107 research outputs found


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    Plant flowers and another part of plant in the form of nectar, ekstranutfialnectar, resin and or pollen were abundant and still wasted in the Toraja coffee plantation monoculture Coffea arabica Usda. Apis mellifera L. honey bees is known as one of biology pollinator is easily manipulated and can convert plant flowers into products of high economic value, but its effectivity as a biology pollinator, unknown in monoculture plantations Toraja coffee C. arabica Usda. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and product production of biology pollinator of the A. mellifera L. honey bees in Toraja coffee monoculture plantations. Analysis of data to distinguish between treatments (pollination with bees) with no bees used testing the equality of two average t-distribution. The results showed that the the management of A. mellifera L. honey bees as biology pollinator in Toraja Coffee plantations C. arabica Usda , is very effective in improving the quantity amounted to 18.75 % and quality amounted 6.4 % of the coffee fruit production per season. The amount of production diversification of A. mellifera L. honey bees in Toraja coffee plantations are 5 types of products with an average amount of production, ie 0.85 kg of honey, bee pollen 0.51 kg, 0.37 kg beeswax, propolis 0.21 kg and 0.15 kg of bee venom per colony per flowers season.Key words: effectivity, product diversification and biology pollinator

    Improving Coastal Children Eco-Literacy in Environmental Learning Through Mangroves Storytelling

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    The objective of this research was to determine the level of coastal children eco-literacy by using storytelling about the role of mangroves for coastal communities in Serang Regency - Banten. The research methodology was classroom action research (CAR). The implementation of classroom action research was conducted of two cycles. There was cycle I and cycle II, each cycle consisted of two meetings. This research involved third-grade students which consisted of 30 students in SDN Cerocoh, Serang Regency - Banten. The instrument of the research was data collecting technique, the data were observation, tests (pre-test and post-tests), and documentation. The result of this research showed that there was a significant difference in the students’ eco-literacy in pre-test and post-test after learning environmental education with mangrove storytelling. The average score of pre-test was 48.52%, while, after giving treatment in cycle I, the students average score in post-test I was 68.94%. Then, after giving treatment in cycle II, the students’ average score in post-test II was 87.17%. Based on the data the researcher concluded that: 1) there was the improvement coastal student eco-literacy by using mangrove storytelling in teaching environmental education at our environmental thematic subject 2) the students became interested and motivated in learning about mangroves


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    Plant flowers and another part of plant in the form of nectar, ekstranutfialnectar, resin and or pollen were abundant and still wasted in the Toraja coffee plantation monoculture Coffea arabica Usda. Apis mellifera L. honey bees is known as one of biology pollinator is easily manipulated and can convert plant flowers into products of high economic value, but its effectivity as a biology pollinator, unknown in monoculture plantations Toraja coffee C. arabica Usda. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and product production of biology pollinator of the A. mellifera L. honey bees in Toraja coffee monoculture plantations. Analysis of data to distinguish between treatments (pollination with bees) with no bees used testing the equality of two average t-distribution. The results showed that the the management of A. mellifera L. honey bees as biology pollinator in Toraja Coffee plantations C. arabica Usda , is very effective in improving the quantity amounted to 18.75 % and quality amounted 6.4 % of the coffee fruit production per season. The amount of production diversification of A. mellifera L. honey bees in Toraja coffee plantations are 5 types of products with an average amount of production, ie 0.85 kg of honey, bee pollen 0.51 kg, 0.37 kg beeswax, propolis 0.21 kg and 0.15 kg of bee venom per colony per flowers season.Key words: effectivity, product diversification and biology pollinator


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    Artikel ini mendeskripsikan secara empiris penerapan E-Learning dalam pembelajaran IPS. Salah satu indikator perubahan paradigma dalam pembelajaran   adalah pengembangan serta pemanfaatan berbagai media di lingkungan sekolah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan internet sebagai media pembelajaran secara umum meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam mengikuti kegiatan belajar IPS. Kesulitan yang dialami guru lebih kepada keterbatasan  fasilitasi  dari  pihak  sekolah,  sarana  dan  prasarana  yang  belum memadai sebagaimana seharusnya sekolah dengan status SSN dan RSBI

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Eksperiensial dan Gaya Berpikir Terhadap Kemampuan Siswa Dalam Memecahkan Masalah Lingkungan Studi Eksperimen di SMPN 21 Kota Bekasi

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    This study aims to determine the effect model of learning and thinking styles of the student's ability in solving environmental problems. This study uses experimental results showed that: First, the ability of students to solve environmental problems learning with instructional strategies ekperiensial higher than students who use expository. Second, the ability of students to the thinking styles accommodating in solving environmental problems is higher than the students' thinking styles assimilative. Third, the interaction between learning strategy and thinking styles affect the ability of students to solve environmental problems. That is the effect of the interaction between learning strategy and thinking styles affect on the level of students' ability to solve environmental problems. Fourth, the ability of students to solve environmental problems have a learning style accommodating with experiential learning strategy is higher than students who studied with expository learning strategy. Fifth, the student's ability to solve the environmental problems that have assimilative learning styles with learning strategies expository higher than students who study with experiential learning strategies. The conclusion from this study is that students who were learning with experiential learning model has the ability to solve environmental problems is higher compared with that get ekpositori learning

