350 research outputs found

    Unexpectedly allowed transition in two inductively coupled transmons

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    We present experimental results in which the unexpected zero-two transition of a circuit composed of two inductively coupled transmons is observed. This transition shows an unusual magnetic flux dependence with a clear disappearance at zero magnetic flux. In a transmon qubit the symmetry of the wave functions prevents this transition to occur due to selection rule. In our circuit the Josephson effect introduces strong couplings between the two normal modes of the artificial atom. This leads to a coherent superposition of states from the two modes enabling such transitions to occur

    Understanding the saturation power of Josephson Parametric Amplifiers made from SQUIDs arrays

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    We report on the implementation and detailed modelling of a Josephson Parametric Amplifier (JPA) made from an array of eighty Superconducting QUantum Interference Devices (SQUIDs), forming a non-linear quarter-wave resonator. This device was fabricated using a very simple single step fabrication process. It shows a large bandwidth (45 MHz), an operating frequency tunable between 5.9 GHz and 6.8 GHz and a large input saturation power (-117 dBm) when biased to obtain 20 dB of gain. Despite the length of the SQUID array being comparable to the wavelength, we present a model based on an effective non-linear LC series resonator that quantitatively describes these figures of merit without fitting parameters. Our work illustrates the advantage of using array-based JPA since a single-SQUID device showing the same bandwidth and resonant frequency would display a saturation power 15 dB lower.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, Appendices include

    A photonic crystal Josephson traveling wave parametric amplifier

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    An amplifier combining noise performances as close as possible to the quantum limit with large bandwidth and high saturation power is highly desirable for many solid state quantum technologies such as high fidelity qubit readout or high sensitivity electron spin resonance for example. Here we introduce a new Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifier based on Superconducting QUantum Interference Devices. It displays a 3 GHz bandwidth, a -102 dBm 1-dB compression point and added noise near the quantum limit. Compared to previous state-of-the-art, it is an order of magnitude more compact, its characteristic impedance is in-situ tunable and its fabrication process requires only two lithography steps. The key is the engineering of a gap in the dispersion relation of the transmission line. This is obtained using a periodic modulation of the SQUID size, similarly to what is done with photonic crystals. Moreover, we provide a new theoretical treatment to describe the non-trivial interplay between non-linearity and such periodicity. Our approach provides a path to co-integration with other quantum devices such as qubits given the low footprint and easy fabrication of our amplifier.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Appendixe

    The dystroglycan: Nestled in an adhesome during embryonic development

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    AbstractInvertebrate and vertebrate development relies on complex processes that require many coordinated cell functions including cell adhesion, migration, proliferation and polarization. These processes depend on tissues and are spatio-temporally regulated by specific interactions between cells and between cells and the extracellular matrices. The dystroglycan, a transmembrane receptor that binds multiple extracellular matrix proteins, is expressed from oogenesis to organogenesis. There are increasing data suggesting that the axis, consisting of extracellular component–dystroglycan–cytoplasmic proteins, controls both the adhesion of cells to matrices as well as the transduction of signals coming from or directed to matrices. In this article, we review current advances leading to consider that the dystroglycan is a key protein nestled in an adhesome involved in mechanisms of cell adhesion during embryonic development

    Evidence of dual Shapiro steps in a Josephson junctions array

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    The modern primary voltage standard is based on the AC Josephson effect and the ensuing Shapiro steps, where a microwave tone applied to a Josephson junction yields a constant voltage hf/2ehf/2e (hh is Planck's constant and ee the electron charge) determined by only the microwave frequency ff and fundamental constants. Duality arguments for current and voltage have long suggested the possibility of dual Shapiro steps -- that a Josephson junction device could produce current steps with heights determined only on the applied frequency. In this report, we embed an ultrasmall Josephson junction in a high impedance array of larger junctions to reveal dual Shapiro steps. For multiple frequencies, we detect that the AC response of the circuit is synchronised with the microwave tone at frequency ff, and the corresponding emergence of flat steps in the DC response with current 2ef2ef, equal to the tunnelling of a Cooper pair per tone period. This work sheds new light on phase-charge duality, omnipresent in condensed matter physics, and extends it to Josephson circuits. Looking forward, it opens a broad range of possibilities for new experiments in the field of circuit quantum electrodynamics and is an important step towards the long-sought closure of the quantum metrology electrical triangle.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    The translational repressor 4E-BP mediates hypoxia-induced defects in myotome cells.

