56 research outputs found

    Шкала оценки сопутствующих заболеваний у ареактивных пациентов (CoCoS): лингвокультурная адаптация русскоязычной версии (сообщение)

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       Identification of complications and control of comorbidities are essential in monitoring the patients with chronic disorders of consciousness and predicting their outcomes. The researchers of the Department of Biotechnological and Applied Clinical Sciences of the University of L'Aquila (Italy) developed the Comorbidities Coma Scale (CoCoS) for a comprehensive assessment of such patients. Lack of an officially validated version of the scale hampers its use in Russia, while using versions which have not been completely validated prevents clinicians from obtaining reliable results when examining patients with chronic disorders of consciousness.   Aim. To develop the official Russian language version of the Comorbidities Coma Scale, considering various linguistic and cultural parameters, as a part of the 1st stage of the validation study.   Material and methods. The first stage of validation was completed: direct and reverse translation of the scale was performed by two independent medical translators. The translated version was assessed by an expert board including an expert translator, neurologists, and critical care specialists. Pilot test and two meetings of the expert board, before and after testing, were arranged to assess the results and approve the final Russian version of the scale.   Results. During the first meeting of the expert board, corrections were made in the Russian language version of the scale in terms of language and cultural adaptation. Pilot testing was carried out based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The researchers had no difficulties in understanding and interpreting the instructions for the scale. The second meeting of the expert board was held thereupon, and the final version of the Russian language version of the scale was adopted, which is available on the website of the Center for Validation of Health Status Questionnaires and Scales of the Research Center of Neurology.   Conclusion. The first stage of validation, i. e., linguistic and cultural adaptation, was carried out at the Research Center of Neurology (Moscow, Russia). For the first time, the Russian version of the scale for assessing comorbidities in patients with chronic disorders of consciousness was presented and approved for the practical use. The future publications will address the psychometric results of the scale such as sensitivity, validity, reliability.   Выявление осложнений и контроль над течением сопутствующих заболеваний является важнейшим этапом в отслеживании динамики и прогнозе исходов у пациентов с хроническими нарушениями сознания. Для проведения оценки состояния у данной категории пациентов сотрудниками департамента биотехнологических и прикладных клинических наук университета L'Aquila (Италия) была разработана шкала — Comorbidities Coma Scale (CoCoS). Отсутствие официально валидированной версии данной шкалы затрудняет ее применение в России, а использование версий, не прошедших все необходимые этапы валидации, препятствует получению достоверных результатов при обследовании пациентов с хроническими нарушениями сознания.   Цель. Разработка официальной русскоязычной версии Шкалы оценки сопутствующих заболеваний у ареактивных пациентов с учетом языковых и культурных особенностей ее пользователей в рамках проведения 1-го этапа валидационного исследования.   Материал и методы. Письменное разрешение на адаптацию шкалы CoCoS было получено сотрудниками группы валидации международных шкал и опросников Научного центра неврологии (ФГБНУ НЦН, г. Москва, Россия) у разработчика оригинальной версии Francesca Pistoia. Провели первый этап валидации: выполнен прямой и обратный перевод шкалы двумя независимыми медицинскими переводчиками. Произведена оценка разработанной версии экспертной комиссией с участием переводчика-эксперта, неврологов и анестезиологов-реаниматологов. Провели пилотное тестирование на 15 пациентах с диагнозом хронического нарушения сознания и два заседания экспертной комиссии до и после тестирования для оценки результатов и утверждения окончательной русскоязычной версии шкалы.   Результаты. В ходе первого заседания экспертной комиссии внесли поправки в русскоязычную версию шкалы в рамках языковой и культурной адаптации: были изменены единицы измерения лабораторных показателей с мг/дл на ммоль/л в 7-м и 14-м пунктах (оценка гликемии и концентрации креатинина, соответственно). Изменен термин «надаортальные сосуды» на «брахиоцефальные артерии» в 10-м пункте, сопоставлены предложенные варианты повреждения мягких тканей со стадиями развития пролежней согласно NPUAP — EPUAP [18] в 21-м пункте, добавлен параметр индекс массы тела (ИМТ) для оценки выраженности недостаточности питания. В ходе пилотного тестирования с учетом критериев включения и исключения сложностей при понимании и интерпретации инструкций шкалы у исследователей не возникло. По итогам состоялось второе заседание экспертной комиссии, на котором приняли окончательный вариант русскоязычной версии шкалы. Он доступен для ознакомления на сайте группы валидациимеждународных шкал и опросников ФГБНУ НЦН https://www.neurology.ru/reabilitaciya/centr-validacii-mezhdunarodnyh-shkal-i-oprosnikov, а также по QR-коду.   Заключение. На базе ФГБНУ НЦН выполнили первый этап валидации — лингвокультурную адаптацию. Впервые представили и рекомендовали к использованию русскоязычную версию Шкалы оценки сопутствующих заболеваний у ареактивных пациентов. В последующих публикациях будут представлены результаты оценки психометрических свойств (чувствительность, валидность, надежность) русскоязычной версии данной шкалы

