85 research outputs found

    Psychogenic Carcinogenesis

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    Stabilization of calibration metrological characteristics of technological inspection tools

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    The paper presents analysis of the results of 873 template measurements used for inspection in wagon depo. The data obtained were analyzed to confirm the stability of inspection results. It is shown that the measurement and determination of the final result by calculating the average value lead to misleading results. Random factors affecting measurements are also presented. The subjective factor in this process is supplied from the calibrator. To make measurement process more stable, we need to reduce the effect of these factors. One of the ways to improve measurement process and make it more stable is its automatization. Improving the accuracy of measurements is one of the main objectives concerning this issue

    Splenic artery pseudoaneurysm complicated by haemorrhage into pancreatic pseudocyst: a clinical case

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    Background. Splenic artery pseudoaneurysm is a rare complication of acute and chronic pancreatitis caused by an arterial wall lesion with aggressive pancreatic enzymes and followed by arrosive bleeding into pseudocyst lumen and the formation of a dense fibrous capsule prone to growth.Clinical Case Description. Patient M., 61 yo, was emergently admitted to Territorial Clinical Hospital No. 2 with a preliminary diagnosis: Chronic pancreatitis, incomplete remission. Pancreatic pseudocyst. Condition after endoscopic papillosphincterotomy, pancreatic duct stenting. Gastrointestinal haemorrhage. The patient complained of moderate persistent belting upper abdominal and left subcostal pain, nausea, general weakness, black liquid stool over last five days. Pancreonecrosis in history. Pseudocyst formation in two months, endoscopic papillosphincterotomy and pancreatic stenting in hospital, the aforementioned complaints appeared past three months. Moderate anaemia (haemoglobin 73 g/L, erythrocyte count 2.8 x 1012), hyperamylasaemia (amylase 170 U/L), no other pathology in general and biochemic blood panels. The patient was rendered urgent oesophagogastroduodenoscopy for large duodenal papilla, with no evident bleeding detected. Abdominal CT angiography revealed a haemorrhagic mass connected with splenic artery lumen in the projection of pancreatic tail. The patient was transferred to an interventional radiology room for coil embolisation of splenic artery. The postoperative period was benign, and the patient discharged on day 3 after surgery for outpatient surgical patronage. Definite clinical diagnosis: Chronic pancreatitis, incomplete remission. Splenic artery pseudoaneurysm with haemorrhage into pancreatic pseudocyst. Condition after endoscopic papillosphincterotomy, pancreatic duct stenting.Conclusion. Splenic artery pseudoaneurysm with haemorrhage into pancreatic pseudocyst is reluctant to early diagnosis due to a lacking definite clinical picture and tractable only at an interdisciplinary institution disposing with a rich diagnostic toolkit and sufficiently qualified medical personnel. Endovascular treatment is overall most effective and enables a reliable aneurysm isolation from the splenic artery basin

    Мера устойчивости многокритериальной задачи целочисленного линейного программирования с параметрическим принципом оптимальности

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    In this paper, we consider a multicriteria integer linear programming problem with a parametric principle of optimality. Parameterization is realized by dividing the set of criteria into several disjoint groups (subsets) of criteria ordered by importance, with Pareto dominance within each group. The introduced parametric principle of optimality made it possible to connect such classical principles of optimality as lexicographic and Pareto ones. For the stability radius, which is the limiting level of perturbations of the parameters of the problem, not causing the appearance of new optimal solutions, the upper and lower estimations are obtained in the case of arbitrary Hölder’s norms in the criterion space and solution space. Some previously known results on the stability of the Boolean linear programming problem are formulated as corollaries.Рассматривается многокритериальная задача целочисленного линейного программирования с параметрическим принципом оптимальности. Параметризация реализована путем разбиения множества критериев на несколько упорядоченных по важности непересекающихся групп (подмножеств) критериев с доминированием по Парето в пределах каждой группы. Введенный параметрический принцип оптимальности позволил связать такие классические принципы оптимальности, как лексикографический и паретовский. Для радиуса устойчивости, который является предельным уровнем возмущений параметров задачи, не приводящих к появлению новых оптимальных решений, получены верхняя и нижняя оценки в случае произвольных норм Гёльдера в критериальном пространстве и пространстве решений. Некоторые ранее известные результаты по устойчивости булевой задачи линейного программирования сформулированы в качестве следствий.


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    The multicriteria investment boolean Markowitz problem with extreme optimism criteria is considered. Upper and lower bounds of the radius of the stability of this problem are given in the case of the arbitrary Holder metric lp, 1 <р < ∞ in the portfolio space and the Chebyshev metric lx in the space of financial market states and in the space of investment project profitability.Получены нижняя и верхняя оценки радиуса устойчивости многокритериальной инвестиционной буле¬вой задачи Марковица с критериями крайнего оптимизма в случае, когда в пространстве портфелей задана произвольная метрика Гёльдера l p,1 ≤ p ≤  ∞, а в критериальном пространстве доходности инвестиционного проекта и пространстве состояний финансового рынка - чебышевская метрика l∞

    Substantiating optimum parameters and efficiency of rotary brush cutters

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    The problem of untimely forest thinning is quite common in today's society. It leads to the emergence of the underbrush, which negatively impacts the growth and development of young trees. Therefore, this work aims to estimate the feasibility of applying a new rotary brush cutter model to eliminate excessive vegetation. The dependence of the tractor's speed when removing underbrush with different diameters of tree trunks was established by performing mathematical modeling to optimize the brush cutter parameters. Three types of flexible inertia cutting devices were investigated: flat knives, sprocket chains, and knife chains. Knife chains are the most optimal choice as they cut plants most efficiently (94.61% and 92.5% for two-year and three-year underbrush, respectively). They also show the lowest energy consumption for underbrush with a trunk between 1 and 2.4 cm in diameter. Further experiments are required to determine if the developed mathematical model can be used for more neglected forestry stands. © 2022 Institut za Istrazivanja. All rights reserved

