22 research outputs found

    The English School and Global IR - a research agenda

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    This paper explores the different ways in which the English School of International Relations (ES) can contribute to the broader Global IR research agenda. After identifying some of the shared concerns between the ES and Global IR, such as the emphasis placed on history and culture, the paper proceeds with discussing what the authors believe to be the areas in which the ES can align itself more closely with the ideas and values underpinning Global IR: a more thorough engagement with the origins of global international society rooted in dispossession, violence, and colonialism; a more localised and diverse understanding of ‘society’; a sharper and more grounded conceptualisation of ‘the state’ as a basic ontology; an embracement of the interpretivist principle of charity; and a problematisation of assumptions of ‘globality’ of international society. The paper concludes with a tentative research agenda, emphasising the value of fieldwork, local practices and languages, archives, and a theorisation of international society that is grounded in the very social contexts being investigated.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Mismatch Negativity (MMN) response studies in elderly subjects

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    Mismatch Negativity é potencial endógeno que reflete o processamento de diferenças ocorridas no estímulo acústico. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar as respostas do MMN em sujeitos idosos, comparar com sujeitos adultos. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo, com 30 sujeitos, 15 do gênero masculino e 15 do gênero masculino, com idade entre 60 e 80 anos e 11 meses. Teste estatístico Mann-Whitney. Os sujeitos passaram por avaliação médica e pelos exames de Audiometria Tonal Liminar, Imitanciometria, Emissões Otoacústicas e Potenciais Auditivos de Curta e Longa Latência (MMN). RESULTADOS: A latência média foi de 161,33ms (CZA2) e 148,67ms (CZA1), gênero feminino; de 171ms (CZA2) e 159,07ms (CZA1), gênero masculino. A amplitude média foi de -2,753µV (CZA2) e -2,177µV (CZA1), gênero feminino; de -1,847µV (CZA2) e -1,953µV (CZA1), gênero masculino. Quanto aos hemisférios direito e esquerdo, variável latência, média de 166ms (CZA2) e 153,87ms (CZA1); para a variável amplitude, média de -2,316µV (CZA2) e -2,065µV (CZA1). CONCLUSÃO: Não há diferença estatística significante entre as variáveis latência e amplitude, ao se comparar os gêneros masculino e feminino, os lados direito e esquerdo nos sujeitos idosos e entre as idades cronológicas adultos e idosos.Mismatch Negativity is an endogenous potential which reflects the processing of differences incurred in the acoustic stimulus. AIM: to characterize MMN responses in elderly subjects and compare with adult subjects. MATERIALS AND METHODS: prospective study involving 30 subjects, 15 men and 15 women, aged between 60 and 80 years and 11 months. Statistical test: Mann-Whitney. The subjects went through medical evaluation, threshold tonal audiometry, immittance tests, otoacoustic emissions and short and long latency auditory potentials (MMN). RESULTS: mean latency was 161.33 ms (CZA2) and 148.67 ms (CZA1), in women; of 171 ms (CZA2) and 159.07 ms (CZA1), men. Mean amplitude was -2.753 µV (CZA2) and -2.177 µV (CZA1), women; -1.847 µV (CZA2) and -1.953 µV (CZA1), men. As to the right and left hemispheres, mean latency variable of 166 ms (CZA2) and 153.87 ms (CZA1); for the amplitude variable, mean value of -2.316 µV (CZA2) and -2.065 µV (CZA1). CONCLUSION: there is no statistically significant difference between the latency and amplitude when we compared males and females, right and left sides in the elderly and between chronologic ages between adults and elderly subjects

    Standard of civilization, nomadism and territoriality in nineteenth-century international society

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    In this chapter, the encounter between the Russian Empire and the nomads of the Eurasian steppe in the nineteenth century is analyzed using the theoretical framework of the standard of civilization. The creation of the Westphalian state-model in Europe in the seventeenth century, linked to the later emergence of the notion of the standard of civilization led to the ‘othering’ of the nomads of the Eurasian steppe as barbarians, as a threat to the borders of civilized Europe. The chapter presents also an argument to define ‘territoriality’ as not only an institution of international society of the time but also as a distinctive quality and requirement for being considered ‘civilized’. In this analytical framework, the nomads become the ‘other’, the ‘alien’, the ‘menace’, onto which projections of rationality and modernity were cast in order to prevent threats to Russia’s European and civilized identity. The chapter sheds light on the encounter between ‘fixed’ and ‘mobile’ units in the course of expansion of international society; contextualizes the role played by nomadic tribes in resisting the application of Westphalian spatial categories in the Eurasian space; and scrutinizes what the role of nomads was in constructing a European, civilized identity.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Figure 7 in Comparative genetic differentiation study of three coexisting mangrove crabs in western Atlantic

