83 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate: (1) The effect of work discipline on employee performance. (2) The effect of transformational leadership on employee performance. (3) The effect of the work environment on employee performance at PT. Summit Oto Finance Semarang. The data analysis technique uses: validity test, reliability test, multiple linear regression analysis, and statistical tests (t test, F test and determinant coefficient). The population in this study is the entire population as a sample of 65 employees and using data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Work discipline does not significantly effect on employee performance. (2) Transformational leadership has a significant effect on employee performance. (3) The work environment has a significant effect on employee’s performance of PT. Summit Oto Finance Semarang

    Kualitas mikrobiologis makanan di warung sekolah pada sekolah dasar status UKS dan non UKS di Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali=Food Microbiological Quality in the UKS an Non-UKS Primary School Canteens in Gianyar, Bali

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    ABSTRACT A survey had been conducted to investigate the achievement of the UKS programme (School Health Programme) among the Primary Schools with and without a formal UKS programme (UKS and non UKS). The achievement of the programme was assessed based on microbiological quality of food sold in school encirorzmentquality of school environmental sanitationknowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) for food sanitation among the venders of the school canteens. Assesment were also made, to compare the KAP of the pupils and all activities included in the UKS and non UKS programme. The survey was conducted in Gianyar Regency of Bali where 241 Primary Schools with and 14 Primary Schools without UKS programme. Random Sampling of 49 with UKS programme and 10 without UKS programme were selected for the study and various parameters were used for the assessment. The statistical analysis included the use of Chi Square test and regression analysis. Results indicated that there was no difference between both schools in either the UKS activities, KAP of the venders and pupils or !the school environmental sanitation. However, there was a significant difference in the microbiological quality of food sold in the two groups of school canteens. The were no significant corellation between UKS activities, KAP of the venders, school environmental sanitation, and KAP of the pupils to improve food microbiological quality in the UKS and non VHS Primary School canteens. Key words: food microbiological quality - school canteens - school health programm

    Pengaruh dosis metronidazol dan praperlakuan rifampisin terhadap kinetika eliminasi metronidazol pada sukarelawan sehat = The Effects of Doses and Pre-treatment with Rifampicin on the Elimination Kinetics of Metronidazol

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    Metronidazole is a widely used antimicrobial, mainly sliminated by microsomal oxidation the liver (Loft et al., 1986). Interactions with other drugs affecting the hepatic drug metabolism, therefore can be anticipated. This study was designed to investigate the effects of doses and pre-treatment with rifampicin on the elimination kine tics of metronidazole. The result showe that after 1000 mg dose, there was slight (9,9%) but statistically significant (p < 0,05) reduction of metronidazole clearance compared to that after 500 mg, indicating the existence of dose-dependent elimination kinetics. Pretreatment with rifampicin accelerates the elimination of metronidazole clearance (45-50%), either after 600 mg or 1000 mg doses of metronidazole. In summary, the elimination kinetics of metronidasole appear to be dose-dependent, but not likely to be of clinical importance. Pretreatment with rifampicin significantly and substantially accelerates metronidazole elimination and most likely to be of clinical importance. Keywords: metronidazole rifampicin -- drug interactio


