75 research outputs found

    El efecto del banco en la adquisición de capacidad y conocimiento digital en el desempeño y la percepción del nativo digital sobre la banca móvil

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of digital skills and knowledge acquisition on the performance and digital natives perceptions of mobile banking as a result of the increase in the use of mobile banking applications with the spread of the internet. A survey was conducted with 337 white-collar specialists working in the general directorates of banks. The SmartPLS 3.3.3 program was used, and the obtained data were analyzed. Digital capability and knowledge acquisition have positive effects on both the performances and digital natives perceptions of mobile banking. It is supported by hypotheses that banks should give importance to digitalization and information. The research covers a specific sector within a certain field, since the data were obtained from the expert-level personnel working in the general directorates of banks in Istanbul. The results could also be applied to analyze the effective performance of other companies that provide services through mobile applications.El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los efectos de la adquisición de competencias y conocimientos digitales en el rendimiento y las percepciones de los nativos digitales sobre la banca móvil como consecuencia del aumento del uso de aplicaciones bancarias móviles con la difusión de Internet. Se realizó una encuesta a 337 técnicos administrativos que actúan en las direcciones generales de los bandos, cuyos datos fueron analizados con el programa SmartPLS 3.3.3. Entre los resultados destaca que la capacidad digital y la adquisición de conocimientos tienen efectos positivos tanto en los resultados como en las percepciones de los nativos digitales sobre la banca móvil. Las hipótesis apoyan que los bancos deben dar importancia a la digitalización y a la información. La investigación abarca un sector específico dentro de un ámbito determinado, ya que los datos se obtuvieron del personal experto que trabaja en las direcciones generales de los bancos de Estambul. Los resultados también podrían aplicarse para analizar el rendimiento efectivo de otras empresas que prestan servicios a través de aplicaciones móviles

    The bank's effect on digital capability and knowledge acquisition within the performance and digital native's perception of mobile marketing

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los efectos de la adquisición de competencias yconocimientos digitales en el rendimiento y las percepciones de los nativos digitales sobre labanca móvil como consecuencia del aumento del uso de aplicaciones bancarias móviles con ladifusión de Internet. Se realizó una encuesta a 337 técnicos administrativos que actúan en lasdirecciones generales de los bandos, cuyos datos fueron analizados con el programa SmartPLS3.3.3. Entre los resultados destaca que la capacidad digital y la adquisición de conocimientostienen efectos positivos tanto en los resultados como en las percepciones de los nativosdigitales sobre la banca móvil. Las hipótesis apoyan que los bancos deben dar importanciaa la digitalización y a la información. La investigación abarca un sector específico dentro de un ámbito determinado, ya que los datos se obtuvieron del personal experto que trabaja en lasdirecciones generales de los bancos de Estambul. Los resultados también podrían aplicarse paraanalizar el rendimiento efectivo de otras empresas que prestan servicios a través de aplicacionesmóviles.The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of digital skills and knowledge acquisition onthe performance and digital natives perceptions of mobile banking as a result of the increasein the use of mobile banking applications with the spread of the internet. A survey wasconducted with 337 white-collar specialists working in the general directorates of banks. TheSmartPLS 3.3.3 program was used, and the obtained data were analyzed. Digital capabilityand knowledge acquisition have positive effects on both the performances and digital nativesperceptions of mobile banking. It is supported by hypotheses that banks should give importanceto digitalization and information. The research covers a specific sector within a certain field,since the data were obtained from the expert-level personnel working in the general directoratesof banks in Istanbul. The results could also be applied to analyze the effective performance ofother companies that provide services through mobile applications

    Examination of the Strategic Vision of Banks in Digitalization and the Effects of Innovation on Performance and Artificial Intelligence Perception

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    This study examines the effects of strategic vision and digital innovation on the performance and perceptions of digital natives regarding artificial intelligence (AI) in banks. This is due to the increased use of mobile banking applications with the proliferation of the internet. An online questionnaire was administered to 603 experts working in bank headquarters. The collected data were analyzed using the SmartPLS 3.3.3 software. Banks that adopt digital business strategies can gain a significant competitive advantage. To successfully transform and compete, banks need to address customer demands in the areas of digitalization, innovation, and mobile banking. This research is original in its evaluation of the strategic visions and digital innovations of banks, which play a crucial role in the service sector, with implications for finance, innovation, and mobile applications. The results demonstrate the positive effects of strategic vision and digital innovation on performance and digital natives' perceptions of AI. The hypotheses support the importance of digitalization and innovation for banks

