89 research outputs found
Perubahan Total Goiter Rate (Tgr) Anak Sekolah di Beberapa Kabupaten di Jawa Barat: Kaitannya dengan Penggunaan Garam Beriodium di Rumahtangga (The Total Goiter Rate Changes Among School Children In Some Districts In The Province Of West Java: In Relat
Background: Two national mapping on iodine deficiency problems were conducted in Indonesia in 1996/98 and 2003. The activities covered also iodized salt consumption by household. Universal salt Iodization (USI) is a long-term solution for iodine deficiency disorders, beside of high dose of iodine intervention for short-term solution. Objective: The aim of this article was to evaluate the changes of total goiter rate and the awareness of household using iodized salt, especially in the province of West Java. Methods: The results of the national mapping were evaluated, included the effect of program on the problem. Results: The mapping found that the situations of the problems were not changed between 1996/98 to 2003. Salt consumption, the way household treated the salt, iodine content in iodized salt were discussed. Conclusions: Iodine status (TGR) of school children in some districts of West Java resulted from national survey were different to local survey due to the time of the survey be conducted. The awareness of people for iodine salt consumption was enough, but not for the dose. [Penel Gizi Makan 2010, 33(2): 117-124
Tempat Pelayanan Kesehatan Dasar Untuk Anak Usia 6-36 Bulan Yang Dituju Masyarakat Kota
Dalam penelitian ini telah dipelajari pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan dasar terutama untuk anak usia 6-36 bulan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di dua kelurahan dari dua kecamatan di Kotamadya Semarang. Dari hasil analisis data penelitian ini dapat diungkapkan bahwa masyarakat kota mempunyai banyak pilihan tempat pelayanan kesehatan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kesehatan dasar anaknya. Pos pelayanan terpadu (Posyandu) yang merupakan upaya pemerintah untuk mendekatkan pelayanan kesehatan dasar kepada masyarakat ternyata masih lebih banyak digunakan terutama oleh kelompok ekonomi kurang mampu dan ibu rumahtangga yang berpendidikan tamat sekolah lanjutan pertama atau kurang
Gunung Raung merupakan hulu DAS Bedadung. DAS Bedadung merupakan sungai yang membelah Kabupaten Jember dan memiliki peran penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat Jember salah satunya sebagai sumber air pertanian. Penggunaan lahan di lereng Gunung Raung digunakan untuk hutan, perkebunan, sawah, dan tegalan. Luas tutupan lahan di lereng Gunung Raung sebelah barat selama 25 tahun menurun sebesar 34,74% (hutan), 35,07% (perkebunan), 54,17% (sawah tadah hujan). Tindakan secara cepat dan akurat dalam memperbaiki kondisi tanah dan lahan yang sesuai kaidah konservasi, sehingga kerusakan tanah dapat diperbaiki dengan langkah pertama memetakan wilayah potensi status kerusakan tanah. Tujuan penelitian Mengidentifikasi dan mengestimasi Kerusakan Tanah Menggunakan Metode Berbasis OBIA Citra Satelit Sentinel-2B dengan pembobotan Lereng Gunung Raung. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode diskriptif eksplorasi dengan mengabungkan metode Berbasis Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) Citra Satelit Sentinel-2B dan pembobotan. Tahapan analisis dalam metode OBIA melalui 3 tahapan meliputi koreksi atmosferik, segmentasi dan klasifikasi. Analisis statistic menggunakan analisis sidik ragam, regresi dan korelasi. Hasil analisis potensi kerusakan tanah di sub DAS Kesambi yang didasarkan pada analisis OBIA dan pembobotan bahwa potensi kerusakan tanah di wilayah penelitian dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu sangat rendah 16,61% (1.122,99 hektar), rendah 63,94% (4323,14 hektar), dan sedang 19,45% (1315,17 hektar). Parameter yang berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan kerusakan tanah yaitu relief/lereng dan penggunaan lahan dengan nilai korelasi yang sedang (0,421-0,601).Gunung Raung merupakan hulu DAS Bedadung. DAS Bedadung merupakan sungai yang membelah Kabupaten Jember dan memiliki peran penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat Jember salah satunya sebagai sumber air pertanian. Penggunaan lahan di lereng Gunung Raung digunakan untuk hutan, perkebunan, sawah, dan tegalan. Luas tutupan lahan di lereng Gunung Raung sebelah barat selama 25 tahun menurun sebesar 34,74% (hutan), 35,07% (perkebunan), 54,17% (sawah tadah hujan). Tindakan secara cepat dan akurat dalam memperbaiki kondisi tanah dan lahan yang sesuai kaidah konservasi, sehingga kerusakan tanah dapat diperbaiki dengan langkah pertama memetakan wilayah potensi status kerusakan tanah. Tujuan penelitian Mengidentifikasi dan mengestimasi Kerusakan Tanah Menggunakan Metode Berbasis OBIA Citra Satelit Sentinel-2B dengan pembobotan Lereng Gunung Raung. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode diskriptif eksplorasi dengan mengabungkan metode Berbasis Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) Citra Satelit Sentinel-2B dan pembobotan. Tahapan analisis dalam metode OBIA melalui 3 tahapan meliputi koreksi atmosferik, segmentasi dan klasifikasi. Analisis statistic menggunakan analisis sidik ragam, regresi dan korelasi. Hasil analisis potensi kerusakan tanah di sub DAS Kesambi yang didasarkan pada analisis OBIA dan pembobotan bahwa potensi kerusakan tanah di wilayah penelitian dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu sangat rendah 16,61% (1.122,99 hektar), rendah 63,94% (4323,14 hektar), dan sedang 19,45% (1315,17 hektar). Parameter yang berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan kerusakan tanah yaitu relief/lereng dan penggunaan lahan dengan nilai korelasi yang sedang (0,421-0,601)
