77 research outputs found

    Location motives for outsourcing centres to cities in Poland

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    Nowoczesne usługi dla biznesu są jedną z najbardziej dynamicznie rozwijających się branż gospodarki, również w Polsce. W ciągu ostatnich kilkunastu lat w wybranych dużych miastach Polski, oferujących specyficzne czynniki lokalizacyjne, powstało ponad 500 centrów usług outsourcingowych, zatrudniających około 150 tys. osób. Intensywne powiązania gospodarcze w tych miastach prowadzą do powstania kolejnych nowoczesnych centrów usług. Branża stała się też swoistym motorem napędzającym rynek nowoczesnych nieruchomości biurowych. W artykule podjęto rozważania związane ze współczesnym trendem związanym z przenoszeniem przedsiębiorstw ‒ delokalizacją, a także inną współczesną tendencją w zarządzaniu ‒ outsourcingiem. Głównym celem badań była identyfikacja czynników, jakimi kierują się menedżerowie w procesie wyboru miejsca prowadzenia tego typu działalności. Przeprowadzono ogólnopolskie badanie empiryczne z użyciem standaryzowanego wywiadu kwestionariuszowego, skierowane do osób decyzyjnych w procesie wyboru lokalizacji tego typu centrum. Wynikiem tych badań jest m.in. stworzona lista czynników lokalizacyjnych z określeniem gradacji ich istotności dla inwestorów w procesie podejmowania decyzji o wyborze lokalizacji.Modern business services constitute one of the most dynamic developing branches in the economy. This is especially true in Poland. In the last dozen or so years in several Polish cities offering specific location factors over 500 outsourcing service centres have started up. Together they employ over 150 thousand people (in 2015). Intense economic links within these cities have been leading to the establishment of yet more service centres. This branch has been a driving force in the modern office estate market. The article highlights the issue of location choice for outsourcing centres in Poland. Taking into consideration the high dynamics of development of this based on the knowledge economy sector, this issue may be important for business investors, local government units, as well as local business entities. The authors attempt to identify the factors which influence the decisions of managers choosing the place for this activity. A nationwide empirical study was conducted using standardised questionnaire interview addressed to decision-makers in the processes of choosing a location for such centres. The results of these studies include the list of location factors specifying the gradation of their significance to investors when deciding about location

    Znaczenie procesów przekształceń i rewitalizacji miasta dla wzrostu atrakcyjności rynku nieruchomości. Studium przypadku HafenCity

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    The aim of the article was to assess the transformations and revitalization of HafenCity and their importance for increasing the attractiveness of the Hamburg real estate market. The issues discussed were analyzed on a spectacular example of the historic HafenCity district, whose revitalization began in 2000. The work focuses on achieved urban, architectural and economic effects. The way the district has been developed has become an element of the city’s innovative image, increasing its investment attractiveness. In the second part of the study, recommendations were made regarding the use of German experience in Poland. Urban regeneration can become an important element of the development process and raising the attractiveness of Polish cities as well, and the presence of degraded urban structures should be a strong stimulus for the transformation processes of these areas.Celem artykułu była ocena przekształceń i rewitalizacji HafenCity oraz ich znaczenia dla podniesienia atrakcyjności rynku nieruchomości Hamburga. Podjęta problematyka została zanalizowana na spektakularnym przykładzie historycznej dzielnicy HafenCity, której rewitalizację zapoczątkowano w 2000 r. W pracy uwagę skoncentrowano na osiąganych efektach urbanistycznych, architektonicznych i ekonomicznych. Sposób zagospodarowania dzielnicy stał się elementem innowacyjnego wizerunku miasta, podniesienia jego atrakcyjności inwestycyjnej. W drugiej części opracowania sformułowano rekomendacje dotyczące wykorzystania doświadczeń niemieckich na gruncie polskim. Rewitalizacja urbanistyczna może stać się istotnym elementem procesu rozwoju i podnoszenia atrakcyjności również miast polskich, a obecność zdegradowanych struktur miejskich powinna stanowić silny bodziec do powstania procesów mających na celu przekształcanie tych obszarów

    Quantum interference in the field ionization of Rydberg atoms

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    We excite ultracold rubidium atoms in a magneto-optical trap to a coherent superposition of the three |mj | sublevels of the 37d5/2 Rydberg state. After some delay, during which the relative phases of the superposition components can evolve, we apply an electric field pulse to ionize the Rydberg electron and send it to a detector. The electron traverses many avoided crossings in the Stark levels as it ionizes. The net effect of the transitions at these crossings is to mix the amplitudes of the initial superposition into the same final states at ionization. Similar to a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, the three initial superposition components have multiple paths by which they can arrive at ionization and, since the phases of those paths differ, we observe quantum beats as a function of the delay time between excitation and initiation of the ionization pulse. We present a fully quantum-mechanical calculation of the electron’s path to ionization and the resulting interference pattern

    Quantum interference in the field ionization of Rydberg atoms

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    We excite ultracold rubidium atoms in a magneto-optical trap to a coherent superposition of the three |mj | sublevels of the 37d5/2 Rydberg state. After some delay, during which the relative phases of the superposition components can evolve, we apply an electric field pulse to ionize the Rydberg electron and send it to a detector. The electron traverses many avoided crossings in the Stark levels as it ionizes. The net effect of the transitions at these crossings is to mix the amplitudes of the initial superposition into the same final states at ionization. Similar to a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, the three initial superposition components have multiple paths by which they can arrive at ionization and, since the phases of those paths differ, we observe quantum beats as a function of the delay time between excitation and initiation of the ionization pulse. We present a fully quantum-mechanical calculation of the electron’s path to ionization and the resulting interference pattern

    Quantum Interference in the Field Ionization of Rydberg Atoms

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    We excite ultracold rubidium atoms in a magneto-optical trap to a coherent superposition of the three |mj | sublevels of the 37d5/2 Rydberg state. After some delay, during which the relative phases of the superposition components can evolve, we apply an electric field pulse to ionize the Rydberg electron and send it to a detector. The electron traverses many avoided crossings in the Stark levels as it ionizes. The net effect of the transitions at these crossings is to mix the amplitudes of the initial superposition into the same final states at ionization. Similar to a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, the three initial superposition components have multiple paths by which they can arrive at ionization and, since the phases of those paths differ, we observe quantum beats as a function of the delay time between excitation and initiation of the ionization pulse. We present a fully quantum-mechanical calculation of the electron’s path to ionization and the resulting interference pattern

    Supporting Self-Regulation of Children with ADHD Using Wearables: Tensions and Design Challenges

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    The design of wearable applications supporting children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD) requires a deep understanding not only of what is possible from a clinical standpoint but also how the children might understand and orient towards wearable technologies, such as a smartwatch. Through a series of participatory design workshops with children with ADHD and their caregivers, we identified tensions and challenges in designing wearable applications supporting the self-regulation of children with ADHD. In this paper, we describe the specific challenges of smartwatches for this population, the balance between self-regulation and co-regulation, and tensions when receiving notifications on a smartwatch in various contexts. These results indicate key considerations—from both the child and caregiver viewpoints—for designing technological interventions supporting children with ADHD