408 research outputs found

    Elucidating the blurred lines of the national historical imagination. The narrative allure of Sienkiewicz’s With Fire and Sword in 1933–1934 Poland

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    peer reviewedThe novel With Fire and Sword by Henry Sienkiewicz (1846–1916) is an example of the interweaving of fiction, historiography and national collective imagination. It was written at the end of the period of Polish partition (1882–1888) and deals with events that marked the history and the collective imaginations of Poles, Ukrainians and Jews: the history of the Khmel’nyts’kyy Uprising (1648–1657). The epic nature of these historical events already carried the seeds of a powerful and emotional narrative that lends itself to mythicization. However, the reading of this book in a later situation, the Second Polish Republic (1921–1939), led the Polish Sanacja government to withdraw it from the compulsory reading in Polish schools in 1932. This aspect of the Jędrzejewicz school reform sparked a lively debate in the Polish press, whereby historians, literature scholars and journalists discussed the function that this book should have in the patriotic education of young Polish citizens, against the backdrop of tensions between the state and the political opposition on the issue of minorities, namely the Ukrainian minority. This discussion discloses the central place that Sienkiewicz has been given in Polish culture. At the same time, it examines the position that Polish intellectuals attribute to the Ukrainian minority in the Polish state and culture

    Olgierd Górka’s Polemics on the Contours of the Polish Nation (1933- 1955)

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    peer reviewedOlgierd Górka was a historian specialized in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe who took actively part in the political debate concerning the place of minorities in Poland. He occupied different roles in the public sphere and appeared to have insistently tried to embody the voice of politically marginalised citizens of Poland. Olgierd Górka argued for a strong link between the Polish state and its citizens as a precondition for their mutual survival. His life exemplifies the discussion around the definition of the people, at the heart of the legitimation of modern nation-states in Central Europe during the 20th century. The debate initiated by Olgierd Górka helps to better understand how the modern Polish state, born from the ashes of three empires, defined Polish citizenship and how it evolved during the upheavals of the interwar and the post-war period

    Grasping the Anti-Modern Discourse on Europe in the Swiss Digitised Press, or can Text Mining Generate a Research Corpus from an Article Collection?

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    peer reviewedIn this paper, we discuss how different types of automatic annotation of digitised newspaper articles can be integrated into the iterative questioning of the source material and the creation of research corpora out of a collection of unstructured texts (kept in a structured collection). We annotate a sizeable collection of Swiss press articles (183,270), extracted via the impresso interface1 using topic modelling (MALLET)2 as well as a naïve Bayes classifier (script by Milan van Lange). The methodological discussion we propose is to explore how text mining can help identify historical discourses that are difficult to query with keywords because of their inherent ambiguity and how to grasp them in a large corpus. We argue that the automated annotations can provide a body of corroborating evidence of the searched discourse, to be used as an intermediary and heuristic analysis step

    PROTECCIÓN ESTATAL DEL PATRIMONIO CULTURAL, ANÁLISIS DEL ESTADO ACTUAL DE LA CONVENCIÓN “Sobre las medidas que deben adoptarse para prohibir la importación, exportación y la transferencia de propiedad ilícita de bienes culturales 1970”

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    Desde los primeros tratados luego de la posguerra, en la segunda mitad del siglo pasado, que tendían a proteger los bienes arquitectónicos, patrimonio tangible e intangible, surge la convención sobre las medidas que deben adoptarse para prohibir la importación, exportación y la transferencia de propiedad ilícita de bienes culturales del año 1970, que trataremos aquí, nos relacionaremos con el mundo de tráfico, específicamente de objetos. Objetos de gran valor cultural para una nación que se encuentran desarraigados ilegalmente en otra nación

    Historical Newspaper User Interfaces: A Review

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    After decades of large-scale digitization, many historical newspaper collections are just one click away via online portals developed and supported by various public or private stakeholders. Initially offering access to full text search and facsimiles visualization only, historic newspaper user interfaces are increasingly integrating advanced exploration features based on the application of text mining tools to digitized sources. As gateways to enriched material, such interfaces are however not neutral and play a fundamental role in how users perceive historical sources, understand potential biases of upstream processes and benefit from the opportunities of datafication. What features can be found in current interfaces, and to what degree do interfaces adopt novel technologies? This paper presents a survey of interfaces for digitized historical newspapers with the aim of mapping the current state of the art and identifying recent trends with regard to content presentation, enrichment and user interaction. We devised 6 interface assessment criteria and reviewed twenty-four interfaces based on ca. 140 predefined features

