive ions by parallel electric fields. (1) to (3) were observed at high altitudes by Dynamics Explorer 1, while (1) and (3) were also observed at low altitudes by Dynamics Explorer 2. The plasma parameters associated with these plasma regimes are presented and discussed in terms of source and acceleration mechanisms

    The relationships between high latitude convection reversals and the energetic particle morphology observed by the Atmosphere Explorer

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    Simultaneous measurements of the auroral zone particle precipitation and the ion convection velocity by Atmosphere Explorer show a consistent difference between the location of the poleward boundary of the auroral particle precipitation and the ion convection reversal. The difference of about 1.5 degrees of invariant latitude is such that some part of the antisunward convection lies wholly within the auroral particle precipitation region. The nature of the convection reversals within the precipitation region suggests that in this region the convection electric field is generated on closed field lines that connect in the magnetosphere to the low latitude boundary layer

    Empty spaces and the value of symbols: Estonia's 'war of monuments' from another angle

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    Taking as its point of departure the recent heightened discussion surrounding publicly sited monuments in Estonia, this article investigates the issue from the perspective of the country's eastern border city of Narva, focusing especially upon the restoration in 2000 of a 'Swedish Lion' monument to mark the 300th anniversary of Sweden's victory over Russia at the first Battle of Narva. This commemoration is characterised here as a successful local negotiation of a potentially divisive past, as are subsequent commemorations of the Russian conquest of Narva in 1704. A recent proposal to erect a statue of Peter the Great in the city, however, briefly threatened to open a new front in Estonia's ongoing 'war of monuments'. Through a discussion of these episodes, the article seeks to link the Narva case to broader conceptual issues of identity politics, nationalism and post-communist transition

    Yosemite Conference on Ionospheric Plasma in the Magnetosphere: Sources, Mechanisms and Consequences, meeting report

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    The sixth biennial Yosemite topical conference and the first as a Chapman Conference was held on February 3 to 6, 1986. Due to the recent changes in our perception of the dynamics of the ionospheric/magnetospheric system, it was deemed timely to bring researchers together to discuss and contrast the relative importance of solar versus terrestrial sources of magnetospheric plasma. Although the solar wind was once thought to dominate the supply of plasma in the Earth's magnetosphere, it is now thought that the Earth's ionosphere is a significant contributor. Polar wind and other large volume outflows of plasma have been seen at relatively high altitudes over the polar cap and are now being correlated with outflows found in the magnetotail. The auroral ion fountain and cleft ion fountain are examples of ionospheric sources of plasma in the magnetosphere, observed by the Dynamics Explorer 1 (DE 1) spacecraft. The conference was organized into six sessions: four consisting of prepared oral presentations, one poster session, and one session for open forum discussion. The first three oral sessions dealt separately with the three major topics of the conference, i.e., the sources, mechanisms, and consequences of ionospheric plasma in the magnetosphere. A special session of invited oral presentations was held to discuss extraterrestrial ionospheric/magnetospheric plasma processes. The poster session was extended over two evenings during which presenters discussed their papers on a one-on-one basis. The last session of the conferences was reserved for open discussions of those topics or ideas considered most interesting or controversial

    Coupling Between An Optical Phonon and the Kondo Effect

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    We explore the ultra-fast optical response of Yb_{14}MnSb_{11}, providing further evidence that this Zintl compound is the first ferromagnetic, under-screened Kondo lattice. These experiments also provide the first demonstration of coupling between an optical phonon mode and the Kondo effect.Comment: 4 Pages, 3 Figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Report from magnetospheric science

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    By the early 1990s, magnetospheric physics will have progressed primarily through observations made from Explorer-class spacecraft, sounding rockets, ground based facilities, and shuttle based experiments. The global geospace science (GGS) element of the International Solar Terrestrial Physics program, when combined with contributions to the ESA Cluster mission and ground based and computer modeling programs, will form the basis for a major U.S. initiative in magnetospheric physics. The scientific objectives of the GGS program involve the study of energy transport throughout geospace. The Cluster mission will investigate turbulence and boundary phenomena in geospace, particularly at high latitudes on the dayside and in the region of the neutral sheet at geocentric distances of about 20 earth radii on the night side of the earth. The current state of knowledge is reviewed and the goals of these missions are briefly discussed

    Impurity Band Conduction in a High Temperature Ferromagnetic Semiconductor

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    The band structure of a prototypical dilute ferromagnetic semiconductor, Ga1−x_{1-x}Mnx_{x}As, is studied across the phase diagram via optical spectroscopy. We prove that the Fermi energy (EFE_{F}) resides in a Mn induced impurity band (IB). This conclusion is based upon careful analysis of the frequency and temperature dependence of the optical conductivity (σ1(ω,T)\sigma_{1}(\omega,T)). From our analysis of σ1(ω,T)\sigma_{1}(\omega,T) we infer a large effective mass (m∗m^*) of the carriers, supporting the view that conduction occurs in an IB. Our results also provide useful insights into the transport properties of Mn-doped GaAs.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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