588 research outputs found

    A rural agricultural-sustainable energy community model and its application to Felton Valley, Australia

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    Energy and food security require a delicate balance which should not threaten or undermine community prosperity. Where it is proposed to derive energy from conventional fossil fuel resources (such as coal, shale oil, natural gas, coal seam gas) located in established rural areas, and particularly where these areas are used for productive agricultural purposes, there are often both intense community concern as well as broader questions regarding the relative social, economic and environmental costs and benefits of different land uses and, increasingly, different energy sources. The advent of mainstream renewable energy technologies means that alternative energy options may provide a viable alternative, allowing energy demand to be met without compromising existing land uses. We demonstrate how such a Sustainable Energy Rural Model can be designed to achieve a balance between the competing social goals of energy supply, agricultural production, environmental integrity and social well-being, and apply it to the Felton Valley, a highly productive and resilient farming community in eastern Australia. Research into available wind and solar resources found that Felton Valley has a number of attributes that indicate its suitability for the development of an integrated renewable energy precinct which would complement, rather than displace, existing agricultural enterprises. Modelling results suggest a potential combined annual renewable energy output from integrated wind and solar resources of 1,287 GWh/yr from peak installed capacity of 713 MW, sufficient to supply the electrical energy needs of about 160,000 homes, in combination with total biomass food production of 31,000 tonnes per annum or 146 GWh/yr of human food energy. The portfolio of renewable energy options will not only provide energy source diversity but also ensures long-term food security and regional stability. The Felton Valley model provides an example of community-led energy transformation and has potential as a pilot project for the development of smart distributed grids that would negate the need for further expansion of coal mining and coal fired power stations

    Statistical mechanics of RNA folding: a lattice approach

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    We propose a lattice model for RNA based on a self-interacting two-tolerant trail. Self-avoidance and elements of tertiary structure are taken into account. We investigate a simple version of the model in which the native state of RNA consists of just one hairpin. Using exact arguments and Monte Carlo simulations we determine the phase diagram for this case. We show that the denaturation transition is first order and can either occur directly or through an intermediate molten phase.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Quasiparticle density of states in dirty high-T_c superconductors

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    We study the density of quasiparticle states of dirty d-wave superconductors. We show the existence of singular corrections to the density of states due to quantum interference effects. We then argue that the density of states actually vanishes in the localized phase as ∣E∣|E| or E2E^2 depending on whether time reversal is a good symmetry or not. We verify this result for systems without time reversal symmetry in one dimension using supersymmetry techniques. This simple, instructive calculation also provides the exact universal scaling function for the density of states for the crossover from ballistic to localized behaviour in one dimension. Above two dimensions, we argue that in contrast to the conventional Anderson localization transition, the density of states has critical singularities which we calculate in a 2+ϵ2+\epsilon expansion. We discuss consequences of our results for various experiments on dirty high-TcT_c materials

    An elementary proof of the irrationality of Tschakaloff series

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    We present a new proof of the irrationality of values of the series Tq(z)=∑n=0∞znq−n(n−1)/2T_q(z)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty z^nq^{-n(n-1)/2} in both qualitative and quantitative forms. The proof is based on a hypergeometric construction of rational approximations to Tq(z)T_q(z).Comment: 5 pages, AMSTe

    Statistical mechanics of RNA folding: importance of alphabet size

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    We construct a minimalist model of RNA secondary-structure formation and use it to study the mapping from sequence to structure. There are strong, qualitative differences between two-letter and four or six-letter alphabets. With only two kinds of bases, there are many alternate folding configurations, yielding thermodynamically stable ground-states only for a small set of structures of high designability, i.e., total number of associated sequences. In contrast, sequences made from four bases, as found in nature, or six bases have far fewer competing folding configurations, resulting in a much greater average stability of the ground state.Comment: 7 figures; uses revtex

    Localization-delocalization transition of disordered d-wave superconductors in class CI

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    A lattice model for disordered d-wave superconductors in class CI is reconsidered. Near the band-center, the lattice model can be described by Dirac fermions with several species, each of which yields WZW term for an effective action of the Goldstone mode. The WZW terms cancel out each other because of the four-fold symmetry of the model, which suggests that the quasiparticle states are localized. If the lattice model has, however, symmetry breaking terms which generate mass for any species of the Dirac fermions, remaining WZW term which avoids the cancellation can derive the system to a delocalized strong-coupling fixed point.Comment: 4 pages, revte

    Quantum and classical localisation, the spin quantum Hall effect and generalisations

