324 research outputs found

    Creative Experimentation with Enamel in Jewelry

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    It was the purpose of this study (1) to explore the numerous possibilities of combining enamel and sterling silver, (2) to develop strength of expression and technical proficiency through the medium of jewelry, (3) to explore techniques applicable for use in the junior and senior high school, and (4) to produce a wide range of examples (necklace, bracelet, cuff links, etc.) for demonstration purposes

    Working in Regional Agro-food Networks – Strengthening Rural Development through Cooperation

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    Regional agro-food networks have an impact on the development of rural regions. Networks give small and medium sized enterprises the opportunity to gain access to further markets (e.g. through offering a wider common product range), to conduct more effective marketing or to synergize the variety of skills and know-how of the network partners. Networks of the agricultural and food economy are also seen as a chance for rural regions because they can positively influence social and cultural lives as well as the natural and economic areas in regions.We analysed regional networks of the agricultural and food economy, investigated the strengths and weaknesses in the structure of agro-food networks and developed options for action to strengthen the collaboration within the networks and their regional marketing.In our paper we present the results of one case study in Eastern Germany. We show our findings of a strengths and weaknesses analysis and a constellation analysis. Therefore, success factors were identified and used to evaluate the networks qualitatively. In addition, we discuss how regional networks can support regional marketing and sustainable regional development

    Simulation der Lichtkurven orbitaler Objekte und Vergleich mit Messungen

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    Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung des Rotationsverhaltens von Weltraumschrott anhand realer und simulierter Lichtkurven. Die realen Lichtkurven wurden am Forschungsobservatorium auf der Uhlandshöhe in Stuttgart (UFO) im Jahr 2016 aufgenommen. Ein Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bildet die Entwicklung des Simulationsprogramms RaxusPrime zur Erzeugung von simulierten Lichtkurven. Dabei wird realitätsgetreu und dreidimensional die Beobachtung von bekanntem Weltraumschrott mit Hilfe der Bahndaten aus dem NORAD Katalog rekonstruiert. Mit dem Simulationsprogramm ist es möglich, unter Verwendung geeigneter Rotationsparameter reale Lichtkurven näherungsweise nachzubilden. Untersucht wurden simulierte Lichtkurven einfacher geometrischer Grundkörper mit unterschiedlichem Rotationsverhalten im Orbit des Geosynchronous–Earth–Orbit (GEO) und Low–Earth–Orbit (LEO). Hieraus leitet sich folgende Erkenntnis ab: Lichtkurvenverläufe sind grundsätzlich von der Größe und Helligkeit der Flächenprojektion eines Körpers relativ zum Beobachter abhängig. Das wird wiederum durch sein Rotationsverhalten beeinflusst. Während im GEO die Amplituden nahezu konstant verlaufen, zeigt der Amplitudenverlauf im LEO eine glockenförmige Form auf. Dieser Verlauf wird durch das Rotationsverhalten mit einer höherfrequenten Helligkeitsschwankung überlagert. Verwendete Methoden zur Frequenzbestimmung sind in der Lichtkurvenanalyse die Fast–Fourier–Transformation (FFT) und das Lomb–Scargle Periodogramm. Beide Methoden wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit auf ihre Anwendbarkeit bei simulierten und realen Lichtkurven geprüft. Die analysierte Lichtkurvenfrequenz ist proportional zur Rotationsfrequenz und ergibt sich aus der Symmetrie des Körpers um die Drehachse. Je nach Einbeziehung der Symmetrie ähneln die Frequenzwerte realer Lichtkurven den in der Forschungsliteratur gefundenen Werten

    Herausforderung Nachhaltigkeit: sozial-ökologische Orientierungen für die Entwicklung ländlicher Räume

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    Ländliche Räume sollen sich nachhaltig entwickeln, so ist es in unterschiedlichen Fachpolitiken sowie in der Raumordnungspolitik Deutschlands festgeschrieben. Doch welche normativen Orientierungen sich über die Rede von der Berücksichtigung ökologischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Aspekte hinaus mit einer nachhaltigen ländlichen Entwicklung verbinden, bleibt mehr oder weniger unbestimmt. Entsprechend verdeckt bleiben auch Interessen‐ und Zielkonflikte sowie die Grenzen der auf verschiedenen Ebenen geforderten Integration. Diese Ausgangslage wird im vorliegenden Beitrag als "Herausforderung Nachhaltigkeit" begriffen. Vor dem Hintergrund eines als "kritisch-emanzipatorisch" bezeichneten Nachhaltigkeitsverständnisses, das in der Forschungsnachwuchsgruppe "PoNa - Politiken der Naturgestaltung" entwickelt wurde, wird eine Analyse der Politik zur Entwicklung ländlicher Räume als Nachhaltigkeitspolitik vorgenommen. Dazu wird zunächst gezeigt, dass und wie nachhaltige Entwicklung Teil der Politiken für ländliche Räume ist. Insbesondere das Konzept einer multifunktionalen Landwirtschaft und der Ansatz einer Integrierten Ländlichen Entwicklung verdeutlichen, dass die Politik für ländliche Räume unterschiedliche Ansatzpunkte für deren nachhaltige Entwicklung bereitzustellen sucht. Am Beispiel der Agrarumweltmaßnahmen wird das kritisch‐emanzipatorische Nachhaltigkeitsverständnis ausblicksartig erprobt und schließlich danach gefragt, welche Herausforderungen eine konsequente Umorientierung in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit für Politik und Wissenschaft bedeuten.Various sectoral policies and German regional planning policy set out that rural areas should develop sustainably. However, apart from taking ecological, economic and social aspects into account, it remains more or less vague which normative orientations may be linked to sustainable rural development. Accordingly, conflicts of interests and objectives remain vague along with the limits of integration required on different levels. In this article, the situation described is regarded to be "the challenge of sustainability". An analysis of rural development policies is carried out against the background of a critical, emancipatory understanding of sustainability which was developed by the junior research group PoNa ‐ Shaping Nature: Policy, Politics and Polity. In doing so, the junior research group demonstrates that and how sustainable development is a component of rural area policies. In particular, it is the concept of multifunctional agriculture and the approach of integrated rural development which may demonstrate that policymaking for rural areas provides possibilities for sustainable development options. This article uses the example of agri‐environmental measures for an initial application of the critical, emancipatory understanding of sustainability. Finally the question arises which challenges are implied by a consistent reorientation towards sustainability for policymaking and scientific research

