13 research outputs found

    A Holstein-Friesian dairy farm survey of postparturient factors influencing the days to first AI and days open in Hungary

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    The authors monitored the postpartum period during the first seven weeks after calving at a Holstein-Friesian dairy farm in Hungary. Calvings occurred between 2013 and 2015 in three periods from June to November each year (n = 314). Data were collected from the farm record and ultrasonographic examinations were performed between 22 to 28 and 43 to 49 days in milk (DIM), respectively. The animals were followed until successful artificial insemination (AI), i.e. until becoming pregnant or until culling, but at most at 365 DIM. The prevalence of dystocia, twin calving, stillbirth rate and retained fetal membranes (RFM) was 23.2%, 3.8%, 3.5%, and 34.4%, respectively. Altogether 38.9% of the cows (n = 122) had bacterial complications of involution in the first 49 DIM. The prevalence of Grade 2 clinical (puerperal) metritis (CM) was 20.1% within 5 DIM, 10.5% between 6 to 10 DIM and 13.1% from 11 to 20 DIM, while 9.9% of the cows had clinical endometritis (CEM) between 21 and 28 DIM and 1.3% of the cows between 42 and 49 DIM, respectively. Pyometra was diagnosed in 1% of the cows between 21 and 28 DIM and 0.3% between 42 to 49 DIM, respectively. About 80% (80.6%) of the cows were inseminated at least once (n = 253). The success rate of the first AI was 26.9% (n = 68). Dystocia, twin calving, RFM, CM, CEM and cyclicity had no significant effect on the days between calving and first AI, however, according to the Kaplan-Meier analysis stillbirth significantly increased the number of days from calving to first AI (P = 0.039). According to the Kaplan- Meier analysis dystocia, twin calving, stillbirth, RFM, and cyclicity had no effect on the days open. In cows with CM developed within 5 DIM or with CEM diagnosed between 21 and 28 DIM the number of days open significantly decreased (P = 0.009 and P = 0.007, respectively), which confirms the importance of early diagnosis and treatment of uterine diseases. Similar surveys should be conducted to discover the risk factors for reproductive diseases in order to decrease the reproductive losses in dairy farms

    Effect of monitoring the onset of calving by a calving alarm thermometer on the prevalence of dystocia, stillbirth, retained fetal membranes and clinical metritis in a Hungarian dairy farm.

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    The objective of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of an intravaginal thermometer in the field prediction of the second stage of labor and to determine its impact on the health of dams and newborn calves. Holstein cows (n¼241) were randomly selected about 5 (mean±SD: 4.7±2.0) days before the expected date of calving and the thermometerwas inserted intothe vagina. Another 113 cattle served as controls. There was no false alarm during the experiment. The risk of dystocia (Score >1) was 1.9 times higher, the prevalence of stillbirth was 19.8 times higher, the risk of retained fetal membranes (RFM) was 2.8 times higher and the risk of clinical metritis was 10.5 times higher in the control group than in the experimental group. The prevalence of stillbirth was 7 times higher in cows with dystocia compared to cows with eutocia. The presence of dystocia and stillbirth increased the risk of RFM 4 and 5 times, respectively. The occurrence of RFM increased the risk of development of clinical metritis with a 22 times higher odds. The results indicate that the use of calving alert systems not only facilitates controlling the time of parturition and providing prompt and appropriate calving assistance but also decreases the number of dystocia cases and improves reproductive efficiency, postpartum health of the dam and newborn calf survival

    Evaluation of a commercial intravaginal thermometer to predict calving in a Hungarian Holstein‐Friesian dairy farm

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    In this study, the utility of a commercial intravaginal thermometer was evaluated as an automated method for the prediction of calving in a total of 257 healthy pregnant Holstein–Friesian female cattle. The accuracy and the sensitivity of predicting calving within 48 hr before calving were also evaluated. The intravaginal temperature changes from 72 hr before and up to calving were significantly (p ≤ .001) affected by parity, season (summer vs. autumn), the time of day (8 a.m. or 8 p.m.) and the 6-hr time intervals (38.19°C: first interval 0 to 6 hr before calving vs. 38.78°C: twelfth interval 66 to 72 hr before calving), while the gender (p = .943), and the weight of the calf (p = .610), twinning (p = .300), gestation length (p = .186), foetal presentation (p = .123), dystocia (p = .197) and retention of foetal membranes (p = .253) did not affect it significantly. The sensitivity of the SMS of expecting calving within 48 hr and the positive predictive value were 62.4% and 75%, respectively, while the sensitivity and the positive predictive value for the SMS of expulsion reached 100%. It can be concluded that the investigated thermometer is not able to predict calving within 48 hr accurately; however, imminent calving can be accurately alerted

