6 research outputs found

    Energy-based modelling to assess effects of chemicals on Caenorhabditis elegans: A case study on uranium

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    International audienceThe ubiquitous free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a powerful animal model for measuring the evolutionary effects of pollutants which is increasingly used in (eco)toxicological studies. Indeed, toxicity tests with this nematode can provide in a few days data on the whole life cycle. These data can be analysed with mathematical tools such as toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic modelling approaches. In this study, we assessed how a chronic exposure to a radioactive heavy metal (uranium) affects the life-cycle of C. elegans using a mechanistic model. In order to achieve this, we exposed individuals to a range of seven concentrations of uranium. Growth and reproduction were followed daily. These data were analysed with a model for nematodes based on the Dynamic Energy Budget theory, able to handle a wide range of plausible biological parameters values. Parameter estimations were performed using a Bayesian framework. Our results showed that uranium affects the assimilation of energy from food with a no-effect concentration (NEC) of 0.42 mM U which would be the threshold for effects on both growth and reproduction. The sensitivity analysis showed that the main contributors to the model output were parameters linked to the feeding processes and the actual exposure concentration. This confirms that the real exposure concentration should be measured accu-rately and that the feeding parameters should not be fixed, but need to be reestimated during the parameter estimation process

    Study of multigenerational effects of chronic exposure to ionizing radiation in a model organism : the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

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    L'évaluation de l'impact écologique d'une exposition aux rayonnements ionisants est devenue une préoccupation majeure. L'objectif de ce doctorat était d'étudier les effets multigénérationnels d'une irradiation gamma chronique selon une approche intégrée, des traits d'histoire de vie aux mécanismes subcellulaires chez un organisme modèle, le nématode Caenorhabditis elegans. L'étude des effets d'une irradiation gamma chronique sur les traits d'histoire de vie de C. elegans a d'abord été effectuée. Pour cela, trois générations ont été exposées et deux générations ont été placées en environnement « contrôle » après exposition parentale. Puis, différents mécanismes subcellulaires pouvant expliquer les effets observés sur les traits d'histoire de vie ont été par la suite caractérisés. Les résultats obtenus ont mis en évidence que (i) la reproduction était le critère d'effet le plus sensible, (ii) une augmentation de la radiosensibilité était observée sur trois générations exposées et (iii) les effets de la génération parentale étaient transmis aux générations non-exposées. Une augmentation de l'apoptose, une diminution du stock de spermatozoïdes et du nombre de cellules mitotiques semblent expliquer la diminution de la reproduction dans les générations exposées. Seule une diminution du nombre de spermatozoïdes a été observée en parallèle d'une diminution de la reproduction dans les générations placées non exposées. Ce projet de recherche a permis d'apporter des connaissances sur les effets multigénérationnels d'une irradiation gamma et montre l'intérêt d'utiliser une approche intégrée pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes d'action liés à l'action d'un polluant.The environmental risk assessment of chronic exposure to ionizing has become a major concern. The aim of this PhD was to study the multigenerational effects of chronic gamma radiation in an integrated manner (to the life history traits from the subcellular mechanisms) in a model organism, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. First, studying the effects of chronic gamma radiation on the life history traits of C. elegans was performed. For that, three generations have been exposed to different dose rates and two generations have been placed in "control" environment after parental exposure. The second part of this thesis aimed to characterize the different subcellular mechanisms that could explain the observed effects on the life history traits after multigenerational exposure. The results showed that (i) the reproduction was the most sensitive endpoint to gamma radiation, (ii) an increase in radiosensitivity was observed over three exposed generations and (iii) the effects of the parental generation were transmitted to the non-exposed generations. An increase in apoptosis, a reduction in the stock of sperm, and to a lesser extent, a decrease in the number of mitotic cells, could explain the observed decrease in reproduction for the exposed generations. Only a decrease in sperm number was observed in parallel with a reduction in the cumulative number of larvae in the non-exposed generations. This research contributes to our knowledge on the multigenerational effects of gamma irradiation and shows the importance of an integrated approach to better understand the mechanisms of action related to the action of a pollutant and improve the environmental risk assessment