    Comorbidities Coma Scale (CoCoS): Linguistic and Cultural Adaptation of the Russian-Language Version

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    Identification of complications and control of comorbidities are essential in monitoring the patients with chronic disorders of consciousness and predicting their outcomes. The researchers of the Department of Biotechnological and Applied Clinical Sciences of the University of L'Aquila (Italy) developed the Comorbidities Coma Scale (CoCoS) for a comprehensive assessment of such patients. Lack of an officially validated version of the scale hampers its use in Russia, while using versions which have not been completely validated prevents clinicians from obtaining reliable results when examining patients with chronic disorders of consciousness.   Aim. To develop the official Russian language version of the Comorbidities Coma Scale, considering various linguistic and cultural parameters, as a part of the 1st stage of the validation study.   Material and methods. The first stage of validation was completed: direct and reverse translation of the scale was performed by two independent medical translators. The translated version was assessed by an expert board including an expert translator, neurologists, and critical care specialists. Pilot test and two meetings of the expert board, before and after testing, were arranged to assess the results and approve the final Russian version of the scale.   Results. During the first meeting of the expert board, corrections were made in the Russian language version of the scale in terms of language and cultural adaptation. Pilot testing was carried out based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The researchers had no difficulties in understanding and interpreting the instructions for the scale. The second meeting of the expert board was held thereupon, and the final version of the Russian language version of the scale was adopted, which is available on the website of the Center for Validation of Health Status Questionnaires and Scales of the Research Center of Neurology.   Conclusion. The first stage of validation, i. e., linguistic and cultural adaptation, was carried out at the Research Center of Neurology (Moscow, Russia). For the first time, the Russian version of the scale for assessing comorbidities in patients with chronic disorders of consciousness was presented and approved for the practical use. The future publications will address the psychometric results of the scale such as sensitivity, validity, reliability

    Fungal diversity notes 1512-1610: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa

