601 research outputs found

    Immigrants in Richmond after the Civil War : 1865-1880

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    Richmond\u27s foreign-born inhabitants in 1860 represented about twenty percent of the white population. The Irish and German communities were particularly influential. This thesis examines whether immigration resumed after the Civil War, where immigrants came from, and what role they played in the community. Research included examination of naturalization and census records, church records, newspapers of the period, records of German organizations, and the records of the Virginia legislature. The conclusions are: Immigration resumed on a very small scale. Government efforts to attract more immigrants were unsuccessful. The majority of newcomers were Germans; others came from Scotland, Italy, Ireland, England, and France; and a few from other European countries. Some were influential religious figures while others were ancestors of families who are prominent today. German and Irish immigrants had their own churches and numerous clubs. The Scots formed a Caledonia Club. The Germans were particularly well organized and also maintained German-language newspapers

    The Religious Naturalism of William James: A New Interpretation Through the Lens of Liberal Naturalism

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    This thesis argues that recent developments in philosophical naturalism mandate a new naturalistic reading of James. To that end, it presents the first comprehensive reading of James through the lens of liberal rather than scientific naturalism. Chapter 1 offers an extensive survey of the varieties of philosophical naturalism that provides the conceptual tools required for the rest the thesis, and allows us to provisionally locate James within the field. Crucially, it establishes the coherence and validity of a radical form of liberal naturalism that rejects 'the causal closure of the physical', and endorses doctrines of strong emergentism and macro-causation. The thesis will argue that it was to this form of naturalism that James was ultimately committed. Chapter 2 provides a detailed chronological treatment of James's key published works, seeking to understand the development of certain core naturalistic themes over the course of his career. It unearths a nascent doctrine of emergentism in The Principles, a critique of scientificism in The Will to Believe, a psycho-biological account of religious experience in The Varieties, a doctrine of panpsychist identism in Essays in Radical Empiricism, an evolutionary theory of cognition in Pragmatism, and a doctrine of finite theism in A Pluralistic Universe. The underlying aim of chapter 2 is to demonstrate the superficiality of James's endorsement of piecemeal supernaturalism in The Varieties. It shows that he had originally planned to defend a doctrine of 'theistic naturalism' in his second course of Gifford Lectures, and that he only defined himself as a supernaturalist in contradistinction to a particularly austere doctrine of 'mechanical naturalism' that endorses 'the causal closure of the physical'. James, whilst he rejected 'the causal closure of the physical', continued to endorse 'the causal closure of nature'. Through the schema developed in chapter 1, the thesis demonstrates how James can be classified as a radical religious naturalist. Finally, in chapter 3, the thesis enters a more consciously constructive phase. Building on James's suggestion that his philosophy was "too much like an arch built only on one side", it embarks upon a detailed reconstruction of 'the arch of James's naturalism'. It argues that reconstructed versions of James's doctrines of panpsychism and emergentism, in addition to being coherent and fertile in their own right, serve as the basis for a restoration of his theistic naturalism; the missing keystone of his mature philosophy

    Thinking While Walking with Martin Bunzl

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    Overview & Shownotes The philosopher Martin Bunzl and he loves living near the Pacific Crest Trail because it allow him to explore nature. The famous foot path also inspired him to embark on a new project of thinking while walking. For him, this spectacular setting proved to be fertile ground for reflecting on philosophical puzzles and questions about nature and ethics. For the episode transcript, download a copy or read it below. Contact us at [email protected] Links to people and ideas mentioned in the show Martin Bunzl, Thinking While Walking: Reflections on the Pacific Crest Trail Lyndon B. Johnson, Remarks Upon Signing Four Bills Relating to Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Pacific Crest Trail Immanuel Kant and deontology John Stuart Mill and utilitarianism Positive and negative duties Jonathan Haidt and the psychology behind morality Credits Thanks to Evelyn Brosius for our logo. Music featured in the show: Insatiable Toad by Blue Dot Sessions Game Hens by Blue Dot Session


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    International Competitiveness and its threat to Democracy and the Planet

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    When considering governments’ failure to act on global problems such as climate change, the comment often heard is “all that is required is the political will”; the implication being that governments are somehow negligent, irresponsible and do not care sufficiently about such issues. The article explains that it is not that governments do not want to solve these problems but that their need to keep their economies internationally competitive in the global market means that they cannot. Solving global problems inevitably means higher taxes and tighter regulations. But any government moving much in advance of others risks damaging its own national economy, risking the uncompetitiveness of its industries, a loss of jobs and political support. The result, predictably, is only inadequate incremental action while global problems are consequently left to worsen. No government can move first, a dilemma the article refers to as Destructive Global Competition. It goes on to outline an international political campaign designed to resolve the dilemma known as The Simultaneous Policy (Simpol). Already operating in a number of countries around the world, Simpol invites citizens to use their right to vote in a new way capable of driving politicians, political parties and eventually governments towards substantive global cooperation and a solution to global problems

