10,737 research outputs found

    Towards Parameterized Regular Type Inference Using Set Constraints

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    We propose a method for inferring \emph{parameterized regular types} for logic programs as solutions for systems of constraints over sets of finite ground Herbrand terms (set constraint systems). Such parameterized regular types generalize \emph{parametric} regular types by extending the scope of the parameters in the type definitions so that such parameters can relate the types of different predicates. We propose a number of enhancements to the procedure for solving the constraint systems that improve the precision of the type descriptions inferred. The resulting algorithm, together with a procedure to establish a set constraint system from a logic program, yields a program analysis that infers tighter safe approximations of the success types of the program than previous comparable work, offering a new and useful efficiency vs. precision trade-off. This is supported by experimental results, which show the feasibility of our analysis

    The flavor of neutrinos in muon decays at a neutrino factory and the LSND puzzle

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    The accurate prediction of the neutrino beam produced in muon decays and the absence of opposite helicity contamination for a particular neutrino flavor make a future neutrino factory the ideal place to look for the lepton flavor violating (LFV) decays of the kind \mu^+\ra e^+\nuebar\numu and lepton number violating (LNV) processes like \mu^-\ra e^-\nue\numu. Excellent sensitivities can be achieved using a detector capable of muon and/or electron identification with charge discrimination. This would allow to set experimental limits that improve current ones by more than two orders of magnitude and test the hypothesis that the LSND excess is due to such anomalous decays, rather than neutrino flavor oscillations in vacuum.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Detection of polarization from the E^4\Pi-A^4\Pi system of FeH in sunspot spectra

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    Here we report the first detection of polarization signals induced by the Zeeman effect in spectral lines of the E^4\Pi-A^4\Pi system of FeH located around 1.6 μ\mum. Motivated by the tentative detection of this band in the intensity spectrum of late-type dwarfs, we have investigated the full Stokes sunspot spectrum finding circular and linear polarization signatures that we associate with the FeH lines of the E^4\Pi-A^4\Pi band system. We investigate the Zeeman effect in these molecular transitions pointing out that in Hund's case (a) coupling the effective Land\'e factors are never negative. For this reason, the fact that our spectropolarimetric observations indicate that the Land\'e factors of pairs of FeH lines have opposite signs, prompt us to conclude that the E^4\Pi-A^4\Pi system must be in intermediate angular momentum coupling between Hund's cases (a) and (b). We emphasize that theoretical and/or laboratory investigations of this molecular system are urgently needed for exploiting its promising diagnostic capabilities.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Effective lagrangian for a mass dimension one fermionic field in curved spacetime

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    In this work we use momentum-space techniques to evaluate the propagator G(x,x)G(x,x^{\prime}) for a spin 1/21/2 mass dimension one spinor field on a curved Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime. As a consequence, we built the one-loop correction to the effective lagrangian in the coincidence limit. Going further we compute the effective lagrangian in the finite temperature regime. We arrive at interesting cosmological consequences, as time-dependent cosmological `constant', fully explaining the functional form of previous cosmological models.Comment: 9 pages, 0 figure