    Impresso Inspect and Compare. Visual Comparison of Semantically Enriched Historical Newspaper Articles

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    The automated enrichment of mass-digitised document collections using techniques such as text mining is becoming increasingly popular. Enriched collections offer new opportunities for interface design to allow data-driven and visualisation-based search, exploration and interpretation. Most such interfaces integrate close and distant reading and represent semantic, spatial, social or temporal relations, but often lack contrastive views. Inspect and Compare (I\&C) contributes to the current state of the art in interface design for historical newspapers with highly versatile side-by-side comparisons of query results and curated article sets based on metadata and semantic enrichments. I\&C takes search queries and pre-curated article sets as inputs and allows comparisons based on the distributions of newspaper titles, publication dates and automatically generated enrichments, such as language, article types, topics and named entities. Contrastive views of such data reveal patterns, help humanities scholars to improve search strategies and to facilitate a critical assessment of the overall data quality. I\&C is part of the impresso interface for the exploration of digitised and semantically enriched historical newspapers

    Do ACE inhibitors improve the response to exercise training in functionally impaired older adults? A randomized controlled trial

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    <br>Background: Loss of muscle mass and strength with ageing is a major cause for falls, disability, and morbidity in older people. Previous studies have found that angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) may improve physical function in older people. It is unclear whether ACEi provide additional benefit when added to a standard exercise training program. We examined the effects of ACEi therapy on physical function in older people undergoing exercise training.</br> <b>Methods:</b> Community-dwelling people aged ≥65 years with functional impairment were recruited through general (family) practices. All participants received progressive exercise training. Participants were randomized to receive either 4 mg perindopril or matching placebo daily for 20 weeks. The primary outcome was between-group change in 6-minute walk distance from baseline to 20 weeks. Secondary outcomes included changes in Short Physical Performance Battery, handgrip and quadriceps strength, self-reported quality of life using the EQ-5D, and functional impairment measured using the Functional Limitations Profile.<p></p> <b>Results:</b> A total of 170 participants (n = 86 perindopril, n = 84 placebo) were randomized. Mean age was 75.7 (standard deviation [SD] 6.8) years. Baseline 6-minute walk distance was 306 m (SD 99). Both groups increased their walk distance (by 29.6 m perindopril, 36.4 m placebo group) at 20 weeks, but there was no statistically significant treatment effect between groups (−8.6m [95% confidence interval: −30.1, 12.9], p = .43). No statistically significant treatment effects were observed between groups for the secondary outcomes. Adverse events leading to withdrawal were few (n = 0 perindopril, n = 4 placebo).<p></p> <b>Interpretation:</b> ACE inhibitors did not enhance the effect of exercise training on physical function in functionally impaired older people.<p></p&gt

    Historical Newspaper Content Mining: Revisiting the impresso Project's Challenges in Text and Image Processing, Design and Historical Scholarship

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    impresso. Media Monitoring of the Past is an interdisciplinary research project in which a team of computational linguists, designers and historians collaborate on the datafication of a multilingual corpus of digitised historical newspapers. The primary goals of the project are to improve text mining tools for historical text, to enrich historical newspapers with (semi-) automatically generated data and to integrate such data into historical research workflows by means of a newly developed user interface. In this paper we discuss our efforts to overcome inherent challenges and to integrate text mining and data visualisation applications in general historical research practices which are characterised by search operations as well as the need to create topical collections

    Communities, Harvesting, and CGIF: Building the Research Data Graph at NFDI4Culture

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    NFDI4Culture provides the Culture Knowledge Graph to facilitate FAIRness in its communities. It provides a lightweight infrastructure that interconnects research data from diverse domains such as architectural studies, art history, musicology, performing arts, and media studies. To allow further exploration of resources across individual knowledge silos, the graph is designed to be compatible with other research areas as well. It requires data providers to implement the Culture Graph Interchange Format, a subset of schema.org classes and properties, either as embedded metadata, an API, or a SPARQL endpoint that can be harvested, or as an RDF data dump. Connections between resources are established via controlled vocabularies, and ingested data is made available via the Culture Information Portal\u27s SPARQL endpoint. After introducing the infrastructural need, the paper reviews comparable solutions, describes the graph, discusses technical choices, and outlines our engagement within and beyond NFDI4Culture