    Evaluating effects of a multi-generation pollution on Caenorhabditis elegans' population

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    The assessment of toxic effects at biologically and ecologically relevant scales is an important challenge in ecosystem protection. Indeed, in most time, stressors impact populations over longterm. The selection pressure exerted by a pollutant is known to amplify the phenomenon of natural selection and could lead to evolutionary changes across generations. It is therefore important to study the evolutionary response of a population submitted to a long term stress. Regarding this background, we assessed the evolution of two populations (control and exposed to 1.1 mM of the heavy radiotoxic metal, uranium) of the ubiquitous nematode Caenorhabditis elegans submitted to a long-term exposure to uranium. The experimentation was conducted over 16 generations and life history traits (growth, reproduction and survival) as well as dose-response evolution were assessed. These parameters were followed daily on individuals extracted from the populations and exposed to a range of concentration (from 0 to 1.2 mM U). Our experiment showed an increase of adverse effects as a function of uranium concentration. Indeed the NOEC for reproduction and growth traits were respectively of 0.5 mM U and 0.9 mM U. Moreover, reproduction and growth were respectively reduced by over 60% and 20% for individual exposed at 1.1 mM U. This reduction remained constant throughout the generations. We also pointed out the appearance of genetics differentiations on reproduction traits throughout the generations. This differentiation, observed from generation 3, showed us that the total egg-laying of the uranium population was significantly decreased compared with the control population. In contrast, no differentiations were highlighted on growth traits. Our results confirm the importance of studying environmental risks related to pollutant through multi-generational studies in order to capture effects that may appear after several generation of exposition

    Effects of chronic gamma irradiation : a multigenerational study using Caenorhabditis elegans

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    The effects of chronic exposure to 137Cs gamma radiation (dose rate ranging from 6.6 to 42.7 mGy h-1) on growth and reproductive ability were carried out over three generations of Caenorhabditis elegans (F0, F1, and F2). Exposure began at the egg stage for the first generation and was stopped at the end of laying of third-generation eggs (F2). At the same time, the two subsequent generations from parental exposure were returned to the control conditions (F1’ and F2’). There was no radiation-induced significant effect on growth, hatchability, and cumulative number of larvae within generations. Moreover, no significant differences were found in growth parameters (hatching length, maximal length, and a constant related to growth rate) among the generations. However, a decrease in the cumulative number of larvae across exposed generations was observed between F0 and F2 at the highest dose rate (238.8 ± 15.4 and 171.2 ± 13.1 number of larvae per individual, respectively). Besides, the F1' generation was found to lay significantly fewer eggs than the F1 generation for tested dose rates 6.6, 8.1, 19.4, and 28.1 mGy h-1. Our results confirmed that reproduction (here, cumulative number of larvae) is the most sensitive endpoint affected by chronic exposure to ionizing radiation. The results obtained revealed transgenerational effects from parental exposure in the second generation, and the second non-exposed generation was indeed more affected than the second exposed generation

    Consequences of a multi-generation exposure to uranium on Caenorhabditis elegans life parameters and sensitivity.

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    International audienceThe assessment of toxic effects at biologically and ecologically relevant scales is an important challenge in ecosystem protection. Indeed, stressors may impact populations at much longer term than the usual timescale of toxicity tests. It is therefore important to study the evolutionary response of a population under chronic stress. We performed a 16-generation study to assess the evolution of two populations of the ubiquitous nematode Caenorhabditis elegans in control conditions or exposed to 1.1 mM of uranium. Several generations were selected to assess growth, reproduction, survival, and dose-responses relationships, through exposure to a range of concentrations (from 0 to 1.2 mM U) with all endpoints measured daily. Our experiment showed an adaptation of individuals to experimental conditions (increase of maximal length and decrease of fecundity) for both populations. We also observed an increase of adverse effects (reduction of growth and fertility) as a function of uranium concentration. We pointed out the emergence of population differentiation for reproduction traits. In contrast, no differentiation was observed on growth traits. Our results confirm the importance of assessing environmental risk related to pollutant through multi-generational studies