19 research outputs found

    Development of efficient, integrated cellulosic biorefineries : LDRD final report.

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    Cellulosic ethanol, generated from lignocellulosic biomass sources such as grasses and trees, is a promising alternative to conventional starch- and sugar-based ethanol production in terms of potential production quantities, CO{sub 2} impact, and economic competitiveness. In addition, cellulosic ethanol can be generated (at least in principle) without competing with food production. However, approximately 1/3 of the lignocellulosic biomass material (including all of the lignin) cannot be converted to ethanol through biochemical means and must be extracted at some point in the biochemical process. In this project we gathered basic information on the prospects for utilizing this lignin residue material in thermochemical conversion processes to improve the overall energy efficiency or liquid fuel production capacity of cellulosic biorefineries. Two existing pretreatment approaches, soaking in aqueous ammonia (SAA) and the Arkenol (strong sulfuric acid) process, were implemented at Sandia and used to generated suitable quantities of residue material from corn stover and eucalyptus feedstocks for subsequent thermochemical research. A third, novel technique, using ionic liquids (IL) was investigated by Sandia researchers at the Joint Bioenergy Institute (JBEI), but was not successful in isolating sufficient lignin residue. Additional residue material for thermochemical research was supplied from the dilute-acid simultaneous saccharification/fermentation (SSF) pilot-scale process at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The high-temperature volatiles yields of the different residues were measured, as were the char combustion reactivities. The residue chars showed slightly lower reactivity than raw biomass char, except for the SSF residue, which had substantially lower reactivity. Exergy analysis was applied to the NREL standard process design model for thermochemical ethanol production and from a prototypical dedicated biochemical process, with process data supplied by a recent report from the National Research Council (NRC). The thermochemical system analysis revealed that most of the system inefficiency is associated with the gasification process and subsequent tar reforming step. For the biochemical process, the steam generation from residue combustion, providing the requisite heating for the conventional pretreatment and alcohol distillation processes, was shown to dominate the exergy loss. An overall energy balance with different potential distillation energy requirements shows that as much as 30% of the biomass energy content may be available in the future as a feedstock for thermochemical production of liquid fuels

    Interactions of human and drosophila Rad 51 paralogs

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    Damage to DNA from a variety of sources can lead to damaged proteins, genomic instability, aneuploidy, and cancer. It is therefore essential to repair DNA damage, and to do so a variety of DNA repair mechanisms have evolved. One of the repair mechanisms, known as homologous recombination (HR) repair, uses an undamaged sister chromatid as a template to make error free repairs to double-strand (ds) DNA breaks. While many proteins are involved in HR, this work focuses on testing the interactions of a subset of these proteins known as the Rad51 paralogs. The goal of this study is to determine if the putative Rad51 paralogs in Drosophila melanogaster are sufficiently conserved as to function in the same manner as their human counterparts. This research is part of a larger project to determine if Drosophila melanogaster is a good model organism for studying HR in humans (Hs). The D. melanogaster Rad51 gene, and its four paralogs Spn D, Spn B, Rad51D, XRCC2 (the last 2 identified by sequence homology), and human hsRad51D and hsXRCC2, were cloned into Invitrogen\u27s TOPO protein expression vector. When induced with IPTG, the resulting fusion proteins contains either aN-terminal Xpress TM epitope or a C-terminal V5 epitope. The fusion proteins were used in immunoprecipitation assays with antibodies against the epitope tags to test for proteinprotein interactions. While many of the assays were inconclusive and are still being optimized, the interaction of the C-terminally tagged dmXRCC2 with theN-terminally tagged hsRad51D gave a positive result. This single interspecies result suggests that homologous recombination is highly conserved between D. melanogaster and humans

    Interactions of human and drosophila Rad 51 paralogs

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    Damage to DNA from a variety of sources can lead to damaged proteins, genomic instability, aneuploidy, and cancer. It is therefore essential to repair DNA damage, and to do so a variety of DNA repair mechanisms have evolved. One of the repair mechanisms, known as homologous recombination (HR) repair, uses an undamaged sister chromatid as a template to make error free repairs to double-strand (ds) DNA breaks. While many proteins are involved in HR, this work focuses on testing the interactions of a subset of these proteins known as the Rad51 paralogs. The goal of this study is to determine if the putative Rad51 paralogs in Drosophila melanogaster are sufficiently conserved as to function in the same manner as their human counterparts. This research is part of a larger project to determine if Drosophila melanogaster is a good model organism for studying HR in humans (Hs). The D. melanogaster Rad51 gene, and its four paralogs Spn D, Spn B, Rad51D, XRCC2 (the last 2 identified by sequence homology), and human hsRad51D and hsXRCC2, were cloned into Invitrogen\u27s TOPO protein expression vector. When induced with IPTG, the resulting fusion proteins contains either aN-terminal Xpress TM epitope or a C-terminal V5 epitope. The fusion proteins were used in immunoprecipitation assays with antibodies against the epitope tags to test for proteinprotein interactions. While many of the assays were inconclusive and are still being optimized, the interaction of the C-terminally tagged dmXRCC2 with theN-terminally tagged hsRad51D gave a positive result. This single interspecies result suggests that homologous recombination is highly conserved between D. melanogaster and humans