68 research outputs found

    Editing texts: notes about Annibal Caro’s letters

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    The essay wants to review the stages of writings of some literary works which Annibal Caro is involved in the role of author or reviser, in collaboration with editors as Antonio Blado and Paolo Manuzio, attending their manuscript or printed tradition. Further, a close study of the letters of Annibal Caro allow to trace the historical and the cultural background that influenced the composition of a text, earlier or later his printing.Il saggio si propone di ripercorrere, attraverso l’epistolario di Annibal Caro, alcuni momenti della stesura di opere letterarie cui lo stesso Caro ha preso parte come autore o come revisore, collaborando a stretto contatto con gli editori Antonio Blado e Paolo Manuzio. Particolare attenzione sarà rivolta poi allo specifico contesto storico-culturale col tentativo di riproporre il quadro d’ambiente che, con le sue reti amicali, deve aver influito nella prassi ecdotica dell’opera letteraria, dalla sua prima circolazione manoscritta all’arrivo in tipografia

    The copialettere of Francesco Guicciardini: diary of a lieutenancy before the sack of Rome

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    La tesi di dottorato ha come oggetto di ricerca un copialettere appartenuto a Francesco Guicciardini e rinvenuto da Roberto Ridolfi nei primi anni del Novecento. Il testimone si trova nelle filze XXI e XXII dell’Archivio Guicciardini e in un faldone delle carte Strozziane (ASF I 130) dell’Archivio di Stato di Firenze. Si tratta di un residuo di un codice cartaceo, composto da 151 carte, corrispondenti a 50 unità codicologiche di varia dimensione. Il codice è integralmente apografo, se non per tre sole note autografe di Francesco Guicciardini, e raccoglie la copia di ben 258 missive ‒ comprendenti lettere inviate, riassunti di lettere in entrata, istruzioni e carteggi tra altri corrispondenti ‒ tutte ascrivibili tra l’8 giugno 1526 e il 18 febbraio 1527, quando Guicciardini era impegnato, nelle vesti di luogotenente, nell’esercito pontificio. Sulla scorta degli studi pregressi, si propone uno studio di questo corpus epistolare, con il tentativo di definirne un’attribuzione e una datazione certe. Un esame quantitativo e qualitativo delle varianti tra le missive conservate all’interno del copialettere e il loro modello, le lettere minute, ha infatti mostrato una complessa riorganizzazione della struttura epistolare e una profonda rielaborazione formale del dettato a livello sintattico, morfologico e lessicale. L’insieme di tali fattori, avallati da un’ulteriore collazione tra l’esemplare del copialettere, delle minute e degli originali, anch’essi frutto di un’operazione di copia, ha potuto confermare la paternità guicciardiniana del codice. La ricerca prosegue con un raffronto tra il copialettere e alcuni brani tratti dal secondo libro dei Commentari della luogotenenza, poi confluiti nel XVII libro della Storia d’Italia, per tentare di comprendere le modalità di utilizzo di questa specialissima compagine epistolare.The object of the doctoral thesis is a copialettere that belonged to Francesco Guicciardini and was found by Roberto Ridolfi in the early twentieth century. The witness is located in the Guicciardini Archive and in the State Archive of Florence (Carte Strozziane, ASF I 130). It is a residue of a paper codex, composed of 151 papers, corresponding to 50 codicological units of various sizes. The codex is entirely apograph, with the exception of only three autograph notes by Francesco Guicciardini, and contains copies of 258 letters - including sent letters, summaries of incoming letters, instructions and correspondence between other correspondents - all of which can be dated between 8 June 1526 and 18 February 1527, when Guicciardini was serving as lieutenant in the papal army. On the basis of previous researches, a study of this corpus of correspondence is proposed, with the attempt to define a precise attribution and dating. A quantitative and qualitative examination of the variants between the letters preserved in the letter-copies and their model, the minute letters, has in fact shown a complex reorganisation of the epistolary structure and a profound formal reworking of the dictation at syntactic, morphological and lexical levels. The combination of these factors, supported by a further collation between the copialettere, the minute letters and the originals, which are also the result of a copying operation, was able to confirm Guicciardini's authorship of the codex. The research continues with a comparison between the copialettere and some passages from the second book of the Commentari della luogotenenza, later included in the seventeenth book of the Storia d'Italia, in an attempt to understand how this very special epistolary collection was used

    Surface electromyography low-frequency content: Assessment in isometric conditions after electrocardiogram cancellation by the Segmented-Beat Modulation Method

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    Background: Surface electromyography (SEMG) is widely used in clinics for assessing muscle functionality. All procedures proposed for noise reduction alter SEMG spectrum, especially in the low-frequency band (below 30 Hz). Indeed, low-frequency band is generally addressed to motion artifacts and electrocardiogram (ECG) interference without any further investigation on the possibility of SEMG having significant spectral content. The aim of the present study was evaluating SEMG frequency content to understand if low-frequency spectral content is negligible or, on the contrary, represents a significant SEMG portion potentially providing relevant clinical information. Method: Isometric recordings of five muscles (sternocleidomastoideus, erectores spinae at L4, rectus abdominis, rectus femoris and tibialis anterior) were acquired in 10 young healthy voluntary subjects. These recordings were not affected by motion artifacts by construction and were pre-processed by the Segmented-Beat Modulation Method for ECG deletion before performing spectral analysis. Results: Results indicated that SEMG frequency content is muscle and subject dependent. Overall, the 50th[25th;75th] percentiles spectrum median frequency and spectral power below 30 Hz were 74[54; 87] Hz and 18[10; 31] % of total (0–450 Hz) spectral power. Conclusions: Low-frequency spectral content represents a significant SEMG portion and should not be neglected. Keywords: Surface electromyographic signal, Electromyographic spectrum, Segmented-Beat Modulation Method, Non-linear filtering, Spectral analysi

    The challenge of sustainability in healthcare systems: Frequency and cost of inappropriate patterns of breast cancer care (the E.Pic.A study).

