19 research outputs found

    Impact of Plasma-Lyte pH 7.4 on acid-base status and hemodynamics in a model of controlled hemorrhagic shock

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    OBJECTIVE: Intravenous infusion of crystalloid solutions is a cornerstone of the treatment of hemorrhagic shock. However, crystalloid solutions can have variable metabolic acid-base effects, perpetuating or even aggravating shock-induced metabolic acidosis. The aim of this study was to compare, in a controlled volume-driven porcine model of hemorrhagic shock, the effects of three different crystalloid solutions on the hemodynamics and acid-base balance. METHODS: Controlled hemorrhagic shock (40% of the total blood volume was removed) was induced in 18 animals, which were then treated with normal saline (0.9% NaCl), Lactated Ringer's Solution or Plasma-Lyte pH 7.4, in a blinded fashion (n = 6 for each group). Using a predefined protocol, the animals received three times the volume of blood removed. RESULTS: The three different crystalloid infusions were equally capable of reversing the hemorrhage-induced low cardiac output and anuria. The Lactated Ringer's Solution and Plasma-Lyte pH 7.4 infusions resulted in an increased standard base excess and a decreased serum chloride level, whereas treatment with normal saline resulted in a decreased standard base excess and an increased serum chloride level. The Plasma-Lyte pH 7.4 infusions did not change the level of the unmeasured anions. CONCLUSION: Although the three tested crystalloid solutions were equally able to attenuate the hemodynamic and tissue perfusion disturbances, only the normal saline induced hyperchloremia and metabolic acidosis

    Tracheobronchial stents: terapeutic option for acquired tracheobronchial stenosis

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    A estenose traqueobrônquica é uma condição que cursa com dispnéia, estridor epneumonia obstrutiva, causada por diversas condições como tumores, compressão extrínseca e traqueobroncomalacia, porém a causa mais freqüente é a complicação resultante de intubação prolongada, sendo que ocorre em aproximadamente 1% das intubações. O tratamento de escolha para esta condição é a ressecção cirúrgica do segmento atingido, entretanto este procedimento não é possível em todos os pacientes e isto levou à adoção de técnicas endoscópicas paliativas. O uso de endopróteses para manter uma via aérea pérvia está entre as técnicas endoscópicas com melhores resultados. As endopróteses utilizadas atualmente dividem-se, principalmente, em próteses de silicone e metálicas expansíveis, cada uma com vantagens e desvantagens específicas. A presente monografia visa apresentar os principais modelos de endopróteses, comparando suas vantagens e desvantagens e índices de complicações, procurando sistematizar as indicações ideais para cada tipo de prótese.Tracheobronchial stenosis curses with dyspnea, stridor and obstructive pneumonia, and can be caused by tumors, extrinsic compression and tracheobronchomalacia, butthe most frequent cause is the sequel resulting of prolonged intubation, occurring in about 1% intubations. The treatment of choice for such condition is resection of the compromised segment; however this procedure isn't possible in every patient and this led to the development of endoscopic palliative technique. Tracheobronchial stentintg is between one of such techniques that obtain the best results. Tracheobronchial stents can be divided manly between silicone tubes and self-expandable metallic stents, each one with specific advantages and disadvantages. The present study presents the main stent models, comparing their advantagese disadvantages and complications rates, aiming to systematize the ideal indications for every type of stent

    Cochrane meta-analysis: teicoplanin versus vancomycin for proven or suspected infection

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    Objective: To compare efficacy and safety of vancomycin versusteicoplanin in patients with proven or suspected infection.Methods: Data Sources: Cochrane Renal Group’s SpecializedRegister, CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, nephrology textbooksand review articles. Inclusion criteria: Randomized controlled trialsin any language comparing teicoplanin to vancomycin for patientswith proven or suspected infection. Data extraction: Two authorsindependently evaluated methodological quality and extracted data.Study investigators were contacted for unpublished information. Arandom effect model was used to estimate the pooled risk ratio (RR)with 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: A total of 24 studies (2,610patients) were included. The drugs had similar rates of clinical cure(RR: 1.03; 95%CI: 0.98-1.08), microbiological cure (RR: 0.98; 95%CI:0.93-1.03) and mortality (RR: 1.02; 95%CI: 0.79-1.30). Teicoplaninhad lower rates of skin rash (RR: 0.57; 95%CI: 0.35-0.92), red mansyndrome (RR: 0.21; 95%CI: 0.08-0.59) and total adverse events (RR:0.73; 95%CI: 0.53-1.00). Teicoplanin reduced the risk of nephrotoxicity(RR: 0.66; 95%CI: 0.48-0.90). This effect was consistent for patientsreceiving aminoglycosides (RR: 0.51; 95%CI: 0.30-0.88) or havingvancomycin doses corrected by serum levels (RR: 0.22; 95%CI:0.10-0.52). There were no cases of acute kidney injury needingdialysis. Limitations: Studies lacked a standardized definition fornephrotoxicity. Conclusions: Teicoplanin and vancomycin are equallyeffective; however the incidence of nephrotoxicity and other adverseevents was lower with teicoplanin. It may be reasonable to considerteicoplanin for patients at higher risk for acute kidney injury

    Do established prognostic factors explain the different mortality rates in ICU septic patients around the world?

