31 research outputs found

    Perubahan Gillnetter Menjadi Troll Liner Di Ppn Palabuhanratu (Changes of Gillnetter Into Troll Liner in Ppn Palabuhanratu)

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    Fishing fleet in Palabuhanratu, especially for big pelagic fish such as tuna has shown increasing significantly since 2008. This is caused by implementation of rumpon (fish aggregating device) technology that makes fishing activities more efficient due to more exactly fishing ground. This condition made some gillnet fisherman modify their boat to troller that considered having high ability to catch tuna. The aimed of the research was to determine parts of gillnetter that can be modified to be operated as troller. The result showed that only upper parts of gillnetter that had significant modification to be operated as troller. Some upper part was reduced, the roof was eliminated and fish hold was added from 2 to 3 rooms. A little addition of buildings was constructed at the bow and new engine mounting was constructed as well to reach appropriate speed

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Dari Sudut Pandang Perusahaan

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) merupakan salah satu bagian dari Corporate Responsibility sehingga diminta atau tidak dan ada aturan atau tidak terkait dengan pelaksanaan CSR, pihak Perusahaan akan tetap melakukan kegiatan CSR kepada masyarakat lokal.Eksistensi Perusahaan berpotensi besar mengubah lingkungan masyarakat, baik ke arah negatif maupun positif. Dengan demikian Perusahaan perlu mencegah timbulnya dampak negatif, karena hal tersebut dapat memicu konflik dengan masyarakat, yang selanjutnya dapat mengganggu jalannya Perusahaan dan aktifitas masyarakat.Berbagai dampak sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan yang timbul akibat berdirinya suatu kawasan industri, mengharuskan Perusahaan untuk bertanggung jawab kepada publik khususnya masyarakat di sekitar wilayah Perusahaan melalui aktivitas yang nyata sehingga dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan CSR, Perusahaan harus berhati-hati dan dilakukan dengan cara-cara yang benar agar tidak memperkuat kondisi relasi ketergantungan dari masyarakat akan kehadiran Perusahaan

    Analisis Dampak Indonesia Japan Economic Partnership Agreement Terhadap Price-Cost Margins Industri Manufaktur Indonesia

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    Indonesia Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA) is the first bilateral economic agreement for Indonesia. IJEPA is expected to increase Indonesia manufacture industry competition because the establishment of USDFS and MIDEC. Post IJEPA, Price-cost margins (PCM) fluctuated. PCM has been generally used as a competition indicator, because PCM related to average profit of an industry. This study uses panel data of large and small industry within 2004-2012 periods. This study conclude that IJEPA able to make PCM of manufacture industry fall through efficiency of input factors use, the cost of materials price downfall, and economies of scale in certain industries

    Pengaruh Jarak Tanam Dan Paclobutrazol Terhadap Produksi Dan Viabilitas Benih Bunga Matahari (Helianthus Annuus L.)

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    The research was conducted at Seed Science and Technology Field Experimental and Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University since January until July 1998. Randomized Block Design was used in this experiment which consist of two factors and three I replications. The first factors were row spacing 60 cm x 25 cm (J1) and 60 cm x 45 cm (J2) and the second factors were application of 100 ml paclobutrazol/plant with concentration 0 ppm (P1), 125 ppm (P2), 250 ppm (P3) and 500 ppm (P4). The plant height was increased at narrow spacing especially at 0 ppm paclobutrazol. Paclobutrazol application reduced plant height, increased stem diameter and it\u27s caused minimal lodging at generatif period. The highest seed production per plot was resulted at 60 cm x 25 cm with 250 ppm and 500 ppm of paclobutrazol (146 % and 155 % as compared with control treatment), and the highest seed production per plant showed at 60 cm x 45 cm and 60 cm x 25 cm with 500 ppm of paclobutrazol (197 % and 198 % compared with control treatment). Paclobutrazol125 ppm, 250 ppm, and 500 ppm increased flower diameter, number seed per flower, 1000 seed weight, germination capacity, and seed vigour. The optimum combination of treatment was showed at 60 cm x 25 cm and 250 ppm of paclobutrazol

    Studi Komersialisasi Benih Padi Sawah Varietas Unggul

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    Rice is the most important food in Indonesia and the rice demand has gradually increased during some decades. There are several efforts to increase national rice production in order to minimize rice import, such as using seed of improved variety, fertilizer, protection from pest and diseases, improving water management and post harvest handling. Cultivation of improved variety is the most efficient way to increase rice production in Indonesia. There are several improving characteristics on new released variety such as : early mature, high productivity, resistant to pests and diseases, resistant to lodging, and high quality of rice. During 1960 - 2000, more than 90 improved varieties were released by Ministry of Agriculture, but only several varieties (about 10%) were accepted by the farmer and cultivated in a large-scale area during a long periode. IR 64 is the most popular variety in many provinces more than 12 years, so that the variety has the highest commercial level and efficency index among Cisadane, PB 42, PB 46 and the old improved variety

    Analisis Intervensi Dan Deteksi Outlier Pada Data Wisatawan Domestik (Studi Kasus Di Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA)

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    The tourist data is very interesting to be studied because the Indonesian tourism sector is an activator of the national economic which is potential to push higher economic growth in the future. Therefore, the forecast about tourist data is very needed for tourism business. The tourist data tend to fluctuate caused by many factors that affect the number of tourists extremely in an area, such as disasters, government regulation, social stability, violence and terrorism. That the extreme data can be assessed using intervention analysis and outlier detection. Intervention model is a time series model that can be used to forecast data consist of intervention of internal and external factors. In the intervention model, there are two kinds of intervention function, i.e., step and pulse functions. Step function is a form of intervention occurred in period of time while the pulse function is a form of intervention occurred only in a certain time. For the outlier detection, there are four types, such as additive outlier (AO), innovational outlier (IO), level shift (LS) and temporary change (TC). As an empirical studies was conducted by the domestic tourists data in Yogyakarta from January 2006 until December 2010 who staying on five-star hotels and motel throughout Yogyakarta. Based on the result of this research, known that the intervention occurred on January 2010 using the pulse function with MSE value 1172. Meanwhile based on the outliers detection, known any five outliers but only four outliers that significant included to the intervention model with MSE value 523,7167. So, the intervention model and outlier detection are chosen as a the best model based on the smallest MSE criterion