11 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Supply Chain Management Effects on Tourism Infrastructure in the Region as a Competitive Factor

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    Abstract- In this paper the components of tourism infrastructure were investigated by considering the supply chain management effects. One of the most important components of tourism infrastructure is the hotel industry. In recent years the quantity of means of collective placement in the Republic of Tatarstan increased. In the republic means of placement of almost all categories are presented, among them there are also representatives of such large hotel chains as Hilton, Marriott, ark Inn, Ramada, Ibis. The food industry is also an integral part of tourism infrastructure of the region. The show business of the Republic of Tatarstan covers a huge range of opportunities for visitors, beginning with excursion tours on historical, architectural and cultural sights, finishing with a possibility of visit of various festivals. Today the most important component of tourist infrastructure is transport infrastructure. Its importance and the importance is that first of all for the tourist it is necessary quickly and with comfort to reach a certain destination. Often an opportunity without special waste of time to reach the appointed place acts as criterion for selection of the place of a trip. As for the Republic of Tatarstan, it possesses an extensive transport network and includes all means of transport. The advantageous geographical location also contributes to the development of transport infrastructure. Public authorities of the republic also pay attention to development of the transport system. The Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities of the Republic of Tatarstan adopted the State program "Development of the transport system to the Republic of Tatarstan for 2014 - 2022" which purpose is ensuring further development and creation of a modern transport complex. Tourism in the Republic of Tatarstan in recent years became one of the most dynamically developing branches of economy. Carrying out a large number of actions of the international level and favorable investment climate allowed the republic to come to the leading position in development of tourism in the Russian Federation

    Cluster Approach for Development of Tourism Infrastructure Based on the Supply Chain Management in the Region

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    In article authors describe value of tourism infrastructure in the region. Tourism infrastructure is a complex system which consists of a set of elements of various branch accessory. Uniform development of each element is possible only thanks to the supply chain management. Owing to the complexity, tourism infrastructure and its components are an object of regional government. The instrument of development of tourist infrastructure is adoption of various programs of development of tourism in regions. Authors believe that a perspective way of development of tourism infrastructure of the region and in general the tourist industry is creation of a tourist cluster. The tourist cluster represents the merging of the enterprises of various sectors serving clients concentrated in a certain territory, and also investments and innovations. Hotels, food objects, tourist operators and tourist agents, transport enterprises, entertainment complexes can treat such enterprises. The purpose of creation of tourist clusters is improving competitiveness and formation of image of the region in the tourist market thanks to effective work of the organizations and enterprises entering a cluster. The main essence of a cluster – an opportunity for business and for the region to develop not by inertia. Tourist clusters are formed on the basis of operation of the mechanism of public-private partnership and scientifically based decisions that allows to create the best conditions for development of tourism infrastructure and related services. Along with development of tourism infrastructure, cluster approach allows to stir up activity of the regional enterprises of the different branches of economy for satisfaction of the growing needs for high-quality tourist services at increase in regional tourist streams

    Development of the food industry for the tourism industry

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    In this article, the authors consider the peculiarities of tourists' requests concerning food during rest. A portrait of a modern tourist is presented, and a conclusion is made that healthy food is becoming more and more popular.A modern tourist is quite demanding (you can even say spoiled) person. Especially bright these features of the traveling began to manifest in the last 10-15 years. People are no longer just contemplating new places, the environment, local culture and customs, they want to receive an increasing package of emotions and impressions. An important place in this matter is the food of tourists. Currently, the issue of nutrition is one of the top priorities among tourists when choosing a particular city or resort for recreation.The authors note the difficulties and dangers faced by tourists in other countries when choosing food and food. In conclusion, the authors come to the conclusion that the development of tourism can be more intense with a high level of development of the food industry and, in particular, the local cuisine based on the principles of healthy, low-calorie nutrition

    Religious Tourism In The Tourism System

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    The paper considers the concept of religious tourism. Religious tourism is the departure of a person from a country of residence for a period of no more than six months in order to visit holy places and centers of religion. On the other hand, this concept can be viewed as an activity aimed at providing services to the tourists travelling for religious purposes. One distinguishes the pilgrimage tourism and the religious tourism of excursion - cognitive focus. The difference between these two types is that the religious tourism of excursion - cognitive focus means visiting temples and holy places without the tourists’ participation in the religious life of the shrine. The Pilgrimage tourism provides an opportunity to participate in worshipping and praying. The Pilgrimage can also be classified according to the number of participants, i.e. individual, family, group. If one considers the duration of the tour, one can identify long and short pilgrimages. Depending on the location of the shrine, there are domestic and foreign tour

    Comparative Analysis Of Russian And Foreign Territorial Brands

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    The article provides a comparative analysis of territorial brands development and promotion both in the Russian Federation and abroad on the level of countries, provinces and cities. The authors consider foreign territorial brands of such states, as Australia and Germany, the Austrian Land Tyrol and the Chinese city of Hong Kong, showing their strengths and opportunities for promoting the respective territorial entities. Russian territorial brands under discussion include Saint Petersburg, Omsk and Kaluga regions, Perm, Ulyanovsk and Kazan.Much attention is paid to comparing the strengths and weaknesses of domestic and foreign territorial brands. In the conclusion the authors state that every region of the Russian Federation should create its own original brand, which should complement and develop each other. The researchers emphasize the necessity of creating a national Russian bran