148 research outputs found

    Transport Phenomena and Structuring in Shear Flow of Suspensions near Solid Walls

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    In this paper we apply the lattice-Boltzmann method and an extension to particle suspensions as introduced by Ladd et al. to study transport phenomena and structuring effects of particles suspended in a fluid near sheared solid walls. We find that a particle free region arises near walls, which has a width depending on the shear rate and the particle concentration. The wall causes the formation of parallel particle layers at low concentrations, where the number of particles per layer decreases with increasing distance to the wall.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Clastos con calcimicrobios y arqueociatos procedentes de depósitos marinos del talud de la Formación cámbrica del Monte Wegener, Coats Land, Cordillera de Shackleton Antártida

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    The carbonate clasts from the Mount Wegener Formation provide sedimentological, diagenetic and palaeontological evidences of the destruction and resedimentation of a hidden/unknown Cambrian carbonate shallow-water record at the Coats Land region of Antarctica. This incomplete mosaic could play a key role in comparisons and biostratigraphic correlations between the Cambrian record of the Transantarctic Mountains, Ellsworth-Whitmore block and Antarctic Peninsula at the Antarctica continent. Moreover, it represents a key record in future palaeobiogeographic reconstructions of South Gondwana based on archaeocyathan assemblages.Los clastos carbonatados de la Formación del Monte Wegener proporcionan evidencias sedimentológicas, diagenéticas y paleontológicas de la destrucción y resedimentación de un registro carbonatadoo cámbrico oculto/no conocido en aguas someras de la región de Coats Land en la Antártida. Este mosaico incompleto podría jugar un papel clave en las comparaciones y correlaciones bioestratigráficas entre el registro cámbrico de las Montañas Transantárticas, el bloque Ellsworth-Whitmore y la Península Antártica del continente antártico. Además, representa un registro clave en las futuras reconstrucciones paleobiogeográficas de Gondwana meridional basadas en asociaciones de arqueociatos

    The fate of the homoctenids (Tentaculitoidea) during the Frasnian-Famennian mass extinction (Late Devonian)

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    The homoctenids (Tentaculitoidea) are small, conical-shelled marine animals which are amongst the most abundant and widespread of all Late Devonian fossils. They were a principal casualty of the Frasnian-Famennian (F-F, Late Devonian) mass extinction, and thus provide an insight into the extinction dynamics. Despite their abundance during the Late Devonian, they have been largely neglected by extinction studies. A number of Frasnian-Famennian boundary sections have been studied, in Poland, Germany, France, and the United States. These sections have yielded homoctenids, which allow precise recognition of the timing of the mass extinction. It is clear that the homoctenids almost disappear from the fossil record during the latest Frasnian “Upper Kellwasser Event”. The coincident extinction of this pelagic group, and the widespread development of intense marine anoxia within the water column, provides a causal link between anoxia and the F-F extinction. Most notable is the sudden demise of a group, which had been present in rock-forming densities, during this anoxic event. One new species, belonging to Homoctenus is described, but is not formally named here

    Disparity Changes in 370 Ma Devonian Fossils: The Signature of Ecological Dynamics?

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    Early periods in Earth's history have seen a progressive increase in complexity of the ecosystems, but also dramatic crises decimating the biosphere. Such patterns are usually considered as large-scale changes among supra-specific groups, including morphological novelties, radiation, and extinctions. Nevertheless, in the same time, each species evolved by the way of micro-evolutionary processes, extended over millions of years into the evolution of lineages. How these two evolutionary scales interacted is a challenging issue because this requires bridging a gap between scales of observation and processes. The present study aims at transferring a typical macro-evolutionary approach, namely disparity analysis, to the study of fine-scale evolutionary variations in order to decipher what processes actually drove the dynamics of diversity at a micro-evolutionary level. The Late Frasnian to Late Famennian period was selected because it is punctuated by two major macro-evolutionary crises, as well as a progressive diversification of marine ecosystem. Disparity was estimated through this period on conodonts, tooth-like fossil remains of small eel-like predators that were part of the nektonic fauna. The study was focused on the emblematic genus of the period, Palmatolepis. Strikingly, both crises affected an already impoverished Palmatolepis disparity, increasing risks of random extinction. The major disparity signal rather emerged as a cycle of increase and decrease in disparity during the inter-crises period. The diversification shortly followed the first crisis and might correspond to an opportunistic occupation of empty ecological niche. The subsequent oriented shrinking in the morphospace occupation suggests that the ecological space available to Palmatolepis decreased through time, due to a combination of factors: deteriorating climate, expansion of competitors and predators. Disparity changes of Palmatolepis thus reflect changes in the structure of the ecological space itself, which was prone to evolve during this ancient period where modern ecosystems were progressively shaped

    Organic carbon content and carbon isotope variations across the Permo-Triassic boundary in the Gartnerkofel-1 borehole, Carnic Alps, Austria

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    The Gartnerkofel borehole is one of the most thoroughly studied and described Permo-Triassic sections in the world. Detailed bulk organic carbon isotope studies show a negative base shift from − 24‰ to − 28‰ in the Latest Permian which latter value persists into the Earliest Triassic after which it decreases slightly to − 26‰. Two strongly negative peaks of > − 38‰ in the Latest Permian and a lesser peak of − 31‰ in the Early Triassic are too negative to be due to a greater proportion of more negative organic matter and must be due to very negative methane effects. The overall change to more negative values across the Bulla/Tesero boundary fits the relative rise in sea level for this transition based on the facies changes. A positive shift in organic carbon isotope values at the Late Permian Event Horizon may be due to an increase in land-derived organic detritus at this level—a feature shown by all Tethyan Permo-Triassic boundary sections though these other sections do not have the same values. Carbonate carbon isotope trends are similar in all sections dropping by 2–3 units across the Permo-Triassic boundary. Gartnerkofel carbonate oxygen values are surprisingly, considering the ubiquitous dolomitization, compatible with values elsewhere and indicate reasonable tropical temperatures of 60 °C in the Latest Permian sabkhas to 20–40 °C in the overlying marine transition beds. Increased land-derived input at the Late Permian Event Horizon may be due to offshore transport by tsunamis whose deposits have been recognized in India at this level

    Stepwise oxygenation of the Paleozoic atmosphere

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    Oxygen is essential for animal life, and while geochemical proxies have been instrumental in determining the broad evolutionary history of oxygen on Earth, much of our insight into Phanerozoic oxygen comes from biogeochemical modelling. The GEOCARBSULF model utilizes carbon and sulphur isotope records to produce the most detailed history of Phanerozoic atmospheric O2 currently available. However, its predictions for the Paleozoic disagree with geochemical proxies, and with non-isotope modelling. Here we show that GEOCARBSULF oversimplifies the geochemistry of sulphur isotope fractionation, returning unrealistic values for the O2 sourced from pyrite burial when oxygen is low. We rebuild the model from first principles, utilizing an improved numerical scheme, the latest carbon isotope data, and we replace the sulphur cycle equations in line with forwards modelling approaches. Our new model, GEOCARBSULFOR, produces a revised, highly-detailed prediction for Phanerozoic O2 that is consistent with available proxy data, and independently supports a Paleozoic Oxygenation Event, which likely contributed to the observed radiation of complex, diverse fauna at this time

    Plate Tectonic Implications of the Structure of the Shackleton Range, Antarctica

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