103 research outputs found

    Global Symmetries and D-Terms in Supersymmetric Field Theories

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    We study the role of D-terms in supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking. By carefully analyzing the SUSY multiplets containing various conserved currents in theories with global symmetries, we obtain a number of constraints on the renormalization group flow in supersymmetric field theories. Under broad assumptions, these results imply that there are no SUSY-breaking vacua, not even metastable ones, with parametrically large D-terms. This explains the absence of such D-terms in models of dynamical SUSY-breaking. There is, however, a rich class of calculable models which generate comparable D-terms and F-terms through a variety of non-perturbative effects; these D-terms can be non-abelian. We give several explicit examples of such models, one of which is a new calculable limit of the 3-2 model.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures; reference added, minor change

    Soft Spectrum in Yukawa-Gauge Mediation

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    We introduce a model independent parametrization for a subclass of gauge mediated theories, which we refer to as Yukawa-gauge mediation. Within this formalism we study the resulting soft masses in the visible spectrum. We find general expressions for the gaugino and scalar masses. Under generic conditions, the gaugino mass is screened, vanishing at first order in the SUSY breaking scale.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures; v2: minor corrections, published versio

    General Messenger Gauge Mediation

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    We discuss theories of gauge mediation in which the hidden sector consists of two subsectors which are weakly coupled to each other. One sector is made up of messengers and the other breaks supersymmetry. Each sector by itself may be strongly coupled. We provide a unifying framework for such theories and discuss their predictions in different settings. We show how this framework incorporates all known models of messengers. In the case of weakly-coupled messengers interacting with spurions through the superpotential, we prove that the sfermion mass-squared is positive, and furthermore, that there is a lower bound on the ratio of the sfermion mass to the gaugino mass.Comment: 37 pages; minor change

    Cascades with Adjoint Matter: Adjoint Transitions

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    A large class of duality cascades based on quivers arising from non-isolated singularities enjoy adjoint transitions - a phenomenon which occurs when the gauge coupling of a node possessing adjoint matter is driven to strong coupling in a manner resulting in a reduction of rank in the non-Abelian part of the gauge group and a subsequent flow to weaker coupling. We describe adjoint transitions in a simple family of cascades based on a Z2-orbifold of the conifold using field theory. We show that they are dual to Higgsing and produce varying numbers of U(1) factors, moduli, and monopoles in a manner which we calculate. This realizes a large family of cascades which proceed through Seiberg duality and Higgsing. We briefly describe the supergravity limit of our analysis, as well as a prescription for treating more general theories. A special role is played by N=2 SQCD. Our results suggest that additional light fields are typically generated when UV completing certain constructions of spontaneous supersymmetry breaking into cascades, potentially leading to instabilities.Comment: 29 pages, a few typos fixed, improved discussion, added figure; now there is 1 figur

    The Constraints of Conformal Symmetry on RG Flows

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    If the coupling constants in QFT are promoted to functions of space-time, the dependence of the path integral on these couplings is highly constrained by conformal symmetry. We begin the present note by showing that this idea leads to a new proof of Zamolodchikov's theorem. We then review how this simple observation also leads to a derivation of the a-theorem. We exemplify the general procedure in some interacting theories in four space-time dimensions. We concentrate on Banks-Zaks and weakly relevant flows, which can be controlled by ordinary and conformal perturbation theories, respectively. We compute explicitly the dependence of the path integral on the coupling constants and extract the change in the a-anomaly (this agrees with more conventional computations of the same quantity). We also discuss some general properties of the sum rule found in arXiv:1107.3987 and study it in several examples.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Higher S-dualities and Shephard-Todd groups

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    Abstract: Seiberg and Witten have shown that in N=2N=2 \mathcal{N}=2 SQCD with Nf = 2Nc = 4 the S-duality group PSL2\u2124PSL(2,Z) \mathrm{P}\mathrm{S}\mathrm{L}\left(2,\mathrm{\mathbb{Z}}\right) acts on the flavor charges, which are weights of Spin(8), by triality. There are other N=2N=2 \mathcal{N}=2 SCFTs in which SU(2) SYM is coupled to strongly-interacting non-Lagrangian matter: their matter charges are weights of E6, E7 and E8 instead of Spin(8). The S-duality group PSL2\u2124PSL(2,Z) \mathrm{P}\mathrm{S}\mathrm{L}\left(2,\mathrm{\mathbb{Z}}\right) acts on these weights: what replaces Spin(8) triality for the E6, E7, E8root lattices? In this paper we answer the question. The action on the matter charges of (a finite central extension of) PSL2\u2124PSL(2,Z) \mathrm{P}\mathrm{S}\mathrm{L}\left(2,\mathrm{\mathbb{Z}}\right) factorizes trough the action of the exceptional Shephard-Todd groups G4 and G8 which should be seen as complex analogs of the usual triality group S3 43WeylA2S3Weyl(A2) {\mathfrak{S}}_3\simeq \mathrm{Weyl}\left({A}_2\right) . Our analysis is based on the identification of S-duality for SU(2) gauge SCFTs with the group of automorphisms of the cluster category of weighted projective lines of tubular type. \ua9 2015, The Author(s)

    Light Stop NLSPs at the Tevatron and LHC

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    How light can the stop be given current experimental constraints? Can it still be lighter than the top? In this paper, we study this and related questions in the context of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking, where a stop NLSP decays into a W, b and gravitino. Focusing on the case of prompt decays, we simulate several existing Tevatron and LHC analyses that would be sensitive to this scenario, and find that they allow the stop to be as light as 150 GeV, mostly due to the large top production background. With more data, the existing LHC analyses will be able to push the limit up to at least 180 GeV. We hope this work will motivate more dedicated experimental searches for this simple scenario, in which, for most purposes, the only free parameters are the stop mass and lifetime.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figures; v2: added minor clarifications and reference

    Long-Lived Neutralino NLSPs

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    We investigate the collider signatures of heavy, long-lived, neutral particles that decay to charged particles plus missing energy. Specifically, we focus on the case of a neutralino NLSP decaying to Z and gravitino within the context of General Gauge Mediation. We show that a combination of searches using the inner detector and the muon spectrometer yields a wide range of potential early LHC discoveries for NLSP lifetimes ranging from 10^(-1)-10^5 mm. We further show that events from Z(l+l-) can be used for detailed kinematic reconstruction, leading to accurate determinations of the neutralino mass and lifetime. In particular, we examine the prospects for detailed event study at ATLAS using the ECAL (making use of its timing and pointing capabilities) together with the TRT, or using the muon spectrometer alone. Finally, we also demonstrate that there is a region in parameter space where the Tevatron could potentially discover new physics in the delayed Z(l+l-)+MET channel. While our discussion centers on gauge mediation, many of the results apply to any scenario with a long-lived neutral particle decaying to charged particles.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figure

    General Gauge Mediation with Gauge Messengers

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    We generalize the General Gauge Mediation formalism to allow for the possibility of gauge messengers. Gauge messengers occur when charged matter fields of the susy-breaking sector have non-zero F-terms, which leads to tree-level, susy-breaking mass splittings in the gauge fields. A classic example is that SU(5) / SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) gauge fields could be gauge messengers. We give a completely general, model independent, current-algebra based analysis of gauge messenger mediation of susy-breaking to the visible sector. Characteristic aspects of gauge messengers include enhanced contributions to gaugino masses, (tachyonic) sfermion mass-squareds generated already at one loop, and also at two loops, and significant one-loop A-terms, already at the messenger scale.Comment: 79 pages, 5 figure