724 research outputs found

    Ethnicity and the Performance of Identity

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    This essay looks into the novels of two Indonesian women writers, Perempuan Kembang Jepun (Lan Fang 2009) and Dimsum terakhir (Clara Ng 2006), which depict the struggles of the major female characters in negotiating their ”hybrid” identities amidst the pulls from various opposing forces that try to impose and define their identities. Both works were published in the post-New Order Indonesia, where identity politics seems to dominate the political and cultural realms. Both Lan Fang and Clara Ng try to problematize the rigid and monolithic sense of cultural identity that had been inculcated by the previous regime through its aggressive assimilation policy and imposition of the state ideology of unity. The essay aims at examining different strategies employed by both authors in redefining identity through approaches that see identity as a fluid, non-essentialist, and on-going process rather than a given entity or label that can be simply inscribed on individuals

    The digital glass house - Social networking and privacy

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    Since the explosion of the Internet age, nearly 2 billion people are connected to the World Wide Web, creating seemingly limitless opportunities for communication and collaboration including social networking. Communication is virtually instantaneous and vast amounts of information are available at the touch of a key.In such an open digital environment, we take it for granted that almost any information can be sourced online by anyone with Internet access.The rapid growth of the social networking sites (SNS) such as Facebook, which reaches 500 million users recently, has coincided with an increasing concern over personal privacy.This study examines how Facebook users' perceptions of privacy, frequency of use, and the disclosure of their personal information with other users. This study was guided by two research questions: What are the Facebook users' perceptions of privacy and what is the personal information they disclose to other users? Does the Facebook users' frequency of use affect their disclosure of personal information? 149 respondents from the researcher's own Facebook profile filled up a Web-based questionnaire in August 2010. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.The research hypothesized that higher levels of privacy perception will result in less disclosure of personal information and the more active a user is on Facebook, the greater will be the user's likelihood of maintaining a private profile. The results of chi-square tests and correlation analysis found significant positive relationships between privacy perception and the disclosure of personal information, and no significant relationships between frequency of use and disclosure of personal information. Recommendations for future researchers were also included


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    2013 curriculum is a curriculum that gives great attention to character education, which is characterized by fulfilling the needs of spiritual and social affection in the established Standard of Content (SI). Islamic Education Teachers are the spearhead in the implementation of character education. In carrying out their duties, in addition to having to have sufficient professional staff, PAI teachers must be role models personally and socially. Professional-paedagogic competencies, PAI Madrasah Aliyah teachers in Aceh still need training and training to improve social quality and abilities, teachers, PAI, and teachers. female students and other education personnel in Madrasas, especially in communicating with students, responsibility, dress behavior, discipline, and responsible attitude

    Meninjau Kembali Hubungan Antara Sastra Dan Budi Pekerti

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    Hubungan sastra dan budi pekerti telah lama ramai diperbincangkan orang. Ada tuntutan dalam masyarakat bahwa sastra haruslah dapat menjadi sarana pembelajaran moral dan pekerti untuk dapat dinilai sebagai karya sastra yang baik.Timbulnya banyak hujatan pada sejumlah karya sastra, baik di dalam negeri maupun dalam sejarah kesusastraan berbagai bangsa di dunia, mengukuhkan asumsi bahwa sastra yang baik adalah sastra yang diabdikan pada pendidikan moral.Tulisan ini menyoroti berbagai asumsi tersebut dengan memperlihatkan bahwa banyak karya besar dunia justru menggugat hubungan linear dan positif antara sastra dan pendidikan budi pekerti. Tulisan ini juga berargumen bahwa sastra terkadang justru berperan sebagai instrumen untuk menggugat superioritas nilai-nilai moral tertentu, serta menawarkan cara lain untuk memahami wujud hubungan antara sastra dan moralitas. Lewat sejumlah telaah atas karya-karya sastra Indonesia dan dunia, seperti sastra Jerman, dibahas kondisi hubugan antara sastra dan moralitas di Indonesia. Kesimpulan akhir yang diajukan adalah diperlukan perspektif alternatif untuk memahami kembali bentuk-bentuk relasi yang lebih setara antara sastra dan budi pekerti, sehingga sastra bisa ditempatkan secara proporsional dalam kapasitasnya sebagai agen sosialisasi moral ataupun agen Perubahan moral

    Ketidakadilan Gender Dalam Cerpen Qissatu Fathiyah Al Misriyyah Dalam Antologi Cerpen Adab Am Qillatu Adab Nawal Sa'dawi

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    Literature is an activity or human behavior, both forms of verbal or physical, that seek to be understood by science. It is a fact of human activity that gave rise to a certain social activities, political activity, as well as the cultural creatives such as philosophy, art movement, art, sculpture, music, literature and other art. Teuw has argued that literature is placed fourth after religion, philosophy, science and discipline. Majazi literature, is the result of the power of reason and imagination that are high, so the form will be contained in the form of creative literature with the stage of creativity and initiative, if it deals with literature, essentially an exploration of creativity and thought to literary works that are created, resulting in the psychological elements will affect the creation of literary works, both from the impact of emotions, as well as the impact of the motif. According to Sangidu, things were with literary term for Indonesia community, which consists of concepts that are not causing the problem, though it is never stated in a clear and unequivocal statement. This can be seen in situations that do not give a rise to discuss about the use of scientific (Sangidu, 2004:31). To understand the essence of literary work that requires some steps that are not always easy to understand the goals, and the necessary steps should be taken before a thorough understanding to level, with an understanding of hermeneutics, and mastered various systems is a fairly complex code, either language or culture code, as well as literature with unique code

    Status and prospects of feed crops in southeast Asia: an integrated report

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    This working paper has been compiled using information gathered by individual country studies complemented with other relevant information to provide a regional perspective on current issues and prospects. The studies also highlight the potential of co-operation in trade among members of ASEAN/AFTA through bilateral agreements. Some common strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats related to the development of feed crops have been identified. However, each country has its own uniqueness in pursuing efforts to capitalize on the challenges faced in the development of feed crops.Crop Production/Industries,

    Kecemasan Berbahasa Asing (Bahasa Arab)

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    This paper is the development and dynamics of a second language (second language) is growing andgrowing complexity of the problem. Changes in language functions not only as a symbol of themeaning and role of language itself. Foreign language or unfamiliar called Second Language separateposition of the main language of a community that is on the plains just a second language, in otherwords that a foreign language has become a stigma in society that desperately needed foreign languageand foreign language only as an additional language course. Arabic is a second language (second language) of the Indonesian national language or evena third language after English are certainly more dominant in its use. The use of foreign languages,especially Arabic, those who have never completely make its own difficulties than ever learnedalthough the plateau region of Religious functional. Because the general assumptions of society thatlearning Arabic for religious study, not as the language required in the professional worl d with theexception of professional educators and Arabic religion itself, in addition to the general assumptionsmentioned above, the existence of stigma and stereotypes in the general public, that the Arabiclanguage difficulty of the grammatical and vocabulary. Learning a foreign language or second language (second language) for the beginner evenamong expert (advanced) require extra effort and thought, especially when faced with the indicatorsor achievements success in learning Arabic, then there is an emotional effect and anxiety or anxious.And not just on the plains of the learning process, but when faced with situations and conditionsthat should be required to use the Arabic language properly and smoothly. But indirectly also thepresence of anxiety, fear and anxiety when in a foreign language (Arabic) occurred mistakes. Givingrise to the psychological impact of a sense of fear and anxiety. When learning a language isaccompanied by feelings or unstable psychiatric (anxiety, panic and stress), the achievement oflanguage, learning a foreign language will decreas