19 research outputs found


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    Keberadaan kayu kaliandra yang melimpah karena produktivitasnya yang tinggi tentunya perlu dimanfaatkan secara bijak dan baik. Produksi teh di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang juga tinggi menghasilkan limbah yang juga perlu diolah. Teknologi briquetting dirasa tepat untuk memaksimalkan karakteristik kayu kaliandra sebagai kayu energi dan juga limbah teh yang juga dapat dijadikan bioenergi. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimental dalam pembuatan serta pengujian mutu berdasarkan SNI dan juga dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan design thinking untuk mengetahui respon konsumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sampel dengan komposisi kayu kaliandra 75% dan limbah teh 25% merupakan komposisi terbaik dari segi SNI. Hasil analisis mutu berdasarkan SNI menunjukkan bahwa 2 dari 5 sampel lulus SNI

    Ekstraksi Minyak Atsiri Pandan Wangi (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.) dengan Lama Waktu Penyulingan yang Berbeda

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    The leaves of pandan wangi (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.) are known as food flavor and can be extracted to produce essential oil.  Extraction of its essential oil is usually conducted by distillation method that would give added value for this plant. This study aimed to study the effect of different durations of distillation process on the essential oils yield and quality of pandanus using water and steam distillation method. The method used in this research was experimental method with descriptive analysis. This research used five variants duration of distillation, which was repeated two times. The duration of distillation consisted of 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, and 10 hours. The parameters observed to determine the best treatment consisted of the amount of yield produced and the quality parameters including specific gravity, refractive index, acid number, solubility in ethanol 90%, and ester number. Based on the results of the research conducted, distillation to produce the best yield is the duration of 8 hours with a yield value of 0.55%, while distillation to produce the best quality is the duration of 6 hours with a specific gravity of 1.0563 g/mL, refractive index 1.3473, the acid number was 3.274 mg KOH/g, solubility in ethanol 90% (1:1), and ester number of 96.06 mL HCl/g. Keywords: essential oil, pandan wangi, water and steam distillatio

    Social Enterprise Concept in Sustaining Poultry-Based Agro-Industry Development in Indonesia (Study Case: Entog Jenggot Social Business)

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    Small Medium Enterprises Entog Jenggot is a tradional restaurant with entok (Indonesian muscovy duck) as its main course. This enterprise, inspired by Indramayu local food known as “pedesan entog”, is one of the models of empowerment of top to bottom, rural to municipal, and agricultural area to consumers axis, aiming at gaining added values. Not yet validated and mapped out, this enterprise, however, requires a host of validation and a scheme of variables that affect the enterprise’s growth to be applied in other social enterprise-based agricultural MSI. This research, indeed, is conducted from February to June 2016, using an analytical-descriptive research method consisting of qualitative analysis with design thinking approach and that of quantitative with the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Having this in mind, it shows that the model of empowerment of MSI Entog Jenggot highlights the empowerment of not only entog breeder in the northern coastal area of West Java, but also the students in rural area of Jatinangor. In the mapped out enterprise, it is found that some advantages occur in the forms of (1) technology mastery, (2) independence,(3) capital rise, (4) significant increase of investment, (5) strengthened collaboration, and (6) the improvement of social impact capable of being replicated in other enterprises. Based on these, the development of the enterprise’s process is highly affected by (1) supplying farmer with the point of0.297 out of 1, being the most influential variable for the existence of the enterprise. This is followed by (2) business actors (0.224), (3) community (0.143), (4) university (0.093), (5) technopreneurial business actor (0.085), (6) the government (0.059), (7) distributor (0.039), (8) banking (0.031), and (9) NGO (0.030). Keywords: Business Model Canvas, Design Thinking, Empowerment, SMEs, Social Business

    Social Enterprise Concept in Sustaining Fruit-Based- Processing Agro-Industry Development in Indonesia (Study Case: Fruits Up Social Business)