    Značenje praćenja peripartalnog razdoblja u cilju poboljšanja plodnosti mliječnih krava

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    Due to the successful genetic selection for higher milk production in Holstein dairy cows, a dramatic decline in fertility rates has been observed around in the world in recent decades. Therefore, herd management should focus the first 100 days postpartum to achieve optimum herd reproductive performance (calving interval less than 400 days). After calving, a cow has to overcome a series of physiological hurdles before becoming pregnant. The selection of timely diagnostic devices and methods, such as the calving alarm vaginal thermometer to predict the onset of calving, electronic hand-held BHBA measuring system to detect subclinical ketosis on the farm, long-term measurement of reticuloruminal pH by an indwelling and wireless data transmitting unit to monitor subclinical acidosis, monitoring rumination time to select cows for early treatment of subclinical metabolic diseases (subclinical ketosis, acidosis and/or hypocalcaemia) and/or clinical metritis, performing metabolic profile tests to detect subclinical metabolic diseases at the herd level, oestrus detectors and/or detection aids, on-farm P4 test to monitor specific events in the postpartum and service periods, early diagnosis of pregnancy and late embryonic/early foetal mortality by means of ultrasonography are vital to correctly identify problems and their potential causes to enable these issues to be rectified. The following monitoring and managing activities should be pursued during the early postpartum period to achieve or approach the optimal calving interval: monitoring the onset of calving and post parturient metabolic diseases, early diagnosis of post parturient uterine diseases, accurate detection of oestrus, correct timing of insemination, and accurate diagnosis of early pregnancy and embryonic loss. Despite higher milk production, acceptable fertility results can be achieved, even on large-scale dairy farms, if the impacts of the above factors that contribute to reduced fertility can be moderated.Zahvaljujući uspješnoj selekciji gena za proizvodnju mlijeka u Holstein mliječnih krava, posljednjih je desetljeća u cijelom svijetu uočen dramatičan pad stope plodnosti. Stoga bi se upravljanje stadom trebalo usredotočiti na prvih 100 dana nakon porođaja kako bi se postigla optimalna reproduktivna učinkovitost stada (interval teljenja manji od 400 dana). Krava nakon teljenja mora prevladati niz fizioloških zapreka prije nego što postane gravidna. Odabir pravodobnih dijagnostičkih uređaja i metoda poput vaginalnog toplomjera s alarmom za teljenje za predviđanje početka teljenja, elektronički ručni mjerni sustav za mjerenje BHBA (beta- hidroksi maslačne kiseline) za otkrivanje subkliničke ketoze na farmama, dugoročno mjerenje retikuloruminalnih pH vrijednosti pomoću jedinice za odašiljanje i bežični prijenos podataka za praćenje subkliničke acidoze, praćenje vremena ruminacije za selekciju krava za rano liječenje subkliničkih metaboličkih bolesti (subklinička ketoza, acidoza i/ili hipokalcemija) i/ili kliničkog metritisa, ispitivanje metaboličkih profila za otkrivanje subkliničkih metaboličkih bolesti na razini stada, uređaji i/ili pomagala za detekciju estrusa, testovi za razinu progesterona za uporabu na farmama za praćenje specifičnih događaja u post porođajnom i aktivnom razdoblju, rana dijagnostika gravidnosti i kasne embrionalne/rane fetalne smrtnosti pomoću ultrasonografije od vitalne su važnosti za ispravno prepoznavanje problema i njihovih mogućih uzroka te načina na koji se mogu ispraviti. Aktivnosti praćenja i upravljanja navedene u nastavku potrebno je provoditi tijekom ranog post porođajnog razdoblja kako bi se dostigao ili optimalan interval teljenja ili kako bi mu se približilo: praćenje početka teljenja i post-porođajnih metaboličkih bolesti, rana dijagnostika post-porođajnih bolesti maternice, precizna dijagnostika estrusa, precizno tempiranje oplodnje i točna dijagnoza rane gravidnosti i gubitka zametaka. Unatoč većoj proizvodnji mlijeka, prihvatljivi rezultati plodnosti, čak i na velikim mliječnim farmama, mogu se postići ako se moderira utjecaj gore navedenih činitelja koji doprinose nižoj plodnosti

    Baloldali oltógyomor-helyzetváltozás álló helyzetű laparoszkópos műtéteinek értékelése egy hazai tejhasznú tehenészetben

