164 research outputs found

    Characeae do pantanal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil : levantamento floristico

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    Orientador: Carlos Eduardo de Matos BicudoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Parana, Setor de Ciencias BiologicasResumo: O inventário florístico das Characeae (C-harophyceae) baseado no estudo de 187 amostras coletadas em lagoas nas sub-regiões do Pantanal: Abobral, Aquidauana, Miranda, Nabiieque, Nhecolândia, Paiaguás e Paraguai, no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, durante os períodos de cheia e seca dos anos 1990 a 1993, resultou na identificação de 13 táxons classificados em dois gêneros, Chara e Nitella, distribuídos em nove espécies, três subespécies, quatro variedades e seis formas taxonômicas, a saber: Chara fibrosa C. Agardh ex Bruzelius emend. R.D. Wood var. hydropitys (Reichenbach) R.D. Wood emend. R.D. Wood f. hydropitys, C. guairensis R Bicudo, C rusbyana Howe, Nitella acuminata A. Braun ex Wallman, N. cemua A. Braun, N. furcata (Roxburgh ex Bruzelius) C. Agardh emend. R.D. Wood subesp. flagellifera (J. Groves & G.O. Allen) R.D. Wood, N. furcata (Roxburgh ex Bruzelius) C. Agardh emend. RD. Wood subesp. furcata var. sieberi (A. Braun) R.D. Wood f. microcarpa (A. Braun) R.D. Wood, N. furcata (Roxburgh ex Bruzelius) C. Agardh emend. R.D. Wood subesp. furcata var. sieberi (A. Braun) R.D. Wood f. sieberi, N. furcata (Roxburgh ex Bruzelius) C. Agardh emend. R.D. Wood subesp. mucronata (A. Braun) R.D. Wood var. mucronata f. mucronata, N. furcata (Roxburgh ex Bruzelius) C. Agardh emend. R.D. Wood subesp. mucronata R.D. Wood var. mucronata f. wrightii (Groves & Groves) R.D. Wood, N. gollmeriana A. Braun, N. subglomerata A. Braun e N. translucens (Persoon) C. Agardh emend. R.D. Wood subesp. translucens R.D. Wood var. axillaris (A, Braun) R.D. Wood f. axillaris. Para cada táxon identificado são apresentadas as seguintes informações: referência bibliográfica completa à descrição ou diagnose original, basiônimo quando existente, distribuição geográfica no Brasil a partir da informação em literatura publicada até novembro de 1992, descrição minuciosa acompanhada de medidas, pelo menos uma prancha de ilustrações com um total de 122 figuras dos táxons identificados, 13 mapas de distribuição das coletas e das sub-regiões do Pantanal e comentários taxonômicos. Foram inclui das 12 tabelas onde são comparadas as variações métricas dos espécimes examinados com a da literatura especializada, além das comparações morfológicas e métricas entre as espécies Niiella subglomerata A. Braun, N. goltmeriana A. Braun e N. acuminata A. Braun ex Walíman. Os táxons foram todos identificados a partir de amostras populacionais. Foram elaboradas chaves artificiais para os gêneros, espécies, variedades e formas taxonômicas, de acordo com as características vegetativas e reprodutivas. Chara guairensis R. Bicudo com 80%, C rusbyana Howe com 58%, Niiella furcaía (Roxburgn ex Bruzelius) C. Agardh emend. R.D. Wood subesp. furcaía var. sieberi (A. Braun) R.D. Wood f. microcarpa (A. Braun) R.D. Wood com 50% e N. furcaía (Roxburgh ex Bruzelius) C. Agardh emend. R.D. Wood subesp. mucronaía (A. Braun) R.D. Wood var. mucronata f. nmcronata com 30%, foram os táxons mais coletados. As sub-regiões do Nabileque com 46%, Nhecoiândia com 17,6%, Abobral com 13,9% e Paraguai com 12,8%, foram as sub-regiões mais visitadas.Abstract: A floristic survey of the Charaeeae (Charophyceae) based on analysis of the 187 samples, collected at random during years 1990 to 1993 in ponds of the Pantanal subregions of Abobral, Aquidauana, Miranda, Nabileque Nhecolandia, Paiaguas and Paraguai, located in the Brazilian State of Mato Grosso, every year including the 2 climatic seasons-dry and rainy-recognized for the area. Thirteen taxa have been identified; these are classified in 2 genera (Oiara and Nitella) 9 species, 4 subspecies, 4 varieties not typical of their respective species. Char a fibrosa C. Agardh ex Bruzeiius emend. R.D. Wood var. hydropitys (Reichenbach) R.D. Wood emend. R.D. Wood f. hydropitys, C. guairensis R Bicudo, C. rusbyana Howe, Nitella acuminata A. Braun ex Wailman, N. fsircaia (Roxburgh ex Bruzeiius) C. Agardh emend. R.D. Wood subs p. ftagellifera (J. Groves Sc G.O. Allen) R.D. Wood, N. furcata (Roxburgh ex Bruzeiius) C. Agardh emend. R.D. Wood subsp. furcata var sieberi (A. Braun) R.D. Wood f. microcarpa (A. Braun) R.D. Wood, N. furcata (Roxburgh ex Bruzeiius) C. Agardh emend. R.D. Wood subsp. furcata var. sieberi (A. Braun) R.D. Wood f. sieberi, N. furcata (Roxburgh ex Bruzeiius) C. Agardh emend. R.D. Wood subsp. mucronata (A. Braun) R.D. Wood var. mucronata f. mucronata, N. furcata (Roxburgh ex Bruzeiius) C. Agardh emend. R.D. Wood subsp. mucronata R.D. Wood var. mucronata f. wrightU (Groves Sc Groves) R.D. Wood, N. gollmeriana A. Braun, N. subglomerata A. Braun e N. translucens (Persoon) C. Agardh emend. R.D. Wood subsp. translucens var. axillaris (A. Braun) R.D. Wood f. axillaris. Every taxon listed was identified from sample population analysis. For each taxon identified, the following information is given: the bibliographical reference for its original description based on information from the literature published until november 1992, and taxonomic comments. Indented artificial keys based on vegetative and reproductive morphological features were prepared for identification of the genera, species, subspecies, varieties, and taxonomic formae surveyed. Cítara guairensis R Bicudo, C rusbyana Howe, Nitella furcata (Roxburgh ex Bruzelius) C. Agardh emend. R.D. Wood subsp. furcata var. sieberi (A. Braun) R.D. Wood f. micracarpa (A. Braun) R.D. Wood com 50% e N. furcata (Roxburgh ex Bruzelius) C. Agardh emend. R.D. Wood subsp. mucronata (A. Braun) R.D. Wood var. mucronata f. mucronata are the taxa with the broadest geographical distribution in the area, being found respectively in 80%, 58% and 30% of the places visited. One map of the area covered by the study and plotted with the localities from which samples were collected, and 12 other maps (total 13) each to show the geographical distribution in the area covered by the present study are given, together with 15 plates with 122 line drawing figures of the material studied to help in their taxonomic identification complement the paper