Risiko Underweight Pada Balita Terakhir Di Rumah Tangga
Household health survey and covering all 30 provinces had assessed child nutritional status(underweight) for age 1-59 months, with cut-off point <-2.00 SD. A total sample of 1714 children aged 1-59 months was included in the assessment. The objective of this study was to analyze child nutritional status and factors related to the status. The study revealed that the prevalence of underweight in Indonesia was higher than those of Malaysia or China.Multivariate analysis identified various factors that associated with the prevalence ofunderweight. Children aged 1-59 months with higher risk of underweight were those head offamily age, birth order of children and head of family education. Odd Ratio (OR=1.35), thosewhose head of family age <25 year and had education less than senior high school (OR=1.25),and birth order of children (OR=1.18). Strategies to improve nutritional status of childrenshould include accelerate nutrition intervention programs, improving carrying knowledge/practice for children and community development
The Impact of Calcium Supplementation on Skeletal Development of 9-11 Months Children.A study on the effect of calcium supplementation on the bone development of hand and wrist had been carried out in the subdistrict of Kadudampit, Sukabumi, West Java. Sixty children 9-11 months of age who participated in Posyandu from 9 villages were purposively selected as a sample of the study. These children were divided into two groups, i.e.: treatment group received high calcium supplementation in the form of skimmed milk and biscuit, and children in the control group received low biscuit. The supplements were given 12 weeks period. The stage of skeletal development of the individual child was assessed twice, i.e.: at base line and at the end of supplementation period using a portable Min-X-Ray machine type HP-300. The result showed that the milk supplementation was manifested in the increase of calcium intake from 49,2% to 148,9% of the recommended level (RDA). The stage of skeletal development in treatment group is 1,6 times greater than that in the control group. In other words, the skeletal development of children in the treatment group were more advanced that than of children in the control group. It is therefore recommended that besides other micronutrients supplementation, high calcium containing food be given to young children, particularly 6-11 months old.Key words: skeletal development, calcium supplementatio
Determinan Stunting Pada Anak Usia 2-3 Tahun Di Tingkat Provinsi (Determinants of Stunting in Children 2-3 Years of Age at Province Level)
Background: Stunting prevalence in children 2-3 years of age is still 36.6 percent, the high stunting in the age group shows that nutrition problem in mother during pregnancy is highly related to poverty. Aggregately, PubIic Health Development Index (IPKM) is an indicator of Health Development Improvement and Human Development Index (IPM) is one of 24 IPKM\u27s indicators. Aim of Analysis: To study the determinants which differentiate the high of stunting prevalence in children 2-3 years of age in province level. Method: This analysis is a study of population data that are being analyzed is aggregate data from some variables (IPKM, KEK on pregnant mothers and household energy deficit) from Health Basic Survey (Riskesdas) 2007 data. Then IPM variable and poverty in 2007 from BPS\u27s data. On this analysis, stunting in children 2-3 years of age as variable is bonded, while others variables are free variables. Statistic test that used is correlation test and discriminant test. Result: Bivariately, there is no correlation between KEK in pregnant mothers and stunting in children 2-3 years of age, but there is correlation between stunting with IPKM. IPKM (r=-0.67; p=0.000), IPM (r=-0.52; p=0.002) and poverty (r=0.58; p=0.003). Discriminant result shows that IPKM is a differentiating factor between low- and high- stunting prevalence in children 2-3 years of age in province level. IPKM variance contribution on two different groups is 34 percent. Discriminant function that was resulted Z = -6.491 + 17.853 *IPKM, IPKM with prediction ability 78.8 percent. Conclusion: IPKM is a differentiate factor between high and low stunting prevalence in children 2-3 years of age in province level. [Penel Gizi Makan 2011, 34(1): 50-62
Peranan Bidan Desa sebagai Wakil Puskesmas dalam Peningkatan Pelayanan Gizi di Desa Tertinggal di Dua Kabupaten, Jawa Tengah
Pengaruh Pendapatan Dan Besar Rumahtangga Terhadap Prevalensi Rumahtangga Defisit Energi Di Indonesia (Menurut Data Susenas 1984)
Analisis Risiko Terjadinya Kkp Pada Anak Batita Karena Ibu Menderita Asma
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