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    This research discovers that the model of empowerment of Fruits Up SMEs highlights the empowerment of fruit farmers in Ciayumajakuning village as well as the housewives in Bandung. Done from February to June 2016, it obtains a unique business model description with the social business platform. In the mapped out business model, it is found a host of advantages such as(1) community interdependency, (2) technology mastery, (3) capital rise, (4) significant increase of investment, (5) strengthened collaboration, and (6) the improvement of social impact capable of being replicated in other enterprises. The method used in this research is that of analytical- descriptive with the design thinking approach as well as of qualitative and quantitative with the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method. Based on the results, the development of the enterprise’s process is highly affected by (1) community with the point of 0.216 out of 1, being the most valuable variable for the existence of the enterprise. It is followed by (2) university (0.178), (3) supplying farmers (0.153), (4)  business actors (0.128), (5) government (0.100), (6) distributor (0.092),(7) technopreneurship laboratory (0.069), (8) banking (0.033), (9) NGO (0,031). Keywords: Agro-industry, AHP, Business Model Canvas, SMEs, Social Busines

    The Comparation Study of Pasteurized "Fruits Up" Products Using TPC (Total Plate Count) Method

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    Fruits Up is one of the small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) which is engaged in developing puree mango beverage. To satisfy the consumer, Fruits Up decided not to use chemical preservatives as a solution to be a healthy drink with longer shelf life time product. The purpose of this research is to conduct pasteurization process on Fruits Up product as solution of increasing product shelf life time without the use of chemical preservatives. Comparison of existing products will be analyzed using microbiological quantitative analysis with Total Plate Count (TPC) method and presented in the form of Standard Plate Count (SPC). The sampling method was using a Completely Randomized Factorial Design with difference room temperature and storage time (1 day, 3 day and 5 day). According to the result, the least amount of bacteriology is present in the pasteurized Fruits Up product with H1 storage of refrigerator temperature (10°C) and the highest amount is found on Fruits Up products that have not been pasteurized with H5 storage of room temperature (26°C). Based on the results, a significant decrease in TPC occurs during the pasteurization process so that the pasteurization process is highly recommended to be performed permanentl

    The Mapping of Halal Critical Points in the Process of Distribution Chain of Chicken Meat Products in West Java (Case Study: Traditional Slaughtering House in Y Chicken House West Java)

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    Chicken meat is one of the most popularly consumed meat in Indonesia, particularly in West Java, according to the socio-economic research and chicken meat production in 2013 issued by the Official of Animal Husbandry West Java. The consumption of chicken meat each year reaches 3.6 kg. Cognizant that the population of Moslems is up to 99.67%, each production and consumption of meat has to fulfill the requirements of its halalan tayyiban (considered good and permitted according to the Islamic syaria law). Speaking of which, a number of activities directly concerning on its halal or haram, later called the halal critical point. This point produces variables and factors that affect both the halal and the haram of the chicken meat. The use of resource referred is to simplify the description of the existing variables and factors. The research method is that which explores the chain of chicken meat production supply. The result of this research is the mapping of the halal critical point, and the measurement in the form of scoring to slaughterhouse and market with the help of experts using AHP. Thus, it could be concluded that the most critical points lurk within the semi-modern slaughterhouse activities, while traditional slaughterhouse has fewer critical points. In the scoring results, the fulfillment of the scores is gained more in semi-modern slaughterhouses as well as modern markets than in that of traditional. Keywords: Halal Critical Point; Chicken Meat; Supply Chain; Mapping; Halalan Tayyiba