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    Abstrak Uji pendahuluan oleh peneliti menggunakan hydrotest pada air limbah salah satu laundry di desa Karangmangu mengandung fosfat sebesar 3,3 mg/l, sedangkan nilai ambang batas untuk parameter fosfat sebesar 2 mg/l sesuai dengan Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah Nomor 5 Tahun 2012. Limbah yang mengandung fosfat berlebih dapat menyebabkan eutrofikasi, yaitu keadaan dimana terjadinya pertumbuhan lumut dan mikro algae secara berlebihan. Koagulasi dan flokulasi merupakan salah satu metode penurunan fosfat secara kimia. Salah satu koagulan yang dapat digunakan adalah PAC (Poly Alumunium Chloride). PAC memiliki muatan positif yang tinggi, sehingga penambahan PAC ke dalam limbah dapat menetralisir partikel bermuatan negatif dan dapat mengikat koloid secara kuat untuk membentuk agregat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui dosis optimum Poly Alumunium Chloride (PAC) dalam penurunan kadar fosfat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Quacy Experimental dengan metode Non Equivalent control group design. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji regresi linier sederhana. Hasil uji menunjukkan nilai sig 0,00 0,05 artinya ada hubungan antara penggunaan dosis Poly Alumunium Chloride (PAC) dengan penurunan kadar fosfat. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah penurunan kadar fosfat dengan prosentase tertinggi yaitu sebesar 90,62 % dengan dosis 70 ml/l. Saran, agar peneliti lain melakukan penelitian dengan variasi dosis yang berbeda. Abstract Determination Of Optimum Dose Of Poly Alumunium Chlroride (PAC) In Decreasing Phosphate Levels In Laundry Waste Water At Baturraden Laundry In 2022. Preliminary test by researchers using hydrotest on wastewater from one of the laundry in Karangmangu village containing phosphate of 3.3 mg/l, while the threshold value for phosphate parameter is 2 mg/l in accordance with Central Java Provincial Regulation Number 5 of 2012. Waste that contain excess phosphate can cause eutrophication, which is a condition where the growth of moss and micro algae is excessive. Coagulation and flocculation are methods of chemically reducing phosphate. One of the coagulants that can be used is PAC (Poly Aluminum Chloride). PAC has a high positive charge, so the addition of PAC into the waste can neutralize negatively charged particles and can bind colloids strongly to form aggregates. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum dose of Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC) in reducing phosphate levels. The research method used is Quacy Experimental with Non Equivalent control group design method. Data were analyzed using simple linear regression test. The test results showed a sig value of 0.00 0.05, meaning that there was a relationship between the use of a dose of Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC) and a decrease in phosphate levels. The conclusion of this study is the decrease in phosphate levels with the highest percentage that is equal to 90.62% with a dose of 70 ml/l. Suggestion, that other researchers conduct research with different dosage variations

    Farmakokinetika sulfametoksazol: pengaruh dosis dan kombinasi dengan trimetoprim=The Effect of Doses and Combination with Trimethoprim (TAW) on the Pharmacokinetks of Sulpbametboxazole

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    The effect of doses and combination with trimethoprim (TMP) on the pharmacokinetics of sulphamethoxazole (SMTZ) had been studied in healthy male volunteers. Eight subjects who had agreed to participate the study underwent kinetic trial of SMTZ on four occations, at least one week apart, each after: I(SMTZ 400 mg), II (SMTZ 800 mg), Ill (SMTZ 400 mg+ TMP 80 mg), and IV (SMTZ 800 mg +IMP 160 mg). The doses were administered orally on empty stomach after overnight fasting inform of water suspension. Serial blood samples were drawn immediately before and at 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 6.00, 8.00, 12.00, and 24.00 hours after drug administration. Similarly urine samples were collected at intervals between: 0-4, 4-8, 8-12, 12-24, 24-48, 48-72, and 72-96 hours. Sulphamethorazole concentration were assayed by spectrophotometric methode.Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by assuming one compartment open model. Increasing doses of SMTZ from 400 mg to 800 mg reduced the elimination rate of the drug as reflected by a significant reduction in the elimination rate constant, prolongaticlearance (


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    Para wali murid atau orang tua yang menyeret guru ke ranah hukum dengan dalih melanggar UU Perlindungan Anak dan beberapa diantaranya malah memenjarakan guru yang akibat tuduhan melakukan kekerasan pada anak. Pihak kepolisian juga menimbulkan polemik dibeberapa daerah dengan langsung menangkap dan menahan guru berdasar laporan sepihak dari orang tua atau wali murid yang tidak terima anaknya dihukum agar anaknya memperbaiki perilaku. Solusi jelas dibutuhkan yaitu aparat harus membedakan manakah tindakan yang bersifat kekerasan dan penganiayaan pada murid atau manakah tindakan yang bersifat membin

    Epidemiologi Pemakaian Obat Peranannya Want Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan

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    Drug utilization has been defined as "the marketing, distribution, prescription and use of drugs in a society, with special emphasis on the resulting medical, social and economic consequences". The aim of drug utilization study is to achieve optimal use of drugs in a society, i. e. safe, efficacious, rational and cost-effective. Various benefits can be obtained from drug utilization study which by all means may increase the quality of patient care. Drug utilization study may be classified into two types based on its specific aim. First routine monitoring of drug use in a society which is aimed at examining the general pattern of drug use and predicting the forthcoming trends, and second special drug utilization study which is aimed at investigating specific study questions and hypothesis. Review of the pattern of drug utilization is likely becoming and effective feedback to the prescribers and drug policy makers towards more rational use of drugs. Key Words: drug utilization â patient care â drug policy â pharmacoepidemiology â drug abus

    Pergeseran Paradigma Pendirian Perseroan Terbatas Dalam Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja

