141 research outputs found

    Smart Maintenance Decision Support Systems (SMDSS)

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    Computerized information systems are used in all contemporary industries and have been applied to track maintenance information and history. To a lesser extent, such information systems have also been used to predict or simulate maintenance decisions and actions. This work details two models, a population data analysis, and a system infrastructure, to aid operations and maintenance managers with the difficult resource allocation decisions they face in the field. The first model addresses the consideration of component dependency for series network connections using a Markov Decision Process model and solution algorithm. The second model addresses the prioritization of maintenance activities for a fleet of equipment using an Analytical Hierarchy Process and solution algorithm. A recurrent event data analysis is performed for a population data set. The final element is the information system architecture linking these two models to a marketing information system in order to provide quotations for maintenance services. The specific industry of interest is the electrical power equipment industry with a focus on circuit breaker maintenance decision actions and priorities and the development of quotations for repair and replacement services. This dissertation is arranged in a three paper format in which each topic is self contained to one chapter of this document

    Vilniaus universiteto diplomas: universalus pripažinimas, universalus išsilavinimas, o gal – universali galimybė rinktis?

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    Vilniaus universitete (VU) pirmą sykį po dvidešimt metų, o gal ir po pusamžio (turint galvoje, kad sovietmečiu studijų programos buvo „nuleidžiamos“ iš Maskvos) yra svarstoma universitetinių studijų paskirtis ir turinys. Sukurta vadinamoji Bendrojo universitetinio lavinimo koncepcija, sudaryta ekspertų komisija, kuri ėmėsi praktinių veiksmų kurdama „universalių“, visiems fakultetams tinkamų globalių kursų bloką, kuris ir būtų jungtis tarp įvairių „giliųjų“ studijų, kuriomis užsiima konkretūs atskiri fakultetai


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    Selling Technical Sales to Engineering Learners

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    Sales engineering or technical sales programs bridge engineering and business to educate engineering students in sales specific to their discipline. Students develop business awareness through such programs, providing the sales workforce with technically knowledgeable salespeople. The following study analyzed cohorts of students enrolled in a technical sales for engineers course to assess the changing perceptions and attitudes of engineering students toward technical sales. Students reported statistically significant changes in perceptions regarding interest, need, and rank of current ability toward technical sales and social skills after completing the course. Student perceptions of sales skills being innate and ingrained decreased. Group analysis – enrollment in the sales minor or previous sales experience – revealed expected differences including higher ranked prior ability and initial interest in sales. A separate analysis of 20 technical sales skills at the end of the course was used to highlight the level students perceived they had achieved each skill

    Evaluation of Perceptual Changes in an Engineering Sales Program

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    This study presents preliminary results of how a sales engineering course is impacting industrial engineering students’ perceptions of sales as a skill and a potential profession. The program of a, from established technical sales programs to frame the syllabus for the course. An assessment of students enrolled in the course over a period of three years uncovered statistically significant changes in student perceptions regarding interest, need, and rank of current ability toward technical sales. A separate analysis of 20 technical sales skills at the end of the course also revealed the course to be helpful to very helpful in allowing students to learn the course objectives. This paper will detail those results and seeks to draw conclusions on how the course is impacting student perceptions towards seeking a profession in technical sales

    The Convergence of Online Teaching and Problem Based Learning Modules amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    There is a convergence unfolding between two formerly unique and separate areas of teaching research methodology: distance education and problem-based learning (PBL) environments. Much has been published on each field independently, however, in the modern-era of online, distance, and hybrid educational programs there is a need for more case and experiential-based learning activities which can effectively measure stated learning objectives. Trends in education have led to the development of various methods to instruct courses and conduct research online. Teaching research methodology and pedagogy have evolved to include video capture, remote conferencing, and other real-time communications techniques allowing faculty and students to collaborate across great distances. Meanwhile, PBL environments have been used extensively in teaching medicine, clinical practice, law, business/management, and many other disciplines to improve student learning. This has been further accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic through the use of technologies like Zoom, WebEx, GoToMeeting, Google Hangout Meet, etc. and the availability of PBL-ready environments in breakout rooms and asynchronous simulated projects. Student preference data from 2020 are reported as part of this study. One example of this merger between online delivery and PBLs was the development of a PBL statistical process control (PBL-SPC) module. A cross-functional academic team was created across both a college of business and college of education in which a PBL-SPC module was developed based on a real-life situation in which students immerse themselves in a potato chip factory environment. The motivation for the PBL-SPC was that this is a challenging topic to cover which students often find difficult to relate to and/or boring. Three different scenarios were developed and students, as individuals or in teams, must traverse the simulated factory to assess the situation. Learning outcomes are measured by the course instructors and the PBL environment is being used by faculty around the world. Additionally, the PBL-SPC module has now been scaled to other applications such as six-sigma simulated project training during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pedagogical methods should be interactive, stimulate learning, improve the learning outcomes / critical thinking, and enhance student experience. This paper proposes that merging the effective and tech-friendly pedagogical methods of PBLSPC, with the right modalities and model of online delivery, can help achieve these aforesaid goals. Even more, it can deliver a great opportunity to educators and institutions worldwide for advancing the reach of education


