2,444 research outputs found

    The Las Campanas Infra-red Survey. V. Keck Spectroscopy of a large sample of Extremely Red Objects

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    (Abridged) We present deep Keck spectroscopy, using the DEIMOS and LRIS spectrographs, of a large and representative sample of 67 ``Extremely Red Objects'' (EROs) to H=20.5, with I-H>3.0, in three of the Las Campanas Infrared Survey fields. Spectroscopic redshifts are determined for 44 sources, of which only two are contaminating low mass stars. When allowance is made for incompleteness, the spectroscopic redshift distribution closely matches that predicted earlier on the basis of photometric data. Our spectra are of sufficient quality that we can address the important question of the nature and homogeneity of the z>0.8 ERO population. A dominant old stellar population is inferred for 75% of our spectroscopic sample; a higher fraction than that seen in smaller, less-complete samples with broader photometric selection criteria (e.g. R-K). However, only 28% have spectra with no evidence of recent star formation activity, such as would be expected for a strictly passively-evolving population. More than ~30% of our absorption line spectra are of the `E+A' type with prominent Balmer absorption consistent, on average, with mass growth of 5-15% in the past Gyr. We use our spectroscopic redshifts to improve earlier estimates of the spatial clustering of this population as well as to understand the significant field-to-field variation. Our spectroscopy enables us to pinpoint a filamentary structure at z=1.22 in the Chandra Deep Field South. Overall, our study suggests that the bulk of the ERO population is an established population of clustered massive galaxies undergoing intermittent activity consistent with continued growth over the redshift interval 0.8<z<1.6.Comment: 27 pages, including 14 figures and appendix of spectra (at low resolution). Full resolution paper can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~md . To appear in MNRA

    The role of quenching time in the evolution of the mass-size relation of passive galaxies from the WISP survey

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    We analyze how passive galaxies at z ∼\sim 1.5 populate the mass-size plane as a function of their stellar age, to understand if the observed size growth with time can be explained with the appearance of larger quenched galaxies at lower redshift. We use a sample of 32 passive galaxies extracted from the Wide Field Camera 3 Infrared Spectroscopic Parallel (WISP) survey with spectroscopic redshift 1.3 ≲\lesssim z ≲\lesssim 2.05, specific star-formation rates lower than 0.01 Gyr−1^{-1}, and stellar masses above 4.5 ×\times 1010^{10} M⊙_\odot. All galaxies have spectrally determined stellar ages from fitting of their rest-frame optical spectra and photometry with stellar population models. When dividing our sample into young (age ≤\leq 2.1 Gyr) and old (age >> 2.1 Gyr) galaxies we do not find a significant trend in the distributions of the difference between the observed radius and the one predicted by the mass-size relation. This result indicates that the relation between the galaxy age and its distance from the mass-size relation, if it exists, is rather shallow, with a slope alpha ≳\gtrsim -0.6. At face value, this finding suggests that multiple dry and/or wet minor mergers, rather than the appearance of newly quenched galaxies, are mainly responsible for the observed time evolution of the mass-size relation in passive galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters; 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Construction and measurements of a vacuum-swing-adsorption radon-mitigation system

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    Long-lived alpha and beta emitters in the 222^{222}Rn decay chain on (and near) detector surfaces may be the limiting background in many experiments attempting to detect dark matter or neutrinoless double-beta decay, and in screening detectors. In order to reduce backgrounds from radon-daughter plate-out onto the wires of the BetaCage during its assembly, an ultra-low-radon cleanroom is being commissioned at Syracuse University using a vacuum-swing-adsorption radon-mitigation system. The radon filter shows ~20×\times reduction at its output, from 7.47±\pm0.56 to 0.37±\pm0.12 Bq/m3^3, and the cleanroom radon activity meets project requirements, with a lowest achieved value consistent with that of the filter, and levels consistently < 2 Bq/m3^3.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of Low Radioactivity Techniques (LRT) 2013, Gran Sasso, Italy, April 10-12, 201

    Potential energy and dipole moment surfaces of H3- molecule

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    A new potential energy surface for the electronic ground state of the simplest triatomic anion H3- is determined for a large number of geometries. Its accuracy is improved at short and large distances compared to previous studies. The permanent dipole moment surface of the state is also computed for the first time. Nine vibrational levels of H3- and fourteen levels of D3- are obtained, bound by at most ~70 cm^{-1} and ~ 126 cm^{-1} respectively. These results should guide the spectroscopic search of the H3- ion in cold gases (below 100K) of molecular hydrogen in the presence of H3- ions

    Four further cases of autosomal primary trisomy in the mouse.