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    International audienceCell growth, proliferation, differentiation and survival are influenced by the availability of oxygen. The effect of hypoxia on embryonic cells and the underlying molecular mechanisms to maintain cellular viability are still poorly understood. In this study, we show that hypoxia during Xenopus embryogenesis rapidly leads to a significant developmental delay and to cell apoptosis after prolonged exposure. We provide strong evidence that hypoxia does not affect somitogenesis but affects the number of mitotic cells and muscle-specific protein accumulation in somites, without interfering with the expression of MyoD and MRF4 transcription factors. We also demonstrate that hypoxia reversibly decreases Akt phosphorylation and increases the total amount of the translational repressor 4E-BP, in combination with an increase of the 4E-BP associated with eIF4E. Interestingly, the inhibition of PI3-kinase or mTOR, with LY29002 or rapamycin, respectively, triggers the 4E-BP accumulation in Xenopus embryos. Finally, the overexpression of the non-phosphorylatable 4E-BP protein induces, similar to hypoxia, a decrease in mitotic cells and a decrease in muscle-specific protein accumulation in somites. Taken together, our studies suggest that 4E-BP plays a central role under hypoxia in promoting the cap-independent translation at the expense of cap-dependent translation and triggers specific defects in muscle development

    Using bi-fluxon tunneling to protect the Fluxonium qubit

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    Encoding quantum information in quantum states with disjoint wave-function support and noise insensitive energies is the key behind the idea of qubit protection. While fully protected qubits are expected to offer exponential protection against both energy relaxation and pure dephasing, simpler circuits may grant partial protection with currently achievable parameters. Here, we study a fluxonium circuit in which the wave-functions are engineered to minimize their overlap while benefiting from a first-order-insensitive flux sweet spot. Taking advantage of a large superinductance (L∼1 μHL\sim 1~\mu \rm{H}), our circuit incorporates a resonant tunneling mechanism at zero external flux that couples states with the same fluxon parity, thus enabling bifluxon tunneling. The states ∣0⟩|0\rangle and ∣1⟩|1\rangle are encoded in wave-functions with parities 0 and 1, respectively, ensuring a minimal form of protection against relaxation. Two-tone spectroscopy reveals the energy level structure of the circuit and the presence of 4π4 \pi quantum-phase slips between different potential wells corresponding to m=±1m=\pm 1 fluxons, which can be precisely described by a simple fluxonium Hamiltonian or by an effective bifluxon Hamiltonian. Despite suboptimal fabrication, the measured relaxation (T1=177±3 μsT_1 = 177\pm 3 ~\mu s) and dephasing (T2E=75±5 μsT_2^E = 75\pm 5~\mu \rm{s}) times not only demonstrate the relevance of our approach but also opens an alternative direction towards quantum computing using partially-protected fluxonium qubits.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Directing peptide crystallization through curvature control of nanotubes ‡

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    International audienceIn the absence of efficient crystallization methods, the molecular structures of fibrous assemblies have so far remained rather elusive. In this paper, we present a rational method to crystallize the lanreotide octapeptide by modification of a residue involved in a close contact. Indeed, we show that it is possible to modify the curvature of the lanreotide nanotubes and hence their diameter. This fine tuning leads to crystallization because the radius of curvature of the initially bidimensional peptide wall can be increased up to a point where the wall is essentially flat and a crystal is allowed to grow along a third dimension. By comparing X-ray diffraction data and Fourier transform Raman spectra, we show that the nanotubes and the crystals share similar cell parameters and molecular conformations, proving that there is indeed a structural continuum between these two morphologies. These results illustrate a novel approach to crystallization and represent the first step towards the acquisition of an Å-resolution structure of the lanreotide nanotubes β-sheet assembly

    A tunable Josephson platform to explore many-body quantum optics in circuit-QED

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    Coupling an isolated emitter to a single mode of the electromagnetic field is now routinely achieved and well understood. Current efforts aim to explore the coherent dynamics of emitters coupled to several electromagnetic modes (EM). freedom. Recently, ultrastrong coupling to a transmission line has been achieved where the emitter resonance broadens to a significant fraction of its frequency. In this work we gain significantly improved control over this regime. We do so by combining the simplicity of a transmon qubit and a bespoke EM environment with a high density of discrete modes, hosted inside a superconducting metamaterial. This produces a unique device in which the hybridisation between the qubit and up to 10 environmental modes can be monitored directly. Moreover the frequency and broadening of the qubit resonance can be tuned independently of each other in situ. We experimentally demonstrate that our device combines this tunability with ultrastrong coupling and a qubit nonlinearity comparable to the other relevant energy scales in the system. We also develop a quantitative theoretical description that does not contain any phenomenological parameters and that accurately takes into account vacuum fluctuations of our large scale quantum circuit in the regime of ultrastrong coupling and intermediate non-linearity. The demonstration of this new platform combined with a quantitative modelling brings closer the prospect of experimentally studying many-body effects in quantum optics. A limitation of the current device is the intermediate nonlinearity of the qubit. Pushing it further will induce fully developed many-body effects, such as a giant Lamb shift or nonclassical states of multimode optical fields. Observing such effects would establish interesting links between quantum optics and the physics of quantum impurities.Comment: Main paper and Supplementary Information combined in one file. List of the modifications in the final version: new abstract and introduction, comparison to RWA treatment, more precise capacitance mode

    DigInPix: Visual Named-Entities Identification in Images and Videos

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    International audienceThis paper presents an automatic system able to identify visual named-entities appearing in images and videos, among a list of 25,000 entities, aggregated from Wikipedia lists, and more specific websites. DigInPix is a generic application designed to identify different kinds of entities. In this first attempt , we only focus on logo identification (more generally on legal persons). The identification process mainly relies on an efficient CBIR system, searching in an indexed image database composed of 600,000 weak-labelled images crawled from Google Images. DigInPix proposes a responsive-design html5 interface 1 for testing purposes
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