6 research outputs found

    Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metal in Sediment of Urban Coastal Waters: a Case Study in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia

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    Heavy metals, hazardous chemical substances, increase in marine environment due to anthropogenic discharges. However, due to the hydrodynamic of the marine system these metals could vary both temporal and spatial distribution of metals in Jakarta Bay. This study was to reveal the temporal and spatial distribution of metals in sediment over the bay and to assess the environmental condition. Sediment samples were collected in11 stations of March (transitional season) and June(dry season)2013. The result showed that the concentration of heavy metals varied spatially, in which elevated concentration occurred adjacent terrestrial indicating the enrichment of metal-anthropogenic source, but insignificant temporarily.Keywords: heavy metals, spatial distribution, temporal distribution, anthropogenic activities, Jakarta Bay. Logam berat merupakan bahan berbahaya yang tersebar di lingkungan laut karena pengaruh aktifitas antropogenik. Akan tetapi, logam berat ini dapat terdistribusi secara temporal ataupun spasial di Teluk Jakarta akibat sistem hidrodinamika laut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi spasial dan temporal logam berat dalam sedimen dan untuk menilai kondisi lingkungan teluk. Sedimen diambil dari 11 stasiun pada bulan Maret (musim transisi) dan Juni (musim kering) tahun 2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa distribusi spasial logam berat bervariasi, dimana konsentrasinya meningkat di lokasi dekat daratan yang mengindikasikan tingginya sumber logam-antropogenik namun secara temporal tidak signifikan

    Study of Metal Contaminant Level in the Mahakam Delta: Sediment and Dissolved Metal Perspectives

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    The Mahakam Delta in East Kalimantan contains large number of natural resources specially hydrocarbon sources. Anthropogenic activities have influenced this ecosystem for many years. The aims of this work were to find out dissolved metal and metals in sediment distribution in this area and to find out contaminant level based on allowable guidelines. Twenty nine stations were sampled within the delta and metal content analyses, both in sediment and water column, were established for Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn. Sediment analyses were conducted using US EPA 3050B method and dissolved metals analyses were conducted using Back Extraction method. Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in sediment had 0.07 mg/kg dw, 18.64 mg/kg dw, 35.62 mg/kg dw, 10.56 mg/kg dw and 74.95 mg/kg dw in maximum concentration respectively. Whereas dissolved Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn had 0.001 mg/l; 0.003 mg/l; 0.003 mg/l; 0.013 mg/l and 0.003 mg/l in maximum concentration respectively. Based on allowable guidelines, metals contaminat levels, both in sediment and water column, were below permitted value

    Concentration of Hg, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in Sediment of Gresik Waters

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    Gresik coastal waters is one of the areas that have a potential risk for environmental damage due to anthropogenic activities. Water and sediment samples were collected to determin metals concentration and to identify sediment quality in February 2012. Twelve samples were collected for analysis of mercury (Hg) and four other metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn). Mercury was analyzed using USEPA method 7471B with Flameless-AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer) varian type SpectarAA VGA 20-76 and the other metals were analyzed using USEPA 30050B with Flame-AAS. Results showed that ranges and average concentrations of Hg were 0.04-0.33 (0.13) mg/kg, Cd 0.08-3.05 (0.64) mg/kg, Cu 23.7-234.0 (85.5) mg/kg, Pb 1.74-12.7 (4.29) mg/kg, and Zn 77.0-405.0 (133.0) mg/kg. Metals with high concentrations were detected in some places and by SQG-Q, surface sediment showed a moderate impact level of biological adverse effects in aquatic sediments

    Assessing Heavy Metals Contamination in Suspended Particulate Matter in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia

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    Materi Partikulat Tersuspensi (SPM) merupakan bagian penting dalam kolom air karena kemampuannya dalam menjerat polutan seperti logam berat. Akan tetapi, informasi mengenai SPM dan kandungan logam berat dalam SPM di Teluk Jakarta terbatas. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi spasial, dan sumber logam berat serta menilai kualitas lingkungan berdasar kandungan logam berat dalam SPM di Teluk Jakarta. Sampel SPM diambil dari 24 titik observasi pada bulan April 2011 kemudian dianalisis dengan proses digestif asam yang diadopsi dari USEPA 3050b. Data yang didapat kemudian dimodelkan untuk mengetahui distribusi spasial logam berat dalam SPM. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb dan Zn dalam SPM secara berurutan sebagai berikut: 10-110; 21-472; 14-356; 7-107; 87-4255 mg.kg-1. Cd, Pb dan Zn lebih ditengarai bersumber dari aktivitas pelabuhan karena konsentrasi Cd, Pb dan Zn di area tersebut tinggi sementara Cu dan Ni lebih banyak berasal dari limpasan sungai. Perhitungan Indeks Geoakumulasi (Igeo) menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar area tidak tercemar oleh Cu, Pb, Zn dan Ni akan tetapi 96% area teramati tercemar Cd. Oleh karena itu, studi ini menyarankan untuk ditingkatkannya manajemen pembuangan limbah di pelabuhan sebagai sumber logam

    A First Record of Metal Fractionation in Coastal Sediment From Ambon Bay, Moluccas, Indonesia

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    Five metals in sediment samples at seven sites from the Ambon Bay were analyzed with BCR sequential extraction procedure to determine chemical fractionation of metals and to assess bioavailability of metals with Risk Assessment Code (RAC). The result showed that the percentages of cadmium (100%), lead (82.6-97.08%) and zinc (41.68-76.33%) were mostly accumulated in the non-residual (F1+F2+F3) fraction of the total concentrations. While the copper percentages (44.74-78.91%) and nickel (59.71-74.16%) were mostly accumulated in residual (F4) fraction of the total concentrations. The Risk Assessment Code (RAC) reveals that cadmium, copper, nickel and zinc at locations exist in acid soluble (exchangeable) fraction and therefore, they are in low until very high risk category meanwhile there is no Pb at locations exist in acid soluble (exchangeable) fraction