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    The paradigm shift in the establishment of a Limited Liability Company by an individual has implications for Company Law in Indonesia. Some of these implications relate to accountability and aspects of supervision in the governance of Limited Liability Companies (good corporate governance), because in an individual company there is no known GMS and the Board of Commissioners. This paper will analyze the paradigm shift in the establishment of a Limited Liability Company in a new approach that has never been used before, namely the perspective of agreement and institutional theory. The method used is normative legal research. The results of the research show that both before the amendment and after the amendment to Law no. 40 of 2007, the legal framework for Limited Liability Companies still adheres to a blend of contract theory and institutional theory. Likewise with the organ structure of the Limited Liability Company also did not experience changes in Law no. 6 of 2023, which consists of GMS, Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, although it has been recognized that there are individual companies. The result of the absence of GMS and the Board of Commissioners in an individual company is the absence of checks and balances and oversight mechanisms that have the potential to violate the principles of good corporate governance, such as transparency, accountability and responsibility. Pergeseran paradigma pendirian perseroan terbatas oleh perseorangan telah membawa implikasi terhadap hukum perseroan di Indonesia. Beberapa implikasi tersebut menyangkut pertanggungjawaban dan aspek pengawasan dalam tata kelola Perseroan Terbatas (good corporate governance), sebab dalam perseroan perorangan tidak dikenal adanya RUPS dan Dewan Komisaris. Tulisan ini akan mengananalisis pergeseran paradigma pendirian Perseroan Terbatas dalam pendekatan baru yang belom pernah digunakan sebelumnya, yakni perspektif teori perjanjian dan kelembagaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan konseptual, peraturan perundang-undangan, dan perbandingan. Hasil penelitian mengetengahkan bahwa baik sebelum perubahan maupun setelah perubahan UU No. 40 Tahun 2007, kerangka hukum perseroan terbatas masih menganut perpaduan antara teori perjanjian dan teori kelembagaan. Struktur organ perseroan terbatas juga tidak mengalami perubahan dalam UU No. 6 Tahun 2023, yakni terdiri dari RUPS, Direksi, dan Dewan Komisaris, meskipun telah diakui adanya perseroan perorangan. Pertentangan norma kemudian semakin terlihat dalam Pasal 7 ayat (2) huruf g PP No. 8 Tahun 2021 yang menyiratkan bahwa organ dari perseroan perorangan hanya terdiri dari direktur (direksi) yang juga merangkap sebagai pemegang saham. Artinya tidak terdapat RUPS dan Dewan Komisaris. Akibat dari tidak adanya RUPS dan Dewan Komisaris dalam perseroan perorangan adalah tidak adanya mekanisme check and balances dan pengawasan yang berpotensi melanggar prinsip good corporate governance, seperti transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan tanggung jawab.   

    Tinjauan Teologis tentang Karakteristik Gembala Jemaat Menurut 1 Petrus 5:1-4

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    Abstract. The personality of a shepherd has a direct impact on the place of his shepherding. The importance of the characteristics of a shepherd in accordance with the Word of God will fortify oneself and can be a blessing for others in serving God. The descriptive qualitative approach in this research is expected to provide understanding for today's shepherds in accordance with what the apostle Peter stated that shepherds are God's calling which is the basis of service. The results of this study illustrate that shepherding the congregation must be willing without compulsion, and accompanied by a self-sacrificing attitude. Not for profit but for sacrifice in a spirit of self-dedication. The pastor of the church does not rule but is an example. The true reward of a shepherd is the immortal crown of the great shepherd. Abstrak. Personalitas seorang gembala berdampak langsung pada tempat pembembalaannya. Pentingnya karakteritik gembala yang sesuai dengan Firman Tuhan akan membentengi diri dan dapat menjadi berkat bagi orang lain dalam melayani Tuhan. Pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dalam penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman bagi gembala masa kini sesuai dengan apa yang dinyatakan rasul Petrus bahwa gembala adalah panggilan Tuhan yang menjadi dasar pelayanan. Hasil penelitian ini mengambarkan bahwa mengembalakan jemaat itu haruslah dengan rela hati tampa keterpaksaan, dan disertai dengan sikap yang rela berkorban. Bukan untuk mencari keuntungan tetapi untuk pengorbanan dengan semangat pengabdian diri. Gembala jemaat tidak memerintah tetapi menjadi teladan. Upah sejati dari seorang gembala adalah mahkota yang tidak dapat layu dari gembala agung
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