395 research outputs found

    Islam and political participation in Mali: 2013 presidential election

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    Desde la década pasada, se ha observado que han ido teniendo lugar en Mali algunas transformaciones sociales que podríamos sintetizar en una mayor presencia del islam y lo islámico en la esfera pública, empezando por los líderes religiosos. Estos, algunos de ellos grandes figuras carismáticas, han pasado a abordar en sus sermones cuestiones de debate sobre asuntos de índole social y nacional y han mostrado interés en el campo político. Dicho interés se ha traducido en la participación en el proceso electoral del año 2013, con la creación de un movimiento político-religioso, Sabati 2012. Aunque el objetivo de dicho movimiento no sea la toma del poder político ni la imposición de un modelo de Estado distinto, se puede afirmar que la participación en política de movimientos con referencias islámicas, así como líderes islámicos, ya no es solo una posibilidad entre otras sino un recorrido que ha comenzado a ser transitado en MaliSince the last decade, Mali has undergone a number of social transformations that indicate the increasing influence of Islam and Islamic values in the public sphere, the first obvious sign being the presence of religious leaders. These leaders, some of them important and charismatic figures, have begun to address matters of social and national importance in their sermons and have shown an interest in the political sphere, represented by their participation in the 2013 electoral process after the creation of the Sabati 2012 political-religious movement. Although the aim of this movement is not the seizure of political power or the imposition of a different state model, participation in politics on the part of movements with Islamic references and Islamic leaders is now an established path in Mal

    A Python Application for Visualizing an Imbricate Thrust System: Palomeque Duplex (SE, Spain)

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    This paper introduces a Python application for visualizing an imbricate thrust system. The application uses the traditional geologic information to create an HTML geological map with real topography and a set of geological cross-sections with the essential structural and stratigraphic elements. On the basis of the high geological knowledge gained during the last three decades, the Palomeque sheets affecting the Cenozoic Malaguide succession in the Internal Betic Zone (SE Spain) were selected to show the application. In this area, a Malaguide Cretaceous to Lower Miocene succession is deformed as an imbricate thrust system, with two thrusts forming a duplex, affected later by a set of faults with a main strike-slip kinematic. The modeled elements match well with the design of the stratigraphic intervals and the structures reported in recent scientific publications. This proves the good performance of this Python application for visualizing the structural and stratigraphic architecture. This kind of application could be a crucial stage for future groundwater, mining, and civil engineering management.Research Project PID2020-114381GB-100 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Research Groups and Projects of the Generalitat Valenciana from University of Alicante (CTMA-IGA), semigrupos.ugr.es from University of Granada and Research Groups FQM-343 of the Junta de AndalucĂ­a

    3D Visualization of geological structures using Python: the case study of the Palomeque sheets (SE, Spain)

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    The goal of this paper is the construction of computerized 3D visualization of geological structures. Several Python applications have been used to adapt the paper map-based geological classical information to numerical geological maps represented in HTML files. The models include a map with the stratigraphic and structural contacts and symbols, five serial vertical sections, and a geological block diagram, all with real topography. This block diagram made with 2D figures allows a 3D visualization. Palomeque area (Murcia region, southeastern Spain) has been used as a key-case. This area consists of a deformed Upper Cretaceous to Oligocene succession belonging to the Internal Zone Malaguide Complex. The main structure consists of two thrust-fold sheets forming an imbricate system, also affected by a set of strike-slip faults with a sinistral regime. The constructed maps show a good agreement with the published classical geological maps and cross-sections demonstrating the benefits of using these Python applications.The authors would like to acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Research Project PID2020-114381GB-100, semigrupos.ugr.es from University of Granada and Research Groups FQM-343 of the Junta de AndalucĂ­a, and Research Groups and Projects of the Generalitat Valenciana-University of Alicante, for financial support

    A Python Application for Visualizing the 3D Stratigraphic Architecture of the Onshore Llobregat River Delta in NE Spain

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    This paper introduces a Python application for visualizing the 3D stratigraphic architecture of porous sedimentary media. The application uses the parameter granulometry deduced from borehole lithological records to create interactive 3D HTML models of essential stratigraphic elements. On the basis of the high density of boreholes and the subsequent geological knowledge gained during the last six decades, the Quaternary onshore Llobregat River Delta (LRD) in northeastern Spain was selected to show the application. The public granulometry dataset produced by the Water Authority of Catalonia from 433 boreholes in this strategic coastal groundwater body was clustered into the clay–silt, coarse sand, and gravel classes. Three interactive 3D HTML models were created. The first shows the location of the boreholes granulometry. The second includes the main gravel and coarse sand sedimentary bodies (lithosomes) associated with the identified three stratigraphic intervals, called lower (>50 m b.s.l.) in the distal LRD sector, middle (20–50 m b.s.l.) in the central LRD, and upper (<20mb.s.l.) spread over the entire LRD. The third deals with the basement (Pliocene and older rocks) top surface, which shows an overall steeped shape deepening toward the marine platform and local horsts, probably due to faulting. The modeled stratigraphic elements match well with the sedimentary structures reported in recent scientific publications. This proves the good performance of this incipient Python application for visualizing the 3D stratigraphic architecture, which is a crucial stage for groundwater management and governance.Spanish Government PID2020-114381GB-100Generalitat Valenciana from the University of Alicante (CTMAIGA)Junta de Andalucia FQM-343 RNM-18

    Cenozoic tectono-sedimentary evolution of the onshore-offshore Tunisian Tell: Implications for oil-gas research

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    A review of the paleogeographic and tectonic reconstruction of the onshore and offshore Tunisian margin during the Cenozoic is discussed. Five unconformities (A to E) and associated stratigraphic gaps of various vertical extents allow subdivision of the stratigraphic record into depositional units in the following time intervals: (i) Paleocene-Oligocene, (ii) Oligocene-early Aquitanian, (iii) early Aquitanian-Burdigalian, (iv) late Burdigalian- Langhian and (v) Langhian-late Miocene. These intervals can in turn be grouped into four main sedimentary cycles (SC1–SC4) dated to the (1) Paleocene-Oligocene, (2) Oligocene–Burdigalian, (3) Burdigalian-Langhian and (4) Langhian-late Miocene. The oldest depositional unit reflects Eo-Alpine tectonics in the Maghrebian Flysch Basin (MFB); the others are related to the Neo-Alpine syn- and late orogenic tectonic deformation affecting the MFB. The uppermost unit represents post-orogenic deposition. Early Miocene synsedimentary tectonism led to (1) deposition of thick successions owing to a large sediment supply and (2) the occurrence of various tectofacies (unconformities, slumps, mega-turbidites, olistostromes, growth folds, chaotic intervals and heterogenous lithofacies), that all, together with the occurrence of lateral change of facies, clearly indicate non-cyclical sedimentation. During the middle Miocene the Tunisian Tell underwent polyphase thrust tectonism, followed by late Miocene strike-slip deformation with contemporaneous rejuvenation of halokinetics and magmatism (the La Galite Archipelago) that may be traced as far as the Algerian Tell. The margin experienced deep-seated compressional tectonism during the Paleogene, a foreland basin during the early Miocene, and nappe stacking during the middle Miocene, with the occurrence of wedge-top sub-basins. The evolution of the region makes the existence of petroleum resources within either the thrust belt, the foredeep and/or the foreland systems plausible. Oil and/or gas may have been trapped in either i) deep buried allochthonous thrust wedges that are located below the Numidian Nappes, and/or in ii) the imbricate Medjerda Valley domain of the Tell foredeep. The offshore area between northern Tunisia and the La Galite Archipelago may also hold potential for large oil/gas fields, as has been confirmed by exploration of the same overthrust belt in other areas such as in Sicily and the Southern Apennines

    A K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm in Python for Visualizing the 3D Stratigraphic Architecture of the Llobregat River Delta in NE Spain

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    The k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm is a non-parametric supervised machine learning classifier; which uses proximity and similarity to make classifications or predictions about the grouping of an individual data point. This ability makes the KNN algorithm ideal for classifying datasets of geological variables and parameters prior to 3D visualization. This paper introduces a machine learning KNN algorithm and Python libraries for visualizing the 3D stratigraphic architecture of sedimentary porous media in the Quaternary onshore Llobregat River Delta (LRD) in northeastern Spain. A first HTML model showed a consecutive 5 m-equispaced set of horizontal sections of the granulometry classes created with the KNN algorithm from 0 to 120 m below sea level in the onshore LRD. A second HTML model showed the 3D mapping of the main Quaternary gravel and coarse sand sedimentary bodies (lithosomes) and the basement (Pliocene and older rocks) top surface created with Python libraries. These results reproduce well the complex sedimentary structure of the LRD reported in recent scientific publications and proves the suitability of the KNN algorithm and Python libraries for visualizing the 3D stratigraphic structure of sedimentary porous media, which is a crucial stage in making decisions in different environmental and economic geology disciplines.Junta de Andalucia FQM-343 RNM-188Spanish Government PID2020-114381GB-100Generalitat Valenciana from the University of Alicante (CTMAIGA
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