7 research outputs found

    Analysis of the catfish (clarias sp.) value chain and its problems in Bogor, Indonesia

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    Catfish is one of the leading freshwater commodities stipulated by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) of the Republic of Indonesia. The annual production target of catfish continues to increase every year. This study aims to analyze the actors and the value chain map of catfish, problems in the value chain of catfish, and the strategies to improve the value chain. This research was conducted by survey method using questionnaire instrument. The survey was done by using purposive sampling technique to 23 catfish farmers, 7 catfish wholesalers, 5 catfish retailers, and 5 catfish processors in Bogor Regency. In this study, there are 4 channels of the value chain of catfish from the production to the consumer. The four actors who are involved in the value chain, namely farmer, wholesaler, retailer, and processor. The constraints along the value chain consist of three aspects: pre-production, production, and post-harvest.  Pre-production problems include thequality of seeds, high price of feed, and lack of capital. Problems on production are the weather, fish mortality, and social security. Problems facing post-production cover price instability and  lack of bargaining power of farmers. Proposed up-grading strategies to improve the competitiveness are strengthening partnership among farmers, strengthening partnerships between farmers and  other strategic partners (traders, and feed companies)

    Analysis of the catfish (clarias sp.) value chain and its problems in Bogor, Indonesia

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    Catfish is one of the leading freshwater commodities stipulated by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) of the Republic of Indonesia. The annual production target of catfish continues to increase every year. This study aims to analyze the actors and the value chain map of catfish, problems in the value chain of catfish, and the strategies to improve the value chain. This research was conducted by survey method using questionnaire instrument. The survey was done by using purposive sampling technique to 23 catfish farmers, 7 catfish wholesalers, 5 catfish retailers, and 5 catfish processors in Bogor Regency. In this study, there are 4 channels of the value chain of catfish from the production to the consumer. The four actors who are involved in the value chain, namely farmer, wholesaler, retailer, and processor. The constraints along the value chain consist of three aspects: pre-production, production, and post-harvest.  Pre-production problems include thequality of seeds, high price of feed, and lack of capital. Problems on production are the weather, fish mortality, and social security. Problems facing post-production cover price instability and  lack of bargaining power of farmers. Proposed up-grading strategies to improve the competitiveness are strengthening partnership among farmers, strengthening partnerships between farmers and  other strategic partners (traders, and feed companies)

    Masculinization of betta fish Betta splendens by embryo immersion in extract of purwoceng Pimpinella alpina

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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to examine the effect of extract of purwoceng Pimpinella alpina for masculinization of Betta splendens. This research used completely randomized design with three treatments that were distinguished by doses of purwoceng extract, which were 10, 20, and 30 µL/L, and 0 µL/L as control. The treatments were given by immersion to 35 embryos at eye spots phase or about 28-hours after fertilization, for eight hours. The immersion process was done for 8 hours. The result showed that 20 µL/L dose of purwoceng extract produced 62.66% male, and hatching rate was 85.71%. This male percentage was higher compared to control (45.91%), but the hatching rate was lower than that of control (98.57%). At the higher dose (30 µL/L), male fish population and hatching rate reduced respectively 39.72% and 68.57%, respectively. Keywords: masculinization, embryo immersion, purwoceng extract, Betta splendens  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh dosis ekstrak purwoceng Pimpinella alpina extract dalam maskulinisasi ikan cupang hias Betta splendens. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode rancangan acak lengkap dengan tiga perlakuan dan tiga ulangan dosis ekstrak purwoceng. yaitu 10, 20, dan 30 µL/L, serta perlakuan 0 µL/L sebagai kontrol. Perlakuan diberikan melalui perendaman selama delapan jam terhadap 35 embrio saat memasuki fase bintik mata atau sekitar jam ke-28 setelah pembuahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis ekstrak purwoceng 20 µL/L menghasilkan persentase ikan jantan sebesar 62,66%, dan daya tetas telur sebesar 85,71%. Persentase jantan tersebut lebih tinggi daripada kontrol (45,1%), tetapi derajat penetasannya lebih rendah daripada kontrol (98,57%). Pada dosis yang lebih tinggi (30 µL/L), populasi ikan jantan (39,72%), dan derajat penetasan (68,57%) adalah menurun. Kata kunci: maskulinisasi, perendaman embrio, ekstrak purwoceng, Betta splenden

    Analisis strategi peningkatan rantai nilai ikan lele (clarias sp.) di kabupaten bogor

