10 research outputs found

    Exploring the multifaceted circumstellar environment of the luminous blue variable HR Carinae

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.We present a multiwavelength study of the Galactic luminous blue variable HR Carinae, based on new high-resolution mid-infrared (IR) and radio images obtained with the Very Large Telescope (VLT) and the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), which have been complemented by far-infrared Herschel-Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) observations and ATCA archive data. The Herschel images reveal the large-scale distribution of the dusty emitting nebula, which extends mainly to the north-east direction, up to 70 arcsec from the central star, and is oriented along the direction of the space motion of the star. In the mid-infrared images, the brightness distribution is characterized by two arcshaped structures, tracing an inner envelope surrounding the central star more closely. At radio wavelengths, the ionized gas emission lies on the opposite side of the cold dust with respect to the position of the star, as if the ionized front were confined by the surrounding medium in the north-south direction. Comparison with previous data indicates significant changes in the radio nebula morphology and in the mass-loss rate from the central star, which has increased from 6.1 × 10-6M⊙ yr-1 in 1994-1995 to 1.17 × 10-5M⊙ yr-1 in 2014. We investigate possible scenarios that could have generated the complex circumstellar environment revealed by our multiwavelength data.https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article-lookup/doi/10.1093/mnras/stw307

    The WEBT campaign on the blazar 3C 279 in 2006

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    The quasar 3C279 was the target of an extensive multiwavelength monitoring campaign from January through April 2006, including an optical-IR-radio monitoring campaign by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) collaboration. In this paper we focus on the results of the WEBT campaign. The source exhibited substantial variability of optical flux and spectral shape, with a characteristic time scale of a few days. The variability patterns throughout the optical BVRI bands were very closely correlated with each other. In intriguing contrast to other (in particular, BL Lac type) blazars, we find a lag of shorter- behind longer-wavelength variability throughout the RVB ranges, with a time delay increasing with increasing frequency. Spectral hardening during flares appears delayed with respect to a rising optical flux. This, in combination with the very steep IR-optical continuum spectral index of ~ 1.5 - 2.0, may indicate a highly oblique magnetic field configuration near the base of the jet. An alternative explanation through a slow (time scale of several days) acceleration mechanism would require an unusually low magnetic field of < 0.2 G, about an order of magnitude lower than inferred from previous analyses of simultaneous SEDs of 3C279 and other FSRQs with similar properties

    The SARAO MeerKAT 1.3 GHz Galactic Plane Survey

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    We present the SARAO MeerKAT Galactic Plane Survey (SMGPS), a 1.3 GHz continuum survey of almost half of the Galactic Plane (251○ ≀l ≀ 358○ and 2○ ≀l ≀ 61○ at |b| ≀ 1 5). SMGPS is the largest, most sensitive and highest angular resolution 1 GHz survey of the Plane yet carried out, with an angular resolution of 8″ and a broadband RMS sensitivity of ∌10–20 ÎŒJy beam−1. Here we describe the first publicly available data release from SMGPS which comprises data cubes of frequency-resolved images over 908–1656 MHz, power law fits to the images, and broadband zeroth moment integrated intensity images. A thorough assessment of the data quality and guidance for future usage of the data products are given. Finally, we discuss the tremendous potential of SMGPS by showcasing highlights of the Galactic and extragalactic science that it permits. These highlights include the discovery of a new population of non-thermal radio filaments; identification of new candidate supernova remnants, pulsar wind nebulae and planetary nebulae; improved radio/mid-IR classification of rare Luminous Blue Variables and discovery of associated extended radio nebulae; new radio stars identified by Bayesian cross-matching techniques; the realisation that many of the largest radio-quiet WISE H II region candidates are not true H II regions; and a large sample of previously undiscovered background H I galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance