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    Background. The aim of this paper was to clarify if previously established prognostic factors explain the different mortality rates observed in ICU septic patients around the world. Methods. This is a sub-study from the PROGRESS study, which was an international, prospective, observational registry of ICU patients with severe sepsis. For this study we included 10930 patients from 24 countries that enrolled more than 100 patients in the PROGRESS. The effect of potential prognostic factors on in-hospital mortality was examined using univariate and multivariate logistic regression. The complete set of data was available for 7022 patients, who were considered in the multivariate analysis. Countries were classified according to country income, development status, and in-hospital mortality terciles. The relationship between countries' characteristics and inhospital mortality was evaluated using linear regression. Results. Mean in-hospital mortality was 49.2%. Severe sepsis in-hospital mortality varied widely in different countries, ranging from 30.6% in New Zealand to 80.4% in Algeria. Classification as developed or developing country was not associated with in-hospital mortality (P=0.16), nor were levels of gross national product per capita (P=0.15). Patients in the group of countries with higher in-hospital mortality had a crude OR for in-hospital death of 2.8 (95% CI 2.5-3.1) in comparison to those in the lower risk group. After adjustments were made for all other independent variables, the OR changed to 2.9 (95% CI 2.5-3.3). Conclusion. Severe sepsis mortality varies widely in different countries. All known markers of disease severity and prognosis do not fully explain the international differences in mortality. Country income does not explain this disparity either. Further studies should be developed to verify if other organizational or structural factors account for disparities in patient care and outcomes. © 2012 EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDICA.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    The Presence of Clitoromegaly in the Nonclassical Form of 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Could Be Partially Modulated by the CAG Polymorphic Tract of the Androgen Receptor Gene.

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    In the nonclassical form (NC), good correlation has been observed between genotypes and 17OH-progesterone (17-OHP) levels. However, this correlation was not identified with regard to the severity of hyperandrogenic manifestations, which could depend on interindividual variability in peripheral androgen sensitivity. Androgen action is modulated by the polymorphic CAG tract (nCAG) of the androgen receptor (AR) gene and by polymorphisms in 5α-reductase type 2 (SRD5A2) enzyme, both of which are involved in the severity of hyperandrogenic disorders.To analyze whether nCAG-AR and SRD5A2 polymorphisms influence the severity of the nonclassical phenotype.NC patients (n = 114) diagnosed by stimulated-17OHP ≥10 ng/mL were divided into groups according to the beginning of hyperandrogenic manifestations (pediatric and adolescent/adult) and CYP21A2 genotypes (C/C: homozygosis for mild mutations; A/C: compound heterozygosis for severe/mild mutations).CYP21A2 mutations were screened by allelic-specific PCR, MLPA and/or sequencing. HpaII-digested and HpaII-undigested DNA samples underwent GeneScan analysis to study nCAG, and the SRD5A2 polymorphisms were screened by RLFP.Mean nCAG did not differ among pediatric, adolescent/adult and asymptomatic subjects. In the C/C genotype, we observed a significantly lower frequency of longer CAG alleles in pediatric patients than in adolescent/adults (p = 0.01). In patients carrying the A/C genotype, the frequencies of shorter and longer CAG alleles did not differ between pediatric patients and adolescent/adults (p>0.05). Patients with clitoromegaly had significantly lower weighted CAG biallelic mean than those without it: 19.1±2.7 and 21.6±2.5, respectively (p = 0.007), independent of the CYP21A2 genotype's severity. The SRD5A2 polymorphisms were not associated with the variability of hyperandrogenic NC phenotypes.In this series, we observed a modulatory effect of the CAG-AR tract on clinical manifestations of the NC form. Although the NC form is a monogenic disorder, our preliminary data suggested that the interindividual variability of the hyperandrogenic phenotype could arise from polygenic interactions

    Is Gilbert Syndrome a new risk factor for breast cancer?

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    Patients with Gilbert Syndrome have an impaired function of the enzyme UGT1A1, responsible for the degradation of 4-OH-estrogens. These elements are produced by the degradation of estrogens and are well-known carcinogens. In theory, patients with Gilbert Syndrome accumulate 4-OH-estrogens and, therefore, might have a higher risk for breast cancer, especially when exposed to higher levels of estrogens. If this theory is true, a new risk group for breast cancer would be described, producing new insights in breast carcinogenesis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved