34 research outputs found

    Development of a Hybrid Agile Management Model in Local Self-Government Units

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    Local self-government units (LSGUs) often view project management as an accompanying activity not really giving it the appropriate level of importance. Challenges of traditional project management where the projects are segmented into discrete paths each dependent on the completion of the previous phase but without feedback or iteration can be overwhelming in a rigid governmental organizational structures. Such could be avoided by changing the way the projects are managed and/or changing the organizational structure. In both cases agile approach can be helpful. However, a priori implementation can cause more damage than good. It is the thinking behind the Agile principles that would adapt to the needs and particularities of the work environment it is implemented in, especially in light of the variety of activities of government bodies. The proposed model, Hybrid Agile Model, aims at defining a new, flexible, management structure for local self-government units, based on the development of human resources and constant change of culture, never neglecting the regular activities of such bodies, and all while making them more reliable and effective. The model has been described in detail along with the implementation process that has been tested on LSGU City of Poreč

    Human rights and medicine

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    Local self-government units often consider project management as an accompanying activity and therefore do not accord it the appropriate level of importance. The term ā€œagileā€ refers to a series of methods developed for more flexible project management. Thus, the background of an agile concept and its content are presented in this paper. Furthermore, the concept is compared with traditional project management methodologies. However, a priori implementation of agile-based model in an unrealistic solution can cause more damage than good. Hence, this paper proposes an agile-based matrix organizational model that adapts to the needs and particularities of the work environment in which it implemented, especially the various activities of government bodies. The model will define a new and flexible management structure for local self-government units based on the development of human resources, constant change of culture, and regular activities of government bodies, thereby improving their reliability and effectiveness

    Liječenje ozljeda medijalnog meniskusa parcijalnom meniscektomijom

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    Partial meniscectomy involves partial removal of the meniscus. This can vary from minor trimming of the damaged part of the meniscus to the removal of the rip from the meniscocapsular junction. Meniscus tears are the most common knee injury. They may occur in acute knee injuries in younger patients, or as part of a degenerative process in older individuals. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the method of choice for treatment of medial meniscus injuries that, in well selected cases, resulted in a small rate of complications and fast rehabilitation. The study analyzed the results of arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy in 99 patients, in the period from 2005 to 2013, with follow up of 12-14 months. In our series of arthroscopically treated medial meniscus, tears were found in 29 patients with vertical complete bucket handle lesions, 14 with vertical incomplete lesions, 9 with longitudinal tears, 13 with oblique tears, 11 with complex, flap and degenerative lesions, 10 with radial lesions and 13 with horizontal lesions. The mean preoperative International Knee Documentation Committee score was 52.52%, then 81.81% at one month and 92.92% at six months of arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy. Arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy is a minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedure. This procedure is an acceptable and effective long-term treatment, particularly in patients without significant articular cartilage damage, and is associated with minimal morbidity.Parcijalna meniscektomija podrazumijeva djelomično uklanjanje meniskusa. Ovo može varirati od manje ekstirpacije oÅ”tećenog dijela meniskusa do uklanjanja rascjepa s meniskokapsularnog hvatiÅ”ta. Ozljede meniskusa su najčeŔće ozljede koljena. One se mogu javiti kao akutne ozljede koljena kod mlađih bolesnika ili kao dio degenerativnog procesa u starijih osoba. Cilj studije bio je pokazati metodu izbora u liječenju ozljeda medijalnog meniskusa koja u dobro odabranim slučajevima dovodi do malog postotka komplikacija i brze rehabilitacije. U studiji su analizirani rezultati artroskopske parcijalne medijalne meniscektomije kod 99 bolesnika u razdoblju od 2005. do 2013. godine s praćenjem kroz 12-14 mjeseci. U naÅ”oj seriji bolesnika liječenih ovom metodom utvrđen je rascjep poput drÅ”ke koÅ”arice (bucket handle) u 29, vertikalni nepotpuni rascjep u 14, uzdužni rascjep u 9, kosi rascjep u 13, degenerativna lezija u 11, radijalni rascjep u 10 i horizontalni rascjep u 13 bolesnika. Prosječni prijeoperacijski zbir IKDC (International Knee Documentation Committee) bio je 52,52%, jedan mjesec nakon parcijalne artroskopske medijalne meniscektomije IKDC je bio 81,81%, a Å”est mjeseci nakon parcijalne meniscektomije 92,92%. Artroskopska parcijalna medijalna meniscektomija je minimalno invazivan dijagnostički i terapijski zahvat. Ona je prihvatljiva i učinkovita kao liječenje, naročito kod bolesnika bez značajnog oÅ”tećenja zglobne hrskavice, a praćena je minimalnim pobolom