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    This article is the 14th in the Fungal Diversity Notes series, wherein we report 98 taxa distributed in two phyla, seven classes, 26 orders and 50 families which are described and illustrated. Taxa in this study were collected from Australia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, China, Cyprus, Egypt, France, French Guiana, India, Indonesia, Italy, Laos, Mexico, Russia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. There are 59 new taxa, 39 new hosts and new geographical distributions with one new combination. The 59 new species comprise Angustimassarina kunmingense, Asterina lopi, Asterina brigadeirensis, Bartalinia bidenticola, Bartalinia caryotae, Buellia pruinocalcarea, Coltricia insularis, Colletotrichum flexuosum, Colletotrichum thasutense, Coniochaeta caraganae, Coniothyrium yuccicola, Dematipyriforma aquatic, Dematipyriforma globispora, Dematipyriforma nilotica, Distoseptispora bambusicola, Fulvifomes jawadhuvensis, Fulvifomes malaiyanurensis, Fulvifomes thiruvannamalaiensis, Fusarium purpurea, Gerronema atrovirens, Gerronema flavum, Gerronema keralense, Gerronema kuruvense, Grammothele taiwanensis, Hongkongmyces changchunensis, Hypoxylon inaequale, Kirschsteiniothelia acutisporum, Kirschsteiniothelia crustaceum, Kirschsteiniothelia extensum, Kirschsteiniothelia septemseptatum, Kirschsteiniothelia spatiosum, Lecanora immersocalcarea, Lepiota subthailandica, Lindgomyces guizhouensis, Marthe asmius pallidoaurantiacus, Marasmius tangerinus, Neovaginatispora mangiferae, Pararamichloridium aquisubtropicum, Pestalotiopsis piraubensis, Phacidium chinaum, Phaeoisaria goiasensis, Phaeoseptum thailandicum, Pleurothecium aquisubtropicum, Pseudocercospora vernoniae, Pyrenophora verruculosa, Rhachomyces cruralis, Rhachomyces hyperommae, Rhachomyces magrinii, Rhachomyces platyprosophi, Rhizomarasmius cunninghamietorum, Skeletocutis cangshanensis, Skeletocutis subchrysella, Sporisorium anadelphiae-leptocomae, Tetraploa dashaoensis, Tomentella exiguelata, Tomentella fuscoaraneosa, Tricholomopsis lechatii, Vaginatispora flavispora and Wetmoreana blastidiocalcarea. The new combination is Torula sundara. The 39 new records on hosts and geographical distribution comprise Apiospora guiyangensis, Aplosporella artocarpi, Ascochyta medicaginicola, Astrocystis bambusicola, Athelia rolfsii, Bambusicola bambusae, Bipolaris luttrellii, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Chlorophyllum squamulosum, Colletotrichum aeschynomenes, Colletotrichum pandanicola, Coprinopsis cinerea, Corylicola italica, Curvularia alcornii, Curvularia senegalensis, Diaporthe foeniculina, Diaporthe longicolla, Diaporthe phaseolorum, Diatrypella quercina, Fusarium brachygibbosum, Helicoma aquaticum, Lepiota metulispora, Lepiota pongduadensis, Lepiota subvenenata, Melanconiella meridionalis, Monotosporella erecta, Nodulosphaeria digitalis, Palmiascoma gregariascomum, Periconia byssoides, Periconia cortaderiae, Pleopunctum ellipsoideum, Psilocybe keralensis, Scedosporium apiospermum, Scedosporium dehoogii, Scedosporium marina, Spegazzinia deightonii, Torula fici, Wiesneriomyces laurinus and Xylaria venosula. All these taxa are supported by morphological and multigene phylogenetic analyses. This article allows the researchers to publish fungal collections which are important for future studies. An updated, accurate and timely report of fungus-host and fungus-geography is important. We also provide an updated list of fungal taxa published in the previous fungal diversity notes. In this list, erroneous taxa and synonyms are marked and corrected accordingly

    Density functional theory study of the carbon chains C

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    A theoretical study of CnX, CnX+ and CnX- (X = O and Se; n = 1-10) clusters is carried out employing the density functional theory and the B3LYP functional. All species are fully optimized using the basis set 6-31G(d) for all atoms and further, single-point computations are done using the B3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ level. Molecular properties such as equilibrium parameters, dipole moment, infrared vibrational frequencies, Raman activities and rotational constant are predicted. The computations indicate that the equilibrium structures are either linear or quasi-linear. We report the different forms of electron affinities, ionization energy, atomization energy and binding energy of the CnO and CnSe chains. The results indicate parity effect is very apparent for electron affinity, ionization energy, and binding energy but the effect is less pronounced for atomization energy. The n-even linear chains have larger ionization energy and atomization energy than the n-odd ones but this effect is reversed for electron affinity. The findings from this work are critically discussed and they are very similar to those obtained previously for the hetero-atom doped carbon chains. This research indicates that n-odd carbon chains are more stable than n-even and this is the trend for the chalcogens carbon chains