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    Abstract Objectives In a context of decreasing economic health resources and a rise in health needs, it is urgent to face this sustainability crisis through the analysis of healthcare expenditures. Wastages, deriving from inappropriate interventions, erode resources which could be reallocated to high-value activities. To identify these areas of wastages, we developed a method for combining and analyzing data from multiple sources. Here we report the preliminary results of a retrospective cohort study evaluating the performance of breast cancer (BC) care at IRST, an Italian cancer institute. Materials and methods Four data sources gathered in a real-world setting (a clinical database, two administrative databases and a cancer registry) were linked. Essential Key Performance Indexes (KPIs) in the pattern of BC diagnosis (KPI 1 and 2) and treatment (KPI 3 and 4) based on current guidelines were developed by a board of professionals. The costs of inappropriate examinations were associated with the diagnostic KPIs. Results We found that 2798 patients treated at IRST from January 2010 to June 2016 received a total of 2516 inappropriate examinations accounting for € 573,510.80. Linkage from multiple routine healthcare data sources is feasible: it allows the measurement of important KPIs specifically designed for BC care, and the identification of areas of low-value use of the resources. Conclusion If systematically applied, this method could help provide a complete picture of inappropriateness and waste, redirect these resources to higher-value interventions for patients, and fill the gap between proper use of the resources and the best clinical results

    Intravenous methylprednisolone pulses in hospitalised patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia, A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial

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    Rationale: Pulse glucocorticoid therapy is used in hyperinflammation related to coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). We evaluated the efficacy and safety of pulse intravenous methylprednisolone in addition to standard treatment in COVID-19 pneumonia. Methods: In this multicenter, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 304 hospitalised patients with Covid-19 pneumonia were randomised to receive 1 g of methylprednisolone intravenously for 3 consecutive days or placebo in addition to standard dexamethasone. The primary outcome was the duration of the patient hospitalisation, calculated as the time interval between randomisation and hospital discharge without the need of supplementary oxygen. The key secondary outcomes were survival free from invasive ventilation with orotracheal intubation and overall survival. Results: Overall, 112 of 151 (75.4%) patients in the pulse methylprednisolone arm and 111 of 150 (75.2%) in the placebo arm were discharged from hospital without oxygen within 30 days from randomisation. Median time to discharge was similar in both groups [15 days (95% confidence interval (CI), 13.0 to 17.0) and 16 days (95%CI, 13.8 to 18.2); hazard ratio (HR), 0.92; 95% CI 0.71-1.20; p=0.528]. No significant differences between pulse methylprednisolone and placebo arms were observed in terms of admission to Intensive Care Unit with orotracheal intubation or death (20.0% versus 16.1%; HR, 1.26; 95%CI, 0.74-2.16; p=0.176), or overall mortality (10.0% versus 12.2%; HR, 0.83; 95%CI, 0.42-1.64; p=0.584). Serious adverse events occurred with similar frequency in the two groups. Conclusions: Methylprenisolone pulse therapy added to dexamethasone was not of benefit in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Message of the study: Pulse glucocorticoid therapy is used for severe and/or life threatening immuno-inflammatory diseases. The addition of pulse glucocorticoid therapy to the standard low dose of dexamethasone scheme was not of benefit in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia

    [recensione a] R. Ruggiero, Machiavelli e la crisi dell'analogia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015

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    La recensione si propone di illustrare la ricerca di Raffaele Ruggiero incentrata sulla figura di Niccolò Machiavelli, indagando in particolare quanto l'esperienza delle guerre d'Italia abbia influito sul sistema teoretico machiavelliano

    «Voi m'havete tocco a punto dove mi duole». Tracce di deriva trattatistica nelle Lettere Familiari di Annibal Caro

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    La contribution vise à illustrer et à étudier la variété des styles et des genres qui caractérisent le livre de lettres d'Annibal Caro


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    La contribution se propose d'étudier les arguments ainsi que les mouvements rhétoriques et stylistiques de la " catabasis morale " présente dans les deux oraisons - Accusatoria et Defensoria - et dans les Consolatoria, exercices de " dédoublement " qui, bien que destinés à rester inédits, confirment, dans leurs variantes autographes, l'attention formelle combinée à la pratique habituelle de l'écriture et de la réécriture ad se ipsum comme instrument de clarification intellectuelle, tentée, cette fois, par un auteur en crise dans la crise, réduit à constater sans aucun pouvoir d'intervention sur la réalité

    Il copialettere di Francesco Guicciardini: cronaca di una luogotenenza

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    La contribuition souhaite une première étude sur le copialetere appartenu à Francesco Guicciardini, à travers un examen quantitatif et qualitatif des variantes entre les missives conservées dans le copialettere et leur modèle, les lettres minutes, et les originaux. Les résultats de cette analyse montrent une réorganisation complexe de la structure épistolaire et une profonde mutation formelle de la dictée aux niveaux syntaxique, morphologique et lexical, attribuable à Francesco Guicciardini et vraisemblablement liée à la rédaction de certains passages du deuxième livre des Commentari della luogotenenza, incorporés ensuite au dix-septième livre de la Storia d'Italia

    A proposito dei criteri di edizione per gli epistolari del cinquecento

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    Il contributo si propone di discutere il metodo nella selezione dei criteri di edizione per i testi epistolari del Cinquecento, portando come exempla i casi di Annibal Caro e Francesco Guicciardini
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