    The auroral radio emission of the magnetic B-type star ρ OphC

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    © 2020 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. The non-thermal radio emission of main-sequence early-type stars is a signature of stellar magnetism. We present multiwavelength (1.6-16.7 GHz) ATCA measurements of the early-type magnetic star ρ OphC, which is a flat-spectrum non-thermal radio source. The ρ OphC radio emission is partially circularly polarized with a steep spectral dependence: the fraction of polarized emission is about 60 at the lowest frequency sub-band (1.6 GHz) while is undetected at 16.7 GHz. This is clear evidence of coherent Auroral Radio Emission (ARE) from the ρ OphC magnetosphere. Interestingly, the detection of the ρ OphC's ARE is not related to a peculiar rotational phase. This is a consequence of the stellar geometry, which makes the strongly anisotropic radiation beam of the amplified radiation always pointed towards Earth. The circular polarization sign evidences mainly amplification of the ordinary mode of the electromagnetic wave, consistent with a maser amplification occurring within dense regions. This is indirect evidence of the plasma evaporation from the polar caps, a phenomenon responsible for the thermal X-ray aurorae. ρ OphC is not the first early-type magnetic star showing the O-mode dominated ARE but is the first star with the ARE always on view

    Evidence for radio and x-ray auroral emissions from the magnetic b-type star ρ oph a

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    © 2020 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society We present new ATCA multiwavelength radio measurements (range 2.1–21.2 GHz) of the early-type magnetic star ρ Oph A, performed in 2019 March during three different observing sessions. These new ATCA observations evidence a clear rotational modulation of the stellar radio emission and the detection of coherent auroral radio emission from ρ Oph A at 2.1 GHz. We collected high-resolution optical spectra of ρ Oph A acquired by several instruments over a time span of about 10 yr. We also report new magnetic field measurements of ρ Oph A that, together with the radio light curves and the temporal variation of the equivalent width of the He I line (λ = 5015 Å), were used to constrain the rotation period and the stellar magnetic field geometry. The above results have been used to model the stellar radio emission, modelling that allowed us to constrain the physical condition of ρ Oph A’s magnetosphere. Past XMM–Newton measurements showed periodic X-ray pulses from ρ Oph A. We correlate the X-ray light curve with the magnetic field geometry of ρ Oph A. The already published XMM–Newton data have been re-analysed showing that the X-ray spectra of ρ Oph A are compatible with the presence of a non-thermal X-ray component. We discuss a scenario where the emission phenomena occurring at the extremes of the electromagnetic spectrum, radio and X-ray, are directly induced by the same plasma process. We interpret the observed X-ray and radio features of ρ Oph A as having an auroral origin

    A scaling relationship for non-thermal radio emission from ordered magnetospheres: From the top of the main sequence to planets

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    In this paper, we present the analysis of incoherent non-thermal radio emission from a sample of hot magnetic stars, ranging from early-B to early-A spectral type. Spanning a wide range of stellar parameters and wind properties, these stars display a commonality in their radio emission which presents new challenges to the wind scenario as originally conceived. It was thought that relativistic electrons, responsible for the radio emission, originate in current sheets formed, where the wind opens the magnetic field lines. However, the true mass-loss rates from the cooler stars are too small to explain the observed non-thermal broad-band radio spectra. Instead, we suggest the existence of a radiation belt located inside the inner magnetosphere, similar to that of Jupiter. Such a structure explains the overall indifference of the broad-band radio emissions on wind mass-loss rates. Further, correlating the radio luminosities from a larger sample of magnetic stars with their stellar parameters, the combined roles of rotation and magnetic properties have been empirically determined. Finally, our sample of early-type magnetic stars suggests a scaling relationship between the non-thermal radio luminosity and the electric voltage induced by the magnetosphere's co-rotation, which appears to hold for a broader range of stellar types with dipole-dominated magnetospheres (like the cases of the planet Jupiter and the ultracool dwarf stars and brown dwarfs). We conclude that well-ordered and stable rotating magnetospheres share a common physical mechanism for supporting the generation of non-thermal electrons