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    Munkánk során 2011. január 5. és 2012. augusztus 31. között műtöttünk bal oldali oltógyomor-helyzetváltozásban szenvedő teheneket (n=62) egy kelet-magyarországi tejtermelő gazdaságban. Célunk az volt, hogy felmérjük a betegség előfordulását, annak lehetséges okait a szóban forgó telepen, valamint értékeljük a műtét sikerességét az állatok életének nyomon követésével a következő ellésükig. A műtétet Christiansen által leírt álló helyzetű laparoszkópos technikával végeztük. A műtött állatok átlagéletkora 4,6 év volt. 60 állat (96,7%) az ellés utáni 6 hétben lett megműtve. A műtétre átlagosan 19,6 nappal az ellés után került sor. 58 állat (93,5%) egyéb betegségben is szenvedett a műtét idején vagy azt megelőzően. A bal oldali otlógyomor-helyzetváltozás mellett előforduló betegségek: mastitis, metritis, sántaság, magzaburok-visszamaradás, nehézellés, anyagforgalmi zavarok, ellési bénulás. Legnagyobb számban metritis (39 eset) és metabolikus probléma (34 eset) volt jelen az oltógyomor-helyzetváltozás mellett. A műtét utáni kritikus 14 napban a kezelt állatok közül 8 db (12,9%) hullott el. További 25 állat (40,3%) került ki a termelésből még a következő ellése előtt. A kikerült állatok átlagosan 163 napot töltöttek a termelésben. A termelésben maradt, újból megellett állatok átlagosan 9828 liter tejet termeltek a műtétet követő laktációjukban. *** We performed operative intervention on cattle (n=62) with left displaced abomasum on an east Hungarian farm between 05.01.2011. and 31.08.2012. We measured the incidence of left displaced abomasum and also evaluated the success of our operation technique through the cattle survival rates. We were collecting the cattle’s data until the next calving. We performed the operations according to Christiansen’s one step laparoscopic technique. The cattle average age at the time of the operation was 4,6 years. Sixty of the cattle (96,7%) were operated within 6 weeks after parturition. We did the operations 19,6 days after parturition in average. 58 of the cattle (93,5%) had one or more other diseases at the time of the operation or around the parturition. Mastitis, metritis, milk fever, lameness, metabolic disorders, placental retention and difficulty calving occurred with left displaced abomasum. Metritis and metabolic disorders had the highest occurring rate. 39 cattle (62,9%) had metritis and 34 of the cattle (54,8%) had metabolic disorders. Eight cattle (12,9%) died within the most critical 2 weeks after the operation. 25 of the operated cattle (40,3%) culled before their next parturition. The culled cattle were yielding for 163 days averagely. The average milk yield of the cattle which remained in production was 9828 liters

    Effect of postpartum drenching on rumination time and reticuloruminal pH at a Hungarian dairy farm

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of drenching with a feed additive on rumination time (RT) and reticuloruminal pH post-partum at a Hungarian large-scale dairy farm. One hundred and sixty-one cows were fitted with a Ruminact© HR-Tag and from these 20 also received SmaXtec© ruminal boli approximately 5 days before calving. Drenching and control groups were established based on calving dates. Animals in the drenching group were dosed three times (Day 0/day of calving/, Day 1, and Day 2 after calving) using a feed additive containing calcium propionate, magnesium sulphate, yeast, potassium chloride and sodium chloride mixed in approximately 25 L of lukewarm water. RT before calving and sensitivity to subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) were considered in the final analysis. There was a significant decrease in RT in the drenched groups compared to the controls after drenching. Reticuloruminal pH was significantly higher and time below reticuloruminal pH 5.8 remained significantly lower in SARA-tolerant drenched animals on the days of the first and the second drenchings. Drenching temporarily decreased RT in both drenched groups compared to controls. The feed additive had a positive effect on reticuloruminal pH and time below reticuloruminal pH 5.8 in tolerant drenched animals

    Diagnosis and treatment of post parturient uterine diseases in dairy cows - Literature review

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    SUMMARY The authors summarize the recent results about the bacterial complications of the involution. Achieving the optimum herd reproductive performance requires concentrated management activities such as careful assistance at calving, prevention of postpartum metabolic diseases, early diagnosis and treatment of postpartum uterine diseases, accurate detection of oestrus, correct timing of insemination, reducing the effect of the occasional heat stress, and early pregnancy diagnosis. Among these main activities only early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of postparturient uterine diseases and their effects on milk production and reproductive performance are discussed. Clinical metritis and clinical endometritis (or recently used purulent vaginal discharge: PVD) can be accurately diagnosed also in the field, however it is very important to remark that the presence of PVD alone is not sufficient to diagnose clinical endometritis because cervicitis and/or vaginitis can also cause PVD. The authors present the therapeutic possibilities that have changed in the recent years for the mentioned diseases. as well as recently mentioned therapies like ozone therapy or vaccination. Diagnosing subclinical endometritis requires laboratory work. The medicinal products successfully used in cases of clinical diseases do not always decrease the occurrence of cytological endometritis

