4 research outputs found

    Diachronous collision in the Seve Nappe Complex: Evidence from Lu–Hf geochronology of eclogites (Norrbotten, North Sweden)

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    Agentúra na Podporu Výskumu a Vývoja, Grant/Award Number: APVV-18- 0107; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Grant/ Award Number: FR700/18-1We thank Christopher Barnes (AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków) for providing us with some of the studied samples. Kathrin Fassmer thanks Svenja Trapp and Matthias Hauke (University of Bonn) for help during Lu–Hf laboratory work. We would also like to thank M. Smit, F. Corfu and A. Kylander-Clark for their reviews which greatly contributed to improving the manuscript. This research was funded by DFG-Grant FR700/18-1 to N. F. and the Slovak Research and Development Agency project APVV-18- 0107 to M.J, and partially supported by the National Science Centre (Poland) project 2014/14/ST10/00321 to J. Majka. M.Bukała acknowledges The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange for the scholarship no. PPN/ IWA/2018/1/00046/U/0001. This is contribution no. 64 of the DFG-funded LA-ICP- MS Laboratory at the Institute for Geosciences, University of Bonn, Germany.The collision of Baltica and Laurentia during the Caledonian Orogeny happened at c. 400-420 Ma. However, subduction and collision processes also took place before this main collisional phase and the tectonic history of these is still not fully resolved. The Seve Nappe Complex in Sweden has recorded these earlier phases. The Seve Nappe Complex in Norrbotten (North Swedish Caledonides) comprises four superimposed nappes emplaced by eastward thrusting (from base to top according to the conventional structural interpretation): Lower Seve Nappe, Vaimok, Sarek, and Tsakkok Lenses. Eclogites occur in the Vaimok and Tsakkok Lenses. The Vaimok Lens represents rocks of the Baltican continental margin intruded by Neoproterozoic dolerite dikes which were later eclogitized and boudinaged. By contrast, eclogites of the Tsakkok Lens are former oceanic basalts associated with calcschists, possibly representing the ocean-continent transition between Baltica and Iapetus. Previous age determinations for eclogitization yielded various ages between c. 500 and 480 Ma, in contrast to younger (460-450 Ma) ages of ultra high-P metamorphism in the Seve Nappe Complex further south in Jamtland. Eclogites from the Vaimok (one sample) and Tsakkok (three samples) lenses were dated using Lu-Hf garnet geochronology. Garnet from all samples shows prograde zoning of major element and Lu contents and yielded well-defined isochrons of the following ages: 480.4 +/- 1.2 Ma (Vaimok); 487.7 +/- 4.6 Ma, 486.2 +/- 3.2, 484.6 +/- 4.6 Ma (Tsakkok). The ages from Tsakkok are interpreted to date the burial of the Iapetus-Baltica ocean-continent transition in a west-dipping subduction zone around c. 485 Ma, and the age from the structurally deeper Vaimok Nappe the following subduction of the continental margin. Previously reported ages of 500 Ma and older are not supported by this study. The age difference between eclogites in the Seve Nappe Complex in Jamtland (c. 460-450 Ma) and Norrbotten (c. 488-480 Ma) may reflect the collision of an island arc with an irregularly shaped passive continental margin of Baltica or alternatively the collision of a straight margin with a microcontinent (Sarek Lens) accreted to the upper plate.Agentura na Podporu Vyskumu a Vyvoja APVV-18-0107German Research Foundation (DFG) FR700/18-

    U-Pb Zircon Dating of Migmatitic Paragneisses and Garnet Amphibolite from the High Pressure Seve Nappe Complex in Kittelfjäll, Swedish Caledonides

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    The Seve Nappe Complex exposed in the Kittelfjäll area of the northern Scandinavian Caledonides comprises a volcano-sedimentary succession representing the Baltica passive margin, which was metamorphosed during the Iapetus Ocean closure. Garnet amphibolites, together with their host migmatitic paragneisses, record a potential (U)HP event followed by decompression-driven migmatization. The garnet amphibolites were originally thought to represent retrogressively altered granulites. The petrological and geochemical features of a studied garnet amphibolite allow for speculation about a peridotitic origin. Zirconium (Zr) content in rutile inclusions hosted in garnet in paragneisses points to near-peak temperatures between 738 ◦C and 780 ◦C, which is in agreement with the c. 774 ◦C obtained from the matrix rutile in the garnet amphibolite. The matrix rutile in multiple paragneiss samples records temperatures below 655 ◦C and 726 ◦C. Whereas the LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of zircon cores revealed the age spectrum from Paleoproterozoic to early Paleozoic, suggesting a detrital origin of zircon cores in paragneisses, the metamorphic zircon rims show an Early Ordovician cluster c. 475–469 Ma. Additionally, zircon cores and rims from the garnet amphibolite yielded an age of c. 473 Ma. The REE patterns of the Caledonian zircon rims from the paragneisses show overall low LREE concentrations, different from declining to rising trends in HREE (LuN/GdN = 0.49–38.76). Despite the textural differences, the cores and rims in zircon from the garnet amphibolite show similar REE patterns of low LREE and flat to rising HREE (LuN/GdN = 3.96–65.13). All zircon rims in both lithologies display a negative Eu anomaly. Hence, we interpret the reported ages as the growth of metamorphic zircon during migmatization, under granulite facies conditions related to exhumation from (U)HP conditions.National Science Centre "CALSUB" grant 2014/14/E/ST10/00321Polish National Agency for the Academic Exchange scholarship PPN/IWA/2018/1/00046/U/000