    Die Umwälzungen in der arabischen Welt und der Palästinakonflikt

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    Die Veränderungen in der arabischen Welt, besonders in Ägypten, haben eine neue Situation geschaffen und alte Gewissheiten erschüttert. Der Palästinakonflikt konnte davon nicht unberührt bleiben. Er hatte immer eine lokale, regionale und globale Dimension, deren Interaktion und Gewichtung verschieden waren und sind. Wegen der Spiegelbildlichkeit des Konflikts sind beide Parteien zwar unterschiedlich, aber doch gleichermaßen betroffen. Dies soll im folgenden Beitrag demonstriert werden. Aus eher methodologischen Gründen untersuchen wir zunächst Implikationen für Israel und darauf für Palästina

    ¿Cuándo cesa la condición de desplazado por la violencia en Colombia?

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    El principal flagelo que azota nuestro país es la violencia, una consecuencia de ello es el desplazamiento forzado de quienes tienen que vivirla y afrontarla directa o indirectamente porque no cuentan con la debida protección del Estado. Colombia posee una de las más amplias legislaciones para hacerle frente a este fenómeno y atender a quienes se encuentran en situación de desplazamiento, proporcionándoles ciertas garantías para que dichas circunstancias culminen para ellos. Sin embargo existe la necesidad que dichas ayudas no sean mera asistencia, para que se logre la capacidad productiva y la independencia económica de las personas desplazadas. CONTENIDO : Nociones generales sobre desplazamiento. -- Nociones. -- Migración. -- Desplazamiento interno. -- Causas del desplazamiento forzado por la violencia en Colombia. -- Clasificación doctrinal. -- CAPÍTULO 2: Marco jurídico del desplazamiento forzado. -- Normas internacionales. -- Principios rectores de los desplazados internos. -- Convención interamericana de derechos humanos suscrita en la conferencia especializada sobre derechos humanos, realizada en San José de Costa Rica. -- Bloque de constitucionalidad. -- Normas nacionales. -- Ley 387 de 1997, por la cual se adoptan medidas para la prevención del desplazamiento forzado; la atención, protección, consolidación y estabilización socioeconómica de los desplazados internos por la violencia en la república de Colombia. -- Decretos reglamentarios 2569 de 2000 y 250 de 2005. -- 0tras leyes que regulan la atención a la población desplazada. -- Análisis jurisprudencial de la corte constitucional. -- CAPITULO 3: El desplazado. -- ¿Cuándo se adquiere la condición de desplazado? Es importante dar a conocer cuándo se adquiere esta condición, porque a partir de ella se dan para el desplazado una serie de atenciones, basadas en las obligaciones del estado. -- Derechos de los desplazados. -- Plan nacional para la atención integral a la población desplazada por la violencia. -- CAPÍTULO 4: Conceptos fundamentales para determinar la cesación de la condición de desplazado por la violencia. -- Reasentamiento. -- Consolidación y estabilización socioeconómica. -- Retorno. -- Restablecimiento de los derechos de las víctimas del desplazamiento. -- Cesación de la condición de desplazado desde la ley. -- El concepto de la cesación de la condición de desplazado a la luz de las normas internacionales. -- Efectos jurídicos de la cesación de la condición de desplazado 94. -- CAPÍTULO 5: Las políticas públicas sobre restablecimiento económico de la población en situación de desplazamiento

    Obama: A New Beginning? Kurzanalyse

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    Mit den nahezu perfekt ausgesprochenen Grußworten "As-Salamu 'Alaikum" leitete Präsident Barack Hussein Obama am 4. Juni vor einer ausgewählten Zuhörerschaft in Kairo seine viel erwartete Rede zu einem Neuanfang mit der muslimischen Welt ein. Obama, dessen Rhetorik stets von Ausgewogenheit und Empathie geprägt ist, streckte damit gleich zu Beginn auf einer emotionalen Ebene die Arme weit nach der arabischen Welt aus. Obamas Rede gilt als der Versuch, einen neuen Diskurs über und gegenüber der islamischen Welt zu initiieren. Für die meisten Kenner der Region war Obamas neuer Ton, nach Jahren eines von 9/11, der Achse des Bösen und ähnlichen Schlagworten geprägten Diskurses eine Erleichterung. Viele Menschen in der Region stehen den Worten aber eher skeptisch abwartend gegenüber. In den folgenden Zeilen findet sich eine Kurzanalyse dazu, warum das so ist, welche Bedeutung die Rede für die muslimische Welt hat, welche realpolitischen Schritte daraus ableitbar sind und vor welchem Hintergrund sie betrachtet werden sollte