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    The BetaCage, an ultra-sensitive screener for surface contamination

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    Material screening for identifying low-energy electron emitters and alpha-decaying isotopes is now a prerequisite for rare-event searches (e.g., dark-matter direct detection and neutrinoless double-beta decay) for which surface radiocontamination has become an increasingly important background. The BetaCage, a gaseous neon time-projection chamber, is a proposed ultra-sensitive (and nondestructive) screener for alpha- and beta-emitting surface contaminants to which existing screening facilities are insufficiently sensitive. Sensitivity goals are 0.1 betas per keV-m2^2-day and 0.1 alphas per m2^2-day, with the former limited by Compton scattering of photons in the screening samples and (thanks to tracking) the latter expected to be signal-limited; radioassays and simulations indicate backgrounds from detector materials and radon daughters should be subdominant. We report on details of the background simulations and detector design that provide the discrimination, shielding, and radiopurity necessary to reach our sensitivity goals for a chamber with a 95×\times95 cm2^2 sample area positioned below a 40 cm drift region and monitored by crisscrossed anode and cathode planes consisting of 151 wires each.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of Low Radioactivity Techniques (LRT) 2013, Gran Sasso, Italy, April 10-12, 201

    A New Measurement of the Stellar Mass Density at z~5: Implications for the Sources of Cosmic Reionization

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    We present a new measurement of the integrated stellar mass per comoving volume at redshift 5 determined via spectral energy fitting drawn from a sample of 214 photometrically-selected galaxies with z'<26.5 in the southern GOODS field. Following procedures introduced by Eyles et al. (2005), we estimate stellar masses for various sub-samples for which reliable and unconfused Spitzer IRAC detections are available. A spectroscopic sample of 14 of the most luminous sources with =4.92 provides a firm lower limit to the stellar mass density of 1e6 Msun/Mpc^3. Several galaxies in this sub-sample have masses of order 10^11 Msun implying significant earlier activity occurred in massive systems. We then consider a larger sample whose photometric redshifts in the publicly-available GOODS-MUSIC catalog lie in the range 4.4 <z 5.6. Before adopting the GOODS-MUSIC photometric redshifts, we check the accuracy of their photometry and explore the possibility of contamination by low-z galaxies and low-mass stars. After excising probable stellar contaminants and using the z'-J color to exclude any remaining foreground red galaxies, we conclude that 196 sources are likely to be at z~5. The implied mass density from the unconfused IRAC fraction of this sample, scaled to the total available, is 6e6 Msun/Mpc^3. We discuss the uncertainties as well as the likelihood that we have underestimated the true mass density. Including fainter and quiescent sources the total integrated density could be as high as 1e7 Msun/Mpc^3. Using the currently available (but highly uncertain) rate of decline in the star formationhistory over 5 <z< 10, a better fit is obtained for the assembled mass at z~5 if we admit significant dust extinction at early times or extend the luminosity function to very faint limits. [abridged]Comment: Accepted for Publication in ApJ, 39 page

    Evaluating Banking Websites Privacy Statements – A New Zealand Perspective on Ensuring Business Confidence

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    Because banks deal with highly personal detailed and sensitive information, they need to establish and maintain the confidence of their customers more assiduously than most other businesses. The rise of internet banking and the advantages to be gained from the garnering of personal data from websites places banks in a position to exploit customer data in a way that might infringe ethical considerations. This investigation analyses the website privacy statements of New Zealand banks in terms of the provisions of the New Zealand Privacy Act. The intention was to find an objective basis for the assessment of business integrity, to explore how confidence in electronic commerce can be assured. The investigation finds that the use of privacy legislation principles as a means of evaluating website privacy statements is revealing and convincing. It is considered that customer confidence will increasingly impact on Internet businesses, and business integrity as demonstrated by comprehensive and relevant privacy statements will go a long way to provide those assurances
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