    Characeae Biomass: Is the Subject Exhausted?

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    Archaeal Communities in a Heterogeneous Hypersaline-Alkaline Soil

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    In this study the archaeal communities in extreme saline-alkaline soils of the former lake Texcoco, Mexico, with electrolytic conductivities (EC) ranging from 0.7 to 157.2 dS/m and pH from 8.5 to 10.5 were explored. Archaeal communities in the 0.7 dS/m pH 8.5 soil had the lowest alpha diversity values and were dominated by a limited number of phylotypes belonging to the mesophilic Candidatus Nitrososphaera. Diversity and species richness were higher in the soils with EC between 9.0 and 157.2 dS/m. The majority of OTUs detected in the hypersaline soil were members of the Halobacteriaceae family. Novel phylogenetic branches in the Halobacteriales class were detected in the soil, and more abundantly in soil with the higher pH (10.5), indicating that unknown and uncharacterized Archaea can be found in this soil. Thirteen different genera of the Halobacteriaceae family were identified and were distributed differently between the soils. Halobiforma, Halostagnicola, Haloterrigena, and Natronomonas were found in all soil samples. Methanogenic archaea were found only in soil with pH between 10.0 and 10.3. Retrieved methanogenic archaea belonged to the Methanosarcinales and Methanomicrobiales orders. The comparison of the archaeal community structures considering phylogenetic information (UniFrac distances) clearly clustered the communities by pH

    Ecology of charophytes – permanent pioneers and ecosystem engineers

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    For almost a century, charophytes have been regarded as a group that is confined to low-nutrient-clear water conditions. In light of recent research, this generalisation of the ecological niche dimensions of charophytes has changed and now includes more facets of ecological existence. In this review, the current knowledge with respect to species-specificity as well as temporal aspects – ontogenetic and successional ones – of the ecological requirements of charophytes are presented and discussed. This review identifies new directions for ecological research on charophytes as well as knowledge gaps to be filled, not just for reasons of academic curiosity, but also for applied purposes such as lake restoration, bioremediation and bioindication of water quality and water regime
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