    Designing a model for the global energy system—GENeSYS-MOD : an application of the Open-Source Energy Modeling System (OSeMOSYS)

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    This paper develops a path for the global energy system up to 2050, presenting a new application of the open-source energy modeling system (OSeMOSYS) to the community. It allows quite disaggregate energy and emission analysis: Global Energy System Model (GENeSYS-MOD) uses a system of linear equations of the energy system to search for lowest-cost solutions for a secure energy supply, given externally defined constraints, mainly in terms of CO2-emissions. The general algebraic modeling system (GAMS) version of OSeMOSYS is updated to the newest version and, in addition, extended and enhanced to include e.g., a modal split for transport, an improved trading system, and changes to storages. The model can be scaled from small-scale applications, e.g., a company, to cover the global energy system. The paper also includes an application of GENeSYS-MOD to analyze decarbonization scenarios at the global level, broken down into 10 regions. Its main focus is on interdependencies between traditionally segregated sectors: electricity, transportation, and heating; which are all included in the model. Model calculations suggests that in order to achieve the 1.5–2 C target, a combination of renewable energy sources provides the lowest-cost solution, solar photovoltaic being the dominant source. Average costs of electricity generation in 2050 are about 4 cents/kWh (excluding infrastructure and transportation costs).DFG, 325093850, Open Access Publizieren 2017 - 2018 / Technische Universität Berli

    Correlation of Isotope Count With Sentinel Node Positivity in Vulvar Cancer

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    Objective: Sentinel node biopsy (SNB) has become standard of care in early stage vulvar cancer. As the correlation of isotope count with the presence of metastases remains unclear, often several active nodes are excised per groin. This can result in increased morbidity in node-negative disease despite of SNB. In the current analysis, we assess whether resection of the hottest node could be sufficient to detect sentinel lymph node (SLN) metastasis. Methods: Patients with primary vulvar cancer receiving an SNB with radioactive tracer at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf between 2008 and 2015 were evaluated. Results: A total of 145 patients with SNB were analyzed;thereof, 144 underwent bilateral SNB, resulting in 289 analyzed groins. A median of 2 SLNs (range, 1-7) per groin were removed. From 94 (32.5%) of 289 groins, more than 2 SLNs were excised. Median overall SLN isotope count was 1400 cps. In 50 groins, a positive SLN was detected (unilateral in 38 patients, bilateral in 6). The median number of positive SLN per groin was 1 (range, 1-4). The SLN with the highest isotope count carried metastases in 36 (78.3%) of 46 groins (in 4 cases, the highest count was unknown). In 10 (21.7%) of 46 positive groins, the SLN with the highest count was not the metastatic SLN (9/10 second highest count). Median count of these 10 SLN was 60% of the highest count with a range from 11.0% to 74.0%. Conclusions: The highest isotope count does not reliably detect the positive SLN in vulvar cancer. To prevent mostly fatal groin recurrences, surgeons should continue to remove all SLN accumulating relevant radioactive tracer over background activity

    A common nomenclature for assessing low-carbon transition pathways

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    We present ongoing work in the Horizon 2020 project openENTRANCE to develop a common nomenclature for integrated-assessment and energy system scenario results/data. This effort is based on the IAMC data template and the list of variables used in IAM comparison projects (CD-LINKS, ENGAGE, NAVIGATE) and scenario ensemble compilations (IAMC 1.5°C Scenario Data supporting the IPCC SR15). The nomenclature is developed in an interactive process on GitHub comprising technical-engineering, economic and social dimensions and seeks to bridge a user-focused, easy-to-read file format with a structure that can be used in scripted workflows. To facilitate an open discussion and for making it easy for non-experts to get an understanding of the code lists and related definitions, the nomenclature is implemented using the yaml-file format for listing variables and regions together with definitions and additional information. We also implemented an installable Python package providing several validation and utility functions of conforming to the nomenclature, so that definitions and mappings can be easily used in scripted scientific workflows for automated scenario processing. More information: https://github.com/openENTRANCE/nomenclatur