    Surgical treatment of portal hypertension complications in patients with liver cirrhosis

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    Objective: Improving the results of surgical treatment of portal hypertension complications in patients with liver cirrhosis.Material and methods: The results of medical care for 328 patients with liver cirrhosis, who were treated in the surgical departments of the central district and city hospitals of the Krasnodar Region, were analyzed. The effectiveness of minimally invasive surgical treatment of portal hypertension complications in 832 patients with liver cirrhosis treated at the Regional Clinical Hospital no. 2 of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Region were also evaluated.Results: The mortality rate in patients with liver cirrhosis, admitted in first-level institutions of medical care due to acute bleeding from esophageal varices, reached 26.3%. In conditions of surgical treatment of complications of portal hypertension in a third-level institution of specialized care it did not exceed 4.7%.Conclusion: The optimal approach to the surgical treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis is to stop the bleeding from esophageal varices at the first stage of medical care and to treat portal hypertension complications using minimally invasive technologies in a multidisciplinary clinic involving a multidisciplinary team of doctors

    Biological properties of domestic strain vRub-Ant of rubella virus

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    Introduction. Rubella is a mild infectious disease affecting mainly children and is caused by the rubella virus, part of the Matonoviridae family, genus Rubivirus. Rubella causes congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) and is the main cause of developmental abnormalities, especially blindness and deafness. There is no specific treatment for rubella and CRS. In order to avoid possible complications from rubella infection, a live attenuated rubella vaccine based on the foreign strain of Wistar RA 27/3 rubella virus is used. However, the actual, more effective and preferred vaccine strain the rubella virus for the Russian Federation is considered to be a viral strain of rubella circulating on its territory. The aim of the study was to study the biological properties of the developed domestic cold-adapted strain vRub-Ant circulating in the territory of the Russian Federation. Materials and methods. Following cell cultures were used in the study human embryo lung diploid cell strain LECH-3, transferable cell line from embryonic kidney cells of green monkeys Vero CCL-81 and Vero ECC, human mesenchymal stem cells, human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Cell cultures were grown on a DMEM/F12 nutrient medium with the addition of 5% fetal bovine serum. Swabs from the pharynx and nasal passages from a child with rubella were used as clinical virus-containing material. Monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies m(anti-ID)Ab were used to assess the expression level of alpha/beta and gamma interferon receptors (/ and IFN-R)Ab, imitating the biological effects of alpha/beta and gamma interferons (/ and IFN) of humans. The cultural, virological, immunochemical and serological research methods were applied in the study. Results. Attenuation of the vRub-Ant clinical isolate of rubella virus was carried out for 20 consecutive passages on LECH-3 diploid cells at a reduced temperature of 30C. The main biological markers of attenuation were determined to be ts and ca phenotypes. The avirulence of the attenuated viral strain (att-phenotype) was assessed by the level of expression of / and IFN-R. A lower level of / and IFN-R expression was found on the membranes of human PBMC induced by the vaccine strain vRub-Ant in comparison with the parent wild variant of the rubella virus. This trait,the att phenotype, is characteristic of attenuated viral strains. It has been shown that the vaccine strain vRub-Ant has lost neurotropism and was unable to bind to the membrane receptors of the brain (MRB) of guinea pig embryos, unlike its parent rubella virus strain. The high immunogenicity of the domestic cold-adapted strain vRub-Ant was confirmed by high titers of neutralizing rubella antibodies observed in guinea pigs immunized subcutaneously with one vaccination dose of the virus. Conclusion. A domestic attenuated vaccine strain vRub-Ant of the rubella virus that has the main biological markers of attenuation (ts-ca and att phenotypes) has been developed. The vaccine strain vRub-Ant induces a high levels of neutralizing antibodies in guinea pigs following the immunization with a single vaccination dose of the vaccine. The viral strain vRub-Ant has lost its tropism to the MRB of guinea pig embryos, unlike its parent variant

    Stabilization of calibration metrological characteristics of technological inspection tools

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    The paper presents analysis of the results of 873 template measurements used for inspection in wagon depo. The data obtained were analyzed to confirm the stability of inspection results. It is shown that the measurement and determination of the final result by calculating the average value lead to misleading results. Random factors affecting measurements are also presented. The subjective factor in this process is supplied from the calibrator. To make measurement process more stable, we need to reduce the effect of these factors. One of the ways to improve measurement process and make it more stable is its automatization. Improving the accuracy of measurements is one of the main objectives concerning this issue

    Synthesis of logic models of safe execution of work with electric installations

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    Бухтояров Василий Федорович – доктор технических наук, профессор, член- корреспондент АЭН РФ, член-корреспондент РАЕ, профессор кафедры «Безопасность жизнедеятельности», Южно-Уральский государственный университет, г. Челябинск. Контактный телефон: 8 (351) 267-94-49. Bukhtoyarov Vasiliy Fedorovich is a Doctor of Science (Engineering), a Professor, a corresponding member of Academy of Electrical Engineering of the Russian Federation, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural History, an academician of the Russian News Agency, a professor of Emergency Management Department of South Ural State University. Telephone: 8 (351) 267-94-49.Рассмотрены логические модели и алгоритмы безопасного ведения работ в электроустановках, обеспечивающие снижение риска неправильных действий и решений персонала. Logic models and algorithms of safe execution of work with electric installations, providing the decrease of risk of wrong actions and decisions of personnel, are considere