78 research outputs found

    Human Resource Management in the Context of the Global Economic Crisis

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    The relevance of the study of human resources management in crisis conditions is determined, firstly, during social change, destroyed the existing usual ways of living, changing values and priorities of society, leading to the disappearance of some and the emergence of other forms of activity. This puts a person a new life task, “creativity” as a manifestation of activity of subject of activity, when the subject and object of the interaction may be reversed, as the operand and the operator. It should be stressed that in modern conditions of dynamic change is changing the paradigm, the subject and methods of management. And, as shows the analysis of the literature, which is especially valuable for economic psychology, psychology of business and management - namely inadequate representation of managers about changes in the economic, political, juridical (legal) entities and the management are the major obstacle to business development and the formulation of effective management of the organization. The problem of the inadequacy of the views of managers about the realities on the basis of which develops business or management is particularly acute for the Russian economy. Keywords: economy, economic crisis, human resources, management, motivation JEL Classifications: J22, J24, J31, J3

    Public Administration and Municipal Governance and Its Significance for a Modern Democratic Society

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    This paper aims to review the state of public administration and municipal governance today. The condition of state and municipal administration is considered on the example of modern democratic society. As the highest type of administration activities, social management is the effect of the subject on the public relations with the purpose of their improvement, development and streamlining, preservation of their qualitative specificity. The main feature of social control is that the object is the activities the subjects of knowledge. That is, the subjects of knowledge, and the real actors are the people themselves. In addition, the interaction between subject and object of knowledge is the object of knowledge. Management “is the property of any society arising from its systemic nature, the public nature of labor, the need of communication between people in work and life, the exchange of products, their material and spiritual activities.” Depending on the nature of the subject of management, there is control of the state (subject of control - state) and municipal administration (the subject of administration - the population of the municipality). Keywords: public administration, municipal governance, democratic society, economic growth, economic development JEL Classifications: H1, H11, H7, H7

    COVID-19 symptoms predictive of healthcare workers' SARS-CoV-2 PCR results

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    Background Coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) is caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, transmissible both person-to-person and from contaminated surfaces. Early COVID-19 detection among healthcare workers (HCWs) is crucial for protecting patients and the healthcare workforce. Because of limited testing capacity, symptom-based screening may prioritize testing and increase diagnostic accuracy. Methods and findings We performed a retrospective study of HCWs undergoing both COVID-19 telephonic symptom screening and nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 assays during the period, March 9.April 15, 2020. HCWs with negative assays but progressive symptoms were re-tested for SARSCoV- 2. Among 592 HCWs tested, 83 (14%) had an initial positive SARS-CoV-2 assay. Fiftynine of 61 HCWs (97%) who were asymptomatic or reported only sore throat/nasal congestion had negative SARS-CoV-2 assays (P = 0.006). HCWs reporting three or more symptoms had an increased multivariate-adjusted odds of having positive assays, 1.95 (95% CI:, which increased to 2.61 (95% CI: for six or more symptoms. The multivariate-adjusted odds of a positive assay were also increased for HCWs reporting fever and a measured temperature . 37.5°C (3.49 (95% CI:, and those with myalgias (1.83 (95% CI: Anosmia/ageusia (i.e. loss of smell/loss of taste) was reported less frequently (16%) than other symptoms by HCWs with positive assays, but was associated with more than a seven-fold multivariate-adjusted odds of a positive test: OR = 7.21 (95% CI: Of 509 HCWs with initial negative SARS-CoV-2 assays, nine had symptom progression and positive re-tests, yielding an estimated negative predictive value of 98.2% (95% CI: 96.8-99.0%) for the exclusion of clinically relevant COVID-19. Conclusions Symptom and temperature reports are useful screening tools for predicting SARS-CoV-2 assay results in HCWs. Anosmia/ageusia, fever, and myalgia were the strongest independent predictors of positive assays. The absence of symptoms or symptoms limited to nasal congestion/sore throat were associated with negative assays

    Dedifferentiation of Human Primary Thyrocytes into Multilineage Progenitor Cells without Gene Introduction

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    While identification and isolation of adult stem cells have potentially important implications, recent reports regarding dedifferentiation/reprogramming from differentiated cells have provided another clue to gain insight into source of tissue stem/progenitor cells. In this study, we developed a novel culture system to obtain dedifferentiated progenitor cells from normal human thyroid tissues. After enzymatic digestion, primary thyrocytes, expressing thyroglobulin, vimentin and cytokeratin-18, were cultured in a serum-free medium called SAGM. Although the vast majority of cells died, a small proportion (∼0.5%) survived and proliferated. During initial cell expansion, thyroglobulin/cytokeratin-18 expression was gradually declined in the proliferating cells. Moreover, sorted cells expressing thyroid peroxidase gave rise to proliferating clones in SAGM. These data suggest that those cells are derived from thyroid follicular cells or at least thyroid-committed cells. The SAGM-grown cells did not express any thyroid-specific genes. However, after four-week incubation with FBS and TSH, cytokeratin-18, thyroglobulin, TSH receptor, PAX8 and TTF1 expressions re-emerged. Moreover, surprisingly, the cells were capable of differentiating into neuronal or adipogenic lineage depending on differentiating conditions. In summary, we have developed a novel system to generate multilineage progenitor cells from normal human thyroid tissues. This seems to be achieved by dedifferentiation of thyroid follicular cells. The presently described culture system may be useful for regenerative medicine, but the primary importance will be as a tool to elucidate the mechanisms of thyroid diseases

    Measuring proliferation in breast cancer: practicalities and applications

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    Various methods are available for the measurement of proliferation rates in tumours, including mitotic counts, estimation of the fraction of cells in S-phase of the cell cycle and immunohistochemistry of proliferation-associated antigens. The evidence, advantages and disadvantages for each of these methods along with other novel approaches is reviewed in relation to breast cancer. The potential clinical applications of proliferative indices are discussed, including their use as prognostic indicators and predictors of response to systemic therapy

    GalNAc glycoprotein expression by breast cell lines, primary breast cancer and normal breast epithelial membrane

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    Over-expression of N-acetylgalactosamine glycoproteins as detected by binding of the lectin from Helix pomatia (HPA), is associated with metastatic competence and poor patient prognosis in a range of human adenocarcinomas. These glycoproteins remain poorly characterised, and their functional role has yet to be elucidated. This study describes characterisation of a range of human breast/breast cancer cell lines for the expression of the N-acetylgalactosaminylated glycoproteins of interest, and their comparison with normal breast epithelium and a range of clinical breast carcinoma samples. Confocal and light microscopy studies revealed cytochemical HPA-binding patterns consistent with a fundamental disruption in normal glycobiosynthetic pathways attending increasing metastatic potential. We report the most complete comparative analysis of HPA-binding ligands from cultured breast cells, clinical breast carcinoma samples and normal breast epithelium to date. Lectin blotting identified 11 major HPA-binding glycoprotein bands common to both clinical tumour samples and breast cell lines and 6 of these bands were also expressed by samples of normal breast epithelium, albeit at much lower levels. Moreover, very marked quantitative but not qualitative differences in levels of expression consistent with metastatic capability were noted. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaignhttp://www.bjcancer.co