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    Catfish is one of the important aquaculture commodities in Indonesia. Ministry of Marine and Fisheries Affairs (KKP) has a target to increase catfish production up to 1.8 million tons in 2019. Bogor Regency is one of the fisheries cluster areas which been appointed by KKP. The important commodity in this cluster is catfish. However, the catfish farmers in Bogor Regency have a weaker bargaining position than the other actors in the value chain. This research aims to analyze catfish value chain system and its value added, to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in catfish value chain, and to formulate upgrading strategies to improve the quality of catfish value chain in Bogor Regency. This research used Hayami’s method to assess the value added, and SWOT analysis to identify the internal and external value chain conditions as a base for creating upgrading strategies of the catfish value chain. The alternative strategies are prioritized by using AHP. Data was collected by using questionnaires. The result shows that there are four main actors in the catfish value chain in Bogor Regency: catfish farmers, collectors, retailers, and processors. The average value added for each actor has different value. A catfish farmer has IDR 2 700/kg, a collector has IDR 3 000/kg, a retailer has IDR 2 700/kg, and a processor has IDR 35 000/kg. The results of SWOT identification showed that the strengths in the value chain are each actor has experiences, location as a minapolitan area, easy to culture, and high bargaining power for collectors. The weaknesses are limited capital and limited access to capital, low bargaining power of farmers, conventional cultivation technology, unstable seed quality, and limited capacity especially for collectors and retailers. The opportunities are catfish as a important commodity and high demand. The threats are expensive feed price, unstable feed quality, the weather, water quality degradation, supply consistency, the disaster, and competition between actors. The priority strategies to upgrade catfish value chain are 1) developing quality seed (0.363), 2) increasing cooperation among the actors (0.221), 3) implementing environmental friendly farm (0.143), 4) scaling up production (0.099), 5) making alternative feed (0.092), and 6) making a catfish product diversification (0.083)

    Analisis strategi peningkatan rantai nilai ikan lele (clarias sp.) di kabupaten bogor

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    Catfish is one of the important aquaculture commodities in Indonesia. Ministry of Marine and Fisheries Affairs (KKP) has a target to increase catfish production up to 1.8 million tons in 2019. Bogor Regency is one of the fisheries cluster areas which been appointed by KKP. The important commodity in this cluster is catfish. However, the catfish farmers in Bogor Regency have a weaker bargaining position than the other actors in the value chain. This research aims to analyze catfish value chain system and its value added, to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in catfish value chain, and to formulate upgrading strategies to improve the quality of catfish value chain in Bogor Regency. This research used Hayami’s method to assess the value added, and SWOT analysis to identify the internal and external value chain conditions as a base for creating upgrading strategies of the catfish value chain. The alternative strategies are prioritized by using AHP. Data was collected by using questionnaires. The result shows that there are four main actors in the catfish value chain in Bogor Regency: catfish farmers, collectors, retailers, and processors. The average value added for each actor has different value. A catfish farmer has IDR 2 700/kg, a collector has IDR 3 000/kg, a retailer has IDR 2 700/kg, and a processor has IDR 35 000/kg. The results of SWOT identification showed that the strengths in the value chain are each actor has experiences, location as a minapolitan area, easy to culture, and high bargaining power for collectors. The weaknesses are limited capital and limited access to capital, low bargaining power of farmers, conventional cultivation technology, unstable seed quality, and limited capacity especially for collectors and retailers. The opportunities are catfish as a important commodity and high demand. The threats are expensive feed price, unstable feed quality, the weather, water quality degradation, supply consistency, the disaster, and competition between actors. The priority strategies to upgrade catfish value chain are 1) developing quality seed (0.363), 2) increasing cooperation among the actors (0.221), 3) implementing environmental friendly farm (0.143), 4) scaling up production (0.099), 5) making alternative feed (0.092), and 6) making a catfish product diversification (0.083)

    Analysis of the catfish (clarias sp.) value chain and its problems in Bogor, Indonesia

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    Catfish is one of the leading freshwater commodities stipulated by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) of the Republic of Indonesia. The annual production target of catfish continues to increase every year. This study aims to analyze the actors and the value chain map of catfish, problems in the value chain of catfish, and the strategies to improve the value chain. This research was conducted by survey method using questionnaire instrument. The survey was done by using purposive sampling technique to 23 catfish farmers, 7 catfish wholesalers, 5 catfish retailers, and 5 catfish processors in Bogor Regency. In this study, there are 4 channels of the value chain of catfish from the production to the consumer. The four actors who are involved in the value chain, namely farmer, wholesaler, retailer, and processor. The constraints along the value chain consist of three aspects: pre-production, production, and post-harvest.  Pre-production problems include thequality of seeds, high price of feed, and lack of capital. Problems on production are the weather, fish mortality, and social security. Problems facing post-production cover price instability and  lack of bargaining power of farmers. Proposed up-grading strategies to improve the competitiveness are strengthening partnership among farmers, strengthening partnerships between farmers and  other strategic partners (traders, and feed companies).