    The Conflict Management at Workplace through Positive Social Change lead to the Social Equilibrium and Supply Chain Performance of Baduy Society Based Food Supply Companies

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    This study aims to find out empirically the role of conflict resolution through societal change to promote SCP in food supply companies working in Baduy community in Kanekes Village, Leuwidamar District, Lebak Regency. Furthermore, the mediating role of conflict management and social equilibrium was also examined. In this direction social change is considered as an important factor to promote SCP.  This study used a quantitative research approach based on the survey questionnaire. For this purpose, data were collected from the employees of food supply companies working in Baduy community. The results of the study show that the causes of conflict in the food supply companies are internal factors and external factors. Social change has positive effect on conflict management at workplace in food supply companies. Increase in the social change increases the conflict management which further enhances the social equilibrium and ultimately increases the SCP. Finally, results of the current study have vital role in food supply companies to enhance the SCP.

    Peningkatan Kapasitas Meliponikultur dengan Pengayaan Pakan Lebah Madu di Kelurahan Kahu Kecamatan Bontocani Kabupaten Bone

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    The purpose of this community service program is to provide knowledge about the importance of forests, woody forage plants and enrichment of feed types around meliponiculture farmer groups. The methods used in this activity as part of the mentoring are pre-tests, lectures, video screenings, discussions about knowledge of forest bee hunting, trigona beekeeping and the importance of forests and bee feed. The next activity was the distribution of flowering tree seedlings and visits to the meliponiculture location for farmer groups. The result of this community service activity is that the community in Kahu Village can develop knowledge about the material presented by seeing the enthusiasm and appreciation of the participants or members of the farmer groups who participated in the many questions during the discussion. Receipt of plant and tree seeds that are distributed immediately to the plant and group reception during visits to their meliponiculture area. Awareness of planting various types of vegetation and maintaining forests is an important factor for the stability of colony strength and can even increase the beekeeping productivity of all types of bees in Kahu Village, Bontocani District and its surroundings. Assistance from various parties is needed in order to increase the productivity of honey bee cultivation in Kahu Village, Bontocani District. 

    Assessment of Forest Road Network Alternatives for Pine Resin Extraction

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    Pine resin, one type of non-timber forest products (NTFPs), is important for Indonesia.   In addition to its high economic value, pine resin also has bright domestic and international market prospects.  Utilization of commercial pine resin has been carried out in Indonesia, but the forest road network required for extracting pine resin has not been specifically planned. To date, the planning and selection of forest road network  in  forest management in Indonesia are intended only for the extraction of  timber products and have not been integrated with the use of NTFPs; also,  they have not considered the economic, ecological, and social aspects a whole. Planning and selection of forest road network have focused more on economic aspects only. This study aimed at planning and assessing the forest road network for extracting pine resin by considering the economic, ecological, and social criteria.  Decision-making method used  to select the best  forest road network was utility analysis.  Indicator used  included road length, road density, a correction factor for manual carrying of pine resin, pine resin carrying distance, road construction cost, and productivity of carrying and extracting pine resin. The result of  the utility analysis indicates that an  alternative of forest road network for extracting pine resin has no the whole best indicators, but it has the highest utility value.  This study suggested that the use of the utility analysis help the decision makers to selects process for forest  road network alternative easily and rapidly


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    This study aims to determine the effect of learning models and styles of thought on the ability of students to solve environmental problems. The study was conducted in SMP 21 Bekasi during August 2012 to May 2013 academic year 2012/2013. This study used an experimental method, with 2 x 2 factorial designs. Variable research include learning model as an independent variable, style of thinking as a control variable, and the ability of students to solve environmental problems as the dependent variable. Sampling techniques using multistage random sampling, a class VIII-2 obtained as an experimental class and class as the control class VIII-1. The results showed that: First, the ability of students to solve environmental problems learning with instructional strategies ekperiensial higher than students using expository. Second, the ability of students to think accommodative style in solving environmental problems is higher than students think assimilative style. Third, the ability of students to solve environmental problems that have accommodative learning style with experiential learning strategies are higher than students who learned with expository learning strategies. Fourth, the ability of students to solve environmental problems that have assimilative learning style with instructional strategies expository higher than students who study with experiential learning strategies.Fifth, the interaction between learning strategy and thinking styles affect students' ability to solve environmental problems. This means that the effect of the interaction between learning strategy and thinking styles affect the level of students' abilities to solve environmental problems. The conclusion of this study is that students are given learning with experiential learning model has the ability to solve environmental problems is higher compared with the gain ekpositori learning
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