    Treatment of subclinical ketosis in dairy cattle with a product containing cianocobalamine and butafosfan (Catosal®)

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    SUMMARY Subclinical ketosis or hyperketonaemia of the dairy cow is a disease originating from the high milk yield and causing primarily economic loss. Measuring beta-hydroxybutyrate concentration in the blood at cow side provides sufficient amount of information about the incidence of the disease. Our study involved 444 animals in 5 Hungarian dairy farms. After diagnosing subclinical ketosis (BHB > 1 mmol/l) the animals were treated daily 20 ml of butafosfan/cianocobalamin (Catosal®) im. for 3 consecutive days. The non-treated group received no other treatment beside the treatment of the primary disease. BHB was measured at calving time (Days 0–3), and 10 and 18 days after calving. BHB decreased continuously along the measurement points in both groups. However, the average BHB level of the treated group decreased below the threshold level already on 10th day after calving. Comparing clinical diseases after calving, some selected production and reproductive diseases no significant differences were found, but the service period and culling rate after 200 DIM was better in the treated group. Based on these results better production could be reached using this vitamin combination. To classify the differences in the results more detailed examinations with larger number of animals are required

    Importance of monitoring the peripartal period in dairy farms Literature review

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    SUMMARY The authors in this literature review emphasize that parallel with the successful genetic selection for higher milk production in Holstein dairy cows, a dramatic decline in their reproductive performance has occurred. The average number of days open, the number of services per conception and the number of cows culled for infertility increased substantially. At the same time, it is very impor tant to emphasize that reproductive performance of heifers was not affected. In order to decrease prolonged lactations and the number of cows culled for reproductive reasons it is very important to improve our reproductive monitor ing practices. Achievement of optimum herd reproductive performance (calving interval of 12 or 13 months with the fi rst calf born at 24 months of age) requires high-level management activities, especially during the fi rst 100 days follow ing calving. After calving, a cow overcomes a series of physiological hurdles before becoming pregnant. Several real-time diagnostic devices and methods are available to monitor specifi c events in the peripartal and service period to appropriately identify problems and their potential causes furthering their rec tifi cation. These include calving alarm vaginal thermometers, monitoring rumi nation, electronic hand-held BHBA measuring systems, metabolic profi le tests, regular measurements of milk constituents, long-term measurement of retic uloruminal pH value by indwelling and wireless data transmitting units, ultra sonography, oestrus detectors and/or detection aids and on-farm progester one tests. According to the authors the following monitoring and management activities are needed to pursue during the early postpartum period to reach the optimal calving interval: prediction the onset of calving, monitoring post par turient metabolic diseases, early diagnosis of post parturient uterine diseases, accurate oestrus detection, correct timing of insemination and accurate early pregnancy diagnosis. Despite the higher milk production acceptable fertility results even in large scale dairy farms can be achieved if the impact of the above-mentioned factors causing decreased fertility can be moderated

    Ellések ellenőrzésének fontossága a halvaszületések csökkentése érdekében tejelő szarvasmarhaállományokban : Irodalmi összefoglaló = Importance of monitoring calving to decrease stillbirth rate in dairy farms : Literature review

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    The successful genetic selection for higher milk production caused a dramatic decline in the reproductive performance of dairy cows all over the world during the last decades. Achievement of optimum herd reproductive performance (calving interval of 12 or 13 months with the first calf born at 24 months of age) requires concentrated management activities, especially during calving and during the first 100 days after calving. There are several factors which may affect reproductive performance of dairy cows, however in this review only care-ful surveillance and assistance at calving and their effects on milk production, reproductive performance as well as on newborn calves are discussed. Due to the fact that the cause of stillbirth with a non-infectious aetiology is likely to be multifactorial and difficult calving may explain only about half of them. Therefore it is very important to examine regularly the risk factors of stillbirth, especially in large-scale dairy farms. According to our recent experience, management plays a very important role in decreasing the prevalence of stillbirth in large-scale dairy farms because introducing a camera system in the calving pen its rate decreased from 7.7% to 5.5%. Predicting the onset of calving in free-stall housing circum-tances is also very important because by using the Vel'Phone we were able to decrease its rate from 8.6% (data of a 3-year period) to 3.1%. Using group calv-ing pen instead of individual calving pen can significantly decrease the preva-lence rate of dystocia, stillbirth, retained foetal membranes and injury of the soft birth canal. Assisted calving with inappropriately timed obstetrical assistance can also significantly negatively affect the prevalence rate of dystocia, stillbirth, retained foetal membranes and injury of the soft birth canal. Therefore, obstetrical assistants also play a very important role in the economy of a dairy farm