    Density functional theory study of the carbon chains CnX, CnX+ and CnX- (X = O and Se; n = 1–10)

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    Stannylenes: Structures, Electron Affinities, Ionization Energies, and Singlet–Triplet Gaps of SnX<sub>2</sub>/SnXY and XSnR/SnR<sub>2</sub>/RSnR′ Species (X; Y = H, F, Cl, Br, I, and R; R′ = CH<sub>3</sub>, SiH<sub>3</sub>, GeH<sub>3</sub>, SnH<sub>3</sub>)

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    Systematic computational studies of stannylene derivatives SnX<sub>2</sub>/SnXY and XSnR/SnR<sub>2</sub>/RSnR′ were carried out using density functional theory. The basis sets used for H, F, Cl, Br, C, Si, and Ge atoms are of double-ζ plus polarization quality with additional s- and p-type diffuse functions, denoted DZP++. For the iodine and tin atoms, the Stuttgart-Dresden basis sets, with relativistic small-core effective core potentials (ECP), are used. All geometries are fully optimized with three functionals (BHLYP, BLYP, and B3LYP). Harmonic vibrational wavenumber analyses are performed to evaluate zero-point energy corrections and to determine the nature of the stationary points located. Predicted are four types of neutral-anion separations, plus adiabatic ionization energies (<i>E</i><sub>IE</sub>) and singlet–triplet energy gaps (Δ<i>E</i><sub>S‑T</sub>). The dependence of all three energetic properties upon choice of substituent is remarkably strong. The EA<sub>ad(ZPVE)</sub> values (eV) obtained with the B3LYP functional range from 0.70 eV [Sn­(CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>] to 2.36 eV [SnI<sub>2</sub>]. The computed <i>E</i><sub>IE</sub> values lie between 7.33 eV [Sn­(SnH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>] and 11.15 eV [SnF<sub>2</sub>], while the singlet–triplet splittings range from 0.60 eV [Sn­(SnH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>] to 3.40 eV [SnF<sub>2</sub>]. The geometries and energetics compare satisfactorily with the few available experiments, while most of these species are investigated for the first time. Some unusual structures are encountered for the SnXI<sup>+</sup> (X = F, Cl, and Br) cations. The structural parameters and energetics are discussed and compared with the carbene, silylene, and germylene analogues

    Dicyanogermylenes: A Tale of Isomers and Interconversions

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    A systematic investigation is carried out using the B3LYP, BLYP, and BHLYP functionals and MP2 level of theory to characterize the low-lying electronic singlet and triplet GeC<sub>2</sub>N<sub>2</sub> isomers. The basis sets used are of double-ζ plus polarization quality with additional s- and p-type diffuse functions, DZP++. Three bent isomers Ge­(CN)<sub>2</sub>, CNGeCN, and Ge­(NC)<sub>2</sub> are located on the singlet and triplet potential energy surfaces. In visualizing the reaction pathways for the singlet isomerization of the bent isomers, two three-membered [Ge, C, N] cyclic systems, with exocyclic −C–CN and −C–NC bonding, appear on the energy surface. Four types of electron affinities reported are: the adiabatic electron affinity, the zero-point vibrationally corrected electron affinity, the vertical electron affinity, and the vertical detachment energy of the anion. The ionization energies and singlet–triplet gaps for all isomers are also reported. The energetic ordering (kcal mol<sup>–1</sup>) (B3LYP) with zero-point vibrational energy corrections for the singlet ground state isomers follows: Ge­(CN)<sub>2</sub> (global minimum) < CNGeCN (2.3) < Ge­(NC)<sub>2</sub> (3.3) < Cyc_exo_CCN (15.3) < Cyc_exo_CNC (30.6). All the bent and cyclic isomers are found to be below the dissociation limit to Ge (<sup>3</sup>P) + C<sub>2</sub>N<sub>2</sub> (<sup>1</sup>Σ<sub>g</sub>). The rate constants for all interconversions are evaluated using transition state theory