    40Ar/39Ar dates controlled by white mica deformation and strain localization: Insights from comparing in situ laser ablation and single-grain fusion techniques

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    In situ laser ablation and single-grain fusion Ar/Ar geochronological techniques were directly compared using white mica from nine metasedimentary rocks from the Vaimok Lens of the Seve Nappe Complex (SNC) in the Scandinavian Caledonides. Seven of the rocks are from the eclogite-bearing Grapesvare nappe within the lens that is defined by D2 structures (S2 and F2), which were formed during exhumation following late Cambrian/Early Ordovician ultra-high pressure metamorphism. Two other rocks were obtained from ‘Scandian’ shear zones that delimit the nappes within the lens. The shear zones were active during terminal collision of Baltica and Laurentia in the Silurian to Devonian. The rocks exhibit variable deformation intensities and degrees of strain localization, expressed in particular by white mica. The in situ laser ablation and single-grain fusion Ar/Ar dates both span from the late Cambrian to Middle Devonian. Results of both techniques generally show decreasing dates with increasing bulk deformation intensity and successive structural generations (i.e., D2 then Scandian structures). Furthermore, several discrepancies are evident when comparing the results of the two techniques for the same rocks, indicating the Ar/Ar dates are not solely governed by bulk deformation intensities and structural generations. Instead, the discrepancies demonstrate the additional influence of white mica strain localization, which is illuminated by the different analytical volumes of the techniques. Thus, the Ar/Ar datasets are altogether deciphered as a function of bulk deformation intensity and degree of strain localization that affected the overall white mica volume. The former controls the gross Ar loss from the overall volume and the latter dictates the variability of Ar loss within the volume. Exploiting the interplay of these two phenomena for the Vaimok Lens rocks with in situ laser ablation allows for the broad span of Ar/Ar dates to be contextualized into a sequence of tectonic events: (1) cooling at 474 ± 3 Ma, (2) pre-collision deformation at 447 ± 2 Ma and (3) activation of crustal-scale shear zones in the SNC related to continental collision at 431 ± 3 Ma and 411 ± 3 Ma.Funding for this project was provided by the National Science Centre of Poland (project no. 2014/14/E/ST10/00321 to J. Majka

    Syn-exhumation metasomatic glaucophane-phengite-quartz veins formed at moderate pressures: exploring the control of fO2 and bulk composition on nominally HP metamorphic assemblages

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    Veins composed of glaucophane + phengite + quartz cross-cut the high pressure-low temperature (HP-LT) Cycladic Blueschist Unit (CBU) of southern Evia, Greece. The veins exhibit a rheology-dependent distribution within layered metamorphic rock comprising cm-scale intercalations of albite-clinopyroxene metabasalt and schistose quartzite. Strain was accommodated by ductile processes in the quartzite, whereas brittle deformation produced four sets of crack-seal syntaxial veins in the coarser-grained metabasalt. All vein sets are subvertical to steeply-dipping and are oriented at high angles to one another. The geometry of the planar vein walls suggests the veins are mode-I (opening mode) fractures, whose sub-vertical orientations indicate formation during extension. Oxygen isotope thermometry using phengite-quartz pairs provides crystallization temperatures of 315–335 °C. Combined Ar/Ar and in-situRb/Sr geochronology of vein-hosted phengite and glaucophane indicate crystallization and vein sealing at c. 22–23 Ma when the CBU is predicted to be undergoing greenschist facies metamorphism coincident with regional extension. The structural and stable isotope data are likewise consistent with a syn-exhumation extensional setting, and easily reconciled with existing petrological data indicating the CBU sustained prolonged residence near the greenschist-blueschist facies boundary. We propose a model whereby phengite and glaucophane were stabilized at greenschist facies conditions by the elevated α and fO in the fluid parental to the veins. Our data provide strong new evidence for the sensitivity of nominally blueschist facies minerals to bulk system chemistry, supported by thermodynamic modelling evidence from other orogens that such HP-LT minerals may exhibit stability that spans multiple stages of orogenesis.Field and analytical work for this project were supported by an NSERC Discovery grant awarded to Schneider and by a GSA Graduate Student Research Grant awarded to Ducharme. Bukała acknowledges 'Juan de la Cierva' Fellowship number JFJC2021-047505-I funded by MCIN/AEI/ https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033 and CSIC