    Liječenje ozljeda medijalnog meniskusa parcijalnom meniscektomijom

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    Partial meniscectomy involves partial removal of the meniscus. This can vary from minor trimming of the damaged part of the meniscus to the removal of the rip from the meniscocapsular junction. Meniscus tears are the most common knee injury. They may occur in acute knee injuries in younger patients, or as part of a degenerative process in older individuals. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the method of choice for treatment of medial meniscus injuries that, in well selected cases, resulted in a small rate of complications and fast rehabilitation. The study analyzed the results of arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy in 99 patients, in the period from 2005 to 2013, with follow up of 12-14 months. In our series of arthroscopically treated medial meniscus, tears were found in 29 patients with vertical complete bucket handle lesions, 14 with vertical incomplete lesions, 9 with longitudinal tears, 13 with oblique tears, 11 with complex, flap and degenerative lesions, 10 with radial lesions and 13 with horizontal lesions. The mean preoperative International Knee Documentation Committee score was 52.52%, then 81.81% at one month and 92.92% at six months of arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy. Arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy is a minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedure. This procedure is an acceptable and effective long-term treatment, particularly in patients without significant articular cartilage damage, and is associated with minimal morbidity.Parcijalna meniscektomija podrazumijeva djelomično uklanjanje meniskusa. Ovo može varirati od manje ekstirpacije oÅ”tećenog dijela meniskusa do uklanjanja rascjepa s meniskokapsularnog hvatiÅ”ta. Ozljede meniskusa su najčeŔće ozljede koljena. One se mogu javiti kao akutne ozljede koljena kod mlađih bolesnika ili kao dio degenerativnog procesa u starijih osoba. Cilj studije bio je pokazati metodu izbora u liječenju ozljeda medijalnog meniskusa koja u dobro odabranim slučajevima dovodi do malog postotka komplikacija i brze rehabilitacije. U studiji su analizirani rezultati artroskopske parcijalne medijalne meniscektomije kod 99 bolesnika u razdoblju od 2005. do 2013. godine s praćenjem kroz 12-14 mjeseci. U naÅ”oj seriji bolesnika liječenih ovom metodom utvrđen je rascjep poput drÅ”ke koÅ”arice (bucket handle) u 29, vertikalni nepotpuni rascjep u 14, uzdužni rascjep u 9, kosi rascjep u 13, degenerativna lezija u 11, radijalni rascjep u 10 i horizontalni rascjep u 13 bolesnika. Prosječni prijeoperacijski zbir IKDC (International Knee Documentation Committee) bio je 52,52%, jedan mjesec nakon parcijalne artroskopske medijalne meniscektomije IKDC je bio 81,81%, a Å”est mjeseci nakon parcijalne meniscektomije 92,92%. Artroskopska parcijalna medijalna meniscektomija je minimalno invazivan dijagnostički i terapijski zahvat. Ona je prihvatljiva i učinkovita kao liječenje, naročito kod bolesnika bez značajnog oÅ”tećenja zglobne hrskavice, a praćena je minimalnim pobolom

    Usporedba anterogradne i retrogradne aplikacije humeralnog čavla

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    Application of humeral nail in the treatment of humeral shaft fractures is a relatively novel method of fracture fixation. Its application at Clinical Department of Traumatology, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center began in 2001. The operative procedure should be performed using a minimally invasive technique without fracture opening in order to maintain optimal conditions for fracture healing including hematoma management. However, in everyday practice it is often impossible to obtain satisfactory fracture reduction using the closed procedure, so open reduction and additional fixation with wires or screws are mandatory. Over the last 14 years, fixation of fractures with the locking nail was performed in more than 400 patients. Cases of pseudarthrosis and pathological fractures were also managed successfully. There were more female patients. The mean time from injury to surgery was 2.4 days. Surgery was performed immediately upon admission to the emergency service whenever possible. This study comprised 234 patients with humeral shaft fractures treated with the humeral nail (antegrade insertion was applied in 103 and retrograde in 131 patients). The aim of the study was to stress out the complexity of appropriate operative treatment of humeral shaft fractures using intramedullary fixation, as well as the importance of proper reduction and stable fixation.Upotreba usidrenog humeralnog čavla u liječenju prijeloma i psudartroza nadlaktične kosti relativno je nova metoda fiksacije. U svijetu se počinje koristiti početkom 1990.-ih godina, a u Klinici za traumatologiju KBC-a Sestre milosrdnice primjenjuje se od 2001. godine. Operacija bi se u načelu trebala izvoditi minimalno invazivno bez otvaranja frakturnog predjela s ciljem očuvanja povoljnih lokalnih uvjeta za sanaciju prijeloma koje nam nudi frakturni hematom. Međutim, u praksi često nije moguće zadovoljavajuću repoziciju izvesti zatvoreno te je potrebno prijelom eksponirati i dodatno fiksirati serklažnim žicama ili vijcima. U posljednjih 13 godina fiksacija prijeloma s usidrenim čavlom učinjena je u preko 400 bolesnika. UspjeÅ”no su tretirane i pseudartroze i patoloÅ”ki prijelomi. Å to se tiče spolne distribucije, prijelom je bio 2 puta viÅ”e zastupljen u ženskoga spola. Srednje vrijeme od ozljede do operacije iznosilo je 2,4 dana. Ako su uvjeti i stanje bolesnika dozvoljavali, operacija se izvodila odmah nakon prijma u hitnoj službi. U ovoj studiji obrađeno je 234 bolesnika, od kojih je 110 bolesnika operirano retrogradnom aplikacijom, a 124 anterogradnom aplikacijom čavla. Cilj istraživanja bio je naglasiti složenost odgovarajućeg operativnog liječenja prijeloma dijafize humerusa koristeći intramedularnu fiksaciju, kao i važnost dobre repozicije i stabilne fiksacije ulomaka

    Eksploatacioni parametri vučenog kombajna za berbu grožđa Volentieri VG 2000/2TA

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    Harvesting represents one of the most challenging problems in managing vineyards. 'Quality picking' is considered when it is done in the period when the grapes are suitable for its purposes, especially related with the soluble solid content, and the appropriate sugar/acids relation. Hand picking costs represent around 45% of total labor per hectare, which is equivalent of 30-50 working days for one laborer. Study of the mechanical picking of grapevine cultivars intended for winemaking by applying dragged combine 'Volentieri' ensemble with tractor 'New Holland Tn 95 F' are shown in this paper. Experiment was done in the Ćemovsko Field's production vineyards, with cultivars Vranac and Župljanka. Grapevine planting was done on the planting distance 2.6 x 0.7 m and 2.6 x 1 m, respectively. Row length was 168 m, with training system modified horizontal bilateral cordon with green strip width in grape area 50-60 cm. Aggregate's working results of the investigation are showing that average running speed was 4.8 km/h, and output 0.62 ha/h, i.e. 4.98 ha/day in cultivar Vranac. In cultivar Župljanka following values were achieved: running speed was 4.1 km/h, output 0.53 ha/h i.e. 4.24 ha/day. Turning time in headlands of examined harvester was 30 - 32 s. It was necessary to reduce green leaves just before harvesting, especially in the zone bunches, in order to decrease slowdowns and losses. Dragged combines, except in larger plantations, have commercial adequacy both in smaller households.Jedan od najsloženijih problema u obavljanju radnih operacija u vinogradarstvu predstavlja proces berbe grožđa. Kvalitetna berba se smatra ona koja se obavi u periodu kada sastav grožđa odgovara njegovoj nameni, Å”to se pre svega odnosi na suvu materiju i odgovarajući odnos Å”ećera i kiselina. TroÅ”kovi ručne berbe grožđa čine oko 45% od ukupnog utroÅ”ka ljudskog rada po hektaru Å”to odgovara 30-50 radnih dana jednog radnika. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja mehanizovane berbe vinskih sorti grožđa, primjenom vučenog kombajna 'Volentieri' u agregatu s traktorom 'New Holland Tn 95 F'. Ispitivanja su obavljena na proizvodnim povrÅ”inama Ćemovskog polja, sorte Vranac i Župljanka. Sadnja loze je obavljena na međurednom i rednom rastojanju 2,6 x 0,7 m i 2,6 x 1 m. Dužina redova je iznosila 168 m a zastupljen uzgojni sistem je modifikovana horizontalna dvokraka kordunica sa Å”irinom zelenog pojasa u zoni grožđa 50-60 cm. Rezultati ispitivanja agregata u radu pokazuju da je ostvarena prosječna radna brzina od 4,8 km/h, a učinak 0,62 ha/h tj. 4,98 ha/dan - sorta Vranac. Kod sorte Župljanka ostvarene su vrednosti: brzina rada 4,1 km/h, učinak 0,53 ha/h tj. 4,24 ha/dan. Pri radu kombajna javljaju se gubici od 36 kg/ha kod sorte Vranac, a 70 kg/ha kod sorte Župljanka. Vreme okretanja na uvratinama ispitivanog kombajna je iznosilo 30 -32 s. Neposredno pred berbu neophodno je zelenom rezidbom smanjiti lisnu masu posebno u zoni grožđa kako bi se smanjili zastoji u berbi i gubici. Vučeni kombajni, osim u većim plantažnim zasadima imaju ekonomsku opravdanost i na manjim posjedima

    Liječenje periprotetskih prijeloma bedrene kosti nakon totalne proteze kuka kod Vankuverskog tipa B

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    Th e rate of periprosthetic femoral fractures following total hip replacement has been growing steadily in the last 20 years and ranges from 0.1% to 2.1%. These fractures are mostly related to older patients with the presence of chronic diseases and frequently poor bone quality. Th e treatment is surgically very complex and demanding, followed by a series of complications. Th e evaluation in this retrospective study included 23 patients who were medically treated from January 2004 to December 2015 with the mean follow-up of 14.5 (range, 9-25) months. Th ere were 17 patients with cement total hip arthroplasty (THA) and 6 with cementless THA. During treatment of fractures, different techniques were implemented including the use of wire cerclage, dynamic compression plates (DCP), a locking compression plate (LCP) system, and long revision stem. For the purpose of distinguishing fractures, we used the Vancouver classifi cation by Duncan and Masri. For clinical evaluation, we used the modifi ed Merle dā€™Aubigne score system and monitored complications during treatment. Th e aim is to show treatment results of the type B periprosthetic femoral fractures by using diff erent operative treatment techniques. According to the Vancouver classifi cation within type B, 10 (43.47%) patients had type B1 fractures, another 10 (43.47%) patients had type B2 fractures, and three (13.04%) patients had type B3 fractures. According to gender distribution, there were eight (34.8%) male and 15 (65.2%) female patients, mean age 59.5 (range, 47-86) years. Twelve (52.2%) and 11 (47.8%) patients had left- and right-sided fractures, respectively. Th e mean length of hospital stay was 16 (range, 9-26) days. According to the Merle dā€™Aubigne score system, 10 patients with type B1 fractures had the mean score of 11.5 points, which is poor result. Poor result was also recorded in patients with type B2 fractures, with the mean score of 10.6 points. Th e three patients with type B3 fractures had the mean score of 12 points, which is considered fair score. In conclusion, Vancouver classifi cation has been widely accepted and using the protocols makes decision making during treatment much easier. During treatment of this type of fracture, we used various implants, wire cerclage, DCP and LCP, as well as long stem revision. In certain cases, we applied surgical techniques, implants that are not recommended by the Vancouver protocol by which we treated periprosthetic femoral fractures; in these case, we recorded nonunion bone, malunion and breaking of implants, which resulted in poor treatment outcome.Incidencija periprotetskih prijeloma bedrene kosti kod totalne proteze kuka (TPK) je u stalnom porastu u posljednja dva desetljeća i kreće se u opsegu od 0,1%-2,1%. Ovi su prijelomi karakteristični za osobe starije životne dobi s prisutnim kroničnim bolestima, često slabijom kvalitetom kosti, a samo liječenje je kirurÅ”ki složeno i zahtjevno te praćeno nizom komplikacija. Ova retrospektivna studija je obuhvatila 23 bolesnika liječenih u razdoblju od siječnja 2004. do prosinca 2015. godine. Srednje vrijeme praćenja je bilo 14,5 (od 9 do 25) mjeseci. Bilo je 17 bolesnika s cementnom i Å”est s bescementnom TPK. U rjeÅ”avanju prijeloma rabili smo različite tehnike: uporabu žičanih serklaža, DC ploče, LCP sustava i dugog revizijskog stema. Za podjelu prijeloma služili smo se Vankuverskom klasifi kacijom po Duncanu i Masriju. Za kliničku evaluaciju rabili smo modifi cirani Merle dā€™Aubigneov sustav bodova i pratili komplikacije tijekom liječenja. Cilj je prikazati rezultate liječenja periprotetskih femoralnih prijeloma tipa B nakon uporabe različitih operativnih tehnika i implantata u rjeÅ”avanju ovoga tipa prijeloma. Prema Vankuverskoj klasifi kaciji unutar tipa B zabilježena je podklasifi kacija na B1 s 10 (43,47%) bolesnika, B2 s 10 (43,47%) bolesnika i B3 s 3 (13,04%) bolesnika. Distribucija bolesnika prema spolu bila je: 8 (34,8%) muÅ”kog spola i 15 (65,2%) ženskog spola. Srednja životna dob ispitanika bila je 59,5 (47-86) godina. Od ukupnog broja ispitanika bilo ih je 12 (52,2%) s prijelomom na lijevoj i 11 (47,8%) na desnoj strani. Srednje vrijeme hospitalizacije je bilo 16 (9-26) dana. Primjenom Merle dā€™Aubigneova sustava bodova kod 10 bolesnika s prijelomom B1 dobivena je srednja ocjena od 11,5 bodova (loÅ” rezultat). Kod 10 bolesnika s prijelomom B2 dobivena je srednja ocjena od 10.6 bodova (loÅ” rezultat). Kod 3 ispitanika s prijelomom B3 dobivena je srednja ocjena od 12 bodova (dovoljan rezultat). Vankuverska klasifikacija i protokol liječenja za periprotetske femoralne prijelome kod TPK je opće prihvaćena i daje sigurne smjernice u donoÅ”enju odluke pri liječenju, odnosno koriÅ”tenju implantata. U naÅ”em radu rabili smo različite implantate, žičane serklaže, DC ploču, LCP sustav i dugi revizijski stem u kiruÅ”kom liječenju ovoga tipa prijeloma. U određenom broju slučajeva primijenili smo kirurÅ”ke tehnike odnosno implantate koje ne preporučuje Vankuverski protokol; u ovim slučajevima zabilježen je izostanak cijeljenja kosti, pomicanje i lomljenje implantata, Å”to je rezultiralo nezadovoljavajućim ishodom liječenja