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    We consider network models for localisation problems belonging to symmetry class C. This symmetry class arises in a description of the dynamics of quasiparticles for disordered spin-singlet superconductors which have a Bogoliubov - de Gennes Hamiltonian that is invariant under spin rotations but not under time-reversal. Our models include but also generalise the one studied previously in the context of the spin quantum Hall effect. For these systems we express the disorder-averaged conductance and density of states in terms of sums over certain classical random walks, which are self-avoiding and have attractive interactions. A transition between localised and extended phases of the quantum system maps in this way to a similar transition for the classical walks. In the case of the spin quantum Hall effect, the classical walks are the hulls of percolation clusters, and our approach provides an alternative derivation of a mapping first established by Gruzberg, Read and Ludwig, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4254 (1999).Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Leaf litter breakdown along an elevational gradient in Australian alpine streams

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    The breakdown of allochthonous organic matter, is a central step in nutrient cycling in stream ecosystems. There is concern that increased temperatures from climate change will alter the breakdown rate of organic matter, with important consequences for the ecosystem functioning of alpine streams. This study investigated the rate of leaf litter breakdown and how temperature and other factors such as microbial and invertebrate activities influenced this over elevational and temporal gradients. Dried leaves of Snow Gum (Eucalyptus pauciflora) and cotton strips were deployed in coarse (6 mm), and fine (50 mu m) mesh size bags along an 820 m elevation gradient. Loss of mass in leaf litter and cotton tensile strength per day (k per day), fungal biomass measured as ergosterol concentration, invertebrate colonization of leaf litter, and benthic organic matter (mass and composition) were determined. Both microbial and macroinvertebrate activities were equally important in leaf litter breakdown with the abundance of shredder invertebrate taxa. The overall leaf litter breakdown rate and loss of tensile strength in cotton strips (both k per day) were greater during warmer deployment periods and at lower elevations, with significant positive relationships between mean water temperature and leaf breakdown and loss of tensile strength rate, but no differences between sites, after accounting for the effects of temperature. Despite considerably lower amounts of benthic organic matter in streams above the tree line relative to those below, shredders were present in coarse mesh bags at all sites. Ergosterol concentration was greater on leaves in coarse mesh bags than in fine mesh bags, implying differences in the microbial communities. The importance of water temperatures on the rate of leaf litter breakdown suggests the potential effects of climate change-induced temperature increases on ecological processes in such streams

    Quasiparticle localization in superconductors with spin-orbit scattering

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    We develop a theory of quasiparticle localization in superconductors in situations without spin rotation invariance. We discuss the existence, and properties of superconducting phases with localized/delocalized quasiparticle excitations in such systems in various dimensionalities. Implications for a variety of experimental systems, and to the properties of random Ising models in two dimensions, are briefly discussed.Comment: 10 page

    Repair of oxidative DNA base damage in the host genome influences the HIV integration site sequence preference

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    Host base excision repair (BER) proteins that repair oxidative damage enhance HIV infection. These proteins include the oxidative DNA damage glycosylases 8-oxo-guanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) and mutY homolog (MYH) as well as DNA polymerase beta (Polβ). While deletion of oxidative BER genes leads to decreased HIV infection and integration efficiency, the mechanism remains unknown. One hypothesis is that BER proteins repair the DNA gapped integration intermediate. An alternative hypothesis considers that the most common oxidative DNA base damages occur on guanines. The subtle consensus sequence preference at HIV integration sites includes multiple G:C base pairs surrounding the points of joining. These observations suggest a role for oxidative BER during integration targeting at the nucleotide level. We examined the hypothesis that BER repairs a gapped integration intermediate by measuring HIV infection efficiency in Polβ null cell lines complemented with active site point mutants of Polβ. A DNA synthesis defective mutant, but not a 59dRP lyase mutant, rescued HIV infection efficiency to wild type levels; this suggeted Polβ DNA synthesis activity is not necessary while 59dRP lyase activity is required for efficient HIV infection. An alternate hypothesis that BER events in the host genome influence HIV integration site selection was examined by sequencing integration sites in OGG1 and MYH null cells. In the absence of these 8-oxo-guanine specific glycosylases the chromatin elements of HIV integration site selection remain the same as in wild type cells. However, the HIV integration site sequence preference at G:C base pairs is altered at several positions in OGG1 and MYH null cells. Inefficient HIV infection in the absence of oxidative BER proteins does not appear related to repair of the gapped integration intermediate; instead oxidative damage repair may participate in HIV integration site preference at the sequence level. © 2014 Bennett et al
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