    Dudak Damak Yarıklı Bir Hastanın Protetik Tedavisinin Yenilenmesi

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    ÖZ Dudak-damak yarıkları embriyolojik ve erken fetal dönemdeki gelişim bozukluklarının sonucu olarak gelişmektedir. Dudak damak yarıklı bireylerin tedavisinin temel amacı hastaların estetik, fonksiyon ve fonasyon problemlerini tedavi etmektir. Protetik tedavi; uzun süreli takip ve multidisipliner ekip çalışması gerektiren dudak damak yarıklı yetişkin bireylerin tedavisindeki son aşamadır. Bu vaka raporunun amacı; uyumunu kaybetmiş sabit ve hareketli protezi bulunan dudak damak yarıklı hastanın yenilenen protetik tedavisinin aşamaları hakkında bilgi vermektir. Çift taraflı dudak damak yarığı bulunan ve Marmara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi’inde 17 yıl önce tedavi edilmiş olan 36 yaşındaki bayan hasta mevcut protezlerinin yenilenmesi talebiyle Marmara Üniversitesi Protetik Diş Tedavisi Anabilim Dalına başvurdu. Sabit-hareketli (bar ataşman tutuculu) protez kullanan hastanın sabit protezleri desimante edilip destek dişlerin vitalitesi kontrol edildi ve maksiller sol kanin dişinde mobilite tespit edildi. Vitalite kaybı olan maksiller sol kanin ve ikinci küçük azı dişlerine endodontik tedavi yapıldı. Defekt bölgesinde bar ataşman altında kalan yumuşak dokuda proliferasyon olduğu tespit edildi. Prolifere doku diyot lazer ile eksize edildi. Daha önceden prepare edilmiş maksiller sağ/sol kanin ve küçük azı dişlerine minör preparasyon yapıldı. Sağ ve sol destek dişler çapraz ark stabilizayonu için dolder bar ile birbirine splitlendi. Sabit protetik tedaviler ve hassas tutuculu bölümlü protez aşamaları tamamlanarak hastanın protetik rehabilitasyonu sağlandı. Hareketli ve sabit protezin birlikte kullanılması ile çiğneme kuvvetleri dengeli bir şekilde destek dişlere iletildi. İdeal oklüzyon sağlandı. Hareketli protezin bukkal konturuyla kabul edilebilir estetik elde edildi ve hasta memnuniyeti sağlandı. Sonuç olarak bu vaka ile anterior bölgede kemik defekti bulunan çift dudak-damak yarıklı hastalarda hassas tutuculu hareketli protetik restorasyonların uygulanması ile estetik beklentilerin karşılanmasının, çiğneme ve konuşma fonksiyonlarının rehabilitasyonun başarıyla sonuçlandırılabileceği görüldü. Anahtar Kelimeler : Dudak damak yarığı, Hassas bağlantılı hareketli protez, Dolder bar Prosthetic Retreatment of the Patient with Cleft Lip and Palate ABSTRACT Cleft lip and palate develops as a result of embryological and early fetal developmental disorders. The main purpose of the treatment of patients with cleft lip and palate is to treat aesthetic, function and phonation problems. Prosthetic treatment is the final stage in the treatment of adults with cleft lip and palate requiring long-term follow-up and multidisciplinary teamwork. The aim of this case report was to give information about the steps of renewed prosthetic treatment with a cleft lip and palate who has fixed and removable prosthesis that had insufficient retention and stability. A 36-year-old female patient with bilateral cleft lip and palate, treated 17 years ago at Marmara University was referred to the Marmara University Department of Prosthodontics for the complaint of her existing prostheses. The intraoral examination revealed a problem according to the retention and stability of her removable denture. The fixed prosthesis of the patient was desemented and the vitality of the supporting teeth was checked. Mobility was detected in the maxillary left canine tooth. Endodontic treatment was performed on the maxillary canine and second premolar teeth that lost vitality. Soft tissue proliferation under the bar attachment was detected in the defect area. Proliferated tissue was operated by using diode laser. Minor preparation was performed on previously prepared abutment maxillary right / left canine and premolars. The right and left abutment teeth are connected by a dolder bar to obtain bilateral stabilization. The prosthetic rehabilitation of the patient was completed by the fixed prosthetic treatment and the partial removable denture with precision attachment. The chewing forces is transmitted to the support teeth in a balanced manner to provide ideal occlusion with using the removable and fixed partial dentures together. In conclusion, with this case, it has seen an acceptable aesthetic was provided with the buccal section of the removable partial denture to achieve patient satisfaction. The function, fonation and aesthetics of patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate can be rehabilated by using removable partial denture with precision attachment. Keywords: Cleft lip and palate, Removable prothesis with precision attachment, Dolder ba