    Geometric deformation analysis in free geodetic networks: case study for Fruska Gora in Serbia

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    The deformation measurements are performed for the purpose of obtaining information concerning ground movement and objects on the ground within given time intervals. For the purpose of improving conventional models of deformation analysis (CDA) it is desirable to use several different methods and also implement alternative procedures as a further improvement, such as the concept of robust geodetic networks and strain analysis, aimed at obtaining objective information about the movements. In the present paper, in addition to the CDA methods, we also analyze the robust methods in deformation detecting and the method of the strain analysis based on elasticity theory as a supplement to the conventional geometric deformation methods (CDA). The mentioned methods are applied and analysed for the case of a test example of Fruska Gora in Serbia, for which there exist geological and geophysical studies of recent tectonic movements. The measuring results for two measuring epochs concern the GNSS vectors measured by applying the fast static method within closed polygons over a ten-year interval, where only the horizontal movement component is analysed. The efficiency of the applied CDA and robust methods is measured by applying a mean success rate (MSR) by applying Monte Carlo simulations in order to investigate the efficiency of a given methods for a given control network

    Viscoelastic Properties of Polycaprolactone Based Polyurethane Networks

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    Polyurethane networks (PUNs) based on hyperbranched polyesters (HBP), polycaprolactone (PCL), and isophorone diisocyanate were prepared.1,2 PUNs consist of different content of hard (HS) and soft segments (SS). The impact of the HBP and the content of the SS on the structure and viscoelastic properties of the prepared PUNs were investigated. XRD analysis confirmed that PUNs with lower SS content were amorphous, while samples with the highest SS content had a certain degree of crystallinity. Viscoelastic properties of PUNs depend on the SS content and used HBP. These PUNs have potential application as coatings