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    The article seeks to evaluate problems linked with understanding of the sequence of events in the battle of Žalgiris in modern Polish historiography, first of all, in “Wojna Polski i Litwy z zakonem krzyżackim w latach 1409–1411”. Sven Ekdahl’s methodical provisions – a necessity to follow strict critique of the sources as well as the Middle Ages warfare realties – were chosen as the basis for evaluation. “Wojna Polski i Litwy” by the Polish authors discusses all the significant aspects of the battle: battleground location, leadership of the allies, separate entry of Lithuanian and Polish forces into the battle, Lithuanian feigned retreat manoeuvre/flight and Polish fight after the Lithuanian army’s retreat, losses etc. However, concerning the fundamental battle course of action, Annals of Długocz remain to be the most reliable source. That is why it is thought that the battle took place between the ruins of the chapel which was built to remember those killed in battle and the lake of Lauben. Moreover, the Polish forces are thought to have joined the battle almost at the same time as Lithuanians did, Lithuanians fled the battleground (though not as far as Lithuania), the remaining Poles forces had a long fight until they faced the Grand Master’s faction and the victory against them was achieved without the support of Lithuanian forces. Concerning warfare, the authors of “Wojna Polski i Litwy” agree that it is necessary to delve deeper into the structure of the army, as well as battle tactics. However, they hesitate to follow Ekdahl’s proposed model, which states that banners too weak to operate independently are grouped into fighting regiments (“Schlachthaufen”), and the latter joined into three echelons (“Treffen”). Instead, a banner is still considered a tactical unit. Furthermore, the authors are undecided if they should adopt Ekdahl and Nadolski’s estimated wedge shape formation, like one of the two alternatives where the next one would be grouping in lines. In conclusion it could be stated that despite some progress the “Polish-Lithuanian War” does not digress from the traditional version of the battle by S. M. Kuczyński. Is this the spell of Długocz or “Polska Ludowa”?Straipsnyje siekiama įvertinti Žalgirio problemų, susijusių su mūšio eiga, suvokimą naujausioje lenkų istoriografijoje, visų pirma 2010 m. veikale „Lenkijos ir Lietuvos karas su Vokiečių ordinu 1409–1411 metais“. Vertinimo pagrindu pasirinktos Sveno Ekdahlio metodinės nuostatos – būtinybė vadovautis griežta šaltinių kritika ir Viduramžių karybos realijomis. Lenkų autorių „Lenkijos ir Lietuvos kare“ yra aptariami visi reikšmingi mūšio klausimai, vis dėlto esminių mūšio eigos momentų klausimais liekama prie nuomonės, jog patikimiausias šaltinis yra Dlugošo „Analai“. Užsiminus apie specifinę karybos sritį, „Lenkijos ir Lietuvos kare“ pripažįstama būtinybė gilintis į kariuomenės sandarą ir jos mūšio taktiką. Tačiau vadovautis Ekdahlio siūlomu modeliu, pagal kurį per silpnos savarankiškai veikti vėliavos buvo sutelkiamos į kovos pulkus („Schlachthaufen“), o pastarieji – į tris ešelonus („Treffen“), vis dar nesiryžtama ir vėliava tebelaikoma taktiniu vienetu. Taip pat neapsisprendžiama, ar priimti Ekdahlio ir Nadolskio nustatytą kovos rikiuotę pleištu, kuri, šalia rikiavimosi keliomis eilėmis, paliekama kaip viena iš galimų alternatyvų. Todėl konstatuotina, kad, nepaisant dalinės pažangos, „Lenkijos ir Lietuvos kare“ nenutolta nuo tradicinės S. M. Kuczyńskio mūšio versijos. Čia Dlugošo ar „Polskos Ludowos“ apžavai

    Development Of A Sales Engineering Program By Collaborating With Industry

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    Iowa State University recently established a program in technical sales for engineers. To develop the program, faculty and administrators reached out to an industrial advisory committee comprised of organizations with a vested interest in the program; the organizations that hire students from the College of Engineering for career tracks in technical sales and marketing. The instructor used a combination of various sales techniques and strategies, from established technical sales programs to frame the syllabus for the course. A detailed course structure, with an associated lesson plan will be presented. A review was conducted of peer institutions with similar technical sales engineering programs included the University of Florida, and Penn State Erie - The Behrend College