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    Kulit buah naga merupakan limbah yang masih jarang dilakukan pengolahan atau pemanfaatan kembali. Kulit buah naga mengandung antosianin yang berpotensi menjadi pewarna alami. Blush on atau pemerah pipi merupakan salah satu produk kecantikan yang banyak digunakan dengan menyajikan warna beragam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan ekstrak kulit buah naga pada sediaan blush on dengan menentukan formulasi dan konsentasi ekstrak kulit buah naga yang memiliki karakteristik serta kelayakan mendekati produk komersial dan banyak disukai. Ekstraksi dilakukan secara maserasi dengan 2 perlakuan, yaitu menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%, dan pelarut etanol 96% dengan penambahan asam sitrat 10%. Ekstrak dilakukan analisis, kemudian hasil ekstrak terbaik diaplikasikan pada sediaan blush on. Formulasi sediaan blush on dilakukan dengan variasi konsentrasi ekstrak 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, dan menggunakan bubuk kulit buah naga. Sediaan dievaluasi dengan uji organoleptik, homogenitas, pH, uji iritasi, dan daya lekat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sediaan dengan konsentrasi ekstrak 15% memiliki karakteristik mendekati produk komersial dan paling disukai panelis setelah produk komersial


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    Pabrik dodol merupakan salah satu bisnis yang bergerak di sektor perdagang. Di Kabupaten Garut dodol sudah menjadi oleh-oleh khas Garut. Salah satu yang mengolah dodol di Garut adalah pabrik dodol juwita. Pabrik dodol juwita merupakan pabrik dodol yang membuat berbagai jenis dodol antara lain dodol kombinasi rasa coklat susu, dodol rasa zebra (duren, stroberry, pandan dan coklat), dan dodol jokowi. Pabrik ini memiliki beberapa masalah dalam proses transaksi, stok barang dan pembuatan laporan. Dalam proses transaksi, pegawai pada pabrik dodol juwita harus menulis manual di buku catatan yang tidak efektif untuk ukuran pabrik. Metodologi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metodologi Unified Software Development Process yang merupakan salah satu metode pengembangan rekayasa perangkat lunak berorientasi objek yang secara konsisten beradaptasi dengan semakin besar serta semakin kompleks sistem-sistem atau perangkat lunak yang dikembangkan oleh vendor perangkat lunak seluruh dunia. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi persediaan dan penjualan barang yang akan memudahkan proses bisnis di pabrik dodol juwita


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    Motivation in establishing entrepreneurship are often decreases over time as many obstacles were undertaken. It is going deeper whenit is happened toa local commodity-based business. Corn is a local commodity that is well developed in Banyuresmi, Garut, West Java. Corn rice development as one of the alternative of non-rice food does not necessarily succeed because people are less equipped with business skills. The main obstacle faced by the society is the lack of continuity of assistance. An intensive assistance can continuously improve their motivation in running the business. To overcome this condition, a replication method was developed with the objective of keeping the well developed entrepreneurial spirit be induced to the society of Banyuresmi. Replication method by presenting the society of corn rice businesses in other business units thatis already well under way was able to increase the motivation of the society. The proximity of the process being undertaken by the society with FruitsUp business has increased public confidence to proceed in developing a local commodity-based business. Keywords: entrepreneurhip replication, corn rice, business spiri

    Pengukuran kinerja green manufacturing pada industri tahu sumedang untuk meningkatkan kinerja terhadap lingkungan menggunakan GSCOR dan LCA

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    The application of an environmentally sound industry is one of the environmental conservation issues and a global issue in the industry. The application of an environmentally sound industry can be implemented in the Green Manufacturing system. The tofu industry in the production process uses a high volume of water, resulting in a high volume of liquid waste, which can pollute the environment. The problem with the Sari Kedelai industry is that there has not been a performance measurement on the environment and an analysis of the resulting impact. This study aims to measure the performance of Green Manufacturing with the GSCOR (Green Supply Chain Operations Reference) and LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) methods as well as formulate suggestions for improvements to the Sari Kedele industry in the context of implementing Green Manufacturing. The results of performance measurement using the GSCOR method in the Sari Kedele industry has a value of 79.78 which was included in the good category. Environmental impact analysis is assessed with a focus on GHG emissions (Greenhouse Gases) that uses LCA with an ISO 14040 approach resulting in a GHG emission value of CO2-eq/kg tofu of 3.7107