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    Figure 7. Mismatch distribution for mtDNA COI of respective clades I (a), II (b), and III (c) of Aratus pisonii; clades I (d), and II (e) of Leptuca thayeri; and for all samples of Goniopsis cruentata (f), showing the frequency of distribution of the number of pairwise nucleotide differences among all individuals, under the sudden expansion model. Columns show the observed frequency distribution and the lines represent the simulated values under the sudden expansion model. Statistics for SSD and HRI with probability values are indicated.Published as part of <i>Buranelli, R. C. & Mantelatto, F. L., 2020, Comparative genetic differentiation study of three coexisting mangrove crabs in western Atlantic, pp. 2883-2903 in Journal of Natural History 53 (47-48)</i> on page 2896, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2020.1751889, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10086793">http://zenodo.org/record/10086793</a&gt

    Comparative genetic differentiation study of three coexisting mangrove crabs in western Atlantic

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    Buranelli, R. C., Mantelatto, F. L. (2020): Comparative genetic differentiation study of three coexisting mangrove crabs in western Atlantic. Journal of Natural History 53 (47-48): 2883-2903, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2020.1751889, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2020.175188

    La necropoli di Casale del Fosso

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    Sintesi dei dati sulla necropoli veiente in località Casale del Fosso (Atti della Giornata di studio in onore di Massimo Pallottino tenuta all'Università di Roma la Sapienza il 9 novembre 1995). L'autrice si è occupata in particolare di dati e riflessioni sui caratteri della necropoli nell'VIII secolo a.C. in relazione alla definizione della cultura materiale, dell'ideologia funeraria e delle relazioni di Veio con le altre comunità della penisola e quelle allogene in tale cruciale periodo

    Figure 3 in Comparative genetic differentiation study of three coexisting mangrove crabs in western Atlantic

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    Figure 3. Map showing the sampling sites for Goniopsis cruentata along the western Atlantic, with collection localities (circles) inside each designated population (dashed areas – names indicated). Different colours represent different populations. States and/or countries of each locality are indicated. For each population, the number of sequences obtained for both mtDNA COI and 16S rDNA genes is indicated. Details of the localities sampled are reported in Table 1. Abbreviations of States: Mexico: VZ: Veracruz; TS: Tamaulipas; YN: Yucatán; Brazil: AP: Amapá; PA: Pará; CE: Ceará; RN: Rio Grande do Norte; PE: Pernambuco; AL: Alagoas; BA: Bahia; ES: Espírito Santo; RJ: Rio de Janeiro; SP: São Paulo; SC: Santa Catarina.Published as part of <i>Buranelli, R. C. & Mantelatto, F. L., 2020, Comparative genetic differentiation study of three coexisting mangrove crabs in western Atlantic, pp. 2883-2903 in Journal of Natural History 53 (47-48)</i> on page 2892, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2020.1751889, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10086793">http://zenodo.org/record/10086793</a&gt

    Figure 1 in Comparative genetic differentiation study of three coexisting mangrove crabs in western Atlantic

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    Figure 1. Map showing the sampling sites for Aratus pisonii along the western Atlantic, with collection localities (circles) inside each designated population (dashed areas – names indicated). Different colours represent different populations. States and/or countries of each locality are indicated. For each population, the number of sequences obtained for both mtDNA COI and 16S rDNA genes is indicated. Details of the localities sampled are reported in Table 1. Abbreviations of States: Mexico: CC: Campeche; VZ: Veracruz; TC: Tabasco; TS: Tamaulipas; YN: Yucatán; Brazil: AP: Amapá; PA: Pará; MA: Maranhão; CE: Ceará; RN: Rio Grande do Norte; PE: Pernambuco; AL: Alagoas; BA: Bahia; ES: Espírito Santo; RJ: Rio de Janeiro; SP: São Paulo; PR: Paraná; SC: Santa Catarina.Published as part of <i>Buranelli, R. C. & Mantelatto, F. L., 2020, Comparative genetic differentiation study of three coexisting mangrove crabs in western Atlantic, pp. 2883-2903 in Journal of Natural History 53 (47-48)</i> on page 2885, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2020.1751889, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10086